The Birthday

By:  Carol


PA! MA! HELP ME.E.E.E! Andrew Cartwright screamed on top of his lungs.

“Adam, Wait for me!  What could be happening?”  Katie Cartwright was running after her husband who was taking two stairs at a time up the stairs of their massive log house. She just about caught up with him as he rounded into their youngest son’s bedroom.  There on his bed sat their six year old son screaming as he clutched his teddy bear.                                                       Adam carefully sat next to him speaking softly “Andy, wake up now. Come on little buddy, Papa is right here.  Look at Papa, son. It’s alright now Andy.”

Katie was bumped from behind as three of their brood came to see what was wrong with the screaming child. “A.J., Benjy, Lil Bit, please go back to bed. Your brother must have had a very bad dream.  Your Papa and I will take care of him. There isn’t anything any of you can do right now, so please help out by going back to bed.”

“What could he have dreamt about? Boy, talk about scaring a person out of a sleep.  My heart is beating right out of my body.” Benjy rubbed his chest as he spoke.

A.J. Cartwright scratched the top of his head. “I don’t think it is possible for your heart to beat out of your body.” Benjy pushed his older brother into his room. “You know what I mean, go back to sleep.”

Elizabeth looked up to her mother “Is Andy alright, Mother?  He is really crying hard.”

“Yes Sweetheart, he is just confused. He will calm down soon. Papa is soothing him right now.  He will be just fine in a little while.  Please Honey go back to bed.  I’m going to check on Emma then help Papa with Andy.” Katie bent down and kissed her daughter on the top of her head.

“Ok Mama, I love you, goodnight.” Liz pulled her robe closer to her body and shuffled back to her bed.

Katie carefully opened the door to her baby’s room. Spread eagle on her bed laid four-year-old Emma sound asleep, her blankets all in a heap on the floor. Her Mother quickly picked up the blankets and covered the baby girl up with them. She smiled as she watched the youngest of her children sleep unaware of the activity just down the hall. She placed a kiss on her brow and walked out cautiously shutting the door behind her. She could hear the gentle rhythm of her husband’s lullaby as he sang to their son. Their house was peaceful once again. She poked her head into Andy’s room and mouthed to her husband “Is everything alright?”

He nodded his head while running his fingers through the child’s hair as he continued the soft melody. Soon the regularity of Andy’s breathing informed his parents that he was once again in a deep sleep. Adam quietly rose from the bed all the while watching that his son stayed sleeping. Putting his hand into Katie’s they closed the door and went down to the great room.

“I wonder what could have caused the nightmare.” Katie hugged her husband’s arm.

“He said that the big cat scratched his eyes.  I think he heard Hoss and I talking about that cougar that has been attacking our cattle.  I wonder where that little rascal was when Hoss and I were talking.”  Adam half smiled and shook his head.

“Somewhere where he shouldn’t have been.  Adam that one is going to be the death of me.” It was Katie’s turn to shake her head.

Adam laughed out loud  He reminds me of another rascal, my brother Joe.  He sure was a handful.  Worth every moment of excitement he gave us all.  He turned out to be a man I’m very proud to call brother.”

Katie smiled; she wished other people could see this side of her husband.  That side of him, that sang lullabies to a scared little boy.  The one whose chest swelled in pride over a little brother he helped raise.  The man who let his children climb all over him and have him laughing like a child himself. Most people didn’t see that side however; Adam didn’t share that side of himself with many. Childhood tragedies taught him to keep emotions tucked inside. Guarding him from hurt. Only letting down that guard with those he felt the most secure. She felt that he held back even from her a bit, not with the children though, never with the children.  She could sit and watch him with their offspring for hours.

“Hey? Penny for your thoughts?” Adam pulled her into a hug.

“I was just loving you.  I do you know, I love you.” Katie hugged back.

“You better!” Adam teased.

“I know who else would I get to quiet Andy down.” Katie teased back. She broke away from his grip and quickly ran for the stairway.  He caught her before she reached the banister and pulled her into a fervent kiss.

“Wow, remind me to tease you more often, Mr. Cartwright.” Katie gasped.

“You don’t have to tease me to get that, Mrs. Cartwright, I am ready to serve that up to you anytime.” His eyes lovingly embraced her. “Are you ready to finish this conversation up in our room?” He kissed her once more.

“Yes my Love, I’m more than ready.” She turned and walked up only turning once to watch him secure their home before joining her. 


          Katie woke to find an empty space next to her.  She lifted her sleepy head high enough to see if her husband was still in their room. She felt herself panic at the thought that she had over slept. She quickly slid out of bed and threw on her robe. As she hurried down the hall she noticed that the children’s doors were all open and the children were nowhere to be seen. She could hear the muffled giggles of her children when she arrived at the top landing. Emma was the first to see her.
          “Mama you wrecked it!” Tears streaming down her face Emma screamed at her mother.

Emma, that is enough.” Adam crossed over to the small child. He squatted down so he was her eye level and whispered, “Mama didn’t wreck anything, and we’ll just get to yell Happy Birthday now.”

Emma’s lips went into a full pout. The bottom lip was quivering. “Yes she did too wreck it.  We were going to bring her breakfast in bed. Now look there she is, I want to surprise her and shout happy birthday.” The wailing started all over again.

Andy held his hands over his ears.  Lil Bit tried to comfort the baby of the family. Adam was trying to hold his temper. He looked up at the landing where his beautiful wife stood with an apology written all over her face.

Suddenly an idea hit her, “Oh you are all well, good, I’m going to go back to bed for awhile.  Could you please quiet down?  I’m very tired.” She suddenly turned and went down the hall to her room.

“Emma, hush, did you hear Mama?  She went back to bed.  We can still surprise her.” Liz took her baby sister by the arms and made her look at her.

“We can?” the tears gone along with the tantrum. “Let’s hurry Papa before she wakes up and comes down again.”

Adam was always amazed that tears could disappear as quickly as they came. He shook his head and blew out a deep breath “ You heard Emma, hurry up and get breakfast up to Mama.”

The five Cartwright children along with a harried Adam arrived at the door of the birthday girl. “SURPRISE!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAMA!”

“What is this breakfast in bed?  Oh what a wonderful surprise.” Katie sat up and let Adam put the tray in front of her. He gave her a thank-you wink.

“Do you like it Mama?  Are you surprised? Its all your favorite foods; eggs, bacon, even some preserves. Papa said you like pancakes but Lil Bit can’t make that yet.  Is this ok though Mama” Emma was dancing all around the room.  The earlier tantrum was just a memory.

“ Yes, sweetie, it is perfect.  Thank you all so much.  What a wonderful way to start a birthday.” Katie looked at the plate in front of her. “Why don’t you all get ready for the day, while I eat my breakfast.  Then I will get up and join you all.” She blew each of the children a kiss as they left the room. Adam closed the door after the last child left. He sat down on the bed and covered his mouth.

 Moving two fingers “You really gonna eat that?” He asked as he wrinkled up his nose.

“Adam, didn’t you supervise?  This is awful.  The bacon is not fully cooked and the eggs should still be in their shell. Katie looked so forlorn that Adam burst out laughing.

He tried to talk but with the tears streaming down his face and the heaves of laughter bursting from his whole body he just couldn’t get it out. “They uh, uh, uh, they wanted to do it themselves.” He gasped out.

He was laughing so hard that Katie had to join in. They collapsed into each other’s arms totally exhausted.  “Oh my sides hurt!  It isn’t very nice of us to laugh at a sweet thing like bringing me breakfast.  Oh but it is so appalling I just can’t eat it.” 

“You don’t have to.  What can I dump it in?  I’ll just throw it back of the house.” He looked around the room trying to find anything to scrap the breakfast into.

“Don’t throw it where the children can find it.  It will break their hearts.  In the closet there is an old blanket that I just haven’t thrown away yet.  Adam I have a better idea, let’s dump it into the chamber pot and you can empty it right into the outhouse.” Katie’s eyes lit up with her new founded idea.

“That is a better idea?  Katie, I can’t dump it in there.  I can empty the pot, but I can’t dump the breakfast in there. Sorry.” Adam was shaking his head the entire time.

I’ll dump it in there.” She got out of bed, pulled the chamber pot from under the bed, took the cover off and quickly scrapped the contents of her plate into the pot. “All done, now go empty it, please!” 

“Don’t know how you can do that.  Do you want me to come back up and take the tray down?”

“Thank-you sweetheart but I think I can handle taking the tray down.”

“Then I’ll bring the chamber pot back up and then get to work.  Remember we are all staying over night at Pa’s tonight after your birthday party.”

“The children are so excited there would be no way I could have forgotten.  Now go so I can get everything done.” Katie pushed her husband out the door.

 She looked in her dressing cabinet for her best Sunday dress.  As she pulled it out, she noticed out of the corner of her eye her mirror in the corner.  She turned and stared at the reflection in the mirror. “Well Katie old girl, another birthday. Where is that young girl I used to see?  Look at these lines. What does Adam say?  Oh yes, a mature face. A polite way of saying a wrinkly old lady face. I remember Miss Fazablem Ugh, matronly old ugly Miss Fazablem mean old school teacher.  Here I am the same age as she was when I thought she was old.” Katie rubbed her face with both hands and pulled the skintight when she got to her hairline.

“May I ask what are you doing? Are we feeling a bit sorry for ourselves because it is our birthday?” Adam raised both of his eyebrows.

Katie turned quickly at the sound of his voice “You scared me!  Didn’t your Father ever tell you that it isn’t polite to barge into a room without knocking?”

“Yes as a matter of a fact he did.” Adam leaned against the doorframe. “Now quit stalling and tell me what you were doing?”

“Doing exactly what you thought I was doing.  I was feeling sorry for myself, I’m old, Adam.  I had an matronly teacher when I was little and I have reached her age.” She took a breath to finish whining

 Matronly? Do you know what matronly means? It means mature and levelheaded married woman. I say that you are very matronly. If you think you are looking old.  I say you’re very wrong. You are as beautiful as the first day I saw you.  You make me feel shaky inside and you still make my heart skip a beat.” He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her.

“Now I know why I married you. You are such a wonderful lift to my ego. I love you Adam Cartwright. You are as handsome as the day I met you. You still make my heart race too.” She melted into his chest.

“ I love you too. I thought you wanted to get things done?” He pulled her away looking right in her eyes.

“ I’m trying to decide what to wear tonight for my party. What do you think about this dress?” She turned from him picking up the Sunday best.

“It’s very pretty for church.  Where are your party dresses?  Please wear one of those.  You have that blue one from your Mother. I really like the way you look in that one.” Adam gave her a wink.

“The blue one it is. Adam, are you going to let the children join the party?  I know Liz would love to join us.”

“No, she is too young.  They will all be there for the outside activities but when it moves indoors I want her upstairs with the rest of the children.”

“Honey she is thirteen.  I think she would be fine. Are you letting A.J. and Benjy join the party?”

“I believe at sixteen A.J. is old enough to join the festivities.  Benjy isn’t old enough either, Katie he still gets crabby when he doesn’t get enough sleep.”

“I think they are going to be so insulted banned to their grandpa’s upstairs with all the little children while a party for their mother is in full swing. Honey, don’t you remember when you were thirteen and fourteen?”

“Yes I do. I was not allowed to participate in anything that the adults were doing.  I had to stay upstairs with my little brothers. Pa and Marie had many parties. I could stay for a while but then I got sent to bed. My Ma would come up and tuck me in.” Adam smiled at the memory.

“So they may come down for a bit?” Katie grinned.

Adam shook his head “Very tricky Katherine. Yes, they may come down for a little while until I feel it’s getting too much for them.” 

“I agree wholeheartedly. Liz is going to be so excited.  You go on to work and let me get everything ready for tonight. I want Emma to take a nap or she will be way over tired” She gave him a playful shove out the door. He turned and walked down the hall with a huge smile on his face.

Adam and Hoss were all over the north ridge looking for the cat that was getting the young calves.

“I don’t know where that cat went Adam, the tracks just disappear.” Hoss was down on his knee looking closely around the ground.

“Uh I don’t either, look it’s getting late, let’s call it a draw and we can look again on Monday. Oh and Hoss?  Let’s not say anything in front of my kids ok? Andy must have heard us the other night. He was up last night with one good nightmare.”

“Ha Adam, that boy sure reminds me of Joe when he was a youngster. All this time we thought he took after Ma, it must have been you he took after.” Hoss threw his head back and gave a big hearty laugh.

“Ha, ha, very funny. You’re right though, he sure reminds me of Joe too.  Hoss? Are you letting Josh and Hanna join the night party at the house?” Adam looked questioning at his brother.

“I don’t know, I hadn’t really thought about it.  I guess it would be ok for a while.  Not all-night though. I want to enjoy myself and not have to worry what my young-uns are up to.” Hoss looked up and smiled.

“Good, that is how I feel too.” Adam nodded his head. “ I didn’t want them there at all but Katie thought they would feel left out.  So I said they could be there for a little while. I just wanted to make sure you felt the same or I would really hear it if Hanna and Josh could stay and they couldn’t.” The men mounted their horses and said they would see each other later.

Adam rode into his yard and took Sport into the stable to settle him down for the night. Slapping his hat against his leg to get the dust off he entered his home.

“ Hi Pa, I am already to go over to Grandpa’s house. I got my stuff all packed and Mama said I did a good job.” Andy shouted his excitement.

“Glad to hear it son. Did you pack your teddy bear?  I don’t want to have to come back here in the middle of the night.” Adam smiled at the small child.

“Papa, I don’t need him to sleep.” Andy pouted.

“Oh you don’t. I’m sorry.  I thought maybe you would like to show him Grandpa’s house. Maybe he would like to spend the night with the rest of the family instead of being all alone here at home.” Adam tried to look as contrite as possible. “Is Mama upstairs?”

Andy nodded his head “Uh ha, she is.” Then as he thought over his Father’s suggestion he scratched the front of his head and said “Hey Papa? I think I will bring Teddy with.  I don’t want him to be lonely.”

Adam nodded his head and said in all sincerity, “I think that is very nice of you Andy. I’m going to go up and see if Mama is as ready as you are.”

He was nearing his youngest child’s room and could hear a hot argument in the making.   

“Emma! Hold still. Let me put this dress on you.” Liz was yelling at her little sister.

“No! I don’t want to wear that dress. I want the yellow one.  Leave my room. I’m telling Mama on you.” Emma was matching her sister’s volume.

“The yellow one is a summer dress. It is not summer, Em, it’s getting cold out. This dress is pretty, quit screaming, Emmm you’re a brat.” Liz lost control of her temper.

Adam walked in the door. He quickly took the dress from Liz and pointed to the door. “Go get ready to go to Grandpa’s please.”

“Gladly, you can get her dressed. Good luck.” Liz never took her eyes off her sister as she backed out of the room.

“I don’t want that ugly dress.  Your not a nice sister, Lil Bit.” Emma screamed.

Adam picked up the screaming child and put her on his lap. “Ok kiddo, we have to get ready to leave for Grandpa’s.  This is the choice; you can get dressed and we can have a nice day, or you can keep screaming and I’ll dress you, then you can sit in the corner until you can behave.  What will it be?”

Emma knew that look of her Father’s “Um, I’ll get dressed. Papa?”

“I thought so, what is it Em?”

“Can I wear the yellow dress?  It is much prettier.” Emma wore her most innocent look.

Adam never wavered “Emma, I know I heard Liz tell you that dress is for summer.  This is fall and way too cold for the yellow dress. You have many dresses I’m sure we can find one that is just right for today.  Don’t you think?”

“No, but I don’t want to sit in the corner.” Emma said with a full pout.

Adam had to hide the smile that wanted to make its appearance.  “ I know Mama likes this green dress that she made just for you. How about we put this one on you for Mama’s birthday?”

Emma never answered just stuck out her arm letting her father know that she would comply. Adam dressed the little girl in silence suppressing the laugh that wanted to escape as the pout was more pronounced as ever. 

“Look at you, except for that pouty lip, you look just beautiful.” 

“Can I go by Mama?” Emma asked ignoring his compliment.

“Sure you may. I’ll go check on your brothers to make sure they are ready to leave.” Adam shook his head as he headed down the hall to the other children’s rooms. 

“Hi Pa, are you going to bathe here or at Grandpa’s?” A.J. asked noticing his father still had his work clothes on.

“ I’ll get ready here. I just thought I’d check and see if you guys were all dressed ready to go.”

“The boys are all ready downstairs.  Benjy is getting the carriage geared up.

“Good! I’ll go get ready myself.” Adam started towards his room.    “Wait, what about Lil Bit? Is she ready?”

“I don’t know, I heard her grumbling something about the baby being spoiled rotten.” A.J. raised his eyebrows.

Adam shrugged his shoulders and pinched the end of his nose. A.J. heard him say very quietly “She has a point” as he closed his door.

Ben Cartwright carried the heavy punch bowl over to the table set up on the veranda for his many expected guests.

“Looks vely nice Mr. Cartlight. Soon all family comes.” Hop Sing smiled broadly at his boss of many years.

“Yes Hop Sing, they will be here very soon.  It does look nice doesn’t it? Inside of the house looks astonishing too.   You did a very good job.  I think Katie’s birthday will be a wonderful party. I think I hear a carriage coming down the road right now.”

He heard a chorus of “HI GRANDPA!!” as his youngest son Joe and his family turned into the yard. Ben walked up and lifted Joe’s baby, Rachel, from her mother’s lap. “Here let me help you with this beautiful bundle.  Hi boys are you both ready for a party?”

“Yes sir, we are!  Is Andy here yet?” Jesse asked his grandfather.

“No son, not yet. You are the first to arrive.” Ben ruffled the small boys hair.

“Hi Pa, I wanted to get here a bit early in case you needed any help with the decorations or anything.” Joe patted his father’s back.

“Well thank-you Joe, but, Hop Sing and I managed quite well I believe.  Come in and make yourselves at home.” Ben called over his shoulder as he carried his sleeping granddaughter in the house.

“Joey, Jesse, help carry our things into the house.  Remember boys; I want you both to behave yourselves.  You can have fun, just make sure you follow the rules.”  Joe pointed to each of his sons as he talked.

“Oh Pa, it is just beautiful, you were right, you and Hop Sing did a marvelous job.” Carrie Cartwright reached up and kissed her father-in law’s cheek. Then turning as her sons and husband came in the door “Joe, look how wonderful the house looks.  Oh Joey, pick up your sister’s blanket, your dragging it across the floor, sweetie.”

“Yes sir, sure does looks nice in here.  Come on boys lets get this stuff upstairs.  Joseph, your Mother said to pick up the blanket.” Joe directed his sons up the stairs. Turning he added “ Carrie, do you want Rachel up here to finish up her nap?”

Here Pa, I’ll take her. I want her to finish her nap before the rest of the family gets here.” Carrie followed the rest of her family up the stairs.

“Mama? I don’t wanna take a nap. I wanna play wif Andy and Eric when they get here.” Four-year-old Jesse pleaded with his mother.

“You can’t play with us big kids, you havta play with Emma. She is just your size.” Six-year-old Joey stated.

“Uh uh, I don’t either. I can play wif you too. Right Papa? I can play wif them too. Emma just a dumb girl.” Jesse stamped his foot.

“Emma is what?  What did you just say about your cousin?” Joe asked as he gathered his youngest son onto his lap.

“He said Emma was a dumb girl, Pa.” Joey said proudly.

“Joseph was I talking to you?” Joe turned his attention to his eldest.

“No sir. Sorry.” Joey looked contrite. “ Can I go down by Grandpa?”

“Not just yet young man. I think both of you boys and I need to have a talk.”

“Your not gonna spank me right Pa? I won’t say Emma’s dumb no more. I sorry.” Jesse laid his head on Joe’s chest.

“No I’m not going to spank you, Jesse. I am glad you are never going to say that about your cousin again. That is hurtful.  You don’t want to hurt Emma do you?”

“Oh no Pa, I liked her.” Jesse shook his curly little head.

Joey looked bored.  He was tracing the pattern of the bed covering with his finger. He couldn’t understand why he had to listen to his Pa yelling at his little brother. He was so intrigued with his tracing he didn’t hear his father direct the conversation to him.

“Joseph, did you hear what I said?” Joe was trying to hold on to his patience.

“Yes Sir, it is hurtful to say that your cousin is dumb.  I heard you.” Joey recited as he continued his tracing.

Joe put Jesse down and walked over to the bed. He sat down and pulled Joey between his legs. Joey jumped with his father’s hand went around his arm.

“What else did I say if you heard me?” Joe lifted the boy’s chin up so he had to look into his father’s eyes.

“ Um, Uh, I don’t know I guess I didn’t hear the rest. I’m sorry, Pa.” Joey couldn’t understand how he got in trouble when it was Jesse that said that Emma was dumb.

“I said that all of you might play together. I don’t want to hear that Jesse and Emma can’t play with the rest of you.  Do you understand son?  We just had this conversation about behaving ourselves tonight, didn’t we?”

“Yes Sir.” Joey nodded his head.

“Now that we have straighten that out how about we go down by Grandpa?” Joe hugged both of his little boys.  

“ Hi Becky, where is that brother of mine?” Joe asked his sister-in-law as he rounded the corner of the great stairway.

“He is unhitching our team and Adam’s family just arrived so I’m sure he will be helping Adam. Joe? Are you going out there?  Could you please tell Hanna and Josh to bring their things in here?” Becky brushed a kiss on the young man’s cheek.

Joe flashed his famous smile “When you ask like that how could I refuse?”

“Hi Uncle Joe, Grandpa, Aunt Carrie, you too Aunt Becky” Andy shouted his greeting as he entered the house.

“Andrew! Stop shouting.” Katie scolded as she followed him in the room.

“I wasn’t shouting Mama, I was saying hi!” Andy innocently exclaimed.

“Yes you were Andy, yes you were.” Ben swooped the little boy up in his arms.  

Katie smiled and shook her head in defeat. “Pa you spoil him so.  A.J. please carry Emma’s case will you?  How are we doing the rooms?” Katie looked around at her sisters-in-law.

Becky was the first to answer. “ Hoss and I are in his old room.  I thought we could put the girls in the spare room next to Adam’s old room, if that is all right with you. I didn’t know if you wanted Emma with you and Adam or with Lil Bit. The older boys could have the room next to Joe’s old room at the top of the stairs. I’m keeping Eric with us.”

“Joe and I are in his old room with Rachel.  I guess we could put the boys in with us also.” Carrie’s frown told Katie that she was not completely happy with having all her children in one room.

“A.J. and Benjy will be happy to watch Joey and Jesse along with Andy.  Wouldn’t you A.J.?” Katie prayed that her eldest would not throw a tantrum.

“I don’t think that anyone could be as troublesome as my own little brother, what is two or three more?  Aunt Becky, we’ll take Eric too. All of us Cartwright men need to stick together.” A.J. puffed his chest out then broke out in a hearty laugh.

“ A laughing Becky wiping her eyes answered, “Oh Sweetheart I think Eric would be much better in with his father and me. Josh and Eric have a tendency to fight. Believe me you will have a more peaceful sleep.  Thank-you for offering though.”                                           

 “Aren’t you staying for the dance, son?” Katie gave him a confused frown.

“I was thinking about that Ma, I decided that I could give you the gift of a children free evening. I talked it over with the older ones and we all thought it would be more fun to stay upstairs and let you adults have a night to let loose.” A.J. smiled his most wicked grin.

Ben coughed and Katie exclaimed, “Adam Cartwright Jr. I cannot believe you just said that!”

“What? What did I miss?” Adam looked between his red faced sisters-in-law and his Father and his outraged wife.  The rest of the children came in looking at all of the adults staring at a very red faced A.J.

Joe and Hoss came in next, “What’s going on?” Hoss looked at Adam.

“I don’t know.  I’m trying to find out.” Adam shrugged his shoulders.

“Adam will you please take your son upstairs and talk to him?” Katie pointed to A.J. as she spoke.

“A.J. go on up to my old room.  Benjy and Liz please take Andy and Emma outside; the guest should be arriving soon, please.” Even though it was said as a request they knew it was actually an order.

“Yes Sir.” Benjy and Liz said together. All of the cousins were ushered outside to greet the guest as they arrived.

“Ok now what in the world happened?” Adam threw up his hands in exasperation.

“I think everyone should calm down.  A.J. was telling us that his gift to his Mother was to watch all the children after the dancing started.  It was his choice of words that upset the girls.” Ben explained.

“What did he say?” Adam asked with a calming deep breath.     

“He said that we (meaning the adults) could let loose. Then he gave us all a very wicked smile. Adam quit smiling.  That was not in the least funny. Joe? Hoss? What is so funny?  Oh, I give up!  Adam Cartwright do you think you could quit laughing long enough to go talk to him?”

“Yes, I will talk to him.  Honey calm down. He is getting older; he didn’t mean to upset any of you.  He was walking that fine line between child and adult.  I let him know that he crossed the line a bit. Alright?” Adam squeezed Katie’s shoulders.

“Yes. Adam? Please let him know what he can say around men and what he can say in the presence of women.  You should have had this talk with him before this.” Katie turned and walked passed her husband to the door to greet her guests.

Adam shook his head.  Inhaling deep through his nose he headed upstairs. He walked slowly to his old room and smiled in spite of himself.  He knew A.J. didn’t mean to insult his aunts or his mother.  He was trying to figure out how to explain this to his sixteen-year-old son.  He opened the door to find A.J. staring out the window. 

“Oh hi Pa. I guess I’m in trouble, huh?  I don’t know why Ma got so mad at me.  I thought I was doing a good thing, taking all the kids for her.” A.J. looked at his Father in total confusion.

Adam pinched the bridge of his nose. “Uh, how can I explain this to you? Your Mother did appreciate that you offered to handle all the children tonight.  Let see, when you are around mixed company, there are things you can say and then there are things you can’t say.  Do you understand?” Adam wrinkled up his nose.

A.J. still confused shook his head.

“Oh, well let’s see. When you are around all the men you can say things like, let loose. You know like when you see a pretty lady walking down the street.  When you are around all your friends what do you all say?” Adam hoped all of his rambling was making sense.

A.J. turned red. “We say uh, uh, uh, I don’t know, stuff.”

“Exactly! You wouldn’t say that “stuff” in front of your Mother would you?”

“No. Honest Pa, I would never.” A.J. defended himself.

“ I believe you son. Today when you said “you adults can let loose” and then smiled the way you did, it was the same as saying the “stuff” around your Ma.  Now that you are getting older you have to watch what you say around your Mother and Aunts. I know you never meant to insult any of the ladies. Now do you understand?” Adam looked at his eldest son.

“Yes Sir. I understand now. Should I apologize to Ma and Aunt Becky and Aunt Carrie?”

“I think that would be the appropriate thing to do.” Adam answered as he watched his son turn red.

A.J. played with the curtains as he stared at his feet. “Pa?”

“What A.J.?”

Tears formed in the young man’s face. “I don’t know what to say. I’m embarrassed.”

“Would it help if I sent your Ma up here? You and her can talk it over then maybe it will be easier to talk to your aunts.  You don’t have to be embarrassed son, your young, it’s your time to learn.” Adam went over and put his hand on the young man’s shoulder.

“Thanks Pa. I think I would like to talk to Ma first.” A.J. blew out a deep breath trying to control his emotions

The outside activities were in full swing.  The little children were all involved with ring toss. The older children were having just as much fun helping with the younger children. The ladies were under sun umbrellas laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The men were playing horseshoes on the side yard. Adam weaved his way around the throng of guests looking for his wife. Carrie approached him as he smiled and dodged a tow headed guest running around his ankles.

“How is A.J.? I felt so sorry for him.” Carrie moved baby Rachel to the other shoulder.

“He is embarrassed. He wants to talk to Katie before he comes and apologizes to you and Becky. Have you seen her?” Adam kept looking around the crowd.

“Oh Adam please, don’t have him apologize to me, I’d be just as embarrassed.  He didn’t know what he said. He is just a boy.” Carrie tried to plead A.J.’s case

“A.J. will be just fine.  He has to learn, Carrie. I didn’t punish him. I just explained what he can and can’t say in front of ladies. His heart was in the right, his mouth was in the wrong.” Adam grinned and gave his young sister-in-law a kiss on the cheek.  “ So have you seen Katie?”

“Over by the ring toss.  Andy and Eric were in a conflict with Gene Radner’s boy.”

“Thanks Sweetheart. I’ll talk to you later.” Adam kissed baby Rachel’s head and headed over by the ring toss.

Andy’s mother had him by the collar with one hand and his cousin with the other. Judith Radner was restraining her son Michael. Adam walked up and took the two Cartwright boys from Katie. “I’ll settle this little problem Katie, would you please go and settle our elder son’s problem?  He is embarrassed to come down.  He wants to talk to you first.” Adam raised his eyebrows.

“Oh thank-you” Katie exclaimed as she handed over her two young charges. Then leaning up to Adam’s ear she whispered, “Don’t go to hard on these two, that Michael is a brat.” Then aloud she said, “I’ll go speak to A.J. immediately.” Then turning to Judith; “Adam will break this up Judith, he is good about sorting out little boys problems.”  With the turn of her skirt she was disappearing into the crowd.

Katie softly knocked on the door. “A.J. may I please come in?”

“Yes. Please before you say anything, Pa explained everything to me.  I would never embarrass you or hurt you in any way. I just wanted to say that I would take care of the kids so you and the other adults could relax and have a wonderful evening without worrying about any of the children. Please Mama, believe me I’m very sorry.” A.J. couldn’t help the tears that filled in his eyes.

“Oh Sweetheart, I believe you.  I know you would never hurt your Aunts or me. I love your gift and I know it truly came from your heart. I love you very much A.J.” She held him very tight and rubbed the back of his neck. Releasing her hold on him she asked, “Would you do me the honor of escorting me downstairs?”  

Brushing his tears away with the back of his sleeve he nodded. Then offering his arm to his mother they started down the staircase to the rest of the party. When they got to the main door, A.J. pulled back a bit. “Ma?”

Katie stopped and looked at her frightened child. “What is it?”

“Pa said I have to apologize to Aunt Carrie and Aunt Becky.  What do I say?  I don’t want them to hate me.”

“Hate you? Oh Sweetheart, they both love you very much.  I think all you have to do is say your sorry for offending them.  It will be over before you know it.” Katie squeezed his arm.

As luck will have it, Becky ran right into them as they were coming out the door.

“Whew, what a crowd.  I thought I go see if Hop Sing needed a hand in the kitchen.” Becky tried to side step the couple but A.J. stepped in front of his aunt. “Aunt Becky, I would like to say I’m sorry for offending you. Please forgive me.” He could feel his lip starting to quiver and tried hard to stop the emotions that were building up in his chest.

Becky Cartwright looked at the young man in front of her. The pride she felt for this nephew of hers was over whelming. “Come here child. I know you didn’t mean to offend anyone. I love you and of course you are forgiven. Now I think its time for you to go out and enjoy the party with all of your friends.”

A.J. quickly hugged his aunt and ran out the door.

“You should be real proud of that boy, Katie. Real proud. I just hope Joshua and Eric turn out as well.” Becky said as she rubbed Katie’s shoulder.

“I am proud Becky. Don’t you worry Josh and Eric are wonderful boys.” Just as they were starting a chat a group of women came into the house and the two sisters-in law were engaged in new conversation.

The rest of the day went quickly. Tired children started to fuss and the day was winding down for all. Joe and Carrie were trying to settle down their brood. Joey and Jesse were fighting sleep, each other and their parents. Rachel was sleeping soundly in the crib in her parent’s room. A.J. and Benjy decided that their gift should start at this time. 

“Uncle Joe? Why don’t you and Aunt Carrie go down to the dance? Benjy and I will get Joey and Jesse to sleep.  Andy is already in our room I’m sure they will all settle down once we all get ready for bed.”

“Are you sure?  They can be a handful.” Joe looked at Carrie just as she was nodding her head at him.

“All right boys. If you have any trouble with them at all, please come and get me, understood?” Joe raised his brows at both his nephews.

“Yes Sir, understood.  We’ll be just fine, right guys?” A.J. guided his young cousins out the door.

“Hey A.J. are you gonna let us jump on the beds?  I can’t wait to see Andy.  If he’s sleeping I’m gonna wake him up.”  Joey said matter of fact.

“You do and you’ll answer to me young man.” Joe turned his son around to face him. “Joseph you are to behave yourself. Do I make my self-clear? You listen to A.J. or he will come and get me and you and I will have a discussion I promise you won’t like.”

“I’m not tired and I don’t want to go to bed like a baby.” Joey ran into the older boys room.

Joe was just about to follow him when Carrie pulled his arm, “Honey let him go, he is over tired and sassy.  The boys will handle him. Please?”

“Don’t worry Uncle Joe, A.J. has a way with little kids.” Benjy grinned.

“Ok, just remember what I said.  I don’t want you to have to put up with him or Jesse getting too wild.”

“Yes Sir. I’ll come and get you if I have to. Please join the party and enjoy yourselves.” A.J. quickly looked at his Aunt and blushed.

Carrie Cartwright brushed a kiss on her nephew’s cheek and whispered “Thank-you. You’re a life saver.”

The evening was beautiful, the moon was full and the band played one song after another. Ben was mingling with all the guests as his sons were wearing out the dance floor with their wives. The music drifted up the staircase into the bedrooms of the children. It lulled the little boys off to sleep along with the older boys telling stories. In the girl’s room something all together different was happening, it was piquing two young girls imaginations. “I wonder if all the ladies look as beautiful as our Ma’s and Aunt Carrie.  Do you know how to dance, Lil Bit?” Hanna was gliding across the floor with her nightgown whirling around her bare feet.

“No, not really.  I wish I did though.  I have an idea! Are you game?” Lil Bit jumped off the bed where she was perched watching her cousin dance.

“What is your idea?  I’m not gonna get in trouble am I?” Hanna was not going to put herself in trouble.

“I don’t think so, I was going to say we should lay down in the hall right at the end of the railing, you know, right by the wall. Then we could watch all the dancing and decide who has the prettiest dress. What do you think?” Liz grinned.

“I think it’s such a dang good idea I should have thought of it.” Hanna giggled. 

The girls tiptoed past the boy’s room, down the hall and stopped right before the railing. For some strange reason Hanna got the giggles. Lil Bit quickly covered her mouth and shook her head vigorously at her cousin with a scowl. “Shush, I thought you didn’t want to get in trouble.” She whispered.

Hanna removed Liz’s hand and whispered back “I’m sorry, it just seemed funny. Quit talking and let’s get to watching the dancing.”

Laying flat on their tummies the girls were having a grand time watching their parents party.

“I think your Ma’s blue dress is the prettiest here.” Hanna whispered.

“I think so too. Your Ma’s dress is pretty too though.  I’m glad my Ma’s is the prettiest cuz it’s her birthday party.” Liz whispered back.

Someone said something funny and Hoss laughed so loud it scared both girls.

Liz started to giggle “Whew, that scared me.”

“Hush, we can’t start laughing now.” Hanna try as she might finally gave in and giggled along with Liz. “I never saw my Pa act so goofy” she gasped.

“Look at mine, he is dancing around my Ma. He has a funny look on his face.  He looks like Benjy when Benjy is being silly.” Liz rolled over holding on to her stomach.

“Lil Bit this is too funny.  We should get the boys. I think my Pa is drunk.” Hanna sat up and leaned against the wall.

“No, we’re not getting the boys. They will ruin it and make too much noise.  I think both of our Pa’s are drunk and Uncle Joe too.  He is walking on a slant.” Lil Bit wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her nightgown.

Ben walked over by Adam and Katie, “I think we have two peeping toms upstairs. They have been there for about a half an hour. Do you want me to handle it?”

“Who is it? A.J.?” Adam asked

“No it is Elizabeth and Hanna.” Ben smiled.

“Oh Adam I told you that Lil Bit would love to come tonight. This just proves it.” Katie pouted.

“She is too young, she should be sleeping. I’ll go and tuck the peepers into bed.” He giggled and started for the stairs.

The girls were so involved in laughing about their fathers that when they turned to watch the festivities they saw Adam starting to walk towards the stairs.

“Oh good gravy, Lil Bit, here comes Uncle Adam. Quick let’s get back to our room.” Hanna said as she pulled Liz up and pushed her down the hall. They hurried into their bed, pulled the covers up to their necks and closed their eyes.

Lil Bit turned to the wall and stuffed the sheet into her mouth trying to muffle her laughter.

“Please Lil Bit quit laughing I don’t want your Pa to be mad at us. Please quit. Lil Bit your shaking the whole bed.” Hanna kept poking her cousin.  The more she poked the more Liz laughed. Hanna lost the battle and started giggling right along with Elizabeth. “Lil Bit what is so funny? Why are we laughing so hard?” Hanna gasped out.

“You! Hanna you made my stomach hurt.  Who ever heard of “good gravy”?” The minute she said it she started laughing all over again.

Adam stuck his head in the door. “Hey you two, are you having a good time? Grandpa saw you watching the party. We must be pretty funny with all that giggling.”

“Oh Pa, you are funny tonight.  But so is Hanna!” Liz giggled.

“Oh she is, is she?” Adam came running for the bed and tickled both of the girls.

“Adam Cartwright! I thought you were tucking both of those girls in for the night.” Katie stood in the doorway.

“I am Darlin.  This is a tickle tuck.” Adam grinned.

“Alright, I think that these two should be sleeping and you should be saying good-bye to all our guests.” She pulled him up and pushed him out of the door. Turning her head back to the girls “Go to sleep now, girls. Morning will come very early.  I love both of you.”

“Good-night Ma and Pa. Love you too.” Liz tried to stop giggling.

Adam and Katie joined his brothers and their wives walking the guest to their carriages. Ben started to clear his great room along with Hop Sing. Soon they all gathered in the great room. “Hey Pa, why don’t you let Joe, Adam and me put the furniture back. You and Hop Sing have done enough.” Hoss said to his father.

Hop Sing said his goodnights and the boys put the great room back to its normal stance.

“It sure was a good party.” Hoss patted his Father’s back.

 “Oh it was indeed! Thank-you all for such a wonderful birthday. I can’t believe how perfect everything went. You are all so precious to me.” Katie’s eyes filled with tears.

“Not anymore than you are to us, Sweetheart.  I’m so happy that you had a perfect day.” Ben hugged her tight.

“I think we should all call it a night.  Those children will be up earlier than any of us and for one I don’t want to be woken up with a four year old screaming in my ear.” Adam said as he took Katie’s hand and guided her up the stairs.

Adam’s prediction came true, morning came very early and the children were all rested and raring to go. Elizabeth and Hanna stayed sleeping along with their parents. True to his word, A.J. Cartwright took charge of his brothers, sister and cousins.  A.J. and Benjy had all the boys and Emma tip toe down the hall and down the stairs.  Then fed them some left over cake and took them all outside.

“Hey Jesse stay over here with the rest of us.” Benjy yelled after the wayward child as he ran behind the barn.

“I’ll go get him, I knows just were he goes.” Joey said as he took off running after his brother.

“Benjy, follow them!” Hollered A.J.

“Ok, Ok, gee why do I have to be the one running after these darn kids?” Benjy grumbled to his older brother as he took off running after his cousins.

Rachel was wailing in her crib. Joe pulled himself up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He put his head in both of his hands “Oh baby girl you have to stop this crying, Papa has a real bad headache and your little sweet voice is going straight through it.”

“Joe, hand her to me.  She is just hungry and once I feed her she will quiet down.” Carrie held her arms out and Joe handed Rachel to her. The baby did indeed quiet down once her belly was full. Carrie laid her back down in the crib and covered the baby up with the quilt Becky had made for her. She walked over to the window and looked down to the front yard. Just as she did she saw her boys run behind the barn with Benjy hot on their trail. Quickly changing into her clothes she ran downstairs and out the front door. Hands on her hips and a scowl on her face she waited until Benjy brought the little scamps back around the corral.

“Joseph, Jesse get over here right now!” Carrie pointed to the spot right in front of her. The little boys hung their heads and slowly walked over to their mother. “ I just saw you both running to an area that you both know you are not allowed. I also heard Benjy call after you and you ignored him and kept running.”

“But Mama, not me.” Joey tried to save himself.

“Not you?  Did Benjy just bring you back?” Carrie steely eyed her eldest.

“Aunt Carrie?” Benjy interrupted.

Carrie looked at her nephew “Yes Benjy?”

“Aunt Carrie, Joey did just try to stop Jesse, he took off cuz he said he knew where Jesse goes.” Benjy blushed and looked away.

“Thank-you Benjy. Joey, Mama is sorry, I’m proud of you for trying to protect your bother. You may go play with the other children.”

“Thanks Mama.” Joey took off running to the veranda where A.J. had chalk and a slate and was telling stories while he drew pictures.

“As for you little boy, what did I say would happen the next time you went behind the barn?” Carrie reached down and cupped her son’s chin to made him look at her.

“I’s sorry Mama.” Jesse was in full pout.

“Jesse Benjamin Cartwright, what did I say would happen the next time you ran back of the barn?” Carrie kept holding his chin.

“I don’t wanna a spanking.” Wailed Jesse.

“I don’t want you to go behind the barn!” She quickly smacked his little bottom twice. “Now mind me little one.” Carrie then picked the crying boy up in her arms.

“I’s sorry Mama, I won’t do it again.” Wailed Jesse into his mother’s shoulder.

“I know you won’t. I love you Jesse.” Carrie comforted her little boy.

“Children, I heard Hop Sing in the kitchen so I would think that breakfast will be on the table soon.  Are you all hungry?”

She received a chorus of “Yes Mam!”

Carrie was laughing as she put down Jesse so he could join the rest of the children on the veranda. She then decided that maybe Hop Sing could use some help either in the kitchen or setting the table. She open the main door and was met with Becky and Katie just coming down the stairs.

“Good morning. What time is it anyway?” Becky asked as she saw Carrie coming in the door.

“Oh it’s 7:00. The children have been up for an hour already.  I thought I would see if I could help get breakfast on the table.” Carrie said the latter as she headed into the kitchen. 

“Did she say 7:00?  I can’t believe Emma didn’t wake me up. Where are the children anyway?” Katie was rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Becky stifled a yawn, “I can’t seem to get myself to wake up. My brain doesn’t seem to want to work.  I can hear the children. Don’t know where they are exactly.”

The ladies decided to hunt down the missing children. They were both amazed at what they discovered; A.J. had all of the children in awe of his story and drawings.  Each child was spellbound to the magic its older cousin or brother was spinning with his tale. Katie’s chest filled with pride as she watched her eldest son. She nudged Becky and motioned for her to follow Katie back into the house.

 “ Katie, that boy is sure something special. Those children are just stuck to their seats listen to those stories of his. I’ve never seen anything like it except of course in school.  Even those four year olds are quiet.” Becky was shaking her head.

“I’m just as surprised as you are. Very proud though, very proud.” Katie just beamed. “Oh Carrie, let me help set the breakfast table. I never meant to be rude.”

“You’re not rude, Katie. I want to get Joe up and get my family ready for church. I’m just trying to get the kids fed so I can get them washed up and dressed.” She smiled at the wife of her eldest brother-in-law. “Katie, I would like to give A.J. something for being so terrific with the boys last night and then this morning.  If Rachel wouldn’t have wanted to be fed I would have slept and never even knew my boys were up.”

“Oh I agree whole heartedly. I can’t figure out how he got Eric out of our room without waking at least me. Hoss can sleep though anything. I haven’t been able to sleep in for years. I would like him to know how much I appreciate it.” Becky said as she brought in a heaping plate of pancakes.

“Please no. I would rather you just tell him you appreciate what he did for all of us.  It was his gift to me. Well actually to all of us.  I think a thank-you is all that is necessary. I do agree that it is time to wake the rest of this family up.  Church is in three hours and they have to eat and get ready.  We are going home right after church.  I want to have a calm day before we start the next week.” Katie headed upstairs to wake Adam and Elizabeth.

Ben Cartwright sat behind his growing family. He watched with pride as each of his sons sat at the head of the pews that held their family. In his minds eye he could see Elizabeth, Inger, and Marie looking down and smiling with approval of their son’s and their families. Sheriff Roy Coffee came and sat down next to Ben and then leaned over and whispered “Old friend, that is a beautiful family you have there.”

Ben smiled and answered, “That I do, Roy. That I do.”

                                                                  The End