By Lynne G.

  It had been a very busy week for the Cartwright family.  There had been many repairs that had to be done on the ranch, especially to the fences.
  The winter storms had been bad that winter.  Many tree's had been blown down, and they all had been taken to the saw mill..
  Little Joe Cartwright the youngest son of Ben Cartwright had been in a lot of mischief lately again.  Nothing bad-just boyish mischief.   At 11 years old, he couldn't wait to be grown up and out of school.  He hated school, and he figured that he had already learned enough.  He wanted to work full time at the Ponderosa at his two older brothers, Adam and Hoss.
  On this particular day, he and Ben were the only ones at home.  Hoss and Adam were busy around the Ponderosa, and Hop Sing had gone into Virginia City to visit with some friends for the afternoon.
  Ben was busy doing paper work at his desk, while Little Joe was busy chopping wood. " I've chopped enough wood to last a year" the boy said to himself.  He was getting rather tired, since he had been chopping wood for about 4 hours now.
  He looked up when he heard the sound of a horse coming into the yard.  It was Tom Weston, a neighbor, who wasn't very friendly at all, and had never really been very friendly from day one.
  " Hi Mr. Weston" said Little Joe.   " Is your father home?" asked Tom angrily.  " Yes sir, he's in the house.  You can go in and see him if you'd like to" suggested the boy.  " NO, I'll see him out here if you don't mind" yelled Tom.  " Y..Yes sir, I'll go get him for ya" said the boy as he headed towards the front door  Tom sat there on his horse and waited.
  " Pa, Mr .Weston wants to see ya outside, and he's real upset about somethin'" Little Joe told his father.  " I wonder what he wants?" Ben said to his son.  The boy shook his head. 
  " Hi Tom, what brings you you here?"  asked Ben, with a smile on his face.  " Cartwright, do you know that half a dozen of your cattle are on my land, and they broke down a section of one of my fences?" Tom yelled.  " Tom, I'm really sorry about that, and no I didn't know that.  They must have got scared during the thunder storm last night.  We will get the cattle back and fix your fence" Ben told Tom.  " I want those cattle rounded up NOW, or I'll shoot em" Tom said very angrily.
  "Pa, I'll go and get em"  offered Little Joe.  " I don't know son, do you think you can handle them?" Ben asked his son.  " Pa, I can handle em.  I have done that before ya know" said the boy proudly.  " Oh, all right son, you go with Tom then" said a very concerned Ben.  " I'll go and get my horse Mr. Weston, and you can show me where the cattle are" the said the boy as he headed towards the barn.  Then Tom and Little Joe rode out of the yard.  Ben stood there and watched them leave.
  Little Joe tried to talk to Tom as they rode, but Tom told the boy to be quiet.  So Little Joe did as he was told.  He was feeling kind of nervous now. 
  They stopped riding and Tom pointed to the cattle and said "There they are, and see the broken fence too" Tom angrily told the boy.  " I'm really sorry Mr. Weston.  I'll get em out of here now" said the boy.  " Not so fast boy.  I want your Pa to pay me for the damage to my fence.  I'll have my hands fix the fence.  You get your cattle out of here, then you tell your Pa that I want $300 for the damage.  You bring the money over to my house.  Do You understand me boy?" Tom said very loud.  " Y...Yes sir.  I'll get you your money as soon as I get the cattle back and check our fence" Little Joe told Tom.
  Tom Weston had never liked the Cartwrights or any of his neighbors, even though Ben had helped Tom build his house and barn when the Weston's bought the land 20 years ago.
  The Weston ranch was small, and it boarded a tiny area of the Ponderosa to the west.  Tom was very jealous of the Cartwrights, and everything they owned.  The Weston ranch had maybe 30 head of cattle and ten hired hands.  Two of the hands were the Andrew brothers Clint and Stan, and they were just as mean as Tom himself.  Tom's wife, Nell, was a very sweet lady who was afraid of her husband.
  Little Joe had finally got all the cattle back into their pasture.  He had noticed that two of the fence rails had been knocked down, so he put them back into place.  Then he headed home to tell Ben that the cattle were back in the pasture, and that he had fixed the fence too.  Then he only told his father that Tom Weston wanted $300 for the damage to his fence.  
  " HE WHAT ?"   Ben yelled as his son reported that he needed to give $300 to Mr. Weston.  " Pa, isn't that a lot of money for a small section of fence that got knocked down?" the boy asked.  " Yes it is, but I don't want to argue with Weston.  You give him the money"as he handed the money to his son. " Little Joe, as soon as you give him the money, I want you to come straight home before Weston starts any trouble.  Now off with you, and son, please be careful"  Ben said to his son.  " I will Pa.  See ya later" he said as he headed out the door.  Ben hoped that Tom wouldn't start any trouble.
  As Little Joe rode over to the Weston ranch, he was getting nervous,and he was afraid of Tom Weston.
  When he got to the ranch, he got off his horse.  He saw Mrs. Weston standing on the front proch.  She smiled when she saw Little Joe.  Mrs. Weston was friendly with the Cartwrights, and she especially liked Little Joe.  " Hi Mrs. Weston.  How are you doing?" he asked.   " Hi Little Joe, its wonderful to see you again.  I'm doing fine honey. How are you?" she asked.  " I'm fine ma'am.  " What brings you here honey?" she asked the boy.  " I came to see Mr. Weston" he told her.  " Would you like some lemonade Little Joe?" Nell asked him.  " Oh, no thank you ma'am.  I need to see Mr. Weston, and then head back home" the boy said.  " He's in the barn honey.  You take care of yourself now honey, and be sure to say "hello" to your father and brothers for me" said said with a big smile on her face.  " I sure will.  It was good to see you again Mrs. Weston" he said to her as he walked his horse to the barn.
  When he reached the barn he said," Mr. Weston, are you in there?"  "Yes Cartwright, come in" said Tom.  When the boy got into the barn, there stood Tom Weston and Clint and Stan.  " Mr. Weston, here is your money.  I'm really sorry about the cattle and your fence.  I got the cattle back into their pasture and I fixed our fence too" Little Joe told Tom. 
  "Just make sure that doesn't happen again, boy.  NOW, get off my property and don't you or any of your family EVER set foot on my property again.  If I EVER catch any of you Cartwrights on my land, we will kill you!  Got that boy?"  Tom yelled at Little Joe.   " Y...Yes sir.  S..Sorry sir" said a very scared boy as he got on his horse and rode out of the yard.  As he rode towards home, he thought "poor Mrs. Weston. She is so nice.  I feel so sorry for her married to a nasty man like Tom Weston."
  Tom asked Clint and Stan to follow Little Joe, but to stay far enough behind him so he can't see them.  " When the boy gets back on the Ponderosa, shoot him and make sure he is dead.  I HATE those Cartwrights.  We start by killing that boy, then one by one the rest of em too" Tom told Clint and Stan with a big smile on his face.
  After Clint and Stan left to follow Little Joe, Tom walked over to Nell and he yelled " WHY WERE YOU SO NICE TO THAT BOY?"  " Tom, you had no right to be so mean to the boy or his family.  Have you forgot that they helped us when we bought our land?  Ben and Adam and the other neighbors helped you build our house and barn.  Ben even gave you some cattle to get started with" Nell said to him.  " SO WHAT!!!!!!!"  " Those Cartwrights are so high and might.  DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO THEM AGAIN" Tom screamed at her.  " I can talk to who ever I want to.  The Cartwrights are my friends as are the other neighbors too.  They are all very nice and very hard working people.  They will also help anyone who needs help too.  So DON"T you tell me WHO I can talk to or not to talk too" Nell yelled at Tom. Tom slapped her hard across the face and she fell down.  She had tears in her eyes as she looked up at Tom.  " YOU JUST SHUT UP WOMAN.. DO YOU HEAR ME?"  Tom yelled at her as he walked back to the barn. 
  On his way home, Little Joe decided to give a final check to the fence he had repaired earlier just to make sure the cattle had not knocked it down again, so he headed off to the pasture. 
  Clint and Stan were still following him.  When they saw the boy stop to check the fence, Clint got out his rifle, aimed at the boy and he pulled the trigger.   As the bullet hit Little Joe in the back, he fell over into a world of darkness.
  Clint and Stan waited to see if anyone was around.  When they figured it was safe, they rode down to the still form of Little Joe.  They got off their horses to check to see if the boy was dead.  Clint felt the boys' wrist feeling for a pulse.  He smiled and told his brother that the boy was dead.  They got back on their horses and rode off to tell Tom the good news. 
  A couple of hours later Ben looked at the grandfather clock and he wondered were Little Joe was.  A couple of minutes later he heard horses coming in the yard, so he opened the front door to see who was there.  Adam and Hoss were getting off their horses,  " Hi boys-did you happen to see Little Joe on your way home?" Ben asked his two ildewr sons.  " No Pa, we didn't." Said Adam.  " He should have been home long before now." said a very concerned Ben.  " Where'd he go Pa?" asked Hoss.  " He went over to the Weston's" Ben told his sons.  " GOD Pa, why did he go over there for?" asked Adam. "You know how Tom Weston is."
  Ben told Adam and Hoss about what happened with the cattle and the fences, and at how upset Tom was.  When Ben finished telling his sons the story, Adam said " let's go over there and ask Weston where Little Joe is"  " I don't think that is a very good idea boys."  said Ben.  "But Pa, we need to know if Little Joe made it back over there." said a worried Adam.  " OK Adam, you and Hoss go over there, but be careful and for heaven sakes, don't start anything with Weston.  I'll wait here in case Little Joe comes back." said Ben.  Adam and Hoss got back on their horses and headed over to the Weston ranch. 
  Tom, Clint and Stan headed off to Virginia City and the Bucket of Blood saloon to celebrate the death of Little Joe Cartwright.
  Adam and Hoss arrived at the Weston's, and got off their horses.  They went up on the proch and knocked on the door.  Nell opened the door, and smiled when she saw Adam and Hoss.  " Why Adam, Hoss, it is so nice to see you both" she said.  " Hi Mrs. Weston.  How are you?" they asked.  " I'm fine" she told them.  " We stopped by to see if Little Joe was here." Adam asked.  " Yes he was Adam a few hours ago.  He wanted to see Tom about something.  He's such a sweet boy.  Don't tell he hasn't got home yet?" sounding concerned now.  " No he hasn't showed up yet, and Pa's getting worried about him." Adam told her.  " He said he was heading home after he left here." said Nell.  " Thank you Mrs. Weston.  I'm sure that little brother of ours will turn up sooner or later." Hoss said.  " Bye Mrs. Weston" they said.  "Bye boys" she said.  They got on their horses and rode towards the Ponderosa.  " Hoss, did you see the bruises on her face?" asked Adam.  " Yes I did Adam.  Do ya think Mr. Weston did that to her?" asked Hoss.  " Yes, I think he did.  He does beat her up from time to time.  That poor woman." Adam sadly said.
  "Adam, stop a minute.  We already came this way, and didn't see anything of Little Joe.  Do ya think he might have gone back to the west pasture to double check that fence?" Hoss asked.   " You could be right Hoss.  Let's go see if he's there."  said Adam. 
  As they got close to the pasture they saw their little brother's horse standing there next to their baby brother who was laying on the ground not moving at all.  They raced over to their little brother, who was laying on his stomach with blood all over his back.  " OH MY GOD" yelled Adam as he jumped off his horse, Sport and  he and Hoss kneeled next to their little brother.  Adam felt the boys' neck for a pulse, and he found a weak one.  " He's alive Hoss, but barely" Adam said.  They gently turned the boy over onto his back.  " Little Joe, wake up punkin please.  Open yer eyes baby" cried Hoss.  " Hoss he feels so cold and he is so pale" Adam softly said.
  Hoss very gently picked up his little brother, and carried him over to his horse, Chubb, and he put the boy in the saddle.  Adam held him in place while Hoss got on behind his little brother.  Adam tied the boys horses' reins onto Chubbs saddle horn, then Adam jump up on his horse and raced off to Virginia City to get Dr. Paul Martin.  Hoss slowly rode home with his unconscious little brother in front of him.  Hoss kept talking to the boy, hoping the boy could hear him. 
  As Hoss rode into the yard of the Ponderosa, he yelled for Ben.  Ben hearing Hoss yelling for him, ran out the door.  His heart skipped a beat when he saw his baby son laying limp in front of Hoss.
  " Hoss, MY GOD, what happened to Little Joe?" yelled Ben as he ran over to Hoss and Little Joe.  Hoss got off Chubb, and softly said, " He's been shot in the back Pa, and he's in bad shape" Hoss said crying. 
  Hoss gently took the unconscious boy off Chubb and he ran into the house with the boy in his arms.  Ben ran after his sons, and yelling for Hop Sing. " Why you yell?" asked Hop Sing as he came out of the ktichen.  " Oh, NO, what happen to Little Joe?" he asked.  " He's been shot Hop Sing, please get some hot water and towels fast."  Ben said to Hop Sing. 
  Hoss laid his little brother on his bed-on his stomach.  Ben and Hoss took the boys' shirt off to get a better look at the bullet wound.  " Hoss, where did you find him?" asked Ben.  " Down at the west pasture.  Adam wentt to get Dr. Martin" Hoss told Ben.
  Hop Sing entered the room with hot water and towels.  "Thanks Hop Sing" said Ben.  The three of them began to clean the wound and the boys' back. 
  After the wound and the boy's back were cleaned up, Ben put several towels over the wound and they gently turned the boy onto his back.  They got him undressed, and into bed.  They covered him with several blankets and quilts to keep him warm.
  " Little Joe, can you hear me sweetheart?  Joseph, please baby open your eyes."  Ben pleaded to his little son.  There was no response from the boy.  Ben felt his son's forehead for fever, and he found that the boy did have a fever now.  " He has a fever" Ben said softly.  Hop Sing brought in some cold water and more towels.  Ben got a towel wet and he laid it on the boy's forehead.
  Adam and Dr. Paul Martin walked into the room.  " Oh Paul, I'm so glad your here" said Ben.  " Ben, Adam told me about finding the boy.  Has he awaken at all?" Paul asked.  " No he has not, and he now has a fever too Paul." said a very worried Ben.
  Hop Sing, you stay here with me.  Ben, I want you, Adam and Hoss to wait down stairs, while I examine the boy. 
  Hop Sing and Paul slowly turned Little Joe over onto his stomach so Paul could get a good look at the bullet wound.  " Hop Sing, is there anymore hot water on the stove?" asked Paul.  " Yes, there is" said Hop Sing.  Paul handed him a scalpel and tweezers to boil in the water.
  It took Paul over two hours to find and remove the bullet from Little Joe's back.  After the bullet was removed, Paul carefully cleaned the entire area, before stitching up the wound.  Paul then took the boys temp again.  He was pleased that it hadn't gone up at all.  The boy had lost a lot of blood, and he was very weak.  He seemed to be resting well also.  Paul gave Hop Sing instructions as what to do for Little Joe.  " Hop Sing take good care of Little Joe" said Hop Sing.  " I know the boy is in good hands.  I need to go down stairs and talk with Ben and the boys now" Paul told Hop Sing. 
  As Paul came down the stair, he was met by three very worried men'  " Paul, how is Little Joe?" asked Ben.  " Ben, Adam, Hoss, Little Joe is a very lucky little boy.  The boy has lost a lot of blood.  He's very weak.  That bullet was in very deep, and it took a while to find it.  He should fine, providing no infestion sets in.  His temp hasn't gone up at all.  I've given Hop Sing instructions for the boy  You all need to keep him quiet, and in bed.  Give him lots of fluids, and broth for the next few days. I have left pain medication for him too.  I'll be back in the morning.  If he takes a turn for the worse, just send for me.  Do you have any idea who would shoot a little boy?" asked Paul.  " No Paul I can't" said Ben softly
  As Ben walked with Paul out the door, sheriff Roy Coffee rode up.  " Howdy Ben, Paul.  How's is Little Joe? " Roy asked.  " He should be fine if no infection sets in Roy" Paul said.  " Can I talk to him yet?" Roy asked Paul.  " No Roy.  Not just yet.  The boy is sleeping now.  Maybe tomorrow though" said Paul. 
  Little Joe slept through the night.  The next morning as he slowly opened his eyes, he saw his father sitting next to his bed.  " Hi Pa" the boy weakly said.  Ben opened eyes and looked at his young son, and he said, "good morning sleeping beauty.  How do you feel sweetheart?"  " I'm a little tired and sore" said the boy.  " We need to get some broth into you.  Do you feel like having a little bit now?" Ben asked his son. Ben felt the boys forehead for fever.  He was still warm, but the fever still hadn't got any higher.  " I'm kinda hungry Pa" said the boy.  Ben got a big smile on his face.  No sooner had Little Joe finished saying that, then Hop Sing came in the room with a bowl of broth  for the boy.  " Mr. Cartlight, you go down and eat bleakfast with other sons.  I feed Little Joe"  Hop Sing told Ben.  " OK, Hop Sing I will.  Little Joe, I want you to eat all that broth now for Hop Sing" Ben told his son.   The boy nodded at his father.  " Hop Sing will make sure number three son eat all of broth, Mr. Cartlight'  said Hop Sing.
  Later that day, Roy came back out to the Ponderosa  to see Little Joe.  Ben and Roy walked into the boy's room, and saw Hoss sitting there talking to his little brother.  The boy looked tired.  " Hi Little Joe, how are you feeling today?" Roy asked him.  " Hi Roy" both boy's said.  I"m OK" said Little Joe.  " Little Joe, is it alright if I ask you some questions about yesterday?" Roy asked the boy.  Little Joe nodded at Roy.  " Son, do you know who shot you?" Roy asked.  " No, I didn't see anyone. I heard a shot, and I felt a pain in my back.  Then everything went black"  the boy said.  " Where were you coming from?" asked Roy.  " I was coming back from the Weston's after I gave Mr. Weston $300.  He was so nasty, and he said that if anyof us ever came on his property again, he would kill.  He is so mean.  On my way home, I decided to double check the fence I fixed earlier, and I had just got there when I got shot.  Tha's all I remember" said the boy as his eyes slowly started to close.  " Thank you Little Joe.  That helps a lot" Roy said as he looked down at the now sound to sleep boy.  " Roy, I want who ever
  shot my little boy in jail" Ben said to Roy.  " We all do Ben.  We all do, and the sooner, the better too.\" said Roy
  By that next afternoon, Tom, Clint and Stan returned to the saloon to continue their drinking.  Several hours later, all three men were totally drunk.  They started to brag at how easy it was to kill a Cartwright, espeically the youngest Cartwright.  Bruno-the bartender, and good friend of the Cartwrights, overheard what the men were saying, and it got very upset at what they were talking about.  He montioned for Stella, one of the saloon girls to come over to the bar for a minute.  He asked her if she heard what the men were talking about and she told him " yes" had had heard what they were saying.  Bruno told her to go and get sheriff Coffee right away, which she did.
  " Sheriff Coffee" she said as she opened the door to his office.  Clem stood up and asked her what she wanted sheriff Coffee for.  She told him about what Tom,  Clint and Stan were saying over at the saloon.  " Stella, are you sure?" asked Clem.  " Yes I'm Clem.  I heard them.  Everyone in the saloon heard them too"  she told Clem.  About that time Sheriff Coffee walked in, and Clem and Stella told him what Stella had just told him. 
  The three of them walked back over to the saloon.  Tom, Clint and Stan had by now, passed out totally drunk.  " Roy, did these men really kill Little Joe?" asked Bruno.  " No Bruno, but they shot the boy in the back though.  He is going to be fine, but he is very weak". Roy told Bruno.  "THANK GOD" said Bruno. 
  Bill Anderson helped Roy and Clem take Tom, Clint and Stan over to the jail.  " Thanks Bill for your help" said Roy.  " My pleasure Roy.  Why would anyone shoot down a boy.  Poor Little Joe" said Bill as he shook his head.
  Dr. Martin was very happy that Little Joe's fever had not gone up at all.  Paul, he is still in some pain though" said Ben.  "I know Ben, and he will be for several more days. The wound is starting to heal nicely too.  Thank God there is no sign of infection.  Keep getting him to eat broth at least through tomorrow.  Then he can start to have solid food again.  Make sure he also keeps getting a lot of bed rest.  I'll leave some more pain medication for him. Give it to him every 6 hours.  That will help him rest better too.  I think he is going to be just fine now.  He will start to feel better in a few more days" Paul told the Cartwrights.  " Thank you Paul" said Ben.  " He is a very lucky boy, Ben" said Paul as he looked down at the sleeping child. 
  When they got back down stairs, there was a knock at the door. Adam went to open the door. " Hi Roy" he said.  " Hi Adam" said Roy as he walked into the room.  " How is our favorite little boy doing Paul?" asked Roy.  " He's fine Roy.  He is still weak, but he will be fine in a few more days" said Paul.  " Now, that is wonderful news" Roy said with a big smile on his face.  "Just thought I'd let everyone know that I have arrested Tom Weston, and the Andrew brothers for shooting Little Joe" Roy told them.  " Where did you find them Roy?" asked Ben.  " They were at the Bucket of Blood.  They were totally drunk, and they were bragging about shooting Little Joe.  Ben, everyone in the saloon heard them.  Bruno had sent Stella to get me.  Clem was there and when I came in, we headed over to the saloon .  When we got there, they had passed out.  Bill Anderson helped Clem and me get them over to the jail.  I have charged them with attempted murder" Roy told them all.  " We had an idea it was them" said Ben.  " Well, I've got to get back to town now.  I'll ride along with ya Paul" said Roy.  " Bye" they all said-and
  The next day, Little Joe felt just a little better, but he was still very tired.  Adam and Hoss were with their little brother, while Ben was at his desk.  There was a knock on the door, and when Benopened the door, he saw Nell Weston standing there.  " Hi Nell, how nice to see" said Ben.  " Hi Ben.  Its nice to see you too" she said.  " Please, Nell come in" Ben said to her.  " Thank you Ben.   How is Little Joe?  Ben, I'm so sorry that he was shot" Nell said softly.  " Please Nell, sit down. Little Joe is going to be fine.  He is very weak, and a little sore, but he is doing good" Ben told her.  " Would you like some coffee Nell?"asked Ben.  " Yes Ben, that would be nice, but can I see Little Joe first please?' she asked.  " Sure, come with me" Ben said.  They went up to the boys' room.
  Adam and Hoss looked up and smiled at Mrs. Weston.  " Hi, Mrs. Weston" they both said.  " Hi boys" she answered back to them.  " Is Little Joe awake Adam?"
  asked Ben.  "Hi Pa, I'm awake" he said softly.   " You have a visitor sweetheart" said Ben.  " Hi Mrs. Weston" said the boy.  " Hi Little Joe.  How are you feeling honey?" she asked.  Ben, Adam and Hoss left the room and went down stairs.  " I'm OK ma'am" he said.  Nell sat down , and she took hold of the boys hand.  " Little Joe, I'm so very sorry that you got hurt.  I'm so sorry that Tom, Clint and Stan did this to you honey.  I never thought they could have done something like that.  I feel so bad" Nell told the boy.  She had tears in her eyes.  " Mrs. Weston, please don't feel bad.  You had notin' to do with what happend.  Please don't be sad.  I'm gonna be fine.  I feel better today" he told her. 

 " Honey, I'm just so thankful that you are going to fine.  When I heard that Tom, Clint and Stan had tried to kill you, I just couldn't believe it.  I have decided to leave Tom and go back to New York where I came from.  I just wanted to say good bye to you and your family honey.  You and your family's friendship has been so special to me all these years.  You take care of yourself honey" she said as she got up and she leaned over and gave Little Joe a hug and kiss.  " Thank you Mrs. Weston.  I will miss you" said the boy.  Nell left the room. 
  A couple of hours later, Ben walked into his sons room with a tray that had a bowl of broth, a slice of bread, and a glass of milk on it.   " Here son, I want you to eat this and drink your milk too" said Ben.  "Thanks Pa, but I'm not really that hungry" said Little Joe.  " Just eat what you can then" said Ben with a smile on his face.  " Pa, please stay here with me" asked the boy.  " I'd be happy to sweetheart.  Now at least try to eat something.  It will keep Hop Sing from getting upset"  Ben told him.  " OK Pa.  Don't want to upset Hop Sing" he said as he smiled at Ben. 
  A month later, Tom Weston, Clint and Stan Andrew were all found guilty of attempted murder, and sentenced to 30 years in prison. 
  Little Joe recovered from his rifle shot wound, and was soon back at school, doing his chores and getting into mischief again too.