The Cartwright brothers rode abreast of each other, the two younger ones chatting easily back and forth. Adam, the eldest, and ever-watchful one, was eyeing the ridge above them. There were at least five riders that had been following them for some twenty minutes. He hadn't said anything to his brothers; he wanted to be sure he wasn't imagining things.

The boys were on their way to Gold Ridge after a successful cattle drive to a ranch outside of Cedar Run. Adam was carrying a considerable amount of cash on him, the proceeds from the sale of the cattle. After the drive, Adam had collected the money from Mr. Posada and then paid the men off. The profits he now held in a large billfold inside his vest pocket that he could feel pressing against his chest. As was typical, once the men had cash in hand, they hurried into Cedar Run to spend it on women and drink.

Gold Ridge had a bank where the money could be safely deposited, yet the town seemed very far away now. Adam knew how loose the alcohol made a man's tongue, especially when they had their pockets full. He was sure the men who rode above him had overheard something in the small town they'd left behind, and the men knew exactly what Adam was carrying.

When his eyes once again scanned the ridge, the riders were gone. Adam chided himself for over reacting and smiled, he could hear his father now "Son I swear all that reading is affecting your thinking and letting your imagination run wild"

Later that night as the boys made camp, Hoss caught Adam alone while Joe tended the horses.

"Adam I didn't want to say anything in front of Little Joe, but we was being followed for quite a spell this afternoon"

"Yeah I know, I saw them too"

" I know” Hoss said and their eyes met for just a moment. Hoss always knew what Adam was thinking. He seemed to sense his brother's moods and had known all along that Adam was on alert, even though Adam had not said a word.

" I saw them about a half hour out of Cedar Run and they stayed with us until dusk"

"Are you sure?" Adam asked growing concerned again

"Yep, I'm sure, you reckon they're out there watching us now?"

Adam looked out into the darkness "They could be, just to be safe one of us should keep watch tonight"

"Should we tell Little Joe what we seen?"

Adam shook his head "No, not yet, we may not even see them again so why concern him unnecessarily"

Hoss sighed heavily "Well, I'll gather us up some firewood for tonight and you're welcome to the first watch"

"Thanks a lot" Adam said with a good-natured smile.


Joe watched the sun rise with his back against a tree, and rifle across his lap. His brothers had informed him that they better be on the alert since they were carrying so much cash and he agreed. He hated doing business in towns that didn't have banks for this very reason.

He watched Adam begin to toss and turn as he'd done most of the night, and knew he'd be rising soon. He turned to his other brother who was making enough noise snoring, to scare off just about anything. Joe wondered if the local bears thought Hoss was one of their own and he smiled.

"Makes you wonder how we don't even hear him when we're at home, doesn't it?" Adam said giving Joe a slight scare

Joe stood up and stretched his aching back "Oh I hear him, I just must've gotten used to it"

Adam sat up and raked his fingers through his hair, scratching his head. He hated the way sleeping on the ground made him feel. Joe noticed how puffy his eyes looked and knew he'd barely slept at all.

"Anything unusual last night?" He asked his young brother

Joe yawned loudly before answering "Well not really, the horses were real quiet so I don't think there was anyone around the camp at all"

Adam got to his feet and stretched just as Joe had done, reaching his arms to the sky. He kneeled by the fire to make some coffee, while Joe walked over to Hoss and kicked at the upturned saddle he was using for a pillow.

"Hey.................wake up brother, it’s your turn to make breakfast"

Hoss mumbled something incoherent and rolled over, ignoring his brother.

"Hey come on lazybones, we want to get going soon and then get on home"

"Alright you little pest" Hoss grumbled and sat up "I'm up, I'm up"

He let out a roar like a lion and got to his feet "Is the coffee ready yet?"

"Not yet" Adam said tending to the task

"Boy I sure enough will be glad to get home.”

"Yeah me too" Joe agreed "I like the shorter drives with the smaller crew. We had a great bunch this time though didn't we? No whining, complaining or any of that, everyone just pitched in and did their part"

"That's right, the only whining and complaining we heard came from you.” Hoss said with a laugh

Joe quickly grabbed a handful of dirt and tossed it at him

"Hey watch it there" Hoss hollered

Adam watched and smiled, occasionally tending their breakfast that crackled over the fire. In a few minutes he filled three plates with bacon and biscuits and handed them out.

"Hey Adam you didn't need to do that" Hoss said

"Aw leave him alone, " Joe said "I'd much rather eat his cooking then yours"

He took the plate Adam offered and passed it on to Hoss. Hoss took it and sat down to eat

"I sure wish we had some eggs” he said between bites

"As soon as you learn how to lay them you let us know" Adam joked

Hoss glowered at him as Joe sat next to him with his plate on his lap. Adam soon joined them sitting opposite his brothers.

"If we leave within an hour we should reach Gold Ridge by nightfall, then we can stay in town and head for home in the morning"

"Sounds good to me Adam"

"Me too" Joe agreed "Why does it always seem to take longer to get home anyway"


The brothers were back on the trail before the sun was fully up and had ridden for nearly two hours when Adam realized their shadows were back. Hoss rode up alongside him and glanced to his side

"I saw them,” Adam said before Hoss could ask

A moment later Joe was on the other side of him

"Adam I think we've got company"

"Yeah I know Joe, they were following us yesterday too"

"Why didn't you say something?"

Hoss jumped to Adam's defense "Look here Joe, we weren't for sure they was following us then. I reckon we're sure now huh Adam?"

"Yeah there's little doubt now. Look let's not let on that we've seen them, just keep close to your guns"

"You reckon they're Indians Adam?"

Against his better judgment Adam looked up and tried to make out something distinct about the men but they were too far away.

"I don't know Hoss, it's possible but they're too far off to be sure of anything right now"

"What do they want?"

"Most likely the money we're carrying, they're just waiting for a chance to pounce down and get it. Look just keep going and act as if we haven't even seen them"

The brothers pressed on, each of them knowing they were in serious danger, and each of them coming to terms with what may lay ahead of them.

"Adam how far you reckon we are from Gold Ridge?" Hoss pressed anxiously

"I'm not sure at least another day's ride, farther then I thought that's for sure"

"If they wanna do something I sure wish they'd get if over with"

"Why don't we get under cover in those rocks up ahead and just wait for them, we can pick them off one by one?" Joe suggested, unable to resist a peek at the men.

"Because if they know we're aware of them, they'll never make a move. No I think they're waiting to catch us off guard, so we have to stay alert at all times understand?" Adam said impatiently

Joe and Hoss each gave a solemn nod and grew quiet. The boys rode in silence for hours, the stress of knowing they were possible prey made all three of them edgy. As the oldest, having the responsibility of his brothers' safety weighed heavily on Adam's mind.

"Dadburnit Adam, we gotta do something, lets call their bluff like Little Joe said” Hoss suggested angrily

"No, all they'll do then is disappear and then return later. We don't know what we're dealing with here it's too risky. We have no choice but to wait them out and see what we’re up against."

"They sure do seem to be working us like Indians do” Joe commented shifting uncomfortably in his saddle.

"It's gonna be dark in a few hours Adam, we're facing another long night"

"Yeah I know Hoss" Adam answered, his voice had an edge to it but his brothers pretended not to notice.

They rode until the darkness fell around them. Joe had reached the end of his patience by then. He adamantly refused to dismount when his brothers did, insisting they keep on going.

"We ain't gonna get any sleep anyway so let's just keep riding, we'll hit town in a couple hours and we can rest easy. Then we can deposit the money in the morning and ride home without worrying about our little friends, what d'ya say Adam?"

Adam had already dismounted and looked up at his youngest brother, still sitting stubbornly on his horse. Joe's face was set in a scowl that Adam preferred not to deal with, but he had no choice.

“Now Joe I already told you no, absolutely not, now get down off that horse"

"Why not?" Joe insisted

Adam sighed, "Because number one, there's no moon and it's too dark to ride safely, for us or the horses. Number two the horses are tired, same as us and number three........................" He hesitated which caught Hoss' attention. He'd been stacking stones for a campfire but stopped and approached Adam. He saw something in Adam's face that concerned him.

"What's number three Adam?" He asked, afraid to hear the answer.

Adam looked from one brother to the other " I don't have the money, I hid it way back when I first saw them"

Joe slid down from his saddle and stared at Adam incredulous "What? Where? Where did you hide it?"

Adam looked up "Look maybe once they know we don't have the money they'll leave. It doesn't matter where it is, I know and that's all you need to know. Let's just make camp and figure out who gets first watch"

Joe and Hoss looked to each other, still somewhat stunned but knew better then to argue with Adam. It was always best to just go along with what he wanted to do, plain and simple.

They watched him walk away, and Joe turned to Hoss "Is he crazy? How's he ever gonna find the money again?"

Hoss tapped him on the chest "He'll find it, don't worry yourself about that, just get your horse untacked like he said"

Joe shook his head in disgust but did as Hoss told him. Hoss joined Adam in gathering firewood, looking for tinder as Adam got the rest. They worked side by side in silence, gathering armfuls and then depositing them next to the stones. On their second trip Hoss spoke up

"Adam you sure you know what you're doing?"

"No Hoss, I'm not. I do the best I can just like always. I figured the money was creating the danger and I thought the best thing to do was to get rid of it somehow"

"Adam look here, I ain't criticizing you, I never do. I just wanna know what you're thinking so's I can back you up that's all"

Adam looked intently at his brother and then began to smile

"Thanks Hoss"

Hoss blushed and gave a quick nod; it was all he needed to hear. A sharp crack behind them spun them around. They saw Joe sprawled on the ground with several men standing over him. Adam and Hoss rushed toward him, but were pulled up short by rifles jabbed into their chests.

Adam called out to him "Little Joe you alright?"

They were relieved to see him move as he struggled to sit up.

The man Adam pegged as the leader approached them "Ah Senor, we did your friend no harm, and if you give us the money you are carrying we will be on our way and so shall you "

Adam glared at the man with an intensity that surprised the hardened Mexican. He tried to stare Adam down, but the piercing brown eyes never wavered from his own.

"We don't have much money. After we paid the men off we found this wasn't one of our more profitable trips. We have maybe fifty dollars on us, you're welcome to that"

"He lies Ricardo" one of the henchmen spat

Ricardo silenced him with a look and a few words in his native tongue, and then turned his attention back to Adam.

"Senor Por fa vor eh, we know from the talk in Cedar Run that you have more than you say, much more"

"Well you should know that when men get liquored up they tend to spin tall tales. If you want to search us and the camp go right ahead."

Hoss glanced nervously from Adam to Joe, praying that Adam knew what he was doing. Joe was sitting upright looking somewhat dazed but otherwise all right, he too was watching his oldest brother.

Ricardo turned and gave an order to which the men began to dismantle their belongings.

"Empty your pockets Senors" he commanded with an even stare. Hoss and Adam did as he asked and Joe did the same after being jerked roughly to his feet.

When they were satisfied, the men shoved Joe toward his brothers who grabbed him and kept him from falling. The men now concentrated solely on the gear and saddlebags and whatever supplies were in their packs.

"You all right?" Adam asked Joe anxiously, his face full of concern.

"Yeah I suppose so. They came out of nowhere, I was lighting the fire and they jumped me, sorry Adam"

Adam patted his arm sympathetically "It's okay Buddy"

"You hurt little brother?" Hoss asked him

Joe gave Hoss a crooked grin " No just a little bump on the head is all"

Ricardo and his men found nothing but the small amount Adam told them about. His jaw tight with anger Ricardo approached Adam "Senor it troubles me deeply to be lied to, but I am not quite sure who has told the lie. Your name is Cartwright no?"

"My name is Cartwright yes, and like I said before, I'm afraid the liquor the men were drinking affected their sense of truth"

"And these two, they work for you also?" Ricardo asked waving his hand at Hoss and Joe

"Yes, they're part of our permanent crew"

Ricardo turned to Hoss "This one, he speaks the truth does he?"

"Yes Sir, he sure does" Hoss affirmed

Ricardo looked the three of them over for several minutes then suddenly turned back to his men. They formed a circle and spoke in fierce hushed whispers.

Hoss urgently spoke to Adam "Why'd you say that about us being hands?"

"Look, no matter what happens from here on out, we can't let them know we're brothers. Because any weakness they find they'll use against us” Adam said and looked hard at each of them to make sure they understood.

There was no time for a response from either of them as Ricardo returned to their side, again he addressed Adam "Senor, I am sorry to say my compadres and I do not believe your story. We have decided to take you with us to our presidio until we can decide what is to be done with you, or until you tell us the truth about the money"

He gave a slight nod to his men, and Adam and his brothers were ushered to their horses, which were already waiting for them. They rode along in silence once again, just ahead of their captors not daring to speak. Hoss and Joe tried to catch a glimpse of Adam's face. They had spent a lifetime looking to him for guidance and reassurance now was a time it was desperately needed. But Adam was busy memorizing direction and landmarks for further reference; things he knew could mean the difference to their survival.

Hours went by and they continued on, fatigue draining their energy. Suddenly the men stopped in what looked like an entrance to a stockade fence. They were signaled off the horses and stood waiting for the captors to make their next move.

Adam scanned the area around them, and then looked at his brothers. Adam was bothered by the obvious tension in his youngest brother. He looked like he was ready to bolt.

"Forget it Joe, you'd never make it" Adam warned him in a whisper "We gotta go along with them, at least for now. I'll get us out of here I promise. "

Joe met Adam's eyes and gradually calmed down. He was still scared, it showed in his eyes. But he trusted his oldest brother to take care of things as he always had. They were prodded in the back with rifles and moved through the gates. They stepped down into what was once some kind of barracks, and pushed through the door.

Adam turned to Ricardo once his brothers were behind him "You're making a mistake, the money's spent and gone"

Ricardo smiled unkindly "As you wish Senor, but if you remember something you would like to share with me I will listen. But you must not wait too long Amigo, for my patience is not endless” With that he turned and left, Adam heard the doors being bolted and locked on the outside. The men were barely out of sight when Hoss exclaimed "What are we gonna do Adam?"

Adam sat heavily upon the bare cot " I don't know right now, we're in big trouble that's for sure. But maybe as long as he thinks we know something, that we have something he wants, we'll be okay"

Joe and Hoss sat across from him, their eyes wide and dazed looking. Adam looked at each of them and then leaned forward a little. "Listen we're headed up a rough trail here, you both need to follow my lead. Remember what I said about them not finding out we're kin"

They both nodded and Joe leaned back in silent resolve, as Hoss looked around at their dim surroundings "Boy I'm half starved, you reckon they'll be feeding us?"

"I don't think that's at the top of their list of priorities" Adam commented dryly

"Yeah I figured as much, it sure seems like we're in the middle of nowhere don't it?"

"Yeah but I have a rough idea where we are. If the opportunity arises we may have a chance to make a run for it. The thing is fellas we have to be real observant from here on out. We gotta know everything we can about their set up"

"Like what Adam?"

Adam glanced at Joe to see if he was listening. Joe was staring at the small window above his head

"We have to know exactly how many men we're up against, what kind of weapons they have and where they keep them. We need to know where the horses are at all times because our chance can come at any time. It's not going to be easy but we have to be ready just like that” Adam said snapping his fingers.

Joe turned his attention back to his brothers and frowned unhappily.

" I think the best thing we can do now is rest while we have the chance. If they're gonna do anything they'll plan it out tonight” He took off his coat and rolled it into a ball and put it down on the end of the cot, then stretched out using it as a pillow. His brothers followed suit without a word but no one slept as the night filled with the loud, boisterous men who held them.


Ben waited for two days for his sons' expected arrival home. By the third evening concern turned to fear for his sons' safety, which soon turned to a knot in his stomach.

By the following morning he saddled his horse and rode into Virginia City, hoping perhaps the boys had sent word. He visited his friend, Sheriff Coffee, expressing his anxiety about the boys.

"Now Ben, more'n likely those boys of yours got delayed for natural things, storms, blocked passages and the like. You got no reason to worry a'tall"

"Something's happened this time Roy, I know it, I feel it” Ben explained

"Nonsense Ben, you say that every time they're running a little late and they always come home in their own good time. Let's go over to Garsons and have some lunch and maybe you can think about something else for awhile"

"I'm really not very hungry Roy" Ben said soberly

Roy rose from his desk frowning at his friend. Impatiently he gripped Ben's arm and walked him toward the door "Now Ben I'm just not gonna tolerate your moping around like a whipped dog over them boys of yourn. It's on past noon time and I want to share a nice dinner with my friend"

Ben allowed himself to be led, not knowing what else to do until he received some kind of word from the boys. As they entered the restaurant and sat down Ben felt his heart sink a little lower in his chest.


The darkness had barely lifted when the rattle of chains being removed from the door awakened the Cartwright brothers. They strained to sitting positions, stiff and tired as Ricardo stood before them wearing an unfriendly smile.

"Well Senors, my friends and I have discussed this most delicate of matters for several hours and have come to a conclusion.

Adam knew he was waiting for some kind of response; he didn't honor him with one.

"Since it involves you I will explain. You see we feel that you are lying to us about the money Senor. I am sure you know precisely where it is located, but lack the motivation to tell us. Therefore we feel we should provide the motivation you need"

He jerked his head as he finished the sentence; two of his men hastily grabbed Joe by the arms and began to drag him out. Hoss and Adam rushed to stop them, only to have rifles thrust into their chests.

"Senors, I think perhaps your brother can tell us what you will not, the answer we seek will come from him or you, that is your choice "

With another jerk of his head the men dragged him away, Adam and Hoss watched, unable to do anything to help him. When the footsteps faded, the two others backed off with rifles still pointing at them. Again the chains could be heard securing the door, they too left the area.

Hoss was furious, desperate "Adam just tell them where it is and they'll let us go, it ain't worth Little Joe's life"

Adam answered without looking at him "Do you think for one minute they're going to let us go once they have the money? We've seen their faces and we know where their hideout is, what d'ya think will happen when they have what they want?"

“ But they’re gonna hurt Joe. Please, just tell them where it is. I know we gotta pay off them contracts, but Pa always tells us how the ranch is not the most important thing.”

Adam turned cold eyes to his brother " Are you suggesting that the money is my only concern here?"

"No I ain't, I'm just ain’t sure what you're planning to do about this"

Adam angrily paced toward the door, and then turned back "I don't know, but I do know as soon as they've got the money they'll kill us all. Our only chance is to make them think we'll tell them where it is"

Adam's words sunk in and Hoss let himself down heavily on the cot "How'd they know we was brothers, we never said nothing?"

Adam shook his head "I don't know, but I wish they hadn't figured it out"

Neither of them realized that their connection to each other was evident without the need of last names.

Adam glanced at Hoss, who seemed somewhat calmer. Although Adam was grateful, he could not quell his own angst. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to erase the image of Joe's pleading, frightened eyes as they took him away. He racked his brain for a way out of this mess, the situation all the more difficult by their separation.

He was unaware that Hoss was watching him.

"Adam don't fret about it, we'll figure something out together, we'll get Little Joe back"

Adam tried to smile but he was thinking only of his father and his obligation to him. As usual he had to take care of things and that included his brothers.

Hours passed and neither of them said a word, it grew so quiet Hoss heard his own heart beating, or at least thought he did. He thought he smelled food, and was about to ask Adam if he smelled it too when they both heard footsteps approaching.

Two of Ricardo's men entered, one held a gun on them and the other handed them tins of food. Hoss took them and sat down, but didn't eat.

"Is my brother alright?" Adam inquired but the men only stared at him

"Tell Ricardo I wish to see and talk to my brother"

Again there was no response, they simply backed off and left, locking the chains behind them.

Hoss sat looking at the food but not really seeing it. He was famished but couldn't help but wonder if Joe had been fed too. He looked up at Adam who'd been watching him, and said
"You reckon they gave Little Joe something too?"

"Sure they did Hoss, you better eat, we're probably gonna need all our strength to get out of this"


For Joe there was only darkness and silence. Blindfolded he'd been dragged into a small empty room and left there. He listened intently for any sound, any indication of company or anything else, there was nothing. With his hands bound behind his back there was little he could do. He managed to get to his feet and hoped a window would give him some light, but he saw only darkness.

His heart filled with despair, for darkness was something he hated and feared. Ever since he was a small boy and had inadvertently been locked in the root cellar. It was a couple of hours before anyone found him and by then he'd been paralyzed with fear. Things had crawled on him and over him as he cried for help and no one came for a long time. When they finally found him he was so overwrought it took hours to calm him down.

And now here it was again, and Joe's skin began to crawl. He felt his strength begin to wane and a little of any hope he had of getting out. Separated from his brothers, it was difficult to think clearly about what he should do. Just the thought of them suddenly gave him clarity, he simply had to hold on and be strong, Adam and Hoss would find him. They had not walked for very long so he wasn't far from where his brothers were being held. That meant they were nearby and that simple knowledge calmed him. He slid back down to the floor and thought about Adam, as long as he told them nothing he'd be safe, Adam would take care of the rest.

He hadn't sat for long when he heard footsteps approaching and the creak of the door being opened. He was abruptly pulled to his feet and ushered out of the room and down a narrow hallway. Although the blindfold remained in place, he could see flashes of light as he tried to peek out of the bottom and top. They entered another room and Joe was shoved into a chair, the blindfold was jerked free. With the blindfold off, Joe found himself blinking in the dim candlelight before him and then into the sneering face of Ricardo.

"Welcome Senor, I hope your room is satisfactory"

Joe didn't respond, something he'd learned from Adam, never give them what they want. He felt himself tense up; he knew he was in for a rough time.

"Ah I see you are the quiet one in the family, but you see, this is your chance to speak. We will avoid much pain and misery if you were only to tell me what I want to know"

"My brother told you there wasn't any money left after we paid the men” Joe said

"Yes that is what he said, but I'm afraid I don't believe him"

"That's your problem" Joe said dryly. Ricardo retaliated by striking him across the face. He leaned in close and hissed " Young Cartwright, I will give you a chance to tell me where your brother has the money. If you continue to be stubborn you will only make this process more difficult, do you understand?"

Joe forced himself to hold his head up and face Ricardo, despite the fact that his head was throbbing with pain. He didn't let Ricardo see the discomfort; he made his eyes steely and set his jaw hard. Again he thought of his brothers and it gave him strength he didn't know he had.

" I see you that you choose to be stubborn Senor, that is an honorable thing, I will give you some time to think"

Ricardo left the room and Joe was roughly blindfolded again, dragged back to the small room, and dropped on the floor. Alone again, he sat up against the wall and listened, trying to think clearly. His stomach grumbled loudly with hunger, he couldn't remember when he'd eaten last, had already lost sense of time. He was beginning to relax and feel a little drowsy when he heard footsteps coming toward the room. He was alarmed by how many there seemed to be and labored until he was standing. The men said nothing as they approached him, but Joe sensed he was in immediate danger and frantically tried to rub the blindfold off.


Hoss and Adam leapt to their feet at the sound of Joe's agonizing screams of pain. Hoss charged the door in a rage; within moments wood could be heard splintering. Adam watched him, almost in a trance, when a voice outside the door caught his attention

"Senor, if you hit the door once more, I will be forced to open it for you by pulling this trigger"

Adam rushed forward to stop Hoss, only to be bodily thrown out of the way. Adam fell hard and grunted as his shoulder hit the wall. Realizing what he'd done Hoss rushed to him and helped him up.

"Adam I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it's just that Joe.................."

"It's okay” Adam said holding his arm and shaking his head a little to clear it.

"Adam we gotta do something, they're hurting him” Hoss cried desperately

"Hoss you go out there now and they'll shoot you down. That would hurt Joe more than anything they could do to him. We can't rush out there without a plan, we have to be rational if we want to survive this"

"Well I'm sorry if I can't think rational right now” Hoss snapped, upset and angry, he only knew that Joe needed him and he couldn't reach him. He paced the small area and cringed each time he heard Joe's cries. Then suddenly the awful sounds stopped.

"It's stopped, you reckon he's okay now Adam, they'll leave him be?"

"He's okay Hoss, he's fine you'll see” Adam lied and took Hoss by the arm and led him to sit on the cot.

"Look Hoss, Little Joe doesn't know anything about where the money is, that means sooner or later they'll have to come back to us. We can't do anything while we're in here, our chance is out there in the open, you understand?"

"Sure Adam, but how we gonna get out there and get Joe too?"

"I don't know yet, but we will. My point is, don't try anything in here, I'll let you know when all right? And when I give the signal we make our play"

Hoss nodded "With Little Joe beside us"

Adam gripped his shoulder "Of course with Little Joe beside us, we'll get him away from them don't worry. We ain't leaving without him, that's for sure"

"And they'll pay for what they done to him, no doubt about that"

"Yeah they'll pay” Adam said quietly looking up at the small window.


Days passed and Ricardo never came near the barracks that held Adam and Hoss, but Joe's torture went on. Hoss put several holes in the walls around them with his fists, and the men stayed posted outside the door. Adam prayed for Ricardo to come so he could get his attention off his brother.

It was late in the afternoon when it grew quiet, Hoss and Adam faced another long night. Hoss stood now looking out the window, up toward the sky.

"It smells like rain, and lots of it” He said absently, and then turned to Adam. "They gotta be coming after us soon right Adam?"

"What did you say?" Adam asked him, moving closer to him, his face suddenly intense

" I said they’d be coming soon right?"

"No before that, what'd you say before that?"

Hoss looked puzzled "That it's gonna rain, you mean that?"

"Yeah about the rain, are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure, you can feel the moisture in the air, and you can smell it"

"Hoss, that's it, we can make our move soon, you remember what I said about being in the open. If Ricardo comes we gotta find a way to convince him to let us out"

"What about Joe?"

Adam was about to answer when they heard the sound of men approaching "Just let me do the talking, it'll be okay” Adam said softly

Joe lay on the hard, unforgiving floor in his own hell, barely conscious. He was vaguely aware of someone standing over him, and occasionally moving about the room. The man spoke to him now and then but Joe didn't hear what he said, he was listening for something else, other voices that meant much more to him.

As if reading his mind, Carlos cruelly lifted his head from the floor

"Do you think perhaps that your brothers will be coming for you Senor?"

Joe glared up at him with swollen, bruised eyes "They'll hunt you all down and kill you one by one” he said hoarsely

" I think not Amigo, you are wrong, that is not possible, you will die as well as your brothers"

Joe turned away from him and curled painfully into a ball, he hurt everywhere and his stomach ached with hunger. He had no intention of playing their mind games.

Back in the presidio, Ricardo asked Adam again if he wished to change his mind about the existence of the money. Feigning defeat Adam answered "All right, I'll show you where the money is but only if my brothers go along, and only if you agree to let us go once you have the money in your possession"

"Senor Cartwright, you are not in a position to make any deals with me. I think you will tell me.........."

" Look you'd never find it without me” Adam interrupted " I memorized landmarks by sight and there's no way I could direct you unless I show you the way. I give you my word I will take you to it myself"

Ricardo studied Adam, trying to read his expression, but it revealed nothing for him. He considered what his best course of action should be, while unable to admit to himself that the young man before him intimidated him. He knew it could be a trap; he had been nearly convinced that there was indeed no money, and now this.

"Alright Senor, we will all go, and once we have the money in our hands you and your brothers are free to go"

Adam knew it was a lie, but he also knew it would be their only chance to escape, and he had to take it.

Ricardo kept his eyes on Adam as he spoke to his men, "Paco, give Carlos the signal to bring the boy out"

Without hesitation Paco raised the pistol above his head and fired two shots into the air.

Joe heard the shots, and looked up as Carlos began to laugh out loud.

" You still think your brothers will save you Senor? But they cannot do that if they are dead can they? Two shots Senor, bang, bang, and you are an only child"

Joe felt the blood drain from his face and all hope left his heart. Carlos stepped over him and pulled him to his feet with no resistance from Joe. He returned the blindfold to Joe's eyes and tightened it a little too much. Joe's head began to swim with the realization of his loss; he was unaware of his surroundings. He realized if he survived now, it would be up to him to deliver the news to his father. The very thought of that made his knees buckle and Carlos was forced to physically drag him through the door and outside.

Joe was so lost in confusion; he didn't hear Hoss call his name. When his brothers tried to approach him, they were nudged toward the gates.

"He looks okay Hoss, just follow my lead whatever happens from now on"

Hoss gave a subtle nod, knowing they were being watched closely. Adam watched the men mount up and was surprised to see their own horses among them. For a fleeting moment he thought they might be allowed to ride, but he knew better.

As the procession began outside the gates, the rain began to fall. It was a light rain, but cold and chilling. By the time they reached the first descent it was raining harder. Hours passed and the men pressed on, Adam thinking hard. If he were going to do something it would have to be soon, and quick.

"Senor if you are considering making a break for it and heading for Cedar Run, forget it. You see that is our town, under our control and that includes the good Sheriff. We pay him well to always look the other way, if you know what I mean"

Adam knew what he meant and his resolve faltered just a little. He looked back at Joe who appeared to be stumbling along behind them; he made up his mind then and there.

The sky was lit by lightening, the horses shied at the sound. Several of them snorted their disdain for the storm, as the men struggled to hold them steady. The rain came down harder and visibility diminished. The wind increased with the intensity of the rain and soon became a roar.

Adam stopped walking and glanced around him "It's here somewhere, around here. I'm sure,” he shouted above the storm.

" Where is it?" Ricardo demanded

Adam watched from the corner of his eye as Hoss rushed to Joe's side.

" I can't see, there's not enough light,” Adam shouted trying to appear confused

"You said you used landmarks,” Ricardo snapped at him, but the force of it was blown away with the wind

Adam looked convincingly perplexed " I did, that tree there and there was another one, I buried it between them. I don't see the other tree, I don't know which direction to go"

The men scrambled from their horses, searching the ground for fresh dug dirt. And they looked around wildly for a tree that didn't exist. None of them noticed Adam slowly backing up and putting some distance between them. The time had come and Adam sent a silent prayer skyward. Like manna from heaven, lightening struck very near and sent the horses scattering in every direction.

"Get them you fools” Ricardo screamed into the storm

Adam looked to Hoss as the men ran off, now only Ricardo and two others remained. In an instant Hoss was all over two of them, and Adam took on the one man left. It didn't take long for the men to be disarmed and disabled, with guns thrown to the ground. When Adam looked up he saw Hoss had Ricardo by the throat, he meant business. Adam hurried toward him and pulled on his arms, yelling in his ear.

"Hoss let him go, we have to go now, before they come back"

Hoss dropped Ricardo and followed Adam back to Joe. They knelt down by him, both of them breathing hard.

" Look Joe, we have to run and run hard, it's our only chance. So when you start don't you stop or look back okay?"

Joe nodded numbly. How could Adam be talking to him when they had had both been killed earlier?

"Okay let's go” Adam said as he and Hoss got to their feet and each held one of Joe's arms and started to run. The ground was saturated and footing was treacherous, it was difficult to move swiftly. There was mass confusion; Ricardo's men were only able to catch two of the panicked horses, as lightening continued to crash around them. The others grabbed rifles and fired in the direction the Cartwrights had run, even though they seemed already out of sight. The boys heard the shots, felt bullets whiz by them as they ran, and they soon heard the horses coming behind them. They were climbing an embankment when the ground seemed to give way underneath them. Adam found they were in some kind of ditch full of underbrush that covered them like blankets. Adam could no longer hear or see his brothers but he felt them close by.

"Adam you reckon they've gone?" Hoss whispered his voice edged with fear

"Shhhhhhhh” Adam warned not daring to speak quite yet. And as he expected, the hoof beats grew closer. They seemed to stop on top of them and he heard the men begin to argue in their native language. They were angry, and so close Adam could hear their horses breathing just above them.

What seemed like hours passed, no one moved and then the men finally dispersed and moved on with their search. For a long time there were no sounds except the wildlife in the woods as darkness fell around them. Still the Cartwrights remained where they were, too frightened and fatigued to move.

" Adam what do we do now?" Hoss finally asked

Adam sat up cautiously and looked around him, but it was too dark to see anything.

"We gotta start moving and keep moving until we reach some kind of safety"

"But Adam you done heard him say we can't go to Cedar Run?"

"Maybe he was bluffing” Adam said doubtfully "Then again we can't risk it so I say we head south.”

Hoss got to his feet pushing away the brush that surrounded him " Let's get going then Adam"

They reached to pull Joe to his feet and Adam spoke quickly to him " Listen Joe, we're gonna try to get out of here and then get word to Pa. We have to keep moving and avoid meeting up with Ricardo and his friends, okay?"

The only word Joe was able to comprehend was Pa, and he gasped it out loud.
Adam was concerned about him, he sounded funny, but it was terribly dark and they could not see him.

"Yeah Buddy, Pa's gonna be coming but we have to get going if you want to see him so let's go, ready Hoss?"

" I'm right here,” he said and he took Joe's arm as they climbed out of their sanctuary.

They kept moving through the night and then the darkness began to fade away. Joe seemed to fall further and further behind. When Adam turned back to look at them Hoss was picking Joe up into his arms.

"No Hoss, you can't do that, you can't carry him"

"You leave me alone Adam, I can carry him all the way home if I've a mind too"

" No Hoss, we may be on the run a long time, you won't be able to make it like this"

Hoss adjusted Joe's weight in his arms " I can make it Adam, don't worry"

" Hoss put him down, I’m not gonna let you do it"

Joe listened to them argue back and forth, lost somewhere between consciousness and reality. His brothers were dead after all, so that must mean he too was dead. And yet if that were true, they were all most certainly in hell.

" Adam you back off right now, he's my little brother and I gotta do what I can to take care of him"

"Exactly! And so do I - times two” Adam snapped stubbornly standing before him

The brothers stared each other down and eventually the anger subsided. They were wet, cold and hungry, too worn out to keep up the arguing.

Adam went to Joe who was now leaning heavily against Hoss "Joe listen to me, I know they gave you a rough time and I'm sorry about that. But we have got to keep moving, we gotta stay ahead of them so you have to keep up with us, at least until we're safely away from here, okay?"

Joe stared at Adam, and then slowly nodded his head.

"Adam look over yonder there” Hoss said pointing off to the left

Adam looked in the direction he pointed and saw them. Many riders with torches could be seen heading right toward them.

"What do we do?" Hoss asked which seemed like the hundredth time to Adam

" We have to keep moving" Adam said simply

" We gotta stop Adam, somewhere where he can rest, he can't take much more of this"

Adam wanted to rest too, his body ached all over but he knew that wasn't an option for them.
" Hoss we can't, it won't take them long to catch up with us, we have to keep moving, it's the only way"

Hoss mumbled to himself and with regret helped Joe to his feet as Adam took hold of his other arm. Adam knew they'd expect the boys to head into the mountains, for that reason he headed back toward civilization.

They lost sight of Ricardo and his gang, but continued their trek as the rain fell in sheets. The mud they walked through was so deep sometimes it threatened to suction the boots right off their feet. Each of them slipped and fell too many times to count, but they kept going

Adam kept stopping to look at Joe, his concern growing deeper. His color was wrong, he looked almost gray. But there was no time to stop and rest, not yet.

It was well after noon when they collapsed in a grove of trees to rest, just for a minute. The rain had slowed to a drizzle and it appeared the sun was trying to break through the clouds.

" I'm about half starved Adam” Hoss commented, his breath coming out in puffs before him

" Me too “ Adam agreed but said no more

" How come we didn't grab some of them guns when we made the break?" Hoss asked squinting up at the sky

" All I could think about was getting away from there. Besides even if we had a gun we couldn't use it. The first shot would lead them right to us"

Hoss looked around at their surroundings, trying to determine how far they were from a town or settlement of any kind. He then examined his boots and legs covered to the thigh with mud. Even his shirt and vest was spattered all over with it, it would take some serious scrubbing to get it all off he thought. As the examination went on he found something else.

" Adam look here” he said in a tone that immediately caught Adam's attention

Adam looked where he pointed but didn't see it right away because of the amount of mud

" That's blood Adam, look it's on you too.................but where'd it come from?"

They felt themselves over and then at the same instant turned to look at Joe now leaning against a tree. He was breathing heavily and barely holding his head up. His brothers rushed to him and frantically ran their hands over him, looking at every stitch of clothing on him, and brushing away at the mud now crusting over on them. Hoss went over his back, and his hands suddenly froze, Joe's shirt was soaked through near his right shoulder.

Adam saw Hoss' expression and examined what he'd found " Oh my God" he choked out

Hoss ripped at the shirt to get a better look, he could see where the bullet went in but there was no exit wound.

“The bullets still in there"

Adam sank down " I didn't know he was hit, he didn't say anything at all"

" Adam we gotta get some help, we gotta find help now"

Adam nodded numbly, he noticed Joe was shivering, they all were. Not knowing what else to do, he stripped his own shirt off and put it over his brother. He felt overwhelmingly helpless, the shirt was soaking wet, and it would do little good.

Hoss lifted Joe in his arms with no argument from Adam this time, and without a word headed down off the mountain. Adam followed behind them staying as close as he could.

More than an hour passed before Hoss let Adam take a turn carrying him, they continued this pattern until darkness. They forced themselves to take a rest and sat on some downed trees. Adam took a look at Joe in the fading light. He was very pale and shivering violently, but it only blended with Adam's own trembling.

" You want me to take him now?" Hoss asked him

" No I got him” Adam said, then something caught his attention in the distance " Oh no, it's them"

Hoss looked too and got to his feet. He studied the same light Adam saw and frowned as he squinted for a better look. He noticed the light wasn't moving as though held by riders, it flickered now and then but that was all.

" Adam that ain't them, matter of fact I think that's a homestead, it has to be. Adam that's a house not more'n two hundred feet away” Hoss told him his voice rising with excitement

" Hoss you sure, maybe they've made camp and we could be walking right into a hornets nest. You have to be sure"

Hoss looked back and concentrated on the light, he was sure it was a house and when he squinted again he could just make out a window.

" Here, give him to me, we're gonna find out for sure one way or another"

Adam looked up at him, not sure he had the strength to go on " Hoss what if you're wrong, we can't go on like this, you have to be sure"

Hoss knelt down and held out his arms " Adam I'm almost positive, we gotta try for Joe's sake, now give him to me"

Adam didn't resist as Hoss gathered Joe into his arms. He held him against his shoulder; he was as limp as a rag. Adam hesitantly fell in behind his brothers never taking his eyes off the light. Even though the rain had stopped, with the sun gone the temperature had dropped considerably. Their clothes had never had a proper chance to dry and it made them feel that much colder.

As the boys got closer it was confirmed they had indeed seen a house with a candle burning in the window. They came into a level clearing and could see the outline of a home. They stopped momentarily and looked at each other, contemplating what or whom they may encounter. Hoss shifted Joe in his arms and as soon as Adam moved on, he followed.

They halted outside the door with Hoss leaning on the edge of the cabin. Adam looked over at him again and Hoss nodded. Adam knocked on the door and stepped back a just a little. A moment passed and then the door opened slowly and revealed an older woman pointing a rifle right at him. Hoss took that moment to back out of sight, waiting.

" Mister you better turn your tail and head right back the way you come” the woman warned

" Ma'am please, we need your help, see my bro..........."

" I don't care what your story is boy, you're probably one of them fellers the Sheriff warned us about, now you just move on"

" Look my name is Cartwright, we were held prisoners by a Mexican gang and escaped, my brother was shot "

Hoss took that as a cue and came into view so she could see them

" I got no intention of helping you so you move on, all of you"

His patience gone, Adam swiftly snatched the gun from her grasp, leaving her shocked and open-mouthed.

" Ma'am I haven't got time to argue with you, now you're going to help us whether you want to or not"

He pushed past her into the cabin with Hoss on his heels

" Now just a minute young man, you can't do this I have children in this house and I will not subject them to your............"

" Look lady, I have no interest whatsoever in your children. I need warm clothes, hot food, and a doctor for my brother. And until we can get back home safely, we need a place to stay."

Behind her two young faces appeared and stared at the Cartwright brothers with wide frightened eyes.

" Ruthie, take Cole back to your room, now"

" Ma'am, my brother an I wouldn't do nothing to harm your young'uns, we just need help for our brother and we got no place else to turn” Hoss said shifting Joe's weight a little in his arms

She regarded Hoss for several minutes. There was nothing about him that was threatening, despite his enormous size. Besides she was used to big men, and was not the least bit intimidated.

" This way, bring him in here” she said unexpectedly and led them to a large bedroom.

There was an oversize bed, nearly as big as the one Hoss had at home, and he gently laid Joe on it

The woman moved toward the foot of the bed and opened an old chest, she withdrew a nightshirt and threw it to Hoss " Get him cleaned up and dry and put this on him. There's a basin and water right there, I'll bring something for him to drink and something to dress his wound"

She left the room quickly and Hoss and Adam exchanged a look that said, what now?

They hurried to do as she said, cleaning Joe up, getting him dry and warm. The nightshirt she had given them was huge and would've fit Hoss easily. Little Joe swam in it and was unaware of what was happening around him. In no time they had him covered and as comfortable as possible, then they waited for her return.

They didn't wait long, and Adam wondered briefly if she'd sent the boy after the Sheriff.

" This is a medicinal bark tea, my daughter Ruthie made it. Let's see if we can get some of this in him"

The brothers rushed to Joe's side and supported his head as she tried to get him to drink. But Joe was not responsive to her at all.

"One of you talk to him, see if you can get him to open his mouth, even a little would help"

Hoss jumped right in " Little Joe, listen here, this nice lady has some tea that will warm ya up real good, now open up so we can give it to ya"

There was no change; the woman looked up at Adam " You want to give it a try?"

Adam moved closer, leaning in " Joe listen to me you have to take this so you open up right now"

He moved his head just a little as if trying to comply.

" Ma'am maybe we could spoon feed it to him at least for now, until he's able to take a full drink of it"

She sighed but agreed with Hoss "We can try it, go on to the kitchen and tell Ruthie to give you a spoon"

Hoss hurried to do as she said, eager to do something to help his brother

" Ma'am I just want to thank you for doing this for him” Adam said once Hoss was gone

" I didn't have much of a choice did I?" She snapped in an unpleasant tone

Adam lowered his eyes toward his brother " No Ma'am- neither did I "

Hoss returned and handed her the spoon, again lifting Joe's head. This time she managed to get some past his lips and he swallowed and took more.

When she was satisfied, she nodded for Hoss to let him down again.

" You reckon he'll be alright Ma'am?" Hoss asked hopefully

" I don't know son, let's hope so. By the way my name is Amy so you might as well use it “ she said wearily

" Ours is Cartwright Ma'am, that's Adam, he's Little Joe, and I'm Hoss"

" Hoss, what kind of name is that for a man like you?"

" I reckon it's just a nickname Ma'am... I mean Miss Amy"

She actually smiled this time, and Adam relaxed his guard

" You both need to get some dry clothes on as well “ she said and pulled the mud splattered quilt off the top of the bed. It was laid out on the floor "There's plenty of clothes in the trunk, belonged to my husband. Take off the your soiled things and put them on here and I'll clean them up for you "

“Miss Amy, won’t your husband mind any?" Hoss asked apprehensively

" He died five years ago Hoss, so I don't think he'll mind, and lucky for you he was a big fella so you should find things fit just fine. Now get yourselves cleaned up and Ruthie and I will get you something to eat. I'll bring some extra blankets for the boy"

They listened to her footsteps fade away and Hoss turned to Adam "You reckon we're okay here?"

"We haven't got a choice Hoss, we couldn't have lasted any longer out there. Come on let's get washed up and see what's in this old trunk"

They stripped off their mud-covered clothes, washed the mud from themselves over the basin, and then looked for clean clothes. They managed to find some comfortable clothes although Adam knew he'd have trouble keeping anything fitting snug. He was still shivering all over with a cold that seemed to be all the way through and he glanced at Hoss, noticing that he too was shivering.

Meanwhile Amy Callahan joined her daughter in the kitchen. She went about putting a couple meals together for the strange men. It was very quiet and then Ruth asked very softly

"Mama, are those the bank robbers the Sheriff told us about?"

" I don't know Honey, they say they aren't. All I do know is that boy needs help; they would never have lasted through the night. I guess we have a Christian duty to help, no matter who they are don't we?"

Ruthie gave her mother a small smile "Yes Ma'am

Cole entered the kitchen carrying a pail of water and lugged it toward his mother. It was heavy but he did his best to look unburdened by it. Amy took the pail from him and smiled her appreciation

"Thank you Cole, now listen to me, both of you, I'm going to need your help. No matter what, you are not to let anyone know those men are here, it could put us all in grave danger, do you understand?"

They both nodded gravely keeping their eyes on their mother

"Thank you children, now Ruthie I'll need two plates and two coffees, the tea is for the injured boy. I'm sure he'll have a fever if he doesn't have one already, we'll have to keep that under control. "

"I'll help you Mama, just tell me what to do” Ruthie offered bravely

"Well first off Cole go into the barn and see if you can find that extra bed frame. They'll be staying in my room for now, Ruthie that means I'll need to bunk with you for awhile"

"That might be fun Mama, we can talk into the night” the girl said happily

Amy patted her shoulder and then took the pail and went back into her room. She found Hoss and Adam hovering over the boy. She kept an eye on them as she filled the bowl and then added one of the compresses to it. After rinsing the compress she held it to Joe's forehead, he was indeed burning up.

"We'll need to watch his fever, make sure it doesn't get too high” she said

"Ma'am he's still got that bullet in him, we need a doctor or something, it has to come out” Hoss said urgently

"Yes I know” she said her mind working on an idea "We have a good doctor in Cedar Run, perhaps if we could get him out here..."

" You bring that doctor out here and those Mexican pigs will be right behind him “ Adam snapped

Amy turned on him "Dr. Williams is a friend of mine, has been for some twenty years, I can trust him. He patched my husband up more times than I care to remember. As a friend I know he'd never do anything to put my family in harms way"

Adam dropped his eyes he was exhausted and overwrought

"Adam you asked for my help and now I'm asking for your trust” Amy said to him

Adam looked up and studied her expression. She seemed sincere and Joe needed help, they had to trust someone. He sighed and nodded his consent, then sat close to Little Joe holding a fresh compress to the boy's forehead.

When he turned back his jaw line was tight "Alright Ma'am you tell me where to find this Dr. Williams and I'll find him and bring him out here"

" Adam if you go into that town you won't come back you'd be walking into a worse hell than you just came through"

"She's right Adam, you can't risk it, we need you here"

" He needs help Hoss, and he needs it now" Adam said angrily

" Adam you let me think on it tonight and I'll figure something out, I promise you we'll get Don out here somehow” Amy said not wanting him to do anything rash

" Please Adam, let her help I ain't gonna risk being separated from one of ya again” Hoss pleaded

Adam didn't answer but simply turned his attention back to Joe. As he turned, the door opened and Amy's daughter entered balancing a tray of food and drink. She gracefully pulled the door shut behind her with her foot and lightly set the tray down. She moved warily as she handed Hoss and then Adam a plate and a mug. They said thank you and she hurriedly left the room, as Hoss gazed down at the sweet smelling food.

"You boys go ahead and eat, you need to warm up your insides along with the rest of you"

Hoss looked to Adam and after a moment he nodded. They were famished but not so much so that they lost their manners. Adam drank the coffee and let the wonderful warmth spread down into his chilled bones. Hoss ate slowly, savoring the meal and the smells, and then smiled at his host.

"We're much obliged to you Ma'am, I never thought I'd be dry or full again"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Hoss, and you're quite welcome"

Adam said nothing but his eyes spoke of his appreciation for her help

Ruthie entered the room again and gave her mother a bowl with a broth, then left just as quickly

" Let's see if we can get some of this into him" Amy said and Adam slipped an arm under Joe's shoulder and lifted him just a little. His head lolled toward his brother but he didn't wake.

" You're gonna have to talk to him Adam, see if you can reach him. If we could get even a little into him it may help with the fever"

As she spoke Cole peeked through the door "Ma I found that other bed but the frame needs mending"

" I can help you there little feller " Hoss said and then looked to Amy

" Sure go ahead, it'll provide extra sleeping space for you boys if you can fix it"

" You be careful Hoss and don't let your guard down those fellas can come here any minute" Adam warned

" Don't worry Adam, I'll watch it, come on little fella “ Hoss said putting a large hand on the boys shoulder

" My names Cole Mister, I hear yer called Horse, I can see why, cause you're easily as big as one"

Adam smiled just a little as they left the room and caught Amy smiling at him as well.

" What d'ya say we try again?" Amy said and filled the spoon with broth once more

Adam grasped Joe's chin and spoke into his ear "Come on Joe, let's have some broth now. If you want to go home and see Pa you have to get better."

They managed to get only a few spoonfuls past his lips and they gently laid him back down. Amy watched as Adam returned a compress to Joe's head and sat near his shoulder. After a moment he turned to Amy

" You think they'll come here looking for us?"

Amy shook her head " I doubt it, they've been here already. But even if they were to come back I can handle the good Sheriff"

Adam looked at her in surprise " I take it you're not fond of him?" He said

" No....I'm not"

"Well just the same I hope you realize how much your help means to us"

She looked evenly at him " I just pray I'm not making a mistake"

Adam didn't respond, for he knew nothing he could say would change her mind. He wondered if they would ever get the chance to prove their innocence.

Just then Hoss and the boy returned carrying their achievement.

" Ma look we fixed it and we got stuff to make up a good comfortable bed, look here what we got "

She joined them and set about helping them get it put together. Hoss moved the trunk and rocking chair from the other end of the room and put them outside the door. Cole watched in amazement as Hoss lifted the trunk.

" Ain't he something Ma?"

Amy looked at her young son and nearly broke down in tears. Had his father lived he would have looked up to him in the same way. But Cole didn't have his Pa, and would never know the man who so resembled this one before them.

" Yes Cole he is" she said and caressed her son's hair, longing for her husband's company. It was a longing that never went away


Amy made her way to her bedroom as midnight approached; she had managed to get some sleep and wanted to check on her guests. A lamp was burning low and Hoss who was snoring loudly occupied the spare bed. The one called Adam was still awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, close to the boy. He was looking toward the window, listening. She went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Sorry Ma'am I didn't hear you come in" he apologized

" How could you hear anything?" She said indicating Hoss

Adam smiled " I guess we're just used to it Mrs. Callahan. It's funny sometimes when he's away from home we can't sleep at night, the house is too quiet"

" Yes speaking of sleep, I managed to get some myself, it took me awhile to get my children to sleep, they don't feel safe"

She kept her eyes on Adam and he got the feeling that her tone was accusatory. He felt ashamed of how he had barged in on her " Ma'am I'm sorry we rushed in on you like we did, but sometimes when it comes to the ones we love, we do desperate things"

She held his eyes for several minutes, and then nodded. It was a statement she couldn't argue with. Just then Joe began to move about, moaning and apparently coming awake. He immediately tried to rise and Adam gripped his good shoulder, holding him down.

" Joe lie still now, I don't want you getting up you hear?"

He stopped moving and Amy came and put a fresh compress on his forehead

"His fever is very high"

Joe blinked and tried to force his eyes open. He couldn't see clearly but he knew he wasn't in his own room. Then he remembered they'd been on the run and he looked around the room, finally finding the anxious face of his brother looking down at him.

" Adam, where are we?" He asked his face a study of confusion

" We're at this nice lady's house and she's going to help us, so you just worry about resting and getting well.”

Joe was fully awake when he looked at Adam, fresh pain shot through his arm " My arm hurts Adam, my shoulder too"

" I know Joe, it's gonna be okay, try to think about something else okay?"

Joe suddenly tried to rise again " Hoss, where's Hoss?"

"Whoa hold on, he's right over there, can't you hear him?" Adam said with a laugh " Look...see, he's sleeping"

Joe saw and heard him and he relaxed his grip on Adam's arms and lay back down, the pain in his arm and shoulder throbbed. He winced as Adam pulled a blanket up over his shoulder and then sat close to him with a hand resting on his head.

" Adam, are they still after us?"

Adam looked quickly at Amy and then back at his brother " Yeah Joe, they're still out there, but we're safe now so you just sleep” he said and fingered Joe's unruly curls trying to restore some kind of order

" Aren't you going to sleep too Adam?" Joe asked his voice hoarse and sleepy

" Sure I am, just not right now"

Another pain shot through Joe's shoulder and he cried out

" Look Joe at daybreak I'll try to make it to town and get a doc out here for you, it'll be okay"

His words had the exact opposite effect he'd hoped for as Joe once again tried to rise

" No Adam, no....don't leave me here please Adam, we have to stay together, please Adam I'll do anything just don't go out there"

Adam held his arms, taken aback by the strength it took to hold him down " Okay Joe, I'll stay.... just calm down now before you wake Hoss?"

Once again the boy relaxed and let Adam help him lie down. His eyes were heavy but he didn't want to sleep, he wanted to talk to Adam, to tell him something. His head ached; his arm and shoulder throbbed terribly with pain. He couldn't think clearly, and he was afraid to sleep. They were still out there, somewhere.

His eyes closed despite his efforts, but he still tried to talk to his brother

" Adam I didn't tell them anything, they tried to get me to talk but I didn't tell them about the money"

Adam rested his palm against his brother's head, he felt close to tears " I know kid, it's okay just sleep now"

Joe was quiet and Adam leaned back figuring he'd gone to sleep, hoping he'd gone to sleep.

" Adam?" Joe called just above a whisper

Adam leaned forward in order to hear him

" Adam, is Pa coming?"

Adam swallowed hard, oh how he wished his father were coming at that very moment. He wanted to assure Joe that he would take care of everything, that he was safe

" Yeah Joe, he's coming so you need to rest now, you don't want him to see you like this do you?"

Joe shook his head, he tried to open his eyes but couldn't. Instead he reached his hand out, searching for his anchor.

Adam took it and held on " It's okay Buddy, you go to sleep, I'll be right here"

Amy cried silent tears behind him and covered her mouth, ashamed. Any doubts or fears she had slid away

Adam was tired, exhausted, he bowed his head and held Joe's hand against his own forehead. He knew he could not sleep as long as Ricardo and his gang were still out there. And he knew they could show up at any moment. He had to be ready to do what he had to to protect them. And not just his brothers now, his responsibilities had grown. When he remembered Amy he turned around

" Amy do you think we should try to get some more broth in him?"

She didn't trust her voice right away but instead laid a hand on Adam's shoulder. After a moment she said, " Let's let him sleep awhile and perhaps when he wakes up again, we'll give him some more"

Keeping her hand on Adam's shoulder she pulled a chair across from him

"Adam listen, I can get the doctor out here and maybe there is a way to get word to your father"

Adam looked at her perplexed "You mean you believe me?"

"Yes, yes I do"

Adam wasn't convinced "Why the change of heart?"

" Let's call it a woman's intuition, that and the fact that I never liked Hank Sisson, our sheriff. I disliked the man the moment I met him. You see he was my husband's friend and his Deputy for four years, but I've always suspected he had something to do with Danny's death. Hank claimed Danny died in an attempt to stop a stage robbery. The thieves got away, the money was never found. Shortly after Dan died Hank became the new Sheriff, coincidentally he seemed to be better off financially too. The town has never been the same since, people are afraid to speak out, everyone keeps to himself or herself. They're prisoners in their own town, those that stayed after Dan died"

" I take it things were different with your husband in office?" Adam queried

Amy smiled sadly " Oh quite different Adam, people knew each other, watched out for each other. We knew the other's children as well as we knew our own. It was a real town. A lot of the old families have gone. Now people are afraid and they mind their own business"

She suddenly looked at Adam intently "Adam there's something you should know, something I haven't told anyone. After Dan died I went into town to pick up his things at the office and to take care of funeral arrangements. When I stopped in Hank wasn't alone, he was with a group of men. They were having a very involved conversation didn't even notice me at first, the men were Mexicans"

Adam listened with interest, the picture becoming clearer in his mind "So what Ricardo said about owning the town was true?"

Amy nodded "But Adam there still may be a way to get word to your father, that's what I wanted to tell you"

" How? You said yourself I can't very well ride into town and more than likely he's watching whatever correspondence is going in and out of that town. So how could I possibly get word to my father, or a doctor?" he added and turned to look at Joe

" I think it's something more than destiny that you came here Adam, and that we happen to have the same initials. That being the case, a message could be sent anywhere from an A.C. couldn't it?"

Adam absorbed this and a smile began to form on his lips. She was right it might work, and he suddenly wanted to hug this incredible woman.

" Do you think you could write a message to him, let him know what's happening in some kind of code so that we can get the help we need?

" I think I can, I just need something to write it down, but what about the doctor for Joe?"

" In the morning I'll send Cole into town to fetch Doc Williams and to send the telegram, no one will harm him and they'd never suspect anything either"

" Ma'am I couldn't ask you to do that, he's just a kid"

" Adam we don't have much choice, I can trust the doctor he wouldn't do anything to hurt us. Cole can handle himself just fine, don't worry"

Adam contemplated this, it was the first flicker of hope he'd had in days, if only it could work.

" Alright Ma'am, I'll put my trust in you, and your boy"

"Good” she said with a smile, she got to her feet patted his arm and left him to find pencil and paper.


It was nearly noon when Cole returned the next day but to everyone's relief he was not alone.

" Amy what's happening here? Cole said someone was ill, in need of immediate care,” Doctor Williams asked urgently as he entered the house

" Cole did you send the telegram?" Amy asked before turning her attention to the doctor

" Yes Ma'am, Jasper was working there and he never blinked an eye, he sent it just the way it was written too." The boy said, he hung his jacket and left the room

" Amy please, is it Ruthie?"

Amy took his arm and led him to her room as she spoke " No Don, it's a boy with a bullet in his shoulder, complicated by a high fever. He needs your expertise Don"

" A boy, what boy? Amy what in tar nation is happening here?"

Amy stopped walking and turned to face her friend " Look Don, Hank is up to something, he and those Mexican friends of his have framed three boys from Nevada territory, the Cartwrights. The boys were carrying money from a cattle sale, and they were held prisoner by Hank's friends but they managed to escape, although the youngest was shot"

" Amy are you telling me you're keeping them here? What about the children, have you taken leave of your senses?"

" Don those boys have done nothing but get in Hank's way. You know him, you know how he is"

The doctor didn't look convinced; he looked concerned, suspicious.

" Please Don, you're my friend, the only real friend I have left in that God forsaken town. I'm tired of turning the other way and turning my back on the people Dan cared about. I'm not going to allow him to destroy whatever integrity we have left, Dan would turn over in his grave if he could see us now, and Don he was your friend too"

Don didn't appear to budge but the mention of his old friends name got to him and he relented "Alright Amy, let me take a look at the boy"

Her relief and appreciation were obvious as she took his arm again. When the doctor entered the room he found two young men hovering over the bed, they stood upright when they saw him.

" Boys this is Doctor Williams, he's going to help your brother"

" I'll do what I can Amy, it may be too late already" he said not taking his eyes off Amy's guests. He tried to size them up as he moved to the bed and set his bag on it. Adam and Hoss backed off a little to give him room. He opened his bag removed some objects and then reached to pull the quilt off of Joe's shoulders

" How long ago was he shot?" he asked as he examined the bullet wound

" About four days ago I think” Adam said but he wasn't sure, he'd lost track of time

Joe heard the strange voice, felt unfamiliar hands probing and touching him. He remembered the rough treatment of the Mexicans and fought back, unwilling to endure further torture.

The doctor frowned as Joe's thrashing knocked the thermometer from his hands, and he fumbled in the bedclothes trying to find it as Hoss and Adam rushed to their brother's side.

"Little Joe, you stop this fussing right now you hear, this here's a doc and he just wants to take a look at ya, he ain't gonna hurt you none” Hoss scolded

Joe's eyes flew open and he sought out the source of the voice. His face was a mass of confusion, hadn't he heard the shots that had killed his brothers, or had he?

"Where's Adam?"

" I'm right here kid?" Adam quickly answered moving to his side " No one's gonna hurt you Joe, you're safe now"

And Joe believed him, he didn't know how they were there but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was with his brothers and was secure in the knowledge that they would keep him safe from harm. He relaxed into the bed pillows and let the doctor finish his examination, barely making a sound.

When the doctor finished he straightened and looked at the anxious faces of Joe's brothers

" That bullet has to come out now, Amy I'll need your help. It'll be just like old times, like when Danny used to get himself shot"

" I'll get things ready" she said and left the room

" Can we stay with him Doc?" Hoss asked

" There's no need for that Son, the ether will make him sleep and you'd just be in the way"

"But Doc you don't understand, we gotta stay with him or he'll think-"

Adam gently gripped Hoss' arm "He'll be okay Hoss, let's let him know what's happening and that we'll be close by. Then we'll leave the doctor to do his work, okay?"

Hoss looked as though he was going to resist but finally relented with a nod.

" Thank you young man,” the doctor said, " I appreciate that. I'll take care of your brother don't worry” he added catching Hoss' attention too

Adam and Hoss went to Joe. Hoss sat on the bed with Adam just behind him. He touched Joe's good shoulder, and Joe’s eyes fluttered open again

" Hey there Short shanks, the Doc here is gonna take that bullet out of ya now so you do like he says you hear? Me and Adam are gonna wait in the other room until you wake up, we’ll be real close by so don't worry about a thing"

Joe smiled " I'll be okay Hoss"

Hoss returned the smile and ruffled his brother's hair before leaving him. Adam took the spot Hoss vacated and looked down at Joe

" The doctor's gonna be giving you something to make you sleep Joe. In no time you'll be awake again and as good as new"

The smile faded from Joe's face and he looked up at Adam, his eyes glazed and frightened "Adam, what if Ricardo finds us?"

Adam could plainly see the fear on the boy's face, and he knew he needed to reassure him. He covered Joe's hand with his own.

" Hey, listen they're not gonna find us here, we're perfectly safe. And there's something else too. I wrote Pa about what happened, and Amy's son sent the wire. So you see, you don't have anything to worry about, everything's gonna be alright just like I told you. And Hoss and I will be right here when you wake up"

Joe looked a little calmer, but he wasn't convinced. He toyed with Adam's sleeve and without looking up said " Well I just want you to know, if they do come, leave me here. You and Hoss should get away if you get the chance"

The corner of Adam's mouth twisted into a grin "Nonsense, if they come here I'll just whip you off this bed, toss you over my shoulder and start running"

Adam saw the light return to Joe's eyes and he even laughed a little. He looked up and smiled in a way that nearly broke Adam's heart. Adam was forced to clear his throat to speak and he squeezed the hand that held tightly to his.

" Listen Buddy, I have to go now so you go to sleep and it'll be all over before you know it"

" Okay Adam, I'll talk to you later"

Adam looked to the doctor, with a nod to Amy she administered the ether and Joe quickly drifted off, still clinging to his brother's hand.


Adam rubbed his eyes vigorously trying to ward off the weariness that pulled at him. The doctor had left hours ago, promising to return as soon as he could. He told them he’d lost a lot blood and would be very weak. He suggested that the mud had invariably stopped the bleeding and maybe saved his life. They had to watch for infection now, which could be more dangerous, then the wound. Adam placed a hand on Joe's forehead, still quite warm. He seemed to be breathing easier than before, and Adam hoped it wasn't simply wishful thinking on his part.

Adam looked up and saw Amy asleep on the extra cot; he wondered why she'd decided to stay. As if sensing him watching her, she slowly came awake and gazed around the room, stopping on Adam and his brother.

" Oh my goodness" she breathed as she sat up straighter " I must've been tired, how about you Adam did you sleep?"

" Yes I did, a little"

She smiled; looking pleased and got to her feet to join Adam. She leaned over him to feel Joe's forehead.

" Maybe we could try to get some more bark tea in him, it seems to help with the fever"

Adam didn't take his eyes off his brother, but nodded his consent

" Do you think you could stand some coffee?"

" Sure, that would be nice" he said and this time smiled up at her

Amy squeezed his shoulder and passed Hoss as she left the room. After entering the room Hoss went straight to Joe.

"How's he doing Adam?"

" I’m not sure, about the same I guess" Adam answered

At that moment Joe began to wake up and look around the room. His eyes were still glazed and not clearly focused but he sought his brothers out, never sure if they were real or just part of an awful dream. He felt Adam's hand on his head and heard his soft voice, and he relaxed against the pillows. He blinked the confusion from his mind and saw his brothers leaning over him

" Is Pa here yet?" He asked hopefully

" No, not yet Joe" Adam told him

" But he's coming for sure Little Joe, don't you worry none, he'll be here” Hoss quickly added

Joe frowned at them "But how's he gonna find us?"

" He has his ways, don't worry" Adam assured him

He kept his eyes on them as long as he could but he soon drifted off again. Afterward Hoss looked at Adam, he was concerned at how drawn and tired his face was

" Hey Adam, why don't you climb in that bed over there and sleep awhile. I'll wake you up if anything happens"

“ No I’m alright,” he said automatically

Hoss frowned unhappily. Dadburn your ornery hide Adam, why do you have to be so stubborn, I can look after Little Joe just as well as you can.

“ Well if you change your mind you let me know,” he said shortly. Deciding that Adam wouldn’t budge he left the room for some fresh air. Once outside the cabin he inhaled deeply. Smelled like rain again, he sure hoped Pa was coming; they were in a fix if he didn’t.

He thought about their options should Ricardo and his men find them, wondered if they could get out a window or something. The thought made him turn toward the cabin again and look at the window behind him. No, it would never work, the windows were too small and even if they could squeeze through them, Joe wouldn’t stand being shuffled around like that.

Thinking hard he walked to the back of the cabin. He felt his heart nearly stop, no door, no way out that way. He would have to discuss this with Adam, but no, he couldn’t do that. Adam was weighed down with enough problems on his mind, he would have to be the one to come up with a plan should they need it. Maybe he could find a way to be useful after all.

Hoss headed back inside and joined Amy just leaving the kitchen with a tray of coffee and something else that smelled pretty good. Adam was sitting right where they’d left him but he looked up as Amy set the tray down and began to pour coffee. He took the cup Amy offered as Hoss eagerly peeked under the towel

“ Are those biscuits Ma’am? “

“ They sure are Hoss, Ruthie’s out there making breakfast but these should hold us over until it’s ready. Help yourself “

Hoss happily obliged, closed his eyes and savored the sweet wonderful taste “ Miss Amy you tell your little gal that them things is just plumb, plain delicious”

Thank you Hoss, she’ll appreciate that. She sprinkled cinnamon on them for flavoring “

Hoss nodded his approval, his mouth too full for words.

Amy offered one of the biscuits to Adam but he shook his head. Looking up she exchanged a look of defeat with Hoss.

Hoss spoke up “ Look here Adam, you ain’t gonna be doing Little Joe any good by starving yourself too, you gotta eat something. “

“ I’m not hungry right now and when I am I’ll let you know, “ he snapped

He was immediately regretful when he looked at Hoss’ face

“ I’m sorry Hoss, I didn’t mean it, “ he said

Hoss waved off the apology “ Forget it Adam, it’s nothing, I know you’re plumb worn out”

Adam sighed heavily “ You know I am pretty tired. Maybe I’ll give that bed a try after all”

Hoss and Amy looked pleased as he stood up and stretched and headed for the bed. He lay down and closed his eyes, knowing he wouldn’t sleep but that it would make them feel better.


Roy frowned at the telegram that had just been handed to him. It seemed nothing more than gibberish, addressed and signed with only initials. He wondered if perhaps it had been sent to the wrong town.

As he was pondering this, Ben rode up to the hitching rail across from him. Roy looked up and frowned. His friend had come to town nearly every day searching for any word from his sons. He’d struggled with what action to take, set out and search for them, or stay put and wait. He watched Ben cross to the telegrapher’s and then suddenly glanced at the telegram in his hand.

“ Ben, hold up a minute!” He called out

Ben stopped mid step and turned to find Roy rushing toward him. He was instantly afraid of what Roy had to say.

The sheriff stopped in front of him pausing to catch his breath. “ Now Ben I ain’t for sure what this is, it may be nothing at all, so don’t get your hopes up. But this telegram come in this morning addressed to a B. C. and I think it may be for you. Problem is it don’t seem to make no sense a’tall, and it’s from an A.C. You reckon it could be some sort’ a message from Adam?”

Ben took the telegram from Roy, his hand slightly trembling and read

The Hoss and I are fine but the Little one is not well. The Doc was here and seems optimistic but I sure wish you were here too. We desperately need supplies and would appreciate you bringing some Coffee, the more the better. Hope to see you soon.


Ben stared hard at the telegram, both hands now trembling. He looked up at Roy

“ Is the circuit judge still in town?”

“ Why sure, he’s at the International House, he’s leaving on the stage in about an hour, why?”

“ It is from Adam and I’m going to get the judge and anyone else I can to go along with me to help them. There’s trouble in Cedar Run, and Joe is obviously hurt or sick and needed a doctor. Apparently they are in danger of being found out for some reason, which is why he wrote it like this, but it’s definitely from Adam. “

“ But Ben how can you be sure?”

“ Because Roy, look here how he capitalized Little for Joe, and Hoss too. And he capitalized Coffee meaning he needed you there too. But he also realized this was more than likely out of your jurisdiction so we need legal backup of some kind. Who else could come up with something like this but my Adam? Read it again and you’ll see what I mean”

Roy did as Ben asked and nodded “ I see what you mean Ben but how you gonna get the judge to go along on a hunch like this? “

“ Don’t worry he’ll come along, one way or another, come on. “


Adam sat slumped in the chair next to the bed Joe slept in. His fever had shot up during the night just as his caregivers thought he was on the mend. They had taken turns tending to him through the night and most of them had collapsed in exhaustion.

Adam himself was having trouble keeping his eyes opened, and felt himself drifting off when the door opened and his brother walked in with the tray. He poured Adam a cup of coffee and handed it to him.

“ How’s he doing Adam?”

Adam leaned over and felt Joe’s forehead and laid a hand on his cheek.

“ About the same I guess, maybe worse, I don’t know anymore. My God Hoss, how could I let him go for so long with that bullet in him? I heard them shooting, I should’ve checked him sooner. I knew something was wrong with him because he kept falling behind but I never bothered to check on him, how could I be so stupid?”

“ Aw Adam, it ain’t your fault, I’m just as sorry as you are. We did what we had to to survive, we was running for our lives Adam. No matter what you think now, you saved us, you got us out of there”

Adam irritably raked his fingers through his hair “ I know all that, but I should’ve checked on him, I had a responsibility to take care of him. “

Hoss was about to respond when they heard approaching riders. They fell into a grim silence as the horses came to a halt outside the front door. The room they were in was at the back of the house and they could only listen as Amy went to the door.

“ Morning Ms. Callahan. “

Adam crept to the open window and was quickly joined by Hoss, they strained to hear the conversation.

“ Good morning Hank, gentlemen. Any luck finding the robbers you warned us about?”

“ Well Ms. Callahan fact is we ain’t had no luck at all. But we know they’re hiding out in these parts somewhere. They were all on foot so they couldn’t have got far, not without help. We lost their trail about eight miles back; it appears they was headed this way. “

“ And you think they’re here?”

Adam and Hoss looked into each other’s eyes but neither said a word.

“ Ms. Callahan I sure would like a look around.”

“ Well Hank you go right ahead and search the barn, but that’s all. My daughter is not well and I’ll not have her disturbed.”

“ I’m sorry to hear that Ma’am, what seems to be ailing her?”

“ She has a bit of influenza according to the doc if it’s any of your business.”

Hank smiled menacingly “ You don’t like me much do you Amy?”

“ No I don’t Hank, I never did.”

“ So you’d get great pleasure out of defying me, maybe by helping folks escape the law. Ain’t that right?”

“Cedar Run no longer has any semblance of law Hank but that’s besides the point. For the record, I would never do anything as foolish as give sanctuary to outlaws when it may put my children at risk.”

At that moment Joe began to moan and his brothers rushed to his side to quiet and comfort him.

Amy tried to keep her expression passive knowing the men had heard. Cole rushed out the front door and ran to her side

“ Mama, it’s Ruthie, she needs you real bad.”

“ If you’ll excuse me Hank, I have to tend to my daughter.”

She turned with Cole and calmly as she could manage, went inside and shut the door. She hugged Cole briefly and breathed a sigh of relief.

“ Thank you Cole, that was quick thinking.”

“ Mama what are we gonna do?” Ruthie called from the doorway of her room.

Her mother looked into her children’s frightened eyes and knew she had to do something quickly. It was only a matter of time and Hank would find his way inside.

“ Honey open the door to the root cellar and light one of the lanterns down there. We’ll have to move them until we’re out of danger.”

Amy rushed to her room and alerted the brothers.

“ We need to move to the root cellar quickly, they may check the house anyway, hurry now.”

Adam lifted Joe into his arms and he instantly cried out in pain. Adam was thankful Hoss had thought to pull the window closed.

“ Let’s go!” He said as Hoss moved to open the door and hold it as Adam passed.

They moved quickly to the kitchen and passed the children who watched with faces full of fear and anxiety.

“ You want me to take him Adam?” Hoss asked when he saw Adam look at the steep steps before them.

“ No I got him, you go on ahead of us.”

They descended the stairs close together and were thankful to see a lantern burning when they reached the bottom.

“ Try to stay absolutely quiet. I’ll let you know when it’s all clear.” Amy whispered down to them and then hastily lowered the door and pulled the scatter rug over it.

Despite the lantern the cellar was now eerily dark and somewhat damp too. Hoss found some folded blankets and what looked like a cot.

“ Adam look here, we can set him down here and we got blankets for him too.”

Adam laid him down and Joe cried out again.

“ Shhhh, Joe you have to be real quiet now you hear?” Hoss warned

Joe moaned in agony and Adam felt his forehead, he was still very hot.

Outside the barn door Hank and his men discussed the situation.

“ This is the only place we ain’t checked in the area Sheriff. “

Hank nodded his gaze was fixed on the front door.

“ I know that but she’s right, she’d never take a chance like that with the children in the house. And I know for a fact that Doc Williams was out here for one of the kids.

Three men emerged from the barn and joined the group.

“ Nothing in there Sheriff and no sign of anything out of the ordinary.”

“ Did you check the loft too?”

“ Of course we checked the loft, we were real thorough too. There’s nothing there. “

No one said anything; they watched the Sheriff and waited to see what his next move would be.

“ You fellas wait here, I just want to satisfy my own curiosity. “ Hank said and walked toward the house and knocked on the door.

At the sound Amy hustled the children to their rooms and quickly composed herself. She opened the door and Hank removed his hat.

“ Mrs. Callahan, sorry to trouble you but I wonder if my men might help themselves to some water. We’ve been on the trail quite a spell. “

“ Of course they can, take your fill. “

Hank turned and signaled the men who dismounted and went to the pump and filled the trough.

“ I’ve had my fill of water but I sure could use a good cup of coffee. “

Amy hedged for just a second; she knew what he was doing.

“ Certainly, come on in and I’ll get it for you.”

She set the pot on the stove and reached in the cupboard for a cup. Hank was looking around the cabin, but mostly he was listening for any sounds to indicate she had company.

“ Old Dan and I spent many a late night here, didn’t we Amy?”

“ Yes, you did Hank, you were a good team.”

“ That we were. I miss Dan, he was a good friend.”

“ I’m sure he was.” Amy said softly, but she was thinking, until he was no longer of any use to you.

Hoss and Adam listened intently at the bottom of the stairs but what little they could hear was muffled. Joe opened his eyes to near darkness. It was a familiar darkness, and he came to the conclusion that they were still in the Mexican camp. He must’ve been dreaming, they were still prisoners and he would not see his father anytime soon or ever again. His hope faded away and he closed his eyes and sank deeply into despair.

Above them Amy filled a coffee cup with a slightly trembling hand that she hoped Hank didn’t see. She carried it to the waiting Sheriff and he took it with a smile that was far from sincere. She watched him drink it slowly, all the time looking around the room. Amy was frightened, already anticipating anything that might happen.

Suddenly Cole emerged from his room looking as frightened as she felt.

“ Mama, Ruthie don’t seem much better and I ain’t feeling so good either.”

Amy made a show of feeling his forehead. “ You go back to your room and lie down Son.”

She turned back to the Sheriff. “ Would you ask Doc to come back out Hank, whatever she’s got seems to be catching.”

Looking nervous, Hank hastily put the cup down. “ Yes Ma’am, I’ll do that, sorry to have bothered you Mrs. Callahan. We’ll light on out of here now.”

He left instantly and Amy and her son held each other tight as they listened to the horses gallop away.

When they could no longer hear them, Amy let out a huge sigh and gripped Cole’s shoulders turning him toward her. “ You are a wonderful brave boy Cole Callahan, do you know that?”

Cole smiled up at her with pride and pleasure. “ What do we do now Mama?”

“ Well first we have to get that boy out of there and back in the bed. Cole you run and fetch some water. “

Ruthie timidly peeked out of her room clutching the door. “ Have they gone Mama?”

“ Yes Darling they have, it’s safe for now. Ruth Honey I’m going to need fresh bedding and clean compresses for that boy. We’ll also need some more bark tea, run along now and get started. “

“ Yes Mama” Ruth said and dutifully hurried to do as her mother requested.

Amy kicked the rug aside, opened the door and hurried down the creaky stairs. Hoss and Adam searched her face expectantly.

“ Well they’ve gone for now, but I’m afraid your friend Ricardo and his gang will be visiting us next when they find out he never searched the house.”

“ Ma’am, I’d prefer to think your Sheriff won’t tell him that.” Hoss said hopefully

“ Well hold tight for a few more minutes until we get the room ready. Ruth is making up some more tea. How’s he doing?”

Adam reached over and felt his head. “ He’s still burning up, I think he’s getting worse instead of better. “

“ I’ll see if Ruth is ready yet.” Amy said bunching her skirts and climbing back up. Within minutes she called down to them. “All right boys, come on up. “

Hoss went to Joe and easily lifted him up. This time he didn’t cry out but lay limply in his brothers’ arms. Adam fell in behind them as they went up, squinting in the bright sunlit kitchen.

“ He’s shivering something fierce Mrs. Callahan.” Hoss told her, his face full of concern.

She didn’t respond as they followed her back to the sick room and laid him back on the bed and pulled the covers up. Adam and Hoss realized how pale he looked and their eyes met.

Amy saw the fear on their faces and touched Hoss arm. “ He’ll be fine, don’t worry.” She told them and quickly left the room.

“ He ain’t made a sound for some time now Adam.”

“ He’s just sleeping Hoss, he’ll be okay.”

Hoss wasn’t too sure. “ I sure wish Pa was here.”

Me too! Adam thought regretfully as he went to the bed and placed a hand on his brother’s forehead. He indeed looked different but Adam wasn’t sure if he looked worse or better.

Amy returned with a tray, followed by Ruthie who carried a fresh bowl of water. Setting them down on a bureau, Amy poured some broth into a cup and Ruth submerged a compress in the water.

“ The tea isn’t ready yet, but we made some chicken broth, it may help just as well. See if you can get him to sit up Adam.”

Adam sat next to Joe and slipped an arm under his shoulders. Joe was sitting up but his head was slumped forward. Hoss went to his other side and lifted his head against Adam’s shoulder.

“ We got some nice broth here for you Little Joe. “ he told him but Joe’s head remained on Adam’s shoulder. Adam held his chin and spoke to him.

“ Joe, come on now Buddy, you don’t want Pa to see you like this do you?”

Seeing no change they looked to Amy. “ What’s wrong with him Mrs. Callahan?”

“ I’m not sure Hoss, he’ll come around though don’t you worry.”

Seeing how agitated Hoss was getting she rose and held his arm. “ Listen Hoss, we’ll take care of him. I need you to give Cole a hand getting in some firewood for the night. It’s gonna be cold tonight and we’ll need some extra. Also if you wouldn’t mind, perhaps you could help Cole with his chores too?”

Hoss kept his eyes on Joe for several minutes, but soon his eyes rested on Amy. “ You get him to drink that up Ma’am.”

“ I will Hoss, and you be careful, keep alert for any riders coming and if you hear anything get yourself back in here right quick.”

“ Yes’m I sure will.” He said and turned to Adam. “ Keep talking to him Adam, he’ll come around.”

“ He’ll be okay Hoss, we’ll take care of him.” Adam repeated for everyone’s sake.

When Hoss was gone he turned to Amy. She was surprised to see tears glistening in his eyes. “ He’s dying, isn’t he?”

She knew she could not allow them to lose hope that somehow their strength was tied up in each other. “ No Adam he is not dying, he just needs extra care right now to get him through this and that’s what he’s gonna get. Now you talk to him like your brother said and get him to drink this broth.”

Adam swallowed the lump in his throat and looked down at Joe’s ghostly white face. He instantly thought of his father and what losing Joe would do to him. He would never be the same if they lost Joe, none of them would be.

“ Joe you listen to me, you have to try to drink this stuff, just a little now come on.”

There was still no response and Adam jerked his shoulder roughly, his voice harder and more insistent.

“ Come on Joe, you do like I say you hear me?”

Joe’s head bounced on Adam’s shoulder and jolted him from the depths of immortality. He knew the voice and the feel of the shoulder that cushioned his head. He so longed to give in to the weight that pulled him downward, but the voice called him again.

“ I mean it Joe, you open your eyes right now and talk to me.”

He tried to respond but he couldn’t make his body cooperate. Adam shook him again and shouted his name. Joe moaned as agony returned to his body and he forced a whisper through his lips.

“ Adam please stop, you’re hurting me!”

Adam felt a sob catch in his throat he looked up at Amy. With a deep breath of relief he softly held Joe’s head against his shoulder and apologized. “ I’m sorry Buddy, I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I just wanted you to wake up.”

“ I don’t want to wake up Adam, I don’t want you and Hoss to be dead, to be in this awful place. I just want to go home Adam…. I just want to go home.” He said weakly

Adam lightly held Joe’s chin “ Little Joe, open your eyes and look at me.”

Joe forced his eyes open and looked up at his brother

“ I am not dead and neither is Hoss, he’s right outside. And we are safe here at Mrs. Callahan’s. Help is coming soon and so is Pa and we’re gonna get home just like I promised you, okay?”

Joe’s eyes brimmed with tears as he nodded and leaned into Adam’s shoulder and felt the strength that held him. It was not a dream he was safe.

“ Now will you please try to drink some of this broth for me?” Adam asked

“ Okay.” Joe whispered and reached out for the cup Amy held. He noticed her for the first time and smiled “ Hello ”

“ Hi yourself Handsome, you drink that up now and when you’re feeling better we’ll make you some real food, how’s that sound?”

“ Sounds fine Ma’am.” He said and took the cup from her grasping it somewhat unsteadily with both hands. Adam put a hand over his and held it as Joe drank. Little sips at first, then they seemed to revitalize him and he drank most of the broth down. His arms and shoulders ached from the effort as Adam took the cup from him.

Amy felt his forehead, which was still very hot, but she was encouraged by the life that had returned to his eyes.

“ That was real good Ma’am.” He told her

“ Well Joe, you can thank my daughter Ruth for that, she’s been doing most of the cooking around here the last few days.”

“ Daughter…how old is she?”

Amy and Adam laughed as he hugged Joe against him. “ I think he’s gonna be just fine, he already sounds like himself again.”

He ruffled the boy’s hair and then helped him lie down.

“ You get some rest now and when you’re feeling better I’ll introduce you to her daughter myself.”


Ben Cartwright rode in to Cedar Run in the company of Roy Coffee, a circuit judge and U. S. Marshall Bruce Dobbs. A small army of officers sworn in by the Marshall himself also joined them.

When they entered the Sheriff’s office they found Sisson and his Mexican friends dividing up money they’d deposited from bags that bore the name of a bank some fifty miles away. Caught red handed, there had been no time for the bandits to react or raise their weapons. They were quickly taken in hand and locked up in the jail cells right around the corner from where they stood.

When Ben was satisfied that the Marshall had things under control he rushed outside and took the arm of a curious local.

“ Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find the Doctor’s office?”

They man looked at Ben suspiciously “ What going on yonder to the jail? “

Ben spoke calmly “ Justice Mister, simply justice. Please where can I find the doctor?”

Without speaking the man pointed down the street to his left and Ben rushed off. He stepped onto the porch and flung the door open without knocking. Dr. Williams was hastily packing his medical bag with supplies and looked up sharply. He’d half expected to see Hank Sisson there and was taken aback by the stranger who stood before him.

“ Who are you, what do you want?”

“ I’m Ben Cartwright, I’m looking for my sons. I have reason to believe you might know where they are.”

“ Cartwright “ the doctor said softly. Amy had been right after all they were innocent.

“ Mr. Cartwright, your sons are out at the Callahan place. I treated the youngest one over a week ago for a bullet wound. I got a message that I was needed there again so I assume your son has taken a bad turn.”

He saw the impact of his words on the man’s face.

“ I was on my way there now but I’m afraid if the Sheriff sees you he’ll get suspicious and try to follow. He somehow framed your boys for a robbery that never happened and has been hunting them since. “

“ Doctor, I didn’t come alone, there’s a circuit judge and a U. S. Marshall at the Sheriff’s office at this very minute. They have him and some Mexicans locked in his own cell. There’s about thirty men on horses right outside his office waiting for me, no one will try to stop us.”

In disbelief the doctor walked to the window, pushed a curtain aside and peeked out. He saw the well-armed men just as Ben had said. With something close to a smile he turned back to Ben, grabbed his bag and said. “ Let’s go, I’ll show you where they are.”


Darkness was beginning to fall as Adam sat with his back against the wall, a cup of coffee in his hand. The coffee was nearly spilling over as sleep began to overtake him. Joe had been restless most of the day and still lost in the grips of fever. He would toss and turn and sometimes talk nonsense. When he was lucid he talked about home and his desire to return.

At one point he’d woken and asked about the trees. Said he couldn’t sleep without the trees. When Adam pressed him, he said he missed the pine trees outside his window at home.

“ They whisper to me Adam, when I was little I could swear they talked to me. I used to believe it was Mama, telling me everything was alright.”

Adam had smiled, yes it did in fact sound like a woman’s reassuring whisper in the darkness. And he agreed that he too missed the trees that lulled them to sleep at night at the Ponderosa.

Lost in thought his eyes nearly closed completely when in the darkness he heard them, riders approaching.

He leapt to his feet, dropping the cup and its contents. He shook Hoss awake and urgently whispered. “ Hoss, they’re back, we have to get downstairs, hurry.”

Hoss came instantly awake and rushed to gather his little brother in his arms. The door opened and Amy peeked in. “ Someone’s coming, I’ll find out who it is, wait here.”

“ Miss Amy we might as well get down there now, if it’s Ricardo they may rush the door.”

“ Alright then but be careful.”

Hoss passed Adam with Joe limply lying in his arms, unaware of the danger. With adrenaline pumping in their veins they rushed to the cellar. Once entombed downstairs Adam felt his stomach gather in knots for he knew their sanctuary could not last forever. Hoss silently prayed every prayer his parents had ever taught him as he looked up and listened intently. He only heard hurried footsteps shuffle across the floor and he looked toward Adam.

Cole had heard the riders too and he barely moved a curtain aside to get a look.

“ Mama it’s the Doc and he’s got a bunch a strange men with him.”

Amy moved alongside her son and squinted into the darkness. As the men moved onto the porch she was sure that she had never seen them before. She felt her pulse pounding in her neck as she contemplated what to do. Seeing Doc Williams she decided to trust him and warily opened the door just a crack.

She was surprised to see Doctor Williams smiling as he came inside with the white haired man.

“ Amy, you may be interested in meeting this gentleman.”

Bewildered she turned to the stranger and held out her hand. “ I’m Amy Callahan.”

“ Ma’am, I’m Ben Cartwright. My sons, are they here?”

Amy nearly gasped, “ Oh…Mr. Cartwright thank God you’re here.”

Downstairs Adam was as close to panic as he’d ever been. He heard the heavy footsteps above him and knew it wasn’t Amy or the children. He dropped to the cot and put his head in his hands, resting heavily on his knees. He was breathing rapidly and Hoss instantly crouched beside him.

“ Adam you okay?”

Adam waved him away and fought for control. He was still responsible, still in charge.
Hoss felt his fear and stayed close to him when the trapdoor opened and light flooded in. Everything seemed to freeze at that moment when they heard Amy call them

“ Adam, Hoss come on up, it’s okay.”

Hoss went to Joe but Adam grabbed his arm “ No Hoss, don’t take him up there.”

“ Adam, come on it’s okay.”

“ Boys, it’s okay, it’s all over come on up.”

Adam and Hoss’ eyes locked, could it be?

“ It’s Pa.” Hoss shouted the obvious and rushed up the stairs. Adam followed slowly but there was no time for reunions as the doctor ordered them to return Joe to the bed. Once he was there the doctor quickly set about examining him. Ben took the opportunity to put an arm around Hoss and look him over. He looked worn out but otherwise fine and Ben breathed a little easier.

Amy stood near the door with an arm around each of her children, everyone waited anxiously. She glanced around the room and then noticed Adam leaning hard against the bureau, he looked sick.

Adam was indeed feeling sick, his head was throbbing and the room seemed to sway.

He focused on the doctor as he straightened up “ Well the infection is a problem but it doesn’t look as bad as I anticipated. We need to clear this up and get his fever down and then the rest will take care of itself.”

“ Is he going to be alright?” Ben asked anxiously

“ Yes I’m sure he’ll be alright Mr. Cartwright, I’ll stake my reputation on that.” The doctor told them with an uncharacteristic smile

Hoss and Ben exchanged hugs and Amy and her children joined in. Adam hung back, afraid of what the close contact would do to him, he wasn’t ready for that.

“ Well that’s good news, I’m going to get some air.” He announced and made a quick escape.

Adam moved hastily to the porch, leaned against the railing and looked up to the sky. He sighed deeply, it was over and he could breath easy again.

His shoulders sagged as he took a seat on a nearby chair. Funny, the whole time they’d been in the Callahan home he’d never noticed the chairs and rocker there. He turned at the sound of the door opening and saw his father coming toward him.

Ben sat down in a chair next to him and inhaled the night air as Adam had.

“ Beautiful night isn’t it Son?”

“ Yes Sir, it sure is.” Adam replied concentrating on the loose string on his shirt.

Ben was looking at him now and Adam did his best to avoid his gaze.

“ I guess you all had a pretty rough time huh?”

“ Yeah, nothing worth talking about that’s for sure.”

“ Well thank God you’re all okay, and that you were able to get that message to me.”

Adam smiled a little. “ Well that was Amy’s idea, and it worked. She said it was destiny that we ended up here. I suppose she was right.”

“ Yes and I’m very thankful you ended up here too.”

Adam grew quiet and looked seriously at his father. “ I’m sorry I let you down Pa.”

Ben threw an arm over his shoulder and gave him a slight shake “ Adam you have never in your life, let me down. “

“ Oh yeah, Joe got shot and I dragged him through a forest and a rain storm in that condition. On top of that I lost the money and put the ranch in jeopardy…”

Ben interrupted “ Now hold on a minute there young man, I have told you too many times to count, that the money means nothing. My real wealth is you boys, and don’t you ever forget it, you understand.”

Adam nodded unconvincingly “ But just the same Pa, I could show you where the money is. I’m almost positive I can find it again once Joe is able to travel we can …”

Again his father silenced him, this time by holding a hand up “ I think what I’d like from you Adam, is to see you make use of that extra bed in there. It’s come to my attention that you have had little or no sleep since you arrived here.”

“ Well they’re exaggerating, I’m fine.” Adam insisted

“ Adam this is not up for discussion I want you to get some rest right now.”

“ Pa, Joe is still very weak and his fever shoots up all of sudden. Sometimes he wakes up and he wants to talk about things.”

Ben leaned forward and put a hand on Adam’s arm “ Son, I know how strongly you feel about your responsibility to your brothers. But it’s okay to let go now, I’m here and I can take over, alright?”

Adam looked into his father’s eyes for the first time and suddenly felt the full weight lift from his shoulders. He was in fact exhausted and was sure he could sleep for a week straight.

“ Now do your father a favor and come inside and get some rest, humor me just this once.”

“ Alright Pa, but only for a little while. “

They both got to their feet and Ben took his arm as they went inside. Adam allowed himself to be led to the room. He sat on the bed with Hoss watching and pulled his boots off.

“ Look what you’ve done.” He said to Hoss with a smirk

“ Yeah well it’s for your own good. You wouldn’t listen to Miss Amy or me but I knew if anyone could make you mind it was Pa. “

Ben turned to smile at his middle son as Adam laid the length of the bed, flat on his stomach. His father pulled a blanket over him and watched to make sure he went to sleep.

“ Adam squinted up at him “ Pa I do want to look for the money before we head home.”

“ Hush now, close your eyes and sleep.”

“ Can I ask you something?”

Ben sat down on the bed “ Okay but only one question.”

“ The telegram I sent, how’d you know for sure it was from me? I was afraid it was too obscure and you wouldn’t understand the message.”

“ Well actually it was Roy who suspected it was from you and showed it to me. Being that it really wasn’t addressed to anyone in particular the telegrapher gave it him. I guess I’d been making a pest of myself in town hoping for some kind of word from you fellas and then when Roy got the telegram he instantly thought of me.”

As Ben went on in his lengthy explanation his words began to run together for Adam. He found himself drifting into a warm familiar place. In moments he was fast asleep and free to dream in peace.

“ He never slept a minute, he was on alert and ready to do whatever it took to protect us.”
Amy said from behind him, he’d never heard her come in.

“ Well thank God he didn’t have to do anything.”

Ben turned to look at her and noticed Hoss was gone “Where’d Hoss go?”

Amy smiled “ The kitchen, he’s grown quite fond of Ruthie and her cooking.”

“ No surprise there, I sometimes think he feels closer to our cook, Hop Sing, then us.”

Ben turned his full attention to Amy then “ Mrs. Callahan I don’t even know how to begin to thank you for the risks you took for my boys.”

“ You’ve already done that Mr. Cartwright and seeing you all together is worth whatever risk it took. I have a confession to make though; I had no intention of helping them in the beginning. Your son Adam here didn’t leave me a choice I’m afraid. But in time, I began to believe in their story and them. I’m so glad it was my door they found themselves at.”

“ Yes and so am I, you took excellent care of them, I’m eternally grateful, to you and your children. Then again it wouldn’t be the first time a Callahan took care of this one. “

Ben said as he put a hand on Adam’s dark head and smiled affectionately.

“ What do you mean?” Amy asked him

“ Oh well you see a very long time ago, there was a Mrs. Callahan who traveled from Boston with me. She was hired as a wet nurse for Adam; she was a widow and very good taking care of infants. I’m afraid if she hadn’t taken the job, I’d have been forced to leave Adam behind. We left her in St. Joe when Adam was about four, she didn’t want to travel any further, said she’d seen enough of the west to last her a lifetime. I was sorry to lose her but understood her feelings at the same time. For my son and I though, there will never be another Pamela Callahan.”

“ You say she was in St. Joe?” Amy asked

“ Yes the last time we saw her she’d found a job as a seamstress in a dress shop.”

Amy shook her head “ It can’t be, or can it? Mr. Cartwright my husband had an Aunt who came to live with us when the children were small. When Cole was about three he and I became very sick. Dan asked her to come out and help take care of Ruthie and us until we were well. She was here up until about a year after Dan died, then she moved to town. Her name was Pamela Callahan. Wait here I want to show you something.”

Ben held his breath as she rushed off and brought something from under the bed. It was a box that looked old and worn.

“ This is all that is left of Aunt Pamela’s things.” She explained as she searched through it. Finding what she wanted, she lifted it from the box and brought it to Ben, placing it on his lap.

“ Aunt Pamela told us of a little dark haired boy that she had taken care of on the trail west. She loved the child dearly and often wondered what had become of him, this was something she kept that the baby had worn.”

Ben stared down at the tiny sweater and felt tears begin to sting his eyes. He would’ve recognized the sweater anywhere, he’d watched Elizabeth stitch it together only days before she died. He looked up at Amy again, “ Where is she now?”

“ I’m sorry Mr. Cartwright she died less than two years ago, Doc Williams said her heart just gave out.”

“ My wife made this sweater for Adam, just before she died. I’m not surprised Mrs. Callahan kept it though, she loved Adam as her own, she was wonderful.”

“ Yes she was my children were very fond of her also. I guess it was destiny that he and his brothers came to me after all.”

“ Yes I’m sure it was, it looks like she was watching out for them, all of them.”

Amy didn’t ask if he meant Pamela or his late wife, she was sure she knew who he meant.

“ Keep the sweater, it belongs to you-and Adam.”

“ Thank you Mrs. Callahan, for everything.”

“ You’re welcome. Now if you’ll excuse me I will see if Ruthie needs help with our lunch.”

Ben watched her go and then fingered the material in his hands. He could almost hear Elizabeth’s soft voice again as she talked excitedly about the baby’s arrival. Looking down at Adam he smiled. He placed the sweater next to him and pulled the blanket over his shoulder. He would explain it all to him when he woke later on. For now Ben would keep the knowledge to himself, he would tell them all the whole story, later.

He quietly got to his feet, pressed a kiss to Adam’s forehead and whispered. “ Destiny”
Then left him to sleep while he went to check on his youngest son.
