The Rattlesnake


By:  Stephanie James

July 2003



The Cartwright brothers were plodding slowly across the Arizona desert from Tucson back to Yuma.  They were tired, cranky and above all HOT!  The hotelkeeper in Yuma had cautioned the brothers from making the trek saying the June heat in Arizona is nothing to shake a stick at, especially for folks not used to it.   In fact, he had told them desert weather was tricky, as miserably hot as it got during the day, it could get equally cold at night.   But there was a prize bull in Tucson and the Cartwrights couldn’t come this close and not at least take a look, not after the disappointing stock they’d seen in Yuma.  Ben, of course, had been leery.  He didn’t want his boys to go alone, but he had contract meetings…that was the reason for the trip to Yuma in the first place.   He had brought Adam to help him with all the details and review the fine print.  He had brought Hoss along to check out the breeding stock and Joseph, well Ben brought him along because he knew he couldn’t leave the mischievous 15 year old home alone.


But now he had that mischievous 15 year old in Yuma with too much time on his hands.  Ben’s meetings were taking longer than he anticipated.   The boys were bored.  There wasn’t much to occupy them in Yuma.  Ben had hoped they would acquire the breeding stock and that would occupy Hoss and Joe.  But the stock just not up to Ponderosa standards, so Ben decided not to buy it.  That left Hoss and Joe with nothing but time.  Adam too was chaffing with boredom.  Ben no longer needed Adam’s help with the contracts as they were just haggling now, but that could go on and on.  So when word came of the bull in Tucson the boys jumped at the opportunity to go check it out.  They all knew it would be 3 or 4 long, hot days on the trail, but at least it was something to do.  And if the bull turned out to be as good as they had been told then that would make up for the dismal stock they reviewed in Yuma. So they started in on Ben.


“It sounds like a perfect opportunity, Pa.  Adam stated calmly.  “And an efficient use of our time, instead of just sitting around…


“…Sweating!”  Hoss interjected and Adam shot him an annoyed glare. 


“Well if you think it’s hot just sitting around, it’ll be much hotter riding through that desert,” Ben retorted with authority.


“Ah, come on Pa it’s just dad blame hot everywhere, here and in the desert….what’s the difference!”  Hoss complained, but when Adam shot him another look he changed his tactics and his tone.    “Adam’s right though Pa.  How often do we get down to these parts?  Seems ta me like a right good opportunity to check out a prize bull.”


Joe had been surprisingly quiet during the conversation and looked up when he felt his father’s look fall upon him.  


“Don’t look at me, I’ll be perfectly happy to stay right here, there’s a nice looking little gal in that saloon, I’d like to get to know.”  Joe stated boldly and without a hint of the smile, he was trying to hide.  But he knew that comment would sway his father.  


“OH really, young man!”  Ben thundered, falling into Joe’s trap.  “Well that saloon is no place for you, so you just get your gear together and be ready to ride to Tucson with your brothers.”


Okay Pa, whatever you say.”  Joe said sweetly. He grinned at his brothers as he walked by and whispered softly, “Sometimes logic just don’t work.”


Hoss and Adam both chuckled, but quickly coughed and cleared their throats to hide their amusement.  Ben studied his two older sons and realized he’d been hood winked yet again by his youngest. 


Ben smiled and shook his head then said, “All right you can go, but we need to sit down and discuss this, Adam…I have some concerns,” Ben added with a slight nod of his head toward Joe.   



After Ben left for his meeting Adam and Hoss sat together in their suite.  “There’s no gal in the saloon is there, Adam?  I mean Joe ain’t been in there but once and all the gals we saw then, well they weren’t Joe’s type…I mean they was a bit old.”  Hoss said shyly.


Adam smiled as he replied, “No I don’t think so.  I guess it’s like he said, sometimes logic just doesn’t work.  Our little brother surely knows what buttons to push.  I just hope he doesn’t push mine as we’re crossing that desert.”


Hoss just smiled.




The next morning the brothers were ready to go.  They were traveling light, but decided to bring a packhorse for supplies and extra water.  Each also had their bedroll and a light jacket. 


“I still don’t see why we need to haul along these jackets,” Joe complained as he tied his blue jacket on his saddle with his bedroll. 


“Come night fall you won’t be asking that question, little brother, you’ll be thanking Pa cause he made you bring it,” Hoss chided.


“Hoss is right Joe.  We’ve been in town at night, but out on that desert, it can get cold.  Remember what that hotel clerk said,” Adam tried to explain, Joe just shrugged his shoulders.


“You boys ready to go?”  Ben asked as he came up behind Joe and put his hand on his neck giving it a loving squeeze. 


“I think so Pa,” Adam replied.


“Yup, we’ve got enough water for a wagon train, enough food for the army and…” Joe said sarcastically.


“And enough sass, young man.”  Ben said sternly.  “You can never be too careful when you’re traveling through dangerous country.  I want you to remember that Joseph.  You need to keep your wits about you all the time.”


“Yes sir, I’m sorry, Pa.  We’ll be careful,” Joe, said contritely and when his father arched his eyebrow, Joe added.  I’ll be careful and I’ll listen to Adam.”


“Not only listen Joseph, obey. Please son, for my sake.”  Ben urged in a worried tone of voice.


“Yes sir, I promise.”  Joe said with a smile as he moved toward his father for a quick hug before departure.  “I love you Pa,” Joe added softly so only his father could hear.


“I love you too, boy.”  Ben said just as softly as he turned the boy toward his horse.


“Bye, Pa.  Hopefully we’ll bring back a mighty fine bull with us.”  Hoss said with enthusiasm.


“I hope so too, son.  Use your best judgment.  If he’s not just right, then pass, okay?”


Sure thing Pa.  Good luck in them meetin’s.”  Hoss added as he mounted. 


“Thank you son.  Good luck to you boys too.”  Ben replied as he turned to Adam reaching his hand out to shake hands with his eldest. 


“Have a safe trip son.  Take care of yourself and those two rapscallions, too.”  Ben said with a smile.


“I will Pa, try not to worry.   What could go wrong?”  Adam said with a chuckle.


“Don’t tempt fate boy.  Just be careful, you shouldn’t have any trouble though.  I double checked and there is no Indian trouble between here and Tucson and aside from being hot the weather shouldn’t be a problem…” Ben listed possible problems until Adam cut him off.


“Pa!”  Adam interjected and grinned.  “We’ll be fine, really.  We’ll be back before you have a chance to miss us.”  And with that he mounted and started out of Yuma.


Ben stood in the street waving at his sons and smiled as Joe turned and waved calling out, “Bye Pa.  Ben knew he was being foolish as tears welled in his eyes, but he was missing them already.  “Be careful” his whispered to himself.




The trip to Tucson was uneventful.  They made good time and were there in two days.  But it was complete waste of time.  The ‘prize’ bull they went to see was a scrawny piece of leather pulled over bones.  Disgusted, the Cartwrights didn’t even spend the night in Tucson they simply turned their horse back toward Yuma and began the journey back.  The excitement and anticipation that had buoyed their spirits through the heat was gone once they saw the bull.  Now the return trip was marred by ill temper and short fuses fueled by disappointment and heat.


“Well I guess these Arizona ranchers just don’t know good stock, like us Nevada ranchers,” Joe said lightly trying to lighten the mood.


“Yes, ‘us’ Nevada ranchers indeed,” Adam retorted snidely.


Joe responded by making a face at his eldest brother.


Adam knew he was being unfair and he chuckled quietly as he thought, Joe has behaved himself throughout the trip and he’s just as hot and tired as me.  Yet, Adam continued to think, he was surprisingly uncomplaining. Adam rationalized his mood by cursing the heat:  it was just so hot, and his brother was driving him crazy, but not the one he expected to be a problem.  It was his normally pleasant, easy-going brother who was on the warpath with the weather.


“It’s just so dad blame hot here,” Hoss whined as sweat rolled down the sides of his face.

“I know now why we ain’t seen no critters in this desert,” Hoss continued, “what self respecting animal would willingly live where it’s so HOT!”  He said bitterly as he took off his hat and wiped his brow. 


“Hey Hoss I thought it was cold weather you didn’t like, this ain’t so bad if you don’t think about it,” Joe offered his way of thinking to his brother.


“Ain’t so bad, ain’t so bad,” Hoss repeated.  “This is worse than bad, Joe, this is gotta be what it’s like in Hell.”  Hoss said seriously, but Joe only laughed. 


“So you don’t like the cold and now you don’t like it warm,” Joe continued to chuckle.


“Warm!” Hoss shouted.  “This ain’t warm Joe, this is down right HOT!  And I don’t like it any better than I like being cold.  Can’t a fella just be comfortable?” 


“Not today Hoss,” Joe offered and smiled as Hoss again removed his hat to wipe his brow.  Then his struggled out of his vest and continued to complain.


Joe just rode along now, sorry he had fueled his brother’s tirade.  It had started when they left Tucson and continued intermittently ever since.  In fact, most everything Hoss had said had something to do with the heat.  Joe took notice to Hoss’s bad mood and the effect it was having on Adam and wisely stayed quiet.


“Ya know what kind of animal lives in this HEAT?!”  Hoss bellowed and Joe just shrugged, knowing Hoss would answer his own question whether anyone asked or not.


“Well I’ll tell ya.  It’s a monster that’s what…a Gila monster…Yup monsters and snakes is about the only critters stupid enough to live where it’s so dad burn hot!!  And there’s not even a breeze, nothing to cool ya just a bit…”  Hoss rambled on until Adam exploded.


“SHUT UP!”  Adam thundered and shocked Hoss.  “Will you please just shut up about the heat?  We all know it’s hot, but if you can’t do anything about it, then please be quiet.  Honestly Hoss I expected more from you.  I thought for sure Joe would be going on and on, but not you! 


“Hey, I ain’t done nothing,” Joe defended himself hurt by Adam’s accusations.


“I know Joe and I’m sorry.  We’re all hot, tired and disappointed.  It’s been a long trip for nothing.  Look there’s only an hour or so before sundown.  Let’s see if we can find some shade and set up camp for the night.   Then we can get an early start in the morning before it gets too hot.” Adam reasoned.


“Shade! There ain’t no shade in this God forsaken country,” Hoss started up again but as Adam let out a big sigh, the big man looked to him contritely, “I’m sorry Adam.  I’ll try and stop complaining.  But it’s hard cause it so….”


“HOT” Both Adam and Joe finished his sentence and laughed.  Hoss joined in and all three brothers shared a hearty laugh.


The Cartwrights set up camp and tended their horses.  They made a small fire, prepared dinner and set up their bedrolls.  As the sun set the brothers sat in companionable silence and sipped their coffee.  Finally Hoss broke the quiet, “Ah,” he said as he exhaled.  “It’s finally cooling off.  Now this feels better.” Hoss smiled as he slipped his leather vest back on. 


Adam chuckled.  It was good to see Hoss in a better mood.  “Well enjoy it while you can brother,” Adam suggested good-naturedly, “Because I’d imagine tomorrow will be much like it was today….”

”HOT” Joe shouted from his bedroll.  He was snuggling under his blanket twisting the woolen cloth around his legs like he liked it when he slept on the trail.  He liked the feeling of being all snug.  He rested his head on his upturned saddle and placed his hat over his face then tucked his arm under the blanket.  Once finished he exhaled loudly and said good night.


“Joe, did you put your jacket on, buddy?”  Adam called to him.


“Yup, g’night.”  Came Joe’s sleepily reply. 


Adam and Hoss smiled as their baby brother drifted off to sleep.  “He’s sure a funny one, ain’t he?  At home his covers are all over the place, but here on the trail he’s all wound up in ‘em.”  Hoss explained.


Adam sipped his coffee and nodded.  “He sure has behaved himself this trip.  I’m glad frankly and surprised.” 


“Oh Adam, he’s a good kid.”  Hoss defended his brother.  “It’s probably just the heat that’s keeping him mellow.  It’s just too hot to stir up trouble.”


Adam laughed, “Again with the weather, Hoss.”




“I meant I’m glad he’s not pushing too hard,” Adam explained “I was afraid he’d think I set too slow a pace, but I promised Pa.  Seeing Hoss’s confusion, Adam continued.


“You know how Pa worries about the kid,” Adam said and Hoss shook his head in agreement.  “Well remember a few years ago when Joe was stricken with that sun stroke, trying to save Josephine Walters, well Doctor Martin told Pa, Joe would always be highly susceptible to them now.  So naturally he was worried about Joe and the heat and told me to take it slow and easy and not let the kid get over heated.”


“Oh, and I guess I didn’t help that worry with all my complaining did I?  I’m sorry.”  Hoss said apologetically.


“Don’t worry about it and you were right,” Adam smiled at his largest brother who raised his eyebrows in question.  “It is HOT here.”  Both brothers laughed quietly.  “Let get to bed so we can make an early start in the morning.  Good night Hoss.”


“Good night Adam” Hoss answered and settled onto his bedroll.



Adam rose first the next morning and set about preparing the coffee.  The aroma of the brew is what awoke Hoss. 


“Morning,” Hoss mumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.


“Good morning to you too,” Adam answered.  “You want some coffee?”


“Yup, smells good, too,” Hoss, said accepting the cup from Adam.  “What’s for breakfast?” 


“Well you have a choice this morning.  You can have beans or beans and jerky.  What’ll it be?” Adam said with a smile.


“Hum, that’s a hard choice there, but I think I’ll have beans and a side of jerky,” Hoss chuckled.


“Fine choice sir, I’ll inform the chef,” Adam said also chuckling.


“What about sleeping beauty over there.  Want me to wake him up?” Hoss asked motioning towards Joe.


“No, let him sleep till breakfast is ready.  If we wake him too soon it’s liable to throw off his disposition and I can’t have two brothers in foul moods.” Adam said with a smile.


“You don’t have to worry about me today, big brother.  I’m gonna give Joe’s thinkin’ a try.  It’s only hot if ya think about it.  So I ain’t thinkin’ about it.” Hoss vowed.


“Good luck.  You think it’ll work?” Adam asked unconvinced.


“I doubt it.  It ain’t never worked when I tried to tell myself I ain’t hungry.  How’s them beans comin’?  Hoss said patting his stomach.


“Chef says just a few more minutes sir,” Adam replied with an air of authority.


Once the beans were done, Adam served up three plates full and handed one to Hoss.  “Well it’s about time to break the morning calm,” Adam said nodding his head toward Joe.  “Be my guest.”


“Thanks,”  Hoss grumbled but then smiled, “I think I’ll do it from a distance,”  He said as he picked up a handful of pebbles and began lofting them gently onto his brother.  “Oh Joooooooooooseph,” Hoss called in sing song fashion.  “Time to get-uuuuuuuuuuup.”


Joe made no respond and didn’t even move.  Adam laughed and Hoss tossed a few more pebbled and called again, “Joooooooseph, rise and shine.”  Frustrated, Hoss made a face and turned to Adam.  “He’s just doing that to be ornery.  He must be awake and is tryin’ to make me get up.” 


“Well go get ‘em big fella.”  Adam laughed as he had throughout the wake-up process.  Hoss pulled himself to his feet and lobbed the remaining pebbles at his sleeping brother all at once and shouted, “Come on Joe, get up!”  Hoss made a move towards his brother but Adam grabbed his arm. 


“Hoss,” Adam whispered his voice tight, “did you hear that?” 


“What?”  Hoss asked confused by Adam’s quick change in demeanor.


“Quiet, listen,” Adam ordered and then they heard it again.  The distinct sound of rattlesnake and it was close by.


Hoss’s eyes widened in fear and he quickly scanned the camp.  “Do you see it?”  He asked Adam. 


“NO, but I sure hear it.  It has to be close.” Adam replied and pulled his gun.  Hoss did the same.  “You circle to the right and I’ll go left and listen sharp.”  Adam ordered.


Adam and Hoss moved slowly and quietly each looking intently for the snake. They saw nothing and for a moment they heard nothing.  They looked at each other questioningly. 


“I don’t see nothin’ Adam.  You?”  Hoss called softly.


“No, but we both heard it plain as day,” Adam stated in frustration.


“I know, but maybe he’s moved off,” Hoss suggested and moved over toward Joe and Adam joined him.  As the brother approached their sleeping sibling they heard the tell tale sound again. 


“It’s somewhere near Joe,” Hoss cried in fear. 


“I hear it.  Do you see it Hoss?” Adam searched the ground frantically, as the rattling continued and grew louder the closer they got to Joe.


Then all at once it struck Hoss where the snake was and why they couldn’t see it and in horror, Hoss stammered out his explanation to his brother,  A..A..Adam, I think it’s in the bedroll with Joe.”


“What?”  Adam asked horrified at the suggestion.


“Listen,” Hoss said softly “you go around Joe that way and I’ll go this way and listen. That’s the only place it can be.”


Stepping lightly Adam and Hoss circled their little brother and as the rattling grew in intensity at their nearby presence they each came to the same conclusion.  The snake was in Joe’s bedroll with him and the closer they got to their brother the more agitated the snake became.  Slowly and quietly the brothers withdrew until the rattling eased. 


“OH MY GOD Adam what are we gonna do.  That snake is in there with Joe!”  Hoss cried out.


Adam shook his head in shock.  His lips moved as he stared at Joe, but no words came out.  The horror of it all was too much to consider, but he had to figure out what to do, his brothers were counting on him.  Adam’s mind raced with possibilities:  Had Joe been bitten in the night?   If so, was Joe even still alive?  How could they separate the snake from Joe and keep him from being bitten.  A snakebite out in this desert would be dire at the very least.  As Adam’s mind clouded with questions, Hoss broke into his consciousness.


“Adam,” Hoss cried out again with tears rolling down his face. “What are we gonna do?” 


Adam regained some control of himself and took charge.  “First thing we have to do is figure out if Joe is still alive.”


“ADAM!!!” Hoss cried.


“I’m sorry Hoss, but let’s face it Joe could have been bitten in the night and already be gone,” Adam said gently as Hoss stood shaking his head vehemently.  “Hoss look, look at Joe, he’s in the same position he was last night.  How often does that happen?  He always moves in his sleep.  Now come on.  We need a long stick.”

“A stick,” Hoss said sniffing and rubbing his eyes.


“Yes we need a way to reach Joe without getting too close.  Every time we moved nearer to Joe we irritated the snake and we can’t take any chances or it may bite him…..if it already hasn’t,” Adam explained trying to remain calm, but his stomach was churning and his emotions threatened to overtake him.  But he knew Hoss would fall apart if he saw him breaking down.  There would be time for emotion later, now they had to help Joe, if they still could.


“You go look for a long, sturdy stick… try and make it at least ten feet.  Okay?”  Adam directed.


“Okay, what are you gonna do?”  Hoss asked in a shaky voice.


“I’m gonna get as close as I can and try to talk to Joe.  If he’s still with us, he needs to know to stay still.  If he wakes up and moves, it’s all over.  That snake will strike,” Adam told Hoss.  “Now go find a stick, and Hoss,” Hoss stopped and looked into Adam’s eyes.  He saw the fear there, but said nothing to let on, “It’s going to be alright.  We’ll get the kid out of this, Okay?’


“Sure,” Hoss affirmed, but Adam’s eyes said more than his words and Hoss feared they be bringing a body back to their father. 


Adam moved slowly toward Joe and began to speak softly to his baby brother.  “Joe, Joe you have to lie still boy, you hear me don’t move Joe and stay quiet.  Not a muscle, you hear.  Hoss and I are working on getting you out of this mess.  You just lie still you hear me.”   Adam paused unsure if he should tell his volatile little brother of his predicament.  He probably already knew Adam assumed, but if he didn’t he needed to be told, for any sudden movements could spell disaster. 


“Joe,” Adam continued.  “Joe you have to lie still, you hear me.  Joe there’s a rattler in your bedroll with you, but don’t you worry Hoss and I are going to get you out of this.  You just lie still and let us take care of everything.”  Adam continued to repeat his litany of “lie still’ to his brother until Hoss returned. 


“I found the stick Adam,” Hoss said from behind Adam.  Adam slowly moved back to join Hoss.  “Has he said anything to you Adam?”  Hoss asked choking up again.


“No,” Adam answered and Hoss looked stricken and Adam quickly followed up,  “but I told him to be quiet.”


“What are we gonna do next?”  Hoss asked urgently.


“I’m gonna take the stick and try to move his hat so we can see if” Adam paused as his fears crowded his mind.  He was sure Hoss couldn’t handle it if they removed the hat only to find their brother frozen in death and he was more certain that he himself couldn’t take it either. “…so we can see his face,” Adam corrected himself.  “Come on, but stay behind me.”


Adam approached his brother but got no closer than before and both he and Hoss heard the snake express its aggravation.  Adam and Hoss shared a look of concern but continued, they had to see Joe’s face.


Adam slowly reached the stick toward Joe, all the while continually talking to Joe. “Joe remember to lie still.  I’m going to try and move your hat so we can see your face.  I’m over here to your left.  Just move your eyes toward me and stay still…here goes.”  Adam flicked the hat with the stick and sent it flying away from his brother.  The site before Adam and Hoss was burned into their memories:  Their little brother was indeed alive, but his face spoke of the pure terror he felt as his eyes shot to the left and took in his brothers.   Joe’s eyes were wide with fear and were ringed with dark circles.  Adam and Hoss realized their brother must have lied awake with that snake in his bedroll for most of the night. 


Joe was exhausted by fear and tension, but was overcome by a strange sense of relief now that his brothers were finally aware of his situation.  The snake had joined Joe shortly after everyone settled down for the night.  The desert floor had indeed grown cold and the snake was just seeking a warm place to coil up.  Unfortunately for Joe, he was that place and the snake had chosen to slither under the corner of his blanket and come to rest at his side.  Occasionally throughout the long night the snake moved onto his stomach, but always came back to rest at his right side, it’s head perched on his arm leaving Joe very vulnerable should the snake move to strike.  Joe had remained rigid throughout the night but now hours later, his body was crying out for relief.  His muscles were tight and cramping and Joe knew lying still for much longer would be hard.  But he had no way to tell his brothers for each an attempt at talking or calling out to his brothers only brought on the feared rattling sound.


Hoss was overcome by the look on his brother’s face.  He was relived Joe was still alive, but was scared by the terror on Joe’s face.  Hoss cried out pitifully, “Oh Joe!” 


Adam tried to be strong but when a lone tear rolled down Joe’s face Adam crumbled.  He fell to his knees and place the stick quietly on the ground.  “Don’t cry boy, please Joe.”  Adam all but begged. “We’re gonna get you out of this mess.”


Joe looked pleadingly toward his brother and Adam cringed at the sight, for he knew what his brother wanted.  Joe mouthed one word:  PA.


“Oh Joe, I know you want Pa, boy and don’t worry well get you to your Pa,” Adam said encouragingly.  “But, listen Joe I need to ask you a few questions first and I want you to just mouth yes or no, Okay?  I don’t want you to try and talk.  We don’t want to take any chances with that snake.”  Joe just stared at Adam waiting for the first question. 


“Have you been bitten?” Adam asked tentatively, afraid for the answer.


No.  Both brothers heaved a sigh of relief.


“Has that snake been with you all night, boy?”  Adam asked. 




“Have you gotten any sleep?”  Adam asked trying to gauge his brother’s endurance.




“Is the snake near you?”  Adam needed to know where the snake was to formulate a plan.




“Is it touching you?”  If it were, that would make things hard Adam thought.




“Is it on you?”  Adam asked with a shaky voice.




That would make things nearly impossible, but Adam hid his fears and tried to smile. “Okay Joe, I need to move away for a moment and talk this situation over with Hoss.  Remember don’t move,” Adam reminded his brother as he locked eyes with the frightened boy.  Adams heart broke as once again Joe mouthed:



“I know Joe, I know.  I’ll be right back with you, okay?’  Adam reassured his brother.


Hoss was on the verge of panic as he questioned his brother,  “What are we gonna do, Adam?  That poor kid’s gotta be exhausted bein’ like that all night!


“Calm down Hoss, Joe can’t hear you giving way like this he has to be still.”  Adam scolded.


“Sorry,” Hoss muttered.  “But what are we gonna do?”  It’s already startin’ to get hot and Joe’s got his coat on and he’s under them blankets.  He’s gonna cook.  Look at ‘em he’s already sweating,” Hoss urged hoping Adam would take action.


“It is getting hot,” Adam muttered as he realized his brow was wet with sweat.  Adam mopped his forehead and shook his head with concern.  Finally Adam sighed and said softly to Hoss,  “I think we need to wait.”


“Wait!”  Hoss hissed through clenched teeth.  “We can’t wait, Adam.  Joe’s already melting like a wax doll and Pa said we gotta be careful about gettin’ him over heated.  


“I know all that, but look at him Hoss,” Adam challenged.  “He’s all twisted up in those blankets and he said the snake is on him in some way.  How can we remove the blankets without the snake biting him?  NO, we have to wait.”  Adam declared but Hoss shook his head vigorously.   Again Adam tried to convince him.  He knew the decision was his but it would be easier to wait if Hoss agreed.  “We have to wait, I know Joe’s strung tight, but the snake may just leave as it came.  As it gets hotter, it’ll want to find someplace cooler and just leave.” 


“Or it may just get mad and bite ‘em anyway,” Hoss countered.


“Do you have a better idea?!”  Adam snapped and Hoss hung his head shaking it negatively.  “Then we wait.  I’ll go tell Joe,” Adam said sadly.


“Adam, wait” Hoss stopped his brother,  “We gotta get Joe some water.” 


Adam thought for a moment, “Hoss get that stick and soak a cloth in water and we’ll hold the cloth out for Joe and he can draw the water from the cloth.”  Hoss hurried to prepare a ‘drink’ for his brother.


Adam approached Joe quietly getting no closer than he did last time.  He listened intently for the snake and found the reptile quiet for the time being, so he spoke softly,  “Joe, how you doing buddy?”




“Is it still on you?”  Adam asked willing the creature to move away.




Adam inhaled deeply before telling his little brother of the plan. It wasn’t much of a plan, but it was all he could come up with, so for the time being he had to sell it like it was genius. “Joe, Hoss and I think the best thing to do is wait.”  


Joe’s eyes darted immediately to his left.  Wait he thought.  He wants to wait.  Doesn’t he realize I’ve been waiting for hours already?


Now listen, buddy.  I know you’ve been dealing with this all night and the last thing you want to do is wait longer.   You haven’t been bitten and that’s in our favor.  But we need to be careful so that you’re not.  We’re thinking that as it gets warmer the snake will move off to find someplace cooler.”  Adam tried to soothe his brother.


Hot.  Joe mouthed, sweat already pooling at the base of his neck.


“I know you’re hot.  But do you think you can hold on a bit longer? And listen, Hoss is rigging up a way to get you some water, and any time you need more you just mouth the word water” Adam offered his brother.  “Okay?  We’ll try this for a bit and see if that snake doesn’t just move on.”


Okay…….Stay, Joe pleaded with his eyes.


“I’ll stay right here with you buddy.  We’re in this together.  Okay.”  Adam comforted his brother.   And so together, the Cartwright brothers waited.  Adam’s comforting words only interrupted by the sounds of the rattlesnake, which were growing in frequency and intensity. 


After two hours of waiting, Hoss could tolerate no more of the waiting plan.  Adam too was growing weary.  Not to mention Joe.  The sweat was rolling off the boy and Adam began to worry about sunstroke and dehydration.  They were getting some water to Joe, but not enough and it was well and truly getting hotter.  Indecision was tearing at Adam, but what else could they do but wait.  Yet the snake was becoming more vocal and certainly Joe couldn’t take much more.  As Adam wrestled with his concerns Joe emitted a groan.


“What!!?  What is it Joe?  Were you bit?”  Adam asked in a rush.


No…cramp….too hot.  Joe mouthed, but his eyes said it all…they needed to do something else…soon.


“I’m going to go talk to Hoss,” Adam told Joe.  “You hang on.”


“What’s wrong?  I heard him groan.”  Hoss begged.


“He’s too hot and his muscles are cramping.  We’re not getting him enough water.  This isn’t working.  That snakes not going anywhere.  We’ve got to do………..something,” Adam lamented.


“What?” Hoss asked hopefully but Adam snapped back his reply. 


“I don’t know.”  Adam hissed, but quickly apologized to his tenderhearted brother.  “I’m sorry Hoss.  But I don’t know what to do.” 


Stunned, Hoss didn’t know what to say.  Adam always had a plan and to hear him admit he was at a loss crushed him.  Softly, Hoss suggested,  “What if we use sticks, like you did to move his hat and we move the blankets that way.  Maybe that snake ain’t moved away cause it can’t get out, so if we let the snake lose it’ll move off.”


Adam rubbed his face and considered the idea.  “Maybe, maybe, but first we’d have to loosen the edges from under Joe…see how it’s all tucked under and twisted.  But it may work.  But we need a back up plan in case it doesn’t.”  Hoss’s shoulders slumped in despair.  “We’ve gotta be ready, Hoss.  Once we get started there’s no going back and if that snake doesn’t move off quickly…we’re gonna have to move it.  We’ll throw that blanket off fast and then move back in with the sticks and flick that snake away from Joe.” 


Hoss nodded slowly.  “We gotta do it, Adam.  I can’t just sit here and watch that boy suffer any more.  He just can’t take anymore and neither can I,” Hoss pleaded with tears in his eyes.


Adam reached out and squeezed Hoss’ shoulder, “I know.  I can’t either.  Let’s get ready and then I’ll go explain things to Joe.” 


“What do we need to do?”  Hoss asked eagerly, he was ready to do anything to bring this nightmare to an end.


“First off I’ll boil our knives,” Adam started and Hoss wrinkled his brow questioningly.


“In case we have to tend a bite.”  Adam explained solemnly.


“Oh” Hoss muttered, he didn’t want to consider that possibility.


 “You go find us some more long, sturdy sticks, and I’ll go talk to Joe.”  Adam directed and Hoss nodded in understanding as he moved to his task.


“Joe,” Adam began. “We’ve come up with a plan plus a back-up,” he smiled weakly.  “And we’re going to need your help.”  Joe’s hopeful and trusting eyes gazed toward his brother as he listened to Adam explain the plans and his instructions.  “…so,” Adam concluded, “if that snake doesn’t leave, Hoss and I will move in with the sticks to toss it away and at that point you roll left fast and we’ll toss right.  Okay?” 


Yes, Joe mouthed with a smile.  He was thrilled that there was a plan, any plan.


“Good.  Now where is the snake?  Is it still touching you, can you feel it?”  Adam tried to figure out where the snake was so he could guess if the original idea or the back up had better chance of success.  For, if the snake were still on or touching Joe it would be harder to flick it away without it biting his brother.


Yes.  Joe mouthed.


Adam sighed deeply as he frowned.  “That’s going to make this hard Joe, but don’t worry, we’ll still go ahead.  You be ready to move, but first give the snake a moment to move off.  Okay?” 


Joe nodded his understanding and Adam added.  “We’ll be ready in a bit.  Hoss is getting what we need and I’m going to go see how he’s coming.  It’ll be just a few more minutes.   Just sit tight.”  Adam smiled reassuringly as he moved away.  He and Hoss had already packed all their gear and the horses were ready to go.  Adam wanted to be ready to move out as soon as possible in case they needed to get any of them to medical attention. 




It was late morning by time the elder Cartwright brothers were ready to make a rescue attempt.  Joe was an exhausted puddle of sweat.  He was desperately thirsty and ready to bolt at a moments notice.  The only thing that kept him frozen in place was the ever-persistent rattle coming from under his blankets.   Joe’s eyes darted around as he watched his brothers move slowly into position.  Adam was positioned between his head and shoulders on his left while Hoss was down near his feet, also on his left.  The plan was for Adam and Hoss to reach toward Joe with the sticks, first to loosen the blankets edges, which were twisted under Joe.  Then they would reposition the sticks and together, lift the blanket off Joe.  Joe would remain perfectly still and hopefully the snake would realize it was free of confinement and move off.  The backup plan was more risky, but if the snake didn’t leave of it’s own accord, Adam and Hoss would toss it away with the sticks as Joe rolled left, between Adam and Hoss. 


“Ready?”  Adam asked softly as he looked first to Hoss and then to Joe.  Each replied positively.


“Okay then here we go…” Adam declared.  The brothers poked the stick under their brother and gently loosened the blanket and each man was painfully aware of the snake, as the rattle had become constant.  Joe’s eyes grew as the snake moved and he could feel it on his arm, but he had no way to alert his brothers, as they were intent on releasing the blanket.  Then in a whirl of activity that seemed to last forever but in reality was only a moment:  The blanket went sailing through the air, the snake moved to strike and Joe lurched to the left knocking into his brothers who were looking past Joe for the snake.  As the action came to an abrupt end the three brothers were in a tangled heap and the snake was slowly slithering away.


Recovering quickly, Hoss and Adam were back on their feet and at Joe’s side.


“There goes that varmint!”  Hoss cried, his eyes following the snake but he was drawn back to his brothers by Adam’s cry.


“Joe!”  Adam shouted anxiously at Joe who was clutching his wrist.   “Are you hurt boy?”


“It bit me.”  Joe answered softly, a touch of confusion clouding his thoughts.


“Oh no!”  Adam cried as he exhaled deeply and grabbed his brother’s arm to inspect the bite. 


“Hoss,” Adam called out.  “Get some water!  Now!” Adam barked out his orders, “and bring those bandages too.”


Hoss hurried to do Adam’s bidding and was quickly at his brother’s side with the needed supplies.  “Here Joe,” Hoss held the canteen up to Joe’s mouth, “take a good drink, but not too much right away.”  Hoss turned his attention to the bite, “How’s it look?  I brung the knives too.  You want ‘em?”  He asked as he began to cool off his baby brother.  Hoss removed Joe’s jacket and then started to wipe down Joe’s face and the back of his neck with a damp cloth.


“No,” Adam said softly as he washed the site as best he could, but the two fang marks were already red and angry looking.


“No?”  Hoss said questioningly as he paused in his ministrations to look back and forth between Joe’s frightened and confused face then back to Adam’s concerned face.  “Shouldn’t we try to get that poison out?” 


“I don’t think so.  Look, Hoss,” Adam held out Joe arm for Hoss to see.  “He was bitten right on his wrist.  If we cut him there he’ll loose too much blood.  He’s already dehydrated; we can’t take a chance of him losing any blood.  I think we need to put on a tourniquet and try to get him to a doctor as soon as possible.”  Adam explained his reasoning as he applied the tourniquet.   “You understand Joe?” 


Joe nodded slightly, rolled his eyes and complained as he pushed his brothers away and tried to get up, “Why is it so HOT!  Make it not be so damn hot, Adam!!” 


“We need to get moving,” Adam declared as he grabbed at his brother and pulled him into a tight embrace to keep him from rising.  “Stop it Joe, you need to stay still!  Hoss is everything ready to go?” 


“Yup.  You want me to take Joe on Chubb with me?”  Hoss offered.


“I’m gonna ride!  I’m going home” Joe protested and continued to struggle with Adam, whose worries were growing.


Adam scoffed and chided, “Joe, you’re in no shape to ride, even without that bite.  You’ll ride with me, Joe.  No argument.”  Joe nodded slightly, not even sure what they had been talking about or what he was agreeing to.


The immediate capitulation was not lost on Adam and Hoss and only added to their concerns.  If Joe wasn’t fighting them, he must be well beyond feeling sickly.  Joe had relented quickly for in truth he was feeling pretty rotten.  He was hot and light-headed and his arm was starting to swell and throb.  He felt the need to get up and walk, but the more he tried the dizzier he felt until the only thing he knew was that he was going to be sick.  With a quick jerk he freed himself from Adam’s hold and rolled onto his side and heaved up the water he’d just drank.  Adam again grabbed hold of his shoulders and held his head as the water came up.  When the retching stopped, Adam helped Joe to his feet as his head lolled forward until his chin rested on his chest. Adam looked sternly at Hoss and declared,  “We’ve got to get moving.”


“Adam,” Hoss said in a surprised tone.  “He ain’t in no shape to go anywhere.  Jest look at ‘em.  He can barely stand let alone sit a horse even with your help.”


“It can’t be helped,” Adam insisted but Hoss just shook his head so Adam whispered his deepest fear.  “Hoss, he was snake bit!  If we don’t get him to a doctor and fast, that bite could kill him and even then it still might”


“I’m sorry Adam.  You’re right,” Hoss said contritely, his eyes filling with tears.  “But I’m mighty worried about how hot he is, too.  I think we ought cool him off a bit before we ride.”   He explained as he returned the damp cloth to his brother’s neck.


“All right,” Adam agreed.  “We still have plenty of water.  Take one of the canteens and pour some down his back and over his chest.  We’ll keep that cloth damp and I’ll make sure it stays on his neck.” 


“I hope that helps,” Hoss said doubtfully as he finished wetting his brother.  Then he and Adam loaded their lethargic brother onto Adam’s horse. 


“Okay, Hoss let’s move as quickly as we can.  We still have a lot of ground to cover, but we need to get back to Yuma by tonight.”  Adam gave his directions as the brothers started out.  Adam held Joe in front of him while Hoss lead Cochise and the packhorse.


The brothers moved quickly and quietly across the desert.  Pausing only to check on Joe and give him water.  Joe continued to mumble as he faded in and out of consciousness and when awake he occasionally struggled in Adam’s grasp.  Adam alternated his gaze between two things:  the trail and Joe’s arm.  The trail was clear and shimmering from the heat.  Joe’s arm continued to swell around the bite.  At first it became red but now the bite marks were blackening.  Adam shook his head in despair and tightened his hold on his brother as he urged his horse to a speedier gait.  As the pace quickened, he called over his shoulder to alert Hoss, “He’s starting on an infection, now, too.  Come on!”


Hoss hurried along side Adam and gazed at his little brother.  “He ain’t doing too good, is he?” 


“No,” Adam said softly his mind full of self-reproach.  He played the mornings events over and over in his mind…Could he have done something else?  Did they wait too long?  Would a different plan have had a different outcome?  Shaking himself from his thoughts, he turned to Hoss.  “It’s almost dark.  We can’t be more than an hour outside of Yuma, now.  I can manage Joe the rest of the way.  Leave the horses and go on ahead alert Pa and the doctor.”  Adam told his brother.


“I ain’t leavin’ Cochise.  Joe’d never forgive us iffen’ we left that horse behind.”  Hoss cried.  “I can still make good time and bring Cochise in.”  Hoss assured Adam.


“Alright,” Adam agreed, relived that Hoss wouldn’t do it.  It would be faster, but he didn’t have the heart to leave Joe’s beloved horse behind, either.


Hoss took a long look at Joe.  What he saw shook his soul.  Joe was unconscious, but mumbling. Hoss could tell his brother was in pain.  His arm was swollen and discolored and his skin was an odd color, kinda grayish, Hoss thought.   Hoss turned to look at Adam, too.  He saw pain on Adam’s face as well, but he understood that pain, for he felt it too.  It was the pain you feel, when someone you love is suffering and both he and Adam felt it intensely.


“I’ll find the doc, Adam.  Don’t you worry.  I’ll fill Pa in too.  You take good care of him and come along as quick as you can.”  Hoss tried to sound encouraging, but his voice was full of concern.  With one last look, Hoss kicked his horse to a gallop and rode toward Yuma. 




Ben was the picture of relaxation as he sat on the porch of the hotel sipping his brandy.  He had finally convinced himself he had been worrying needlessly over his sons and it felt good to relax.  He had concluded his meetings that afternoon having secured hefty profits for the Ponderosa.    He expected his sons to return sometime the next day and then they’d finally be able to head home.  Ben sighed contentedly and sipped again.  The streets were quite as the townsfolk settled down as night fell.  Ben rested his head on the back of his chair, closed his eyes and drew a deep breath of cool night air as his thoughts drifted to his boys.  He smiled as he thought of Hoss complaining about the heat…so unlike him to complain…” 

Ben’s recollections were interrupted by the sound of hooves thundering through town.  His eyes popped open and he raised his head in time to catch his son Hoss riding hard down the street toward the doctor’s office.  Immediately Ben was on his feet following his son. 


“Doctor, Doctor!”  Hoss called as he beat on the door.


After a number of forceful knocks, a young man in his mid twenties opened the door.  “Yes, can I help you?”


“If you can tell me where the doc is you can.”  Hoss said in one breath.


“You found him.  Come on in.  What can I do for you?”  The doctor asked.


“You?”  Hoss said surprised.  “Ain’t you a might….uh, uh…”


“Young?”  The doctor chuckled.  “Yes I am young, but I assure you I am a doctor, I’ve even treated a few patients, too.”


“Sorry,” Ben said coming in the office behind his son.  “I’m sure he was expecting someone older.”


“Well sir, we all start out young, it’s the job that ages us.  Now what can I help you with?,” the doctor asked flatly.


“PA!”  Hoss cried in relief, reaching out to grab his father’s arm.  “I’m sure glad you’re here.” 


Ben stared at Hoss and immediately saw the fatigue and worry etched on his face.  “Hoss, what’s wrong?  Where are your brothers?  What’s happened?”  Ben pummeled Hoss with questions, as all he previous worries returned with a vengeance.


“Yes, what is the problem?”  The doctor asked again. 


“It’s my brother.  He was bit by a rattlesnake and…”  Hoss started to explain.


“A rattlesnake,” Ben cried.


“Go on,” the doctor urged as he started to go through his medicine cabinet.  “When did the bite occur?”


“Jest this mornin’, but…” Hoss tried to tell the whole story, but his father interrupted.


“Joe or Adam?”  Ben all but whispered as he clutched Hoss’s arm.


“It’s Joe Pa, and it’s bad.”  Hoss sadly told his father and then told the whole story to him and the doctor. 


When Hoss finished his explanation, Ben had to sit down and the doctor pressed with follow-up questions. 


“Mr. Cartwright,” the doctor reached to take his pulse.  “Are you alright?”


“Yes, yes,” Ben collected himself and got ready to help his son. “I’m fine.  What can we do to get ready to tend my son?” 


“Well Hoss, let me make sure I have it straight.  He was bitten this morning, there may be infection and there is some concern about heat sickness. Right?”


“Yup.  He wasn’t look too good when I left to find you…he was kinda gray and mumblely.”


“I see.  I’m going to see about some ice.  With this heat there may not be much in the icehouse, but I’ll get what I can.  I’ll be right back.”  The doctor left.


The doctor returned a short time later with a block of ice.  “Would you gentlemen help me chip this ice?”  He asked as he worked.  “How much longer do you think they’ll be, Hoss?”


“They should be along any time,” Hoss answered and as if on queue they heard a horse outside. 


“They’re here!”  Ben cried as he opened the door and ran out to help his sons.  “Adam!”  Ben shouted.  “How’s Joe?”


Adam passed his brother down to the waiting arms of his father.  He was exhausted from holding Joe in the saddle.  “He’s about the same, but he’s started a fever.”


Ben gathered Joe to his chest and moved with grace and speed into the doctor’s office. 


“Put him in here, Mr. Cartwright and then you all can wait outside.”  The doctor ordered.


“But, I want to be with him.”  Ben said firmly.


“I’m sure you do, but I work better without worried family members hovering about.  Now please, Mr. Cartwright.”  The doctor turned to tend his patient shutting Ben out.


Ben retreated from the examination room and joined his other sons to wait.  As they waited Adam retold the events that lead them to this point.


“I’m so sorry Pa.  I really thought waiting was the best way to go.  Then everything happened so fast.  I don’t know, I don’t know….I’m sorry.”  Adam rattled on until Ben stepped in.


“Adam, son, listen to me.  You have nothing to be sorry for.  You did your very best for your brother and you got him to the doctor alive.  What more could I ask of you?  No don’t do this to yourself.  You and Hoss did what you thought best and frankly, considering everything you told me you did just what I would have done.  Adam,” Ben said sternly, “Listen, I would have waited!”


“Thanks, Pa, thanks,” was all Adam could say.  Then they waited, again…and each man thought of that time earlier in the day when they also waited.  Finally, when they thought he could wait no longer the young doctor opened the door.  Ben tried to peek around him to see his son, but the door was quickly closed and that sent a shiver through he worried father. 


“Well, doctor, how’s my son?”  Ben said choked with emotion and surrounded by Adam and Hoss.


“It could have been a lot worse, Mr. Cartwright,” the doctor stated to his silent audience.

“His symptoms indicate that it was what we call a dry bite, that’s when the fangs penetrate the skin, but don’t inject any venom.  He was really very lucky.  Of course you were right,” the doctor looked to Hoss. “The bite site is infected, that’s what led to the redness and swelling, but I’ve cleaned that out and cut away the infected tissue….”


Adam interrupted, “Should we have cut the site?” 


“Certainly not!”  The doctor stated firmly.  “As I said there was no venom, but even if there was cutting a snake bite does no good whatsoever.  He would have been in greater jeopardy had you cut that site.” 


Adam felt a surge of relief at the validation and Ben reached out touched his arm lightly for support. 


“What about sun stroke?  We’ve been worrying about that, too?”  Hoss asked.


The doctor continued,  “I understand why you’d all worry considering the history you told me about, and I was coming to that.  I have him in an ice sheet, to bring his temperature down and I packed his arm to reduce it’s swelling.  I don’t think it’s as bad as sunstroke, but it’s definitely heat exhaustion.  But I think we caught it in time.” The doctor looked at Adam and Hoss and continued.  “You certainly saved his life getting him medical attention so quickly.  Even a few more hours and he may have been beyond help.  As it is now the infection should drain nicely and with time and rest he should recover totally.”


“May I see him, sit with him?  Ben asked, but it was more of a statement than a question. 


“Certainly, you may all see him for a moment, but then I suggest these two young men refresh themselves and get some rest.”  The doctor instructed.


“Yes, yes that’s a good idea boys.  You both have been through a lot today as well,” Ben agreed and shook the doctors’ hand. “Thank you doctor, thank you very much.”


Ben spent the remainder of the day and night at his son’s side.  He was determined to be there when Joe came to.  Sometime during the night the doctor removed the ice sheet and they settled Joe into a warm, comfortable bed.  Joe didn’t stir, but the doctor assured Ben, Joe was in healing sleep.  So again Ben waited.  The next morning, Adam and Hoss returned to the doctor’s office baring breakfast and looking rested.  After eating, the Cartwrights each took a seat and waited for Joe to stir.  Their patience was soon rewarded as Joe rose to consciousness. 


“Pa,” came Joe soft plea, “Pa,” he repeated.


“I’m right here son, your Pa’s right here” Ben comforted his child and took his hand.


“Pa, why couldn’t I have just stayed here and sweet talked that saloon gal?”  Joe asked softly and innocently and then closed his eyes and drifted back off to sleep.


Ben laughed out loud and brushed his hand through Joe’s curls and smiled at Adam and Hoss and said, “He’s going to be just fine, the little scamp.  Just fine!


“What did he say, Pa?”  Hoss asked.


Still laughing, Ben answered, “He asked me why he couldn’t have stayed here with the saloon girl.” 


As Joe slept, the elder Cartwrights all enjoyed a hearty laugh and finally relaxed.


The End