
In the Bushes, Out Again...Is There No Place?
Debbie B.

He'd ridden for miles without stopping, trying to ignore the urge, but the time had come, he'd have to stop or be sorry. The sloshing in his lower body told him that another quarter mile and he'd be hard pressed to explain himself to his sons when he finally met up with them down the trail.

Ben searched all around, groaning when he found no 'private' place, no bushes, not even a rock. He pulled Buck to a stop and glanced all around, yes, he was alone, though completely out in the open. Shaking his head, ignoring the gurgling, he admitted it. "Dadburnit...I can't just do it here...in the wide open!"

Sighing, Ben nudged Buck again into action. After riding for a short spell, Ben at last found what he was looking for. In the distance he could see a small grouping of bushes. "The perfect spot," he grinned, urging his mount into a more brisk movement.

The instance his big buckskin came to a stop, Ben was on the ground and racing in behind the bushes. His usual nimble fingers had for the first time, betrayed him, they acted as all thumbs as he tugged at the buttons on his trousers. "Oh good grief," he proclaimed aloud while dancing around doing what Little Joe used to call, 'The Pee-Pee' dance. "I can't believe this!" he snarled as the fingers and buttons apparently refused to work together.

Ben was practically standing on his toes in his urgency to get his trousers unbuttoned. After what seemed a lifetime, Ben was down to one button...relief was within reach...at last.


"Oh dear Lord!" stammered Ben, embarrassed and fumbling now to redo the buttons, the urge seemingly gone. "WHAT!" his deep voice bellowed from behind the bushes. He came into sight of his youngest son, who sat grinning, upon his painted horse, who in that instant decided to do just what Ben had been hoping to do. Ben averted his eyes, trying to keep the sight from signaling his own discomfort.

"What's you doin' behind those bushes?" Joe taunted.

"It's none of your business what I was doing behind those bushes, you noisy little rapscallion!"

Joe's eyes twinkled; his grin was lopsided as he dismounted and walking around his father, stepped behind the bushes. "Good, cause I gotta relieve myself...I thought you might be doing the same thing."

Ben's lips were drawn tight as he rolled his eyes upward. "No...certainly not out here in the middle of nowhere...there's too many people..."

"What did you say, Pa?" Joe called from his hideaway in the bushes, once occupied by his father.

"Never mind...just hurry it up, we've got work to do..."

With that, Ben mounted up, waiting for his son to join him. As soon as Joe was finished, they rode off, Ben acutely aware that the sloshing had begun all over again.

"Oh for heaven's sake," he muttered lowly. "Maybe I just need to see Doc Martin..."

"Did you say something Pa?" Joe asked.

"No...you must be imagining things...just like I must be....I wonder if I do need to see the doc?" At that moment, Ben made himself a promise, one to check with Doc about...about...aw...dadburnit, you get the idea!