Thanks again for beta reading for me, Starlite. I hope we’ll have many more stories to follow!!!

Finish the Story

By Tina O.

The full moon shown brightly that late fall night. Ben Cartwright was on a desperate search for his firstborn son. A man, bent on revenge against Ben, had taken Adam from his bed. Ben was frantic; knowing the man had threatened his 13 year-old son's life more than once in the last few weeks. Ben and the townspeople were searching this cold autumn night with dogged determination.

Ben rode down toward the lake. As he neared the bank, Jeb Colton stepped out from behind a stand of trees, his gun drawn.

Ben pulled his mount to an abrupt halt and demanded. "Where's Adam?"

Jeb mockingly shook his head forlornly and said, "You're too late, Ben. He’s dead."

Ben gasped, "No! You…" He kicked his horse forward toward the man who had taken his son.

Jeb cocked the gun he now pointed at the enraged larger man approaching him on horseback, "I wouldn’t Cartwright. I’d like nothin ’ better than to kill you too." A smirk appeared on Colter’s face, "You'd better think of that pretty pregnant wife and that other brat of yours." Colter’s cold eyes bore into Ben’s angry eyes as he snarled, "You and I are even now."

Ben’s anger was nearing an explosive point, "I’ll ask you again. Where’s Adam?"

Jeb grinned a sinister smile, then dipped his head in the direction of the lake. "Guess you should've taught that boy to swim, Cartwright."

Ben’s eyes followed Jeb’s gaze and to his horror saw Adam, floating face down in the water. Quickly, Ben urged his horse forward, when he neared the edge of the lake he dismounted, almost before the horse came to a complete halt. Ripping off his coat, Ben jumped into the lake and swam over to his son. Grabbing his young son’s body Ben quickly turned him over. He could see the fear frozen on Adam’s battered face. Ben kicked his legs slowly keeping himself afloat and hugged his son tightly to him. Tears mixed with cold lake water, rolled down his face while he swam to shore. Ben stumbled onto the bank, his son still in his arms and sank to his knees.

He held his son tightly, and looked up to the heavens and cried out, "No! Elizabeth , please help me." Nuzzling his son, he prayed, "Please God, don’t take Adam too."

From the seclusion of the trees near the bank, JebColter smiled as he watched the tragic scene the mighty Ben Cartwright mourning the loss of his son. He had come and done what he had planned to do. Now, he needed to flee. He turned to leave and was stopped short by the sound of a gun cocking.

"You're under arrest, Jeb. Drop that rifle and your gun belt..." the young sheriff stood his ground firmly, as the townspeople began to gather around them. The town’s new young doctor rushed to Ben’s side.

Still on his knees, Ben rocked his young son. Paul Martin touched Ben’s shoulder. Ben looked up at man standing beside him.

"Let me have him Ben."

Ben pulled back, holding his son tighter. Suddenly Adam coughed, and water sprayed from his mouth. Ben’s dark sorrowful eyes opened wide; then turned to stare down at his firstborn.

Again Dr. Paul Martin demanded in a more forceful tone, "Ben, let me have the boy!"

Ben reluctantly handed his beloved son to the young doctor. Paul Martin laid the boy on his stomach, and using his hands he pushed against the small back, to assist young Adam to expel the water from his lungs. Then he turned him over and checked him briefly. He glanced over at the stunned Ben Cartwright and touching his arm reassuringly he said, "Ben, lets get him to the house." With that said, Paul Martin picked the boy up and moved toward his buggy. Ben followed in a daze, moving to his horse.

Disgruntled, Jeb declared, "Well, the kid's alive. I’ll be more careful next time."

Ben Cartwright stopped and turned to meet the eyes of his adversary, "There won’t be a next time Jeb. You come around me or my family again, and I’ll kill you."

Roy Coffee moved Jeb Colton in the direction of Virginia City. Turning back briefly, he looked intently at Ben, "He’ll stand trial, Ben. He’ll at least go to prison, if Adam dies…" Roy dropped his gaze briefly unable to finish his statement, lips quivering he looked back into his friend’s dark eyes, "He’ll hang. I promise you that, Ben"

Grateful for his friend's promise, Ben nodded his acceptance, then turned and mounted his horse leading him toward the Ponderosa ranch house.

Six days later the circuit judge arrived in town. Ben’s lawyer asked for a continuance, because they still didn’t know if Adam would survive. The judge denied the continuance, when a length of time to wait couldn't be agreed upon.

Ben Cartwright was the first to take the stand. He testified to the accident that took Jeb Colton son's life earlier that spring. His son, Adam, had alerted the ranch foreman when the young Colton tried to steal a horse, then subsequently tried to shoot the foreman in his attempt to escape. Ben’s foreman returned fire, hitting the young man in the shoulder. The impact of the bullet caused Jeb’s son to fall into the river, where he drown.

Then Ben testified to what had transpired at the lake that cold night between he and Jeb, when Jeb admitted to trying to murder Adam. Ben recalled his reaction to seeing his son floating face down in the lake, and Jeb telling him they were now even. He felt hot tears upon his cheeks as he spoke of Adam being in a coma, and that it still remained to be seen if his son would ever recover.

Paul Martin took the stand next and attested to young Adam’s condition. He testified to the marks he found on the boy's face, head, and body, noting the boy had been badly beaten before the attempted drowning. He further described the marks on Adam’s neck, where in his opinion, the young teenager had been strangled. It was the doctor’s belief that the strangling occurred during the attempt to drown Adam, and ultimately might have saved the boy's life. He also told the court of the fight to save the youngster's life, but as every day passed his full recovery became bleaker.

Sheriff Roy Coffee then took the stand and testified to Jeb Colton’s arrest. At first, Jeb had freely admitted to attempting to drown Adam, but later recanted his admission of guilt, when he realized the boy was still alive.

After all the testimony was given, Jeb Colton was found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to twenty years hard labor. Jeb left the count room swearing at Ben Cartwright that he would get even, no matter how long it took.

Adam Cartwright laid in a coma for more than a week. Paul Martin was unsure if the boy would ever wake up. He was also unsure if the boy did awaken, if he would ever be the same son Ben Cartwright had known.

Ben kept a silent vigil at his son’s bedside, and only rested when his pregnant wife, Marie, relieved him. Almost two weeks after Adam’s brutal attack, Ben sat at his bedside reading to his unconscious son. Across the room, Marie and his younger son, Hoss rocked in the rocking chair listening to the story. Suddenly, a groan emanated from the bed as Adam stirred and the room went silent. Still holding the book he'd been reading in one hand, Ben dropped to his knees at his son’s side.

Reaching out he touched his son's forehead lovingly, "Adam?" Taking his son’s hand in his free hand, he again called softly, "Adam, son can you hear me?"

Adam’s eyelids fluttered and Ben called again, "Adam, open your eyes son."

Adam’s eyelids flickered, and then opened slightly. His unfocused gaze directed at the wooden beams in the ceiling.

Ben moved further up the bedside. "Adam, look at me son."

Adam made no move to look at his father, or any indication that he'd heard him at all. Ben’s mind raced to the words of Paul Martin, "If he wakes up Ben, he may not be the same boy. He's sustained a terrible shock to his system. He could wake up and still be non-functioning."

Ben laid the book on the nightstand, before turning back to his son. He reached down and lightly grasped his son’s face. Gently, he slowly turned Adam’s face toward him.

"Adam, I love you son."

Adam’s eyes seemed blank for what seemed an eternity to the elder Cartwright. Ben lovingly caressed his son’s soft cheek. "I love you, son," Ben’s voice was but a whisper. Tears began to roll down Ben’s cheeks and he closed his eyes.

Adam continued to stare at his father, as a frown developed on his face. "Aren’t you going to finish the story Pa?"

Ben eyes flew open and he looked into the very serious eyes of his firstborn son. Ben laughed as Marie and Hoss converged to Adam's bedside.

"Yes son, I’ll be happy to finish the story." Ben reached out and hugged his precious son to his chest. A sob broke from his throat while he spoke, "I’ve missed you son. How are you feeling?"

Adam whispered and blinked a couple of times, "tired Pa, I’m real tired."


Ben Cartwright sat at his desk finishing the paperwork for the week. His younger sons, Hoss and Joe burst through the front door arguing with each other as usual.

"I tell you Hoss, she was smilin’ at me."

Hoss laughed and pointed a big meaty finger at his younger brother, poking his little brother in the center of his chest, "Joe, that girl wasn’t smilin’ at you, she just had a touch of gas."

Rolling his dancing eyes, Little Joe looked over at his father. "Did you hear that Pa?"

Ben just smiled at his son’s good-natured banter. "Don’t drag me into this conversation boys . Hoss, did you get the mail?"

Hoss happily replied, " Sure thing Pa, here you go."

Ben Cartwright took the bundle from Hoss and thumbed through the envelopes. He stopped at a letter from the governor and wondered what on earth the governor would be writing him for. He laid the other mail on his desk, walking around to the front of the wooden table; he leaned his right hip upon the desk and opened the letter with his thumb.

As Ben read the letter his face paled. He stood up briefly and slowly walked back around the desk to sit down heavily in his padded chair, his eyes never leaving the paper he held. Slowly he folded the letter and laid it down upon the desk, then dropped his head into his hands.

Hoss looked at his father then back to his little brother. Tapping his brother upon the shoulder, he nodded toward their father, then moved quickly to their father’s side. Hoss laid his hand on his father’s shoulder and gave a slight squeeze, "Pa, are ya’ alright? Did you get some bad news?"

Ben did not reply. Little Joe tried to look at the letter, but it was folded and he couldn't see what it said. He kneeled down and gazed up into his father’s colorless face.

Joe could see that his father was sweating. "Pa, are you hurtin’? Are you sick?"

Ben slowly opened his eyes. "Where’s your brother?"

Joe shrugged then looked to Hoss. " Well Pa, I think he’s on his way back from the lumber camp by now. Why?"

Ben head raised and he stared across the room at the massive fireplace. "Boys, I want you to find your brother and bring him home."

Now thoroughly confused, Hoss continued to stare down at his father. "Pa, what’s wrong?"

Turning his head, Ben glared angrily at his middle son, "Just do as I ask, Hoss. Go now!"

Stunned by his father's vehemence, Hoss’s eyebrows raised. "O…OK, Pa. Whatever you say." Looking over at his younger brother, he directed, "You stay with Pa, Joe, I’ll get Adam."

Ben shook his head at Hoss's instruction, "No! I want you both to go."

"Pa, it don’t take us both to get Adam. You look pretty pale. I think one of us should stay with you." Joe offered hoping to calm his irate father.

Ben glanced over to his youngest son, "I said you both go Joseph, and that’s what I mean. Now, Go!"

Rising to his feet, Joe was started toward the door, "Pa, what’s this all about?"

Ignoring his youngest's inquiry Ben bellowed, "Find your brother and get him home!"

Hoss patted his father’s shoulder, "Ok, Pa. We’re goin’. Me and Joe will take care of gettin’ Adam home. When he’s home, your goin ’ to tell us what’s got you so upset."

Ben gazed into his son’s concerned blue eyes, then looked away. "Just find your brother Hoss."

Hoss nodded and his mouth formed a resolute frown. Looking over to his younger brother, he ordered, "Let’s go, Joe."

Joe looked back at Hoss and started to voice his objection. "But Hoss…"

Hoss’s lips made a hard line, "Let’s go, Joe."

Joe still hesitated; he was worried about his father's unusual behavior, "Hoss?"

Not wanting to waste any more time in pointless debate, Hoss reached over and took his brother by the arm, "Come on Little brother."

Ben heard the door close and briefly closed his eyes. How could the governor let this man out early? Joe was just 18. He wasn’t supposed to be out for two more years.

Reaching down with shaky hand, Ben picked the letter back up and once again confirmed what the letter said. The prison was over-crowded and Jeb had been a model prisoner, so the governor was releasing him early. Ben shook his head then dropped his worried head into his hands.

Jeb Colton stood silently watching Ben Cartwright’s pain, noting absently how the great man's hair had turned silver over the years. Quietly, he stepped in front of the desk. "Howdy, Ben."

Slowly Ben looked up into the eyes and gun of Jeb Colton. "What are you doing here, Jeb?"

Jeb smiled maliciously, "Why Ben, we have unfinished business. I'm sure you haven’t forgotten."

Ben abruptly stood to face the intruder eye to eye, "Jeb, you’ll never get to Adam."

Jeb's smile turned to an evil smirk, "Oh I think I will Ben."

At that moment, Jeb’s gun discharged, the bullet’s impact knocked Ben back against the wall. Ben Cartwright struggled to stay on his feet before he dropped to the floor face first. Still smiling, Jeb kicked Ben over onto his back. Leaning down he heaved the unconscious man up onto his shoulder. As the blood dripped from the wound in Ben’s chest, he turned around and dropped a note onto the desk before departing.

In silence, Hoss and Joe rode quickly toward the lumber camp. Both boys were confused by their father’s strange behavior and neither one had wanted to leave their father alone. All they knew was that they needed to get their brother home, because whatever was written in that letter had really upset their father.

Adam Cartwright was surprised to see his two brothers approaching him on the roadway. He rapidly grew concerned when he saw the speed at which they were traveling. Kicking Sport into a gallop, he moved forward to meet his brothers.

He had barely reached his brothers before asking, "where's the fire?" Receiving no amusing response from either of his brothers, Adam inquired. "Is something wrong?"

Hoss swallowed hard not knowing how to exactly explain their father's bizarre behavior. " Adam, Pa sent us to bring you home. He got some letter in the mail." He stopped briefly to shake his head, but continued before Adam could interrupt and ask the obvious question. "I don’t know what it was or what it said, but Pa turned white as a sheet. He told us to come fetch ya and bring you home."

Adam could feel his own blood begin to boil with worry over their father and glared at Joe, "Why on earth didn’t one of you stay with him?"

Joe shook his head in response to his oldest brother's mounting fury before explaining. "He wouldn’t let us. He insisted we both come for you. He looked so upset, we just didn’t want to argue with him."

Adam studied each of his brothers briefly, "Well let’s get home then." Adam kicked Sport into a full gallop, and his brothers followed suit.

The Cartwright sons entered the yard at breakneck speed. Arriving first, Adam dismounted and rushed into the house.

"Pa, I’m home!" Adam bellowed while moving toward his father’s desk. He stopped cold when he saw the pool of blood on the floor. "Oh no," he whispered, kneeling down to touch the wet red stain. "Hoss, Joe, get in here quick."

Hearing their brother's call, Joe and Hoss rushed into the house. Adam looked up to his two younger brothers in horror.

Joe moved quickly to the desk and grabbed the bloody note. The note was addressed simply, Adam Cartwright .

"Look!" Little Joe announced holding the note out to Adam.

Adam Cartwright’s hand shook as he took the note from his youngest brother. "Joe, find the letter Pa received and lets see what it says." Adam ordered before opening the note.


I’ve waited 18 long years. Now it’s time to meet your maker. You were the one who cost my son his life. I have your father and if you want him to live, you’ll do as I say. I want no law involved. I don’t want your brothers involved. This is between you, your Pa, and me. Come to the north side of the lake alone and unarmed. I’ll be waiting.

Jeb Colter.

Inhaling deeply, Adam closed his eyes and crumpled the small sheet of paper in his fist.

Hoss watched a dark scowl appear across his older brother's face before moving to Adam’s side. "What the note say Adam?"

Hearing Hoss's concerned inquiry, Joe looked across the desk at his older brothers. "This note is from the Governor. He’s tellin’ Pa that he’s released a man named, Jeb Colter from prison two years early. Who's that Adam?"

Adam clenched his jaw and took another deep breath hoping to quell his growing fury. He gazed at Hoss as he began to speak. "You remember when I nearly drowned Hoss?"

Hoss wrinkled nose and his eyebrows grew closer to form a vee, "I kindasorta remember Adam… I was purty small at the time. I remember the night you woke up, but not much else."

Adam swallowed hard and nodded, " JebColter was the man who tried to drown me." Adam looked over at Little Joe who was obviously confused. "Marie was pregnant with you, Joe. Hoss was maybe six years old and I had just turned thirteen. Jeb’s son stole a horse from us and I told Grady, our foreman then. They went looking for the boy and ended up shooting him off the horse and he fell into the river and drown. Jeb meant to get even with Pa, and me. He was tried and sent to prison for trying to drown me in the lake." Adam paused and his eyes became vacant before continuing. "He nearly succeeded. I was unconscious for over a week." Adam's voice hardened as he handed the note to Hoss. "Well now he’s out and he has Pa. "

Hoss read the note he'd just be handed. "Na, this won’t do Adam. You can’t go alone." Hoss handed the note over to Joe.

Joe glanced down at the crumpled sheet of paper, "I agree Adam. You can’t go in there alone."

Adam’s voice was a near whisper, "I have to go alone. He has Pa. He’ll kill him if I don’t do as he says."

Hoss’s voice broke as he spoke. "Pa may already be dead, Adam. That’s a lot of blood there on the floor. Pa’s at best hurt pretty bad."

Joe moved to his oldest brother’s side to offer support, "We all have a stake in this Adam."

Adam knew he had to get to his father, alone. He realized his brothers would never agree to this, so he would have to occupy them long enough to sneak away. Glancing at his youngest brother he barked, "Alright Joe, you check the house to make sure Pa’s not here." Turning to his other brother, Adam instructed. "Hoss follow this blood trail, let’s see where it goes. I’ll get the guns ready."

Both younger brothers jumped to do their older brother's bidding. As soon as his brothers were occupied with his instructions, Adam silently left the now quiet ranch house heading for to the lake. He moved quickly as soon as he was out of range of the house. He knew his father’s life depended on his haste.

Ben Cartwright slowly began to awaken. He attempted to move and soon realized his hands were tied behind his back. His left upper chest ached fiercely and looking down he found a heavy bandage around his shoulder. Glancing about, he spied Jeb Colter.

"You’ll never get away with this, Jeb."

Jeb’s back straightened and he stood up. Turning slowly, he arrogantly smiled at Ben. "Oh, I think I will Ben. I think that boy of yours will come right to me. I’m glad you’re awake. I wanta’ be sure you see it all."

Ben struggled against his bonds causing pain to shoot through his chest. "Jeb, your boy stole a horse and shot at my foreman, Grady had no choice but to return fire! He didn’t know he was just a kid."

Jeb made two strides to his injured captive and with his fist busted Ben in the face, "Shut your mouth, Cartwright!"

Ben shook his head to clear the growing cobwebs, "Jeb, please listen to reason. I gave the order to go after your son. Adam was just a boy. If you have to take revenge then take it out on me."

Indifferently to the other man's pleas, Jeb smiled back, "I am Ben, I mean for you to feel the same loss I felt. The only difference is, you’ll be here when it happens."

Ben Cartwright heard the sound of a single horse approaching the camp. Instinctively, he knew it was Adam. He felt his heart rate pick up, as it pounded rapidly in his chest.

Slowing his mount, Adam rode leisurely into the camp.

With gun in hand, Jeb Colton turned from his captive to smile up at the man before him sitting atop a dancing roan horse. "Well, you sure did grow up."

With barely restrained hatred, Adam stared down at the man in front of him and demanded. "Let my father go."

Jeb cocked the gun he held. "I don’t think so boy. You get down off that horse."

Hoping to save his child, Ben cried, "No Adam, get out of here."

Without taking his eyes off Adam, Jeb used his free hand to backhand Ben. "Shut up, Cartwright."

Angered by the cruelty to his father, Adam coldly warned. "Touch him again, and I’ll kill you, Colter."

Hearing the implied threat, Jeb smirked before briefly looking down at the elder Cartwright, "Well Ben, he grew up with a smart mouth just like you."

Ben's angry ebony eyes looked deep into Colter’s cold gray ones, "Go to hell, Colter."

Colter once more swung out hitting Ben across the face.

Seeing an opening, Adam spurred Sport forward and dropped onto Jeb Colter before he could raise his gun.

"No, Adam!" Ben’s voice bellowed in warning, but it was too late. He could only watch helplessly while his son struggled with a mad man.

Hoss and Joe were fighting mad when they realized that their brother had slipped away on them. Hoss went to the bunkhouse and instructed one of the ranch hands to ride to town. He handed him a letter and instructed him to give it, the note and the Governor's letter to Sheriff Coffee. In the letter, it explained what had happened and detailed their plan to rescue their father and brother. It also asked him to come to the lake, and send Doc Martin to the Ponderosa to wait for their return.

With that taken care of, Hoss and Joe Cartwright moved out toward the lake via the shorter back route. Quietly, they made their way into the area where they found their brother was bitterly fighting with someone they assumed must be Jeb Colter. As they surveyed the scene, they saw their father struggling to free himself. Silently they made their way to their father’s side.

Hoss laid his hand upon his father’s shoulder to let him know he was there. "Pa, are you alright?"

Startled, Ben glanced up to the large man looming beside him and commanded. "Hoss, cut me loose. We’ve got to help your brother."

Little Joe was already cutting his bindings when they heard the blast of a handgun. All three men looked over and saw their brother collapse into Colter’s arms. Then JebColter began to drag Adam's unconscious body into the water.

As one, Hoss and Joe rose and drew their guns in defense of their helpless brother, but stopped abruptly by the sound of a shot that rang out from the tree line.

Colter's body spun around and fell lifelessly into the water.

Ben watched in horror as Adam’s still form floated slowly away. "No, Adam… No."

In a flash, Joe ran to the water, diving in, he swam to his oldest brother. He flipped Adam over onto his back and using one arm around his brother, he pulled them both toward the shore.

Ben tried to struggle to his feet before requesting assistance from his middle son. "Help me, Hoss."

"Pa, I think you outta lie still. You’re already bleedin ’ again." Hoss bent down to try and stop his father from getting up before moving to help Joe. He could hear his father yelling at his departing back.

"Hoss you come back here this instance!"

Hoss trudged forward, ignoring his father’s angry rants. When he reached Joe, he leaned down and picked Adam up into his massive arms. Turning, he carried his older brother to their father, and gently laid Adam down upon the ground with his head in their father’s lap.

Ben began to stroke the soaking wet raven black hair as he looked down at the still form of his son. He could see the ugly wound in Adam’s abdomen. He watched while Hoss felt for a pulse on the side of Adam’s neck.

Hoss gently applied pressure to his older brother's neck before beaming. "He’s alive, Pa."

Ben closed his eyes and gave thanks to his maker, "Thank God."

Glancing over to his youngest son he commanded, "Go for the doctor, Joseph."

"Ah, the doctor is here, Ben." A familiar voice from behind them answered,

Roy Coffee, Dr. Martin, and several men from town emerged from the trees. Roy stepped over to Ben’s side and placed a comforting hand on his old friend's shoulder.

"He won’t bother your family anymore, Ben." Looking down at Adam’s wounded body, Roy’s voice broke as he continued, "I just wish I’d gotten here sooner."

Ben shook his head, thankful for the reassuring words. "Thanks Roy,"

Doc Martin was already examining Adam and took a quick look at Ben before issuing orders. "Let’s get you two home. It looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me tonight."

As Paul started to rise, Ben anxiously grabbed his arm. "Is Adam going to be alright, Paul?"

Unable to give his friend any false hope, Paul shook his head. "I don’t know, Ben. That's a bad wound, at close range. I’ll know more when I get him home and can explore it. Now come on, lets get moving."

Hoss bent down and took his brother gently from their father’s arms. He gathered his brother close as tears rolled slowly down his cheeks. He knew his brother was badly wounded.

Joe knelt next to his father after Hoss stepped away. "Pa, let me help you."

Looking into his youngest son’s tearful eyes, "Oh Joseph," his father’s voice whispered in fear.

Joe hugged his father warmly hoping that it would reassure him as well as his father. "It’ll be alright Pa. Adam’s a tough ornery cuss. Come on now, let’s get ya home."

Ben allowed Joe to help him to his feet, and then they made their way toward Paul’s buggy. Standing beside the buggy, Ben stopped to stare at the body floating face down in the lake.

Putting his arm around his father’s waist, Joe assured. "He’s dead Pa. He won’t hurt any of us ever again."

Ben nodded his head, then and slowly climbed into the buggy. To the patriarch of the Cartwright family, the ride to the Ponderosa ranch house seemed to take forever.

Reaching the house, Hoss dismounted his horse and was quickly over to the buggy. He gingerly picked up his brother’s limp body and moved rapidly into the house, with Doc Martin following.

Joe carefully helped his father down from the carriage and into the house. Hoss was coming down the stairs to help Joe with their father and caused the older man to abruptly stop. Ben froze in his tracks when he saw the amount of blood covering his second son’s clothing.

Worriedly, Ben’s fearful eyes traveled up the stairway, "Is he alive, Hoss?"

Hoss nodded hoping to alleviate his father's fears, "Yeah, Pa, he's weak but he’s still alive."

Ben’s forlorn dark eyes never left the stairs, "Take me to him, Joseph."

"Pa, I really think…"

Ben cut his son off in mid-sentence. He had no time for his youngest's petulance. "I said take me to him! I need to see him before…"

Joe’s voice broke as he spoke; he was afraid of what his father was implying. "Ok, Pa. I’ll take you to him."

Ben looked over his youngest son and could see Little Joe’s lip quivering. Reaching out, he laid his hand on the young shoulder and gave a small squeeze. "It’s going to be alright Joe, I just need to see him before I lay down."

Joe eyes twinkled with unshed tears and he smiled slightly, " Sure Pa."

Leaning on Joe's arm, Ben stepped quietly into his oldest son’s room. Paul Martin was working feverishly over Adam. Glancing up from his ministrations, he saw Ben standing at the bedside and demanded. "Ben go lay down. I’ve got work to do here."

Ben ignored his long time friend and continued to his firstborn's side. Slowly he leaned down and lovingly kissed his son’s forehead. "I love you Adam. You fight hard, son. I’ll be waiting." Weakly, he turned and looked at his remaining sons, "Ok, I’m ready to…" and collapsed into the arms of his youngest son.

Joe and Hoss carefully carried their father to his room and laid him gently on the bed. Joe made himself busy by undressing his father and talking to him as he went. "You always have to do things the hard way, Pa. Why is that? You’re always yellin’ at me for stuff like this. Where do you reckon’ I get it from PA? Huh? It’s your way or no way." Joe looked down at his father’s pale face; a fine sheen of sweat covered the older man's face. He took a towel and dipped it into the water basin before slowly wiping the perspiration from his father’s face.

"Please Pa, hang on. Promise me you’ll hang on a little longer." Little Joe whispered, then laid his head down on his father’s chest and cried.

A shaky hand reached up to caress his youngest son’s head. "I’ll be fine Joseph."

Unswayed by his father's words, Joe pleaded, "Promise me, Pa. Promise me."

Ben smiled in understanding, "I promise son. I promise."

Hoss stepped into his father’s room after he’d changed from his soiled clothes. He smiled when he saw his father and his baby brother. Closing his eyes, Hoss prayed his family would make it through this night.

It was early morning when Paul Martin entered Ben’s bedroom. He shook Ben awake, "Ben, its time we take that bullet out of you now."

Groggy from pain and blood loss, Ben could barely see the man beside him as he looked up at Paul. "Adam, how’s Adam?"

The town doctor had anticipated this type of reaction from his second patient and took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, he’s alive, Ben. I just don’t know. I think the next forty-eight hours will tell. Now let’s see about that shoulder."

Ben grabbed Paul’s arm gratefully. "Thank you Paul, for all you’ve done for him."

Paul Martin patted Ben’s arm, "I just hope it’s enough, Ben."


It was a difficult recovery for Ben Cartwright. He had spent several days racked with fever when his shoulder wound became badly infected. Finally Doc Martin was allowing him up and about with strict instructions for no strenuous activity, but at least he could sit with Adam, who still had not regained consciousness.

Hoss strode into Ben’s room as his father finished dressing. "Pa, I thought you’d like to know that Adam’s fever finally broke last night."

Ben turned to his middle son and noticed that he'd never seen his big healthy son look so tired. Ben gave his big son a slight smile and answered. "Thank you Hoss. Why don’t you get some sleep son? I’ll sit with your brother for awhile."

Hoss nodded his head and fought the hot tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks. Slowly, he lowered his large frame to sit on his father’s bed.

Seeing his son's distress, Ben went over to his son, "Hoss, what’s the matter? Tell Pa what’s wrong."

Hoss swallowed hard before speaking aloud, "Pa, I’ve never been so scared in my life. I thought we were gonna’ loose you, and Adam."

Using his uninjured arm, Ben hugged Hoss tightly. "I know it’s been hard on you son. I’m so sorry you had to go through this, just you and Joe."

Hoss shook his head absently, "Ah, Pa. Me and Joe did alright. It’s just that you were so sick, and Adam… Well Adam has nearly died more times than I care to count. I just don’t think I could of…" Taking a deep breath, his lips quivered, he looked up into his father’s eyes then looked away as he tried to complete his words. Tears rolled down the big man’s cheeks as his voice broke, " I don’t think that I could’ve told you if Adam… if he’d died, Pa."

Ben patted the big man’s head and held him against his chest. Hoss had been the strong one for everyone and could tell he needed rest. "Hoss, I want you to get some rest. I’ll handle things now. If I can’t, I’ll come get you. Deal?" Ben winked now gazing into his son's troubled face.

Hoss nodded his head and his voice broke while he spoke, "That’s a deal, Pa."

Ben walked his son down the hall, and tucked him into bed like he had when Hoss was a child. He realized Hoss needed some tenderness from his father and sat with him until he'd fallen asleep. Brushing his hand over the fine hair of Hoss's head, Ben bent down and placed a light kiss on the forehead of his large middle son. He stopped briefly in the doorway, before closing the door and moving down the hall to Adam’s room.

The sight of his eldest child took Ben aback; Adam had lost a great deal of weight. He'd thought he looked bad when he looked at himself in the mirror, but Adam looked worse. Ben sat down wearily in the chair next to his son's bedside. He began to talk to his firstborn regaling him with stories about their travels, their life on the Ponderosa and anything else he could think of that might bring his son back to him.

Ben watched in awe when Hop Sing got fluids down the unconscious man's throat. Hop Sing had always cared for the boys along with their father when they were sick. They seemed to respond to the small china man. Ben found that he rested at intervals during the day, but continued to stay at his son’s side.

Later that afternoon Paul Martin visited his patients and pronounced Ben well, but only for light duty. He called Ben to the hallway to speak to him about his eldest son. "Ben, I’m very concerned that Adam has not regained consciousness. I’m very concerned about brain damage after so many days of sustained high fevers. I just want you to understand that he may never wake up."

Refusing to accept what the doctor was telling him, Ben turned away from his long time friend. " Paul, that just won’t do. Adam will wake up. He has too… He just has too."

Dr Martin took a deep breath; he'd expected that reaction from his friend, but he also knew that Ben needed to be prepared for the worst. "Ben, he may not. You need to.."

Angrily, Ben whirled around to face the town doctor, "That’s enough Paul."

Blowing out a small puff of breath, Paul Martin shook his head dejectedly, "Ok Ben, I’ll stop by on my way home tonight."

Ben turned his back to the physician and slowly returned to his son’s bedside. Ben studied his son then turned his eyes to the heavens and prayed.

After supper that night, Ben, Hoss, and Joe made their way to Adam’s room. Each one took turns talking to him, touching him, and praying for him. They had all settled in when Ben noticed a book lying at Adam’s bedside. He picked the book up and began to read.

Each night the family repeated the ritual, until one night, a groan arose from Adam’s lips. Ben stopped reading and studied his son's face. Was he imagining the eye movement? He started to read again. Shortly there was another groan. Ben dropped to his knees at his son’s side, "Adam, can you hear me son?"

Hoss and Joe quickly moved to the other side of the bed. Their hearts were pounding heavily in their chests and they looked across at their father for confirmation.

Ben reached over and caressed the rough skin of his son's weather beaten cheek. "Adam, open your eyes." Ben waited before again addressing his son, "Adam, I need for you to open your eyes."

Paul Martin stepped into the room and watched Ben take his son’s hand. "Adam, son… Can you feel me? Squeeze my hand, son." Slowly Adam’s hand closed weakly on his father’s hand. Ben choked on his tears, "Adam, can you open your eyes for me?" He watched his Adam’s eyes suddenly pop open to stare absently at the ceiling.

Eagerly, Joe nudged his larger brother in the ribcage. Joe and Hoss were grinning from ear to ear, overjoyed that their older brother was now awake.

Ben continued to coach his son in a soothing deep baritone voice. "Adam, son look at me." Adam continued to stare at the beams in the ceiling. Rising, Ben got up to sit on the side of the bed. He reached over and turned Adam’s head slowly toward him. Adam’s golden brown eyes seemed to make contact with his father’s ebony ones. Tears formed in his father’s eyes and he tried to talk to his beloved son, but his voice failed him. Bending down he lightly kissed his son’s forehead.

Adam’s brow wrinkled in response, " Paaa…. "

Thrilled with the sound of the voice that was almost lost to him forever, Ben quickly answered, "Yes son, Pa's here."

Adam eyes seemed to focus upon his father's face, "Aren’t you going to finish the story?"

Silence filled the room for a short-lived moment. All eyes turned to Little Joe as he burst out laughing. Ben noted it was a laugh he hadn’t heard in weeks, one, which he didn't realize until now how sorely it was missed. Hoss's hearty guffaw soon followed suit.

Bewildered by his brothers' amusement, Adam slowly turned his head toward them. "Just what’s so dang funny?"

Ben smiled while watching the two boys try to stop their laughter, and become serious. Ben laughed out loud at their actions and struggling faces of two boys, before the whole room erupted in laughter.

Adam was becoming quite incensed that no one was letting him in on the joke. "Will someone please tell me what’s so danged funny? All I asked was if Pa was gonna’ finish the story!!!"

Clutching his sides, Joe rolled off the bed and onto the floor still giggling his unique cackle. Hoss was desperately trying to regain control, but his little brother was making it very difficult. Ben had tears streaming down his face; his ribs were beginning to ache from all the laughing. He tried in vain to call the other two sons down.

Doc Martin moved into Adam’s view and smiled down at his patient, "Welcome back, sleepy head. Isn’t nice to see that things have not changed?"

Adam looked around the room at his family, thinking they'd all gone utterly mad. Glancing back at the doctor he muttered, "I just wanted Pa, to finish reading the story."

Joe let out another squeal followed by more cackling laughter and Hoss and Ben again lost it. Adam just shook his head, and if it hadn't hurt so much, would've joined his family on the joke.

The End