Well! Miss Ellen happened to snatch a few minutes in her busy day to write a letter to her beau, Hoss Cartwright. I secretly took it from her for a little while so we could sneak a peek at it, and then return it before she notices that it's missing and wants to send it off to him. Here it is:

My Dearest Hoss,

I have been meaning to write this letter to you for some time now, and I decided today to sit and put pen to paper.

First of all, I want to thank you for the lovely gift you gave me last time we met.I never expected it, and it is truly a treasure. I will keep it close to my heart, because it is from you. But that is not all I want to thank you for.You see, within this past year, you have been visiting me, escorting me to the Saturday night dances in Virginia City, and taking me for quiet surrey rides on your lovely Ponderosa property. These are some of my fondest memories.I especially enjoyed our recent horseback ride and picnic the other day out at your favorite meadow.

Quite often I find myself looking forward to spending time with you and anxiously waiting the next time we will be together. I have spent my life dreaming of meeting a man like you. Hoss, you are a wonderful man! I marvel at your strength.I’ve watched you smithing horseshoes, splitting wood, and fixing fences with apparent skill and ease.

When we’ve dined together at the Ponderosa, I’ve enjoyed Hop Sing’s cooking even more because you appreciate him so much, and you show it. It’s true!

He is a terrific cook, and you have such a big heart.

During the times I’ve spent with you while you’ve cared for God’s wild creatures, you never cease to amaze me.You have so many gifts, and your special awareness of their needs is one of them.Why, just being able to assist you recently to help June Bug foal her new colt was such an honor for me! You have taught me so much.

Your respect and devotion to Pa, Adam, and Little Joe is not to be compared! Your family has such a deeply rooted bond that is so obvious. Anyone seeing you with your family would quickly take notice of that, and most likely desire it for themselves, too.

When you’re dressed so handsomely in your suit and string tie, I feel as if I could just fall into your arms, breathless.What I’m trying to say, Hoss, is that I love you and pray that we could someday say “I do” to each other, before God and our church congregation. This would make me the happiest lady in the whole world, and I hope you might feel the same, Hoss My Love.

Lady Forever,

Miss Ellen