By:  Lynne G.


Ben Cartwright finally had the delivery date for one hundred head of cattle that he would soon deliver to Sacramento.  The cattle drive would take about one week, so Ben decided that Hoss, his very large 13 year old son could come along to help.  Also making the trip was Ben's oldest son 20 year old Adam, and several ranch hands.


" Pa, can I come too?" asked Ben's youngest son, seven year old Little Joe.  The boy wanted so much to do everything his older brothers did on the Ponderosa, the huge family ranch.  That meant the boy also wanted to help with the cattle drives as well.


Little Joe was a big help with some of the easier jobs, but he was so small for his age, that Ben didn't want the boy doing the harder jobs.


" Joseph, I'm sorry son, but you are too young to go on cattle drives yet.  I really appreciate your offer though.  When you are older, then you can come along too," Ben told his sad looking little boy.   Little Joe got up from the table, left the house and headed towards the barn, but before he walked out the door, he turned around and shouted, " IT AIN'T FAIR !"


Over the next couple of days before the cattle drive would start, Ben was so pre-occupied with ranch work, banking business, and planning the cattle drive, that he just figured that Hop Sing would be staying home to take care of Little Joe.  Little did he know, that Hop Sing had thought the boy would be staying with the Devlin's, and he had made plans to go and visit with his family members in Virginia City and Carson City.  He would be gone the entire week also.


In the early morning hours of the cattle drive, Little Joe had been too angry to sleep, so he got up early, got dressed, grabbed his lunch and headed off to school.  Ben was upset that his little son had left so early that he didn't get the chance to say 'good bye' to him.


The day seemed to go slow for Little Joe.  He was with his best friend, Mitch Devlin at lunch.  He wasn't very hungry, so he only had one bite of his sandwich.  He rewrapped his sandwich and put it back in his lunch pail along with his cookies, another sandwich, and an apple.  He was sleepy since he didn't sleep the night before.


He got home from school on time, and he led his horse, Star into the barn where he unsaddled him, rubbed him down, fed and watered him.  Then he grabbed his lunch pail and saddle bags and walked towards the house.  Once inside the house, he laid his lunch pail, and saddle bags on the credenza and shouted, " HOP SING.  I'M HOME.  HOP SING."


He walked into the kitchen looking for Hop Sing, but he was nowhere to be found.  He checked out in the garden, but no Hop Sing.  He ran upstairs shouting, " HOP SING ", but no answer.  He checked each room upstairs, but again, no Hop Sing. 


He was now feeling very lonely, and scared.  He went into his room and looked around, and then he walked over to his new toy bear, Brownie, who was sitting on Little Joe's old rocking horse.  The child picked up his bear and asked him where Hop Sing was.


Brownie had been a gift from Ben on his last trip to San Francisco on business three months ago.  Ben had walked past a toy store close to the hotel he was staying at, when he noticed the large bear sitting in the window of the toy store.  In his mind, he could picture this bear with his youngest boy.  The bear was 23 inches tall, fully jointed, and was made from brown wavy mohair.  So Ben bought the for Little Joe. 


After Ben had bought the bear, he saw a children's clothing store, so he went into the store to look around.  Soon he had found a small shirt, jeans, socks and a little green jacket that were all a perfect match to the clothes that Little Joe wore, only in a smaller size.  He bought the clothes, then he headed back to his hotel room.


Once in his room, Ben dressed the bear in the small clothes that he had just bought.  After Ben had the bear dressed, he laughed to himself at the site of the bear, who was now dressed like Little Joe.  The only things he needed now were a small pair of boots and a hat.


The next day, Ben went shopping again, this time for Adam and Hoss.  While he was in one of the shops, he found a small pair of boots, and a small hat, that would fit the bear, so he bought them.  He also found some things for Adam and Hoss.


After Ben returned to his room, he put the boots and hat on the bear, and he laughed at the bear.  He couldn't wait to get home and see the look on Little Joe's face when the boy saw the bear.  


When Ben arrived in Virginia City, Adam and Hoss met him, and when they saw the bear, they both started to laugh.  They thought their father looked pretty silly holding a large dressed toy bear in his arms when he stepped out of the stage, but they did tell Ben that.


About three hours after Ben had returned to the Ponderosa, Little Joe rode into the yard from school.  Adam went to the door-opened it and called to Little Joe to please come into the house.


As the boy came into the house, he saw Ben standing there.  " Papa-yer home,"  the boy yelled as he ran over to Ben and leaped into his arms.  " Oh, Papa, I missed you so much," cried the boy.  " Hi sweetheart.  I missed you so much too,"  Ben said as he hugged and kissed his little boy.


Ben stood his son back on the floor and told him to go over to the sattee for a big surprise.  When Little Joe saw the dressed bear, he yelled excitedly, " Oh Papa" as he picked up his new bear.  " I love him Papa, and he's dressed just like me too !"   " He sure is sweetheart.  As soon as I saw him in the toy store in San Francisco, I knew he should belong to you,"  Ben told his excited son.  " Thank you so much Papa," said Little Joe as he tired to give Ben a big hug while holding onto his bear.   Adam and Hoss were getting a real kick out of the sight of their baby brother and his new bear.  " What are you going to name your bear son?" asked Ben.  Little Joe put the bear's mouth up to his ear as if the bear was talking to him.  He got a big smile on his face and he said," his name is Brownie, Papa.  He just told me that was his name," said the boy as he hugged his bear.


" Gee Brownie, looks like we are home by ourselves," the boy sadly told his bear as they came back down the stairs. 

" You can come with me while I feed the animals and do my chores Brownie.  I gotta take my wooden gun with me in case some bad men come along while we are outside."


Little Joe carried Brownie with him as they went outside to feed the animals and do the chores.  When the  boy had finished with everything outside, he made sure the barn door was closed up for the night.


When he and Brownie were back inside in the house, Little Joe made sure all the doors and windows were locked.  He did his homework quickly while there was still some daylight coming through the windows.


By now the house was getting colder inside, and  he wanted to start a fire in the fireplace, but he knew he wasn't suppose to touch the matches.  He couldn't even light the lamps, because he would have to use matches.  Luckily there was a full moon that night, so the moonlight was coming through the windows.


Little Joe sat Brownie in Ben's chair while he went into the guest room to get some quilts and a pillow.  He took his wooden gun with him-just incase he saw monsters. 


" Brownie, I think we better spend the night down here cos it might be safer.   I don't know about Brownie, but I'm scared, cos at night is when the monsters come out ta get people.  We don't want them monsters ta get us, do we Brownie?"


Little Joe made up a bed on the sattee for he and Brownie.  " I'm gonna get me a glass of milk now Brownie, so you watch out for them monsters, OK ?"


Little Joe slowly walked towards the kitchen with his wooden gun in his hand.  When he got to the kitchen he made sure his gun was pointing straight ahead.


When he entered the kitchen he peeked in and he shouted, " OK, you monsters, ya better not be there, cos I gotta get a glass of milk now.  I gots my gun with me too, so I can shoot ya if'n ya scare me," 


He quickly ran into the kitchen, and got a glass of milk.  On his way back to the sattee, he grabbed his lunch pail.  Then he walked over to the sattee and sat down.  " It's a good thing I saved my lunch Brownie, cos now I have some dinner,"  He slowly ate his sandwich, and one cookie.  " I gotta save the rest of this food fer tomorrow.  He felt so lonely all of a sudden, as he looked around the big empty room, and he sighed. 


After he finished his milk, he went to the kitchen to wash his glass. " You monsters better not be in here, cos I'll shoot ya if'n you are-ya know.  Oh no, I gotta use the outhouse now, so monsters, please don't get me ya hear ?"


Once Little Joe was back in the house and the back door was again locked, he walked over to Brownie and he took the bear's hat, jacket and boots off.  Then he took his own boots off.  He then picked up Brownie, and he and the bear snuggled together under the quilts.  He kept his gun in his hand- just in case he needed to use it.


He tried so hard to sleep, but he was just too scared too, plus in his young mind, he thought he kept hearing all kinds of noises in the house.  " Monsters, ya leave me and Brownie alone.  Go scare someone else-please,"  As he laid there hold Brownie, the tears ran down his face. 

At one point, he must have fallen asleep for a few minutes, because the next thing her heard was the grandfather clock chime 5 am.  He sat up and slowly rubbed his sleepy eyes.  He got up and he laid Brownie back under the quilts. 


He walked out to the kitchen and out the back door to use the outhouse again.  Then he went to feed and water the animals, muck out the stalls and gather the eggs up.


He went back into the house and poured himself a glass milk, and ate a dried out biscuit that he had found in the kitchen.  The milk helped wash down the biscuit.  He washed the glass and his face in the cold water.  " Brownie, I gotta go ta school now, so I'm gonna get ta up now.  Ya don't have ta worry about monsters during the daytime.  I love ya Brownie.  You be a good bear today and I will see ya later," he told his bear as he hugged and kissed the bear.  He made sure the front door was locked when he left.


At school, he didn't tell anyone that he was home all alone.  He didn't even tell Mitch either.  As he did the day before, he saved part of his lunch so he could have some dinner that night. 


After school, he went over to the mail office to pick up the mail, and then he rode straight home.


After he took care of Star, he took his lunch pail and saddle bags and headed to the house.  He unlocked the door, and set his things on the credenza.  He looked around at the big lonely room, and he shouted, " Brownie, I'm home," as he ran over to the bear, and gave it a big hug and kiss.  " I missed ya Brownie.  Did ya have a good day?  We gots chores ta do again,"  As he walked out the door, he sat Brownie down in the rocking chair on the porch, while he did his chores, fed and watered the animals.  He even milked the cow, and he took the milk and put it in the ice box in the kitchen.  He again closed up the barn for the night. 


He quickly did his homework.  He was happy because there wasn't much homework to do that night.  When he finished up his homework, he double checked to see that the doors and window were all locked.  Then he poured himself a glass of milk.  For dinner that night, all he had was an apple and the glass of milk. 


When he finished his milk, he headed for the kitchen to wash his glass, but first he checked to see if there were any monsters there.  Then he made a quick trip to the outhouse, all the while on the out look for monsters. 


As he and Brownie snuggled under the quilts, Little Joe couldn't stop the tears from running down his face.  Again he held onto his gun. 


The next couple of days were a repeat of the first couple of days, except now, he didn't have anything to eat, and he was hungry.  He checked to make sure there weren't any monsters around at night.  He barely slept at all, and he was lucky if he got an hour of sleep each night. He was just too scared to sleep. 


Finally it was Saturday and day five  of being alone.  After he and Brownie finshed up all the chores, Little Joe decided that he and Brownie would go for a ride.  It was a very cool day, so the boy put his jacket on, and he made sure that Brownie had his jacket on too. 


Little Joe saddled Star, put Brownie in the saddle and he led his pony out into the yard.  He close up the barn, got on Star with Brownie sitting in front of him and they rode out of the yard.


" Brownie, we're gonna go talk to mama for a while."  They finally reached Marie's grave, got off Star and walked over to the grave, sat down and he put Brownie on his lap.  " Hi mama, me and Brownie came ta talk ta ya.  Mama, I'm so lonely with everyone gone.  It's so scary being home without Papa, Adam, Hoss and Hop Sing.  I'm takin' really good care of all the animals, and doin' all my chores too.  I'm so hungry mama cos I ain't got nothin' ta eat.  I'm so tired too, cos it's too scary ta sleep at night.  I don't want them monsters ta get me or Brownie.


He sat there holding Brownie and cried for a long time.  " Mama, me and Brownie gotta get back home now.  Gotta do chores and take care of the animals before them monsters come out.  I love ya mama.  I miss ya so much mama.  Please make Papa, Adam, Hoss and Hop Sing come home soon.  Bye mama." he said as he stood up and wipped his tears away.


After he and Brownie had finished all the chores, fed and watered all the animals, he decided that he had better chop some wood and to make sure that all the wood boxes were full.  He even put wood in the fireplace and the cook stove in the kitchen too.


The lack of food and sleep was now taking a toll on the little boy.  He was getting weak, and very light headed.  Everytime he stood up, he was very dizzy and his tummy was non-stop growling.


On day six, the boy was barely able to got up from the sattee.  It had been four days since he had something to eat.  He forced himself up to get up and do all the chores.  " You stay here Brownie, cos I don't want ya gettin' wet in the rain."  


It took Little Joe much longer to do the chores, and feed and water the animals that morning.  He didn't care if he got wet from the rain.  He felt so light headed and weak.  He also felt like he was going to pass out too.  As he walked towards the house, he passed out on the porch.


A couple of hours later, his family rode into the yard and straight into the barn where they took care of their horses.  "It's great to be back home again," said Ben.  Adam and Hoss agreed with that statement.


As they walked out of the barn, they saw Little Joe laying on the porch not moving.  They ran over to him, shouting his name.  They kneeled down next to the unconscious boy, and Ben slowly turned him over onto his back.  " JOSEPH" shouted Ben as he felt the child' forehead for a fever, and was so relieved when he didn't feel one.  " Joseph, please sweetheart open your eyes," begged Ben.  There was no response.  Ben picked up his rain soaked and shivering baby son and carried him into the house, and straight up to his room. 


"Pa, what's wrong with him?" asked a very concerned Adam and Hoss.  " I don't know boys," said Ben


After they got the child dried and into his nightshirt, they covered him with several quilts.  Adam, please go and get Dr. Martin, and ask him to please hurry," Ben told Adam.

Adam left instantly to Virginia City


" Little Joe, please baby open your eyes for Papa," Ben begged again as he held the little boy's hand.  " Come on punkin, open them eyes," Hoss said to his little brother. 


Finally a very weak, " Papa, yer home, " was all Little Joe said.  Ben held his son to his chest, and he kissed the child's head.  " Is he alright Pa?" asked Hoss.  " I don't know son.  He seems so weak and exhausted for some reason.  I just don't understand it," said a very concerned Ben.  Little Joe was now crying.  "Shhh... it's alright now sweetheart.  Papa's home precious,"  said Ben softly to his little boy.  " Papa-don't leave me," begged the trembling child. 


Hoss went to the window when he heard a horse enter the yard.  " Pa, it's Hop Sing," said a now confused Hoss.  " I wonder where he has been?" asked Ben.  Hoss just shook his head as he left the room to greet Hop Sing .


" Hop Sing, where have you been?" asked Hoss.  " I go visit my family while family gone," said Hop Sing wondering why Hoss was asking him this.  " Hop Sing, you weren't here with Little Joe?" asked Hoss.  " Little boy stay at Devlin's, not here," said Hop Sing who was getting worried about Little Joe. " Oh Hop Sing, we thought that you and Little Joe were here." said Hoss.  " You mean little boy here by self?" asked Hop Sing, who was now feeling really upset with himself.  " It's lookin' like that Hop Sing," Hoss told him.  " We found him laying on the porch unconscious when we got home a little while ago.  He was all wet from the rain.  Adam's gone to get Dr. Martin now. 


Hoss and Hop Sing ran up the stairs to Little Joe's room. " Mr. Cartlight, I thought liitle boy stay at Devlin's.  Hop Sing gone all week visiting family in Virginia City and Carson City.  Not know little boy home alone." Hop Sing told Ben. 


" Hop Sing, it isn't your fault.  It's mine.  I just figured that you would be here with Little Joe.  I should have thought to find out before we left for the cattle drive.  My poor baby !! He must have been so scared." said Ben feeling so sorry for his baby son.


" Little Joe, sweetheart, have you been home all by yourself while we were all gone?" asked Ben  " Yes Papa.  Just Brownie and me.  We did all the chores, and took care of all the animals too.  I went to school everyday too Papa.  We stayed down stairs at night, cos we didn't want monsters gettin' us.  It was so scary.  Papa, I haven't had anything to eat for four days.  I'm so hungry," Little Joe weakly told Ben.  When Hop Sing heard that, he rushed down to the kitchen to make something for the child to eat.


" Oh baby, I'm so sorry.  I hope you can forgive me for you having to be home all alone.  Why didn't you go over to the Devlin's sweetheart?" asked Ben.  " I dunno," said a sleepy little boy.  Hoss was in tears after hearing all about his baby brother being home alone, scared and hungry. 


Dr. Paul Martin and Adam entered the room.  " Paul, I'm so happy you are here," said Ben.   " Hi Ben.   Adam told me how you found Little Joe," said Paul.  Adam walked over to see his little brother and he leaned down to the bed and gave the child a kiss on his forehead.  " How are you feeling little buddy?" asked Adam.  " Hungry and so tired," the child softly told Adam.


" Oh Paul.  Little Joe just told us that he was home alone for six days.  He hasn't had anything to eat for four days now and he didn't sleep either.  He was so scared," Ben sadly told Paul.   " Let me have a look at him Ben," said Paul


" Hi little Joe.  How do you feel son?" asked Paul.  " I'm so hungry and sleepy," the boy said weakly.  " I'm dizzy too."

Paul continued to exam the boy.  When he finished his exam, he told the worried family that Little Joe would be just fine.  " He needs food and sleep now.  The most important thing first is he needs to eat.  Not too much, and nothing solid for a couple of days.  Just several small meals a day for a couple of days until his stomach is use to food again.  Then he can eat anything he wants." Paul told Ben.  " Hop Sing is making some broth for him now,"  said Ben.  " That's great, Ben," said Paul. " Ben, Little Joe also seems to be emotionally exhausted as well.  Give him lots of love and attention too.  He really needs that now,"  said Paul.


" Papa, where's Brownie?" asked Little Joe.  " Here he is punkin," said Hoss as he handed the bear to his little brother.  " Thanks Hoss," said a very tired Little Joe as he hugged Brownie. 


" Sweetheart, you took really good care of the animals.  I'm so proud of you so," said Ben.  " Thanks Papa," said Little Joe.


Within three hours, Little Joe had eaten bowl of broth, and some toast.  " Papa, can I have some fried chicken please?" asked the boy.  " Sweetheart, Paul said it's broth and soft food for a couple of days.  You don't want your tummy to be upset now do you?" asked Ben.  The child looked at Ben and said, " Ok, but after that can I have some fried chicken please?"  " You sure can precious.  Now, I want you to get a good night sleep sweetheart.  Do you need to use the pot first?" asked Ben.  " Yes Papa," said a very sleepy little boy. 


Now he was ready to go to sleep.  As he snuggled under his quilts with Brownie laying beside him, he yawned and asked Ben, " Papa, are all the monsters gone now?"  " Yes they are sweetheart.  Now close your eyes and go to sleep baby," Ben told his son.  " I love you Papa," said Little Joe as he fell into a deep sleep.  " I love you too precious," said Ben with a tear in his eyes. 


Ben kissed his baby boy on the forehead, and again told the sleeping child that he loved him.  Ben sat there for several minutes and watched his little boy sleep.  He thanked God for keeping his son safe while he was alone.


        THE END


Footnote:  Brownie was an idea I had from my 28 inch tall chocolate brown wavy mohair Steiff teddy bear, which is a replica of the 1907 Steiff teddy bear.  My bear wears jean overalls, and a blue bandana around his neck. 


Teddy bears first appeared in 1902.  Both the USA, and Germany lay claim to be the first to come out with teddy bears.


In the USA, in New York City, a Russian immigrant, Morris Michtom and his wife Rose, owned a toy store.  Rose had made a toy bear and she put it in the window of their store.  The bear sold almost as soon as she put it in the window.  So she made more bears, and they too, sold right away. 


The idea to make the bears in the first place was that in 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt had gone to Mississippi to go bear hunting.  The men that were with him catured a black bear, which they tied to a tree, and they wanted the President to shoot the bear.  Roosevelt refused to shoot the bear, and soon the story about Roosevelt and the bear spread around the country. 


The popular political cartoonist back then was Clifford K. Berryman, and he started to draw cartoons about Roosevelt and the bear hunt which he called, " DRAWING THE LINE IN MISSISSIPPI." 


Morris Michtom had an idea of calling the toy bears, " Teddy's bear" after Teddy Roosevelt.  He wrote a letter to Roosevelt asking permission to name the bear's, " Teddy's bear."  Roosevelt wrote a handwritten letter back to Michtom giving his permission. 


In 1903, the Michtom's presented their bears to the Butler Brothers, which was a large wholesale company, and the company bought the entire stock of bears.


Butler Brothers decided to back the Michtom's credit, and plus the production mills, and in a year of mass production, the Ideal Novelty and Toy Store started up.  In 1938, the company shortened it's name to the Ideal Toy Company..


In Germany, Margaret Steiff started the Steiff Toy Company in 1880.  The first animals the company made were elephants.  Some of the felt elephants were given to the village children, and the others were sold in toy stores.  Other felt animals were also made.


Her nephew, Richard Steiff, loved to do sketches of all kinds of animals, with bears being his favorites.  He would spend the day at the local zoo sketching the animals.  He finally convenced his aunt Margaret to make toy bears, which she agreed to do.  That was in 1902, at the same time Rose Michtom started to make her bears in New York City


Richard Steiff's granddaughter, Susanna Steiff Pinyuh, lives here in Washington State, and she is a member of our teddy bear club, NW CLUB TED, that I help run.  We are the largest teddy bear club in this country, with around 200 members.



The End