Gretchen Feltes

Story Rating – PG13

Sara and Adam struggle with losing their added weight after the new baby is born.  Their new housekeeper discovers the way to a man's heart may not be his stomach when Ben visits.

Just Desserts


September 1869

The Western Union envelope was still sealed laying on the hall table when Adam came home.   He picked it up and made his way into the kitchen.  There he found Sara making dinner.

"You didn't open it?"

"I wanted us to be together."  She wiped her hands on her apron and gave him a hug.

Jonathan Charles Cartwright born September 16.  STOP Bridget is well.  STOP Hoss is over the moon. STOP love, Joe STOP

They breathed a collective sigh and smiled. 

"It's a good solid name.  Jonathan for her brother.  Charles for Pa's father."


That evening in bed Adam turned to retrieve the french letters from the drawer.  Sara put a hand on his back. 

"Please don't."

"What are you saying?"

"I want another baby, Adam.  I want to hold a baby in my arms and snuggle it.  I want to see you holding a baby on your chest and singing lullabies.  I want someone for Jacob to play with the way you and Hoss played."

"You're sure? It's not too soon?"

"We've talked about more children.  If I conceive tonight, Jacob will be three and half when the baby is born.  Amy will be ten."

"And I'll be forty," he said deliberately.  "That's your point."

"I'll be thirty-two.  It's better now than later."

He turned to face her.  Her eyes were smiling, coaxing him.  He smiled back and nodded.


October 1870

The train had pulled out of Omaha around two.  Sara leaned back and let the October afternoon sun kiss her face.  The rocking motion of the train had lulled Ben and her sons to sleep as soon as they left the city.  She stared at the golden shorn fields and haystacks. "Seven days," she said under her breath.  "One more week and I'll be home."

She caught her reflection in the window and frowned.  She saw only flaws, the tired eyes, the blotchy skin and the stubborn baby belly.  With Amy and Jacob she had regained her figure in several months.  Now, nearly three months after delivering Thomas, that doughy bulge at her waist would not budge.  Her muscles were weak from the imposed bedrest late in her pregnancy and for several weeks after the birth.  A small price to pay when she looked at her beautiful, healthy baby, but her perceived frumpiness annoyed her.  She worried about how Adam would feel now that she'd lost her looks. She resolved to see her doctor, Ned Stewart, as soon as she got home.

The train jolted and Ben woke with a start.  He stretched a moment.  "I can't seem to stay awake after lunch these days with the sun shining in and the rocking. I'm going to visit the, you know… I can go to the dining car for you. Would you like something cool to drink?"

"No, thanks."

"I can get you an ice cream.  You didn't finish your lunch and you're eating for two."

She smiled at her father-in-law.  "No, I had plenty.  I'm fine."

"Sara, that new grandson of mine is a greedy little eater."

She frowned and patted her belly.  "I have plenty stored up right here to feed him."

"Oh Sara, don't be silly.  You'll get your figure back soon enough."

She rolled her eyes and he harrumphed as he left the compartment.  "Women and their silly vanity," he said under his breath.


New York Rail Station at 4th Avenue and 26th Street

Adam waited impatiently in the crowded station.  The three o'clock train from Albany was overdue.  It was 3:43.  By now the new housekeeper, Katrina, should have fetched Amy from school but he had hoped that Sara would be home to greet her. The little girl desperately missed her mother.  These last two months had seemed endless to her and to Adam.  Sara was his emotional core.  The troubled late pregnancy had unsettled him, renewed his awareness of the fragility of life that he had known so well during the War.  It sparked a number of nightmares about losing Sara in the recent weeks.  They left him fretful.

To leave her and Jacob and the baby behind at the Ponderosa and return for the fall semester seemed necessary two months ago.  He and Amy settled into a fitful routine anxiously waiting for letters and the news from Nevada.  He had hired Katrina on recommendation from his friends, Ned and Laura Stewart.  She was warm and gracious woman, a widow who took to Amy like a grandmother.  She did her best to comfort Amy and Adam but even she looked forward to the return home of this powerful force of love named Sara.

A call went out announcing the imminent arrival of the Albany train on track three. Adam hurried to the platform and spied his father, with Jacob in his arms, talking with a porter about the luggage.  

"Papa!"  Jacob nearly leaped from Ben's arms.  

"Jacob!" Adam answered and reached for his feisty four year old. "How's my best boy?"  

"Don't squish me, Papa."

"Oh, it's just 'cause I've missed you so much," Adam said as he held Jacob in a tight hug.  He turned to his father with a wide grin.  "Hi, Pa.  Thanks for bringing them home."

Ben put his arm around Adam's shoulder and squeezed it.  "They've been on pins and needles all the way from Albany.  Let me take Jacob.  Go and find Sara.  She's in the third car, second compartment."

He rushed against the exiting crowd to find her.  She opened the door and he gathered her in his arms, showering her with kisses.  Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks.  

"Oh Sara, we can never be apart again.  I should never have returned without you."

She kissed him again and then broke away.  "Come see your son."

Thomas Edwin Cartwright was kicking in the basket on the floor and beginning to protest his confinement.  

Adam beamed as he lifted the baby and inspected him. "He's still got that reddish fuzz on his head.  And his eyes are green, I think they may just stay that way.  He's perfect, Sara."

"Amy's hair was like that.  It may darken to auburn like hers, like mine."

Ben and Jacob joined them in a few minutes.  "I've arranged to have the luggage delivered.  I, for one, am ready to leave this train and walk on firm ground.  Let's go."


That night Adam put the older children to bed as Sara nursed the baby.  The evening was warm enough to keep the window cracked and the smell of autumn leaves lingered in the air.  It felt wonderful to be home again.  She smiled as she remembered Amy's exuberant greeting.  She and Katrina were baking gingerbread for dessert.  She was covered in flour and leapt into her mother's arms. 

Katrina struck Sara as a kind and wise woman.  It was obvious that she had grown fond of Amy and Adam. Still, she stepped away from the reunion to allow the Cartwrights their privacy and stayed close enough to anticipate their needs. The beds and closets had been aired and Sara's favorite soap was on the bathtub tray.  A good plain supper was served.  Later she drew a bath for Jacob and retreated to the kitchen to clean up.

The baby's eyes were closing and Sara caressed his soft fluffy hair. She wrapped him in his blanket and placed him in the cradle by her side of the bed.  He fussed for a moment and settled into a deep sleep.  She approached her vanity table and frowned at her image in the mirror.  She turned sideways and pulled her nightgown up to examine her profile.  Disheartened, she let the nightgown drop and grimaced at her silhouette. Again she resolved to do something about her figure..

Adam walked quietly into the room as not to disturb the baby.  He grinned wryly at Sara's stance and pouting face in the mirror.  He tiptoed behind her and put his arms around her, hugging her close.  "It's good to have you home, my beauty."

"Oh Adam, I'm glad to be home but I am not beautiful.  My skin is spotty.  I look and feel exhausted and then there's this."  She stretched the material tight to emphasize her belly.  "I'm fat."

He rubbed her torso lightly.  "That belly gave me some of my greatest happiness, my children. It took nine months to grow it, Sara. Be patient.  It'll disappear in time.  Until then," he turned her to face him, "I'll have more of you to love."  He kissed her forehead.

She groaned.  "Nice try, but I'm going to see Ned tomorrow."

"Aren't you feeling well?  Was the trip too much for you?"

"I'm fine.  Fat, but fine.  No, I promised Paul Martin I'd see Ned when I got back.  Besides he needs to see the baby as well."

"But Paul wrote me that you had healed properly."

"Yes, but Paul is a country doctor.   Ned was trained here in New York at Columbia and more recently than Paul at that. He just wants me to get Ned's assurance as well."

"I see.  And as for making love tonight?  We should wait?"

"Just one more night, Adam.  I promise."


"Mama!  Look at the skinny pancakes!"

Amy piped in, "They're Swedish pancakes, Jacob.  They are very special. See, you put cherries here, and fold them up, and put sour cream on top. They're the best."

Ben looked over to Adam who winked at him.  "Bring back memories, Pa? Remember Inger's pancakes?"

The pancakes were familiar and something about the woman serving them was familiar as well.  The tall woman with dark eyes ringed with laugh lines, silvery gray hair and a quick warm smile looked uncannily like Inger had she lived to sixty.  Ben thought surely Adam saw this as well.  It was a bit disconcerting but not altogether unwelcome.

"I do remember them, son.  They were your favorites."

"I'll just have some coffee and dry toast," Sara said as she joined them at the table. 

"Is your stomach bothering you, Mrs. Cartwright?"

Sara nodded and looked over to Adam who rolled his eyes.   "I'll have a glass of skimmed milk as well," she paused and added quickly, "for the baby."


Adam had an early afternoon lab to teach and did not come home for lunch.  At Sara's request, Katrina made a light vegetable soup and sandwiches for those who wanted them.  Sara refrained from the sandwiches.

"If you're feeling poorly maybe you should go see the doctor," Ben suggested.

"I did promise Paul Martin that I'd see Ned as soon as possible.  I could take the baby with me. Ned will want to examine him as well."

"I'll accompany you."

"Oh no, please.  If I am late Katrina will have to fetch Amy at school and you'll be needed to watch Jacob.  Besides, it's only a few blocks away."

Ben arched his eyebrow suspicious of the cause of Sara's stomach trouble.

"I'll nurse Thomas first and then go soon after."


An hour later Sara walked into Doctor Ned Stewart's office.  She was greeted warmly by her friend Laura, Ned's wife.  "Sara Cartwright, when did you get home?" She gently chucked the baby under his chin.  "And this is the newest little Cartwright, I believe.  You do have the most beautiful babies, Sara."

"Oh Laura, I've missed you.  I got home yesterday."

Laura was a little startled.  "Are you feeling ill?"

"I'm fine.  I promised the doctor in Virginia City I'd look in on Ned."

"Oh yes, Doctor Martin wrote Ned.  He was surprised and a bit worried by your troubles in delivering.  He'll be glad to see you.  I'll just stick my head in and see if he's busy."

A minute later Ned walked into the waiting room to greet and kiss Sara.  "Come in. Anything for you, my dear.  How are you feeling?"

She placed Thomas on the examination table and began to undress him.  "I'm fine, really, Ned. Perhaps we should start with the baby, that way Laura can watch him while you examine me."

Ned poked and prodded a bit, listened to his heart and his belly and pronounced Thomas very healthy and thriving.  "Nothing wrong with this boy.  He looks more like you than Jacob did as a baby."

"I see a bit of my father-in-law in him."

Laura was thrilled to take the baby and begin her rights, as Sara's best friend, to spoil him.  

"All right, Sara.  Let's take a look at you."

She undressed behind the screen and walked out in her chemise and pantalets.  Ned helped her on to the table.  He was quiet during the exam, stopping to ask questions when he needed information, but thorough and professional in his manner.  

"That country doctor did a very good job.  I can see no undue damage or scarring. You've healed well. There shouldn't be a problem if you and Adam should want to have another child. You can resume relations if you haven't already.  Now what's bothering you?"

"This," she said emphatically as she grabbed her stomach.  "I was never this big for so long.  Is there something wrong?"

Ned smiled and gently patted her abdomen.  "Everything is where it should be. There isn't a growth, as you probably know.  No, Sara, it's most likely a result of the forced bedrest.   Your muscles haven't been worked lately. It'll disappear in time. You're still nursing, that'll help."

Sara sat up and frowned in frustration.  "So I have to live with this?  I can't do anything about it?"

He smiled warmly and put an arm around her shoulder.  "I didn't say that, Sara.  I just don't want you to go off half cocked.  Get on the scale and let's see what you're facing."

She blushed scarlet when the bar settled at fifteen pounds heavier than before her pregnancy.  Her waist had thickened by four inches, her baby belly swelled underneath.  She teared up and stepped off the scale.

"Sara, get dressed and we'll talk."


She walked home with a spring in her step.  She had Ned's permission, even encouragement, to start walking and do gentle calisthenics.  He had given her a modified reducing diet, poached eggs, dry toast and fruit or oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, lean meats, salads, and plenty of vegetables for the remaining meals and skim milk twice a day for the baby's sake.  

"I want a slow and steady loss, Sara.  But by New Year's I assure you, you will be happier with your figure." 

She entered the house and was met by Katrina.  "How are you feeling, Mrs. Cartwright?"

"Much better, thank you.  Are the children home?"

"They're with their grandfather upstairs.  I can go get them."

"No, that's not necessary.  I need to talk with you for a few minutes."

"Would you like some tea and cookies while we talk?  I have some butter cookies."

"Let me put Thomas in his cradle and I'll come down to the kitchen."


The butter cookies remained untouched as Sara talked to Katrina.

"Are you sure the doctor said this is enough food for you and the little one?"  Katrina asked as she read the food plan Ned had given Sara.

Sara nodded.  "He said that the baby will continue to grow.  I need to go back in two weeks for him to check both of us."

"I just don't see why you're so worried about your figure. You have a beautiful baby. That is all that is important."

"I feel lazy and out of control,” she sighed. “And fat and unattractive to my husband,” she continued.  “My belly gives me back aches."

"Of course, if you insist I will follow this plan, but not for the whole family. I won't deny them real food."

"It's just for me.  You can continue to make your wonderful meals.  I will skip the pastries, breads, butters and cream sauces."

"All right.  I'll make my specialties for the others.  Amy and Mr. Cartwright like their strudels and bread.  I'm sure that Jacob and his grandfather will, too."

"Of that I have no doubt, after this morning's pancakes."


That evening Adam watched Sara unpin her long auburn hair.  She stretched her torso as she brushed her hair, revealing the outline of her figure. This loss of her confidence in her looks was much ado about nothing he thought.  He did not dare voice his opinion, however.   Dinner had been tense after his father's response to Sara's dinner of "rabbit food."  

"Did Ned mention anything about resuming relations?"

Sara turned and smiled.  "Yes."

"Yes, he did or yes, we can."

"Yes and yes.   And yes, my love.  I'll join you in a moment."


Sara woke before six when the baby started to stir.  She put on her underclothes and robe and carried Thomas downstairs to the parlor.  There she stoked the fire and laid him in the cradle they kept downstairs.  Next she stirred the embers in the stove and added kindling.  She put a pot on to boil water and returned to the baby.

He nursed greedily.  He'd only recently started to sleep longer hours and was always ravenous when he woke.  She sang softly to him.  It was her favorite time of the day, the quiet hour before the cacophony of her family's start of the day.  She changed Thomas and put him in the cradle to sleep.

As instructed by Ned, she drank a cup of hot water and then began a series of bends and stretches and light calisthenics.  She recalled her school days and her physical education classes.  She vowed to buy a gymnasium outfit and soft shoes as soon as possible.  She could ask to borrow Catherine Beecher's calisthenics book when she stopped by the Women's Library in Washington Square.  For now, she would begin and hope no one ventured downstairs to observe her.  After breakfast she would walk Amy the five blocks to school and then walk around the park perimeter for twenty minutes.  She would repeat the process in reverse when she walked Amy home. Small steps, Ned had cautioned.  Small steps for the first week or two.


For a week the weather cooperated with Sara's plan.  She took Amy to and from school and walked the perimeter of the park for thirty minutes.  On the weekend Adam was more than amenable to join her in long walks.  On Saturday, they walked up to Central Park and back, stopping at Macy's on the way home to buy India rubber soled shoes and a ladies' gymnasium suit for Sara.  On Sunday, they walked to the Battery, watched the harbor for a time, and walked back home.  Her legs ached at first but now she was growing accustomed to the exercise.  She had more energy. Her skin was clearing and taking on a healthy glow.  But still she saw no progress when she examined her belly in the mirror.

Today it was raining.  No, it was coming down in torrents.  Great buckets of water were falling.  She had walked in the morning but at two o'clock the heavens opened. She insisted on picking up Amy and managed to bring her daughter home relatively dry under her umbrella.  The afternoon walk was canceled and Sara was discouraged.

Amy changed into dry clothes and grabbed some cookies on her way to the piano. She loved to play.  While Sara was still at the Ponderosa, Laura had come to play with Amy.  Laura gave her a new book of Strauss marches and waltzes to practice. The young girl enjoyed the quick finger work.  She sat down and started to play the brightly paced music.

Sara walked into the parlor and listened a few minutes.  "That's wonderful, sweetie. I don't know that song.  What is it?"

"It's the Radetzky March, Mama.  Mrs. Stewart taught it to me."

"It makes me want to march."

Amy nodded and continued to play.

Sara thought a moment.  "It makes me want to march.  And march I will."  She smiled and went upstairs to change into her gymnasium clothes.

While Ben occupied Jacob playing with his toy horses, Amy accompanied her mother. Sara marched in place during the fast songs and stretched and did calisthenics during the waltzes. They laughed and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  At the end of the session Sara was winded and very pleased.

"We should do this again, sweetie."

"That was fun, Mama.  You looked silly."

"I suppose I did."

"We could do it on rainy days and make it our secret."

Sara smiled.  At ten, Amy adored secrets.  "That's a fine plan, Amy."


Early that evening Ben sat in the parlor reading the newspaper before dinner.  Jacob was at his feet playing quietly with his toy train.  Amy was setting the table.  Adam and Sara were upstairs with the baby.  It was a rare quiet time in the Adam Cartwright household.

There was a heavenly aroma of almonds coming from the kitchen.  Ben closed his eyes and was transported back to his courtship days with Inger in Indiana.  What was it she called that dessert?  It came to him in a flash. Ostkaka.  A creamy, custardy almond cake that, when made by loving hands, warmed a man's heart and satisfied his soul.

It was the perfect evening to serve such a cake.  The weather was raw and dreary. The afternoon rain had turned cold.  Adam's coat was heavy with sleet when he hung it near the fire to dry. Surely Katrina had been inspired by the foul weather. She made the rich creamy dessert to comfort her adopted family.

Katrina served a hearty cabbage soup with freshly baked brown bread and butter for dinner.  Sara looked at her bowl carefully but had no objections.  There was a clear broth with pieces of chicken, cabbage, onions and carrots in her bowl.  The potatoes had been omitted from her serving.  She passed up the dish of sour cream and dill to garnish the soup as well as the bread and butter.

She leaned toward the bowl and took a deep breath.  "This looks and smells lovely, Katrina.  Just the right dish for a cold damp night."

"It is better with the potatoes and cream."

"Still, I appreciate that you served my bowl without them."

Ben met Katrina's glance and raised his eyebrows.  Neither one of them approved of Sara's diet. It was "modern" and unnecessary.  She would get her figure back in good time.  Nature would take its own course, there was no need to hurry it along. Especially for vanity's sake.

When the bowls were cleared, Katrina returned with the ostkaka, served warm with raspberry preserves on top.  She smiled triumphantly as she set it in front of Ben.

"It is ostkaka, a custardy cheese cake. Did your Inger ever make it, Mr. Cartwright?"

He looked at her, puzzled by the mention of his late wife’s name.

“Oh, I’m sorry to be so forward. Mr. Adam told me a bit about his stepmother.”

Ben smiled at her. "Yes," he said softly. "It was Inger’s specialty."

"I hope that mine lives up to hers."

He sliced it and the aroma of warm almonds perfumed the air.  He looked toward Katrina and smiled with deep affection.  Ben served everyone save Sara who shook her head when it was offered.

"You should take some," Katrina said.  "It is good for you.  It has eggs and milk."

"And sugar and cream and it smells divine, but no, thank you,' Sara answered.  She patted her stomach.

"Just a taste, Sara," Ben added.  "It won't hurt.  It is such a special treat."

Sara smiled and shook her head once again.

"We'll split her portion, Pa.  As I recall it is best when it warm from the oven."

"As I recall, son, there was never any left when Inger made it."

Ben and Adam finished the ostkaka with gusto.


November 2, 1870

Two weeks had passed and Sara was seated in Ned's outer office.  Laura held Thomas on her lap and was cooing and making him smile.  "I could just eat you up," Laura said as she kissed his tiny hands.  "I swear he's grown an inch since I last saw him."

Ned stepped into the waiting room and greeted Sara with a warm smile.  "Step in, Sara.  Let's see how you both are doing."

He was very pleased to see that the baby had gained half a pound and was healthy and very alert. "Just as I thought, there are no ill effects to Thomas from your diet."

Sara stepped out from behind the changing screen.  "I'll be happy to report that to my father-in-law and my housekeeper, Katrina.  They're skeptical of my regimen."

She climbed up on the exam table facing Ned.  

"How are you feeling, Sara?"

"I feel much better.  I have more energy.  I can walk farther and not be winded.   Look at my skin!  It's clear.  I feel lighter but I don't know….” She grabbed her belly, "this is still mighty stubborn."

He nodded and smiled.  "You look radiant, Sara… like you found yourself again.  Hop on the scales."

She took a deep breath and stepped on the scales platform.  Ned adjusted the bar to her read her weight.

"Five pounds. That's a little more than I expected, but diets can start fast.  I expect that pace to slow down a bit, maybe to a pound or a pound and a half a week."

Sara was beaming at her accomplishment.  She took the tape measure from Ned and put it around her waist.  "One inch.  I've lost an inch!"

Ned recorded the changes in his notes.  "This is very good progress.  You can continue the plan with my blessings.  And you can tell that to Adam's father and your housekeeper."

"Ned, I feel stronger.  Can I do more exercise?"

"Do what feels comfortable, Sara.  No pushing.  I want to see you again in a couple of weeks.  How about the 23rd?"

"The day before Thanksgiving."

"That's right."  He leaned down and kissed her cheek.  "Now get dressed and scoot. You're too healthy to linger around a doctor's office, even if the doctor is your friend."


Laura handed a sleepy Thomas back to Sara.  "I miss having a little one.  My girls are so grown up now.  They were off to college in September."

"You are welcome to visit anytime, Laura.  Jacob would love to see you and Amy adores you.  That reminds me, thank you for the Strauss music book.  She is working her way through it and having a wonderful time."

"I'm so happy to know that.  I'd love to hear her play.  Maybe I'll stop by on my way home someday."

"Make it soon Laura.  She's home from school by 3:30 most afternoons."


November turned cold and raw, hindering Sara's resolve to walk each day.  She walked in the mornings despite the weather but she couldn't face getting soaked through most afternoons.  Sara and Amy's secret calisthenics sessions were becoming a common occurrence.  Neither minded that.  It gave them an excuse to spend some fun time together.

Ben had noticed his granddaughter's peculiar penchant for marches.  He could hear laughter behind the closed parlor door during her piano practice but did not delve further.  He respected the "Do Not Disturb" sign hung on the doorknob.  He had raised boys and little girls were a bit of a mystery to him.

About a week after Sara's appointment, Laura came to visit.  Kristina opened the door and showed her to the parlor door.  Laura listened to the marching music and the laughter and knocked hard.  A breathless Sara answered and pulled her friend into the room.

"What's going on here?"

"It's our secret," Amy said.  "I play music while Mama exercises."

Sara nodded.  "When I can't walk because of the weather, I march and do calisthenics."

"Well, I'll be.  That's brilliant.  Can I join you?"

"If you want to, of course, Laura."

Laura put her hands on her waist and sighed.  "I do.  I do want to join you.  I can make it Tuesdays and Thursdays, is that all right?"

"That's settled," Sara agreed.

"Can you bring more music books, Mrs. Stewart?"

"It's a deal, Amy."


It was a quiet morning in the Cartwright house.  Adam was teaching, of course, and Amy was in school.  Jacob had begged to join Sara on a visit to the Children's Aid Society and was thrilled that she had consented.  The baby was asleep.  Ben walked upstairs to fetch a train schedule for Boston and ran into Katrina, arms loaded with bed linens, in the hallway.

"Oh, excuse me, Katrina.  Here, let me take those for you."

She smiled warmly as he gathered the sheets in his large arms.  "Thank you.  I was trying to save myself another trip up and down the stairs.  I need to take these to be laundered.  If I don't get there by noon, Mrs. Fratelli will keep them an extra day."

"I see.  Well, we can't have that," he said, teasing her.

They walked down to the kitchen and he placed the linens in the large basket by the door.

"Katrina, may I speak with you a moment?"

She nodded and pointed to the table.  "Coffee, Mr. Cartwright?"

"No, thank you."  He pulled a chair out for her and waited for her to sit.  Then he sat opposite her.

"Katrina, I know few people here in New York and I have been away from eastern society for a long time.  I am unfamiliar with the proper etiquette.  Back in Nevada things are much less formal."

"Yes, Mr. Cartwright."

"Well, see, that is a perfect example of what I mean.  I called you by your first name and you call me 'Mr. Cartwright'.  Please, call me Ben."

She grinned.  "Ben."

“Katrina, I was just reading about a concert at Steinway Hall on Sunday. Miss Christine Nilsson is singing. The paper calls her the new Jenny Lind.”

“I have heard of her, yes.”

“I was wondering if you would do me the honor of accompanying me to that concert. I know that it is your day off and your time is your own, but please consider it.”

“Oh, Mr….Ben. I would love to go!”

“Shall we have lunch at Moretti’s before? I want to try the spaghetti.”

“Oh yes!”


Ben and Katrina found the sign for Moretti’s Restaurant on the south side of 14th Street not far from Steinway Hall. They were early for the luncheon seating and were escorted to a table in the window. They made a handsome couple, he, with his snowy white hair and dark eyes, she, a silvery blond with a warm smile.

The waiter told them they had just missed the tenor, Signor Brignoli, who had come in for a late breakfast before the concert. “Many singers come here. We have the best Italian food.”

On the waiter’s recommendation, Ben ordered a full four course meal of spaghetti, a roasted veal chop, two vegetables and a pastry dessert. It was a large meal but they justified ordering it because of the weeks of plain and simple meals Katrina had tried to serve Sara. They relished the spicy and flavorful food. 

“Adam is right. He said that the spaghetti here is as ‘tender as first love and a delight forever.’”

“He did?”

“I think he was quoting a review. Still, it is delicious and we do not have to feel guilty about finishing all of it.”

“Signor, signora, may I offer you some wine? It is my gift to you. It is a pleasure to see you enjoying my food so passionately.”


The concert was “a triumph” according to the papers. “Mlle. Christine Nilsson has come, has been seen and has conquered” was the first line of the review in the New York Times. 

To Ben’s ear, she had the voice of an angel. She sang Handel , Ophelia from Thomas’ Hamlet, and arias from La Traviata. Ben could not help but watch Katrina’s reaction to the tall blond Swedish soprano. Her eyes sparkled as Nilsson sang but they brimmed over with tears when a Swedish folksong was the encore. 

Ben took her arm and she leaned in toward him as they walked home. 

“Oh Ben, it was a perfect afternoon. Thank you.”

He took her hand in his and kissed it softly. “Thank you, my dear.”


The three weeks between Sara’s appointments passed quickly. It was the day before Thanksgiving and she stood on the scales in the doctor’s office. Ned adjusted the bar and smiled. “You can look, Sara. You’ll be pleased.”

“Another five pounds!”

“Your waist is considerably thinner. It must be all that marching,” Ned said with a wink. 

“I guess Laura couldn’t keep our secret from you.”

“Not when she came home aching from the efforts. Did she tell you that she has lost half an inch from her waist?”

“We encourage each other,” Sara said.

“How do you feel? Do you want to stop? When you started this you wanted to lose fifteen pounds.”

“Oh no! I have in mind that I will wear the ball gown I wore on my wedding night for our anniversary.”

“And when is that?”

“January twelfth.”

“I’ll see you in a month. We can decide whether you should stop your diet then.” He kissed her cheek. “And tell that husband of yours not to be such a stranger.”



Adam woke to the tantalizing smell of onions and celery frying in butter.  He found Sara spooning the fragrant wilted vegetables over a large bowl of cubed stale bread. She added salt, pepper and sage to the bowl.  Then she put the frying pan back on the stove and began to sauté the turkey liver.  He approached her from behind and placed his arms around her.  He kissed her behind her ear.

“You’ve made an early start.”

“I have to if we want to eat this bird this afternoon.  It’s enormous.  What was your father thinking when he bought it?”

“He was thinking it was big enough for four hungry ranchers and Hop Sing.”

“Well, none of us is exactly riding the range these days, dear.”  She turned around to kiss him.

“Don’t worry, Sara. Pa and Edwin and I will put a dent in it this afternoon.”

“I brought down some of our winter clothes from the attic yesterday.  Your brown wool suit is hanging in the closet.  The garnet colored vest would look nice with it.”


Sara buttoned the cream silk blouse and pulled on the tartan skirt.  She smiled triumphantly.  She hadn’t needed to pull her corset strings tighter.  It fit!   She had not worn it since Christmas last year.  She looked in the mirror and stood in profile. Not perfect but considerably better. 

Adam walked in from shaving in the bathroom.  “You look very pretty.”

She turned and grinned.  “You look handsome, save for that dab of shaving cream under your chin.”  She used her handkerchief to remove the soap.  “Don’t take too long.  Edwin and Winna will be here soon.”

He looked at the brown suit and garnet vest laid out on the bed.  He smiled to think how they would complement Sara’s plaid skirt.  She had looked so pleased to be wearing it.  There was a risk of looking too deliberate in his choice of suits, but he acquiesced to her preference.

He put on a clean white shirt and struggled to pull on his trousers.   Surely they had shrunk in the cleaning before storing them last spring.  There was a considerable gap at the waist which his belly now filled.  He held his breath, pulled in his stomach and strained to button the waistband. In the end he had to leave the top button open. He pulled his belt tight to disguise the fact.  He buttoned the vest hoping it would hold his stomach in. 

He stood in front of the mirror forced to admit that Sara was not the only one whose waistline had expanded in the last year.  He had noticed his clothes getting tighter but the brown suit and his protruding profile were concrete evidence of a weight gain. His once flat stomach had gone to fat. He put on his jacket and hoped it would hide the problems for at least one more day.  Today, he would eat, drink and be merry.   Tomorrow, he vowed, he’d join Sara in her diet.


Adam opened the door to Edwin Booth, his daughter Winna and his mother.  Winna rushed passed Adam and ran upstairs to find Amy.   They were fast friends and happy to spend Thanksgiving together.  Adam took their coats and ushered his guests into the parlor where Sara was seated with Thomas in her lap.

“Sara, my dear, you are a vision,” Edwin said as he bowed and took her hand to kiss it.

She blushed and gently scolded him. “Edwin, stop, please.”

“I mean it.”  He held his hand out in her direction.   “Mr. Cartwright, Adam, you will agree with me.  Our Sara sits in the pose of a madonna and child.  There is no more beautiful or serene subject than that. Sara and Thomas are perfection.”

She shook her head at Edwin.  “Mrs. Booth, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

“Oh, let me near that beautiful baby,” Mrs. Booth answered reaching out her arms to hold Thomas.  “He’s a heavy boy.”

“Like his father,” Edwin said eyeing Adam’s straining middle.

“Yes, well….I propose a toast,” Adam said trying to divert the attention away from himself.  He poured champagne and Edwin distributed the glasses.

“To the fair ladies,” Edwin said as he raised his glass, “who make our lives worth living.”

“To the ladies,” Ben seconded. “Now I must go and assist in the kitchen.   I promised Katrina I would help her take the turkey from the oven.”


“Our housekeeper.  Adam hired her while I was still in Nevada with the baby.  She’s a treasure.  The children adore her.”

“It appears that your father-in-law may share their opinion.”  Edwin winked.


“Sara, my dear, you are eating like a bird.  Is that good for the baby?”  Mrs. Booth asked.

“Not a bird,” Jacob piped up. “She eats like a bunny.”

“Jacob Cartwright!”  Amy exclaimed.

“Well, Grandpa, says she eats rabbit food.”

Sara wiped her mouth with her napkin.  “What he means, is that I have been trying to recover my figure after Thomas’s birth.”

“Your efforts have been rewarded,” Edwin noted.  “You look slim and radiant.”

“Thank you.”

“Is anyone ready for dessert?” Adam asked as he stood and started to gather the emptied plates. “Katrina has made apple and mincemeat pies.  They smelled delicious as they were baking.”

Edwin stood to assist him.  “I am in tights as Hamlet tomorrow night.  I dare not have more than a sliver of pie.”

“But you’re so thin,” Ben said.

“An actor’s curse, Mr. Cartwright.  I need to be trim to be believable on stage.”


After dessert the women headed to the kitchen to clear up, the girls disappeared upstairs, and Thomas slept in his parents’ room. The men retired to the parlor for brandies.  Jacob played quietly on the carpet with his toy horses.  Ben unbuttoned his vest and patted his full stomach. “That was a mighty fine meal.”  He plopped down heavily on the settee. 

Edwin sat in Adam’s leather chair near the fire and picked up the book on the table, examining the title page of Robinson Crusoe.  Adam handed him a brandy, explaining, “I’ve been reading it to Jacob before bed.”

Adam poured two more glasses of brandy and headed to the settee.   He gave his father a glass and sat down.  The last button on his vest, that had strained all day against his ample belly, gave way explosively.  It catapulted across the room.  Adam looked down and, to his horror, a roll of fat had been released from its constraints.  It spread over his waistband. He flushed bright red.

“Pop goes the weasel.”  Jacob sang. 

Edwin laughed and Ben joined in the humor at Adam’s expense. 

“It was bound to happen, Adam.  I must say your appearance took me by surprise today.  Whatever weight Sara has lost, has found its way to your middle,” Edwin chided.

Adam groaned in disgust.

“My advice,” Edwin said as he eyed Adam’s stomach, “is that you join your sweet wife in her diet and find your way to Wood’s Gymnasium.  There is a mean little man there, Gus Schultz, who performs miracles on corpulent bellies. He did wonders for Eugene Harold.”

Adam harrumphed and glared at Edwin, who nodded at his friend and mouthed the words “Wood’s Gymnasium" to him.  "Tell them I recommended it to you.”

 Grimly, Adam nodded in conciliation.


That evening Adam removed his jacket and trousers and hung them in the closet.    He checked the watch pocket of his vest for the button.  He frowned remembering his embarrassment earlier. He pulled in his stomach and unbuttoned the vest. 

Sara looked up from nursing Thomas.  “Put the vest in my sewing basket, Adam.  I’ll mend it tomorrow.” 

He removed his shirt and stood in his underclothes, studying his torso in the vanity mirror.  His undershirt stretched tightly over a bloated belly.  He stood in profile and was disturbed to see how it protruded over the waistband of his drawers.  He grabbed it in disgust and groaned in frustration.

“Oh Adam, it’s Thanksgiving.  You just ate a big meal.”

He sucked in his belly and shook his head. “Look at this!  It doesn’t go away.  When did this happen?”

 She smiled sympathetically. 

 He thought of Edwin’s taunt earlier in the parlor. “How much weight have you lost, dear?  I know where to find it,” he said patting his paunch. “That settles it.   Tomorrow I begin a diet.”


 “I have to, Sara, before this gets worse.  Misery loves company. Wake me when you get up and I’ll join you with those morning stretches.”


“I’ll just have a poached egg and dry toast,” Adam said as he sat down for breakfast.  He poured himself some coffee and began to sip it, black. 

All eyes focused on him and the spare portions on the plate in front of him. 

 “What?” He said, annoyed by the unwanted attention.

 “Nothing, Papa,” Amy said, using her napkin to hide her grin. 

“What time is your train to Boston, Pa?” 

“Nine o’clock, Adam.” 

“I’ll take you to the station.  I need to do some, er…, business in that area this morning.” 

Ben smiled at Adam’s unease.  It was not often that his confident eldest son was so nonplussed. “Well, thank you, son.  You had an envelope for Jack, I believe.”

 “Yes, I do, and Sara has a small package for Carrie.” 

“We should get going then.” 


 He had walked by the sign on the way to the Columbia School of the Mines for several years without giving it much thought. But after yesterday's humiliating button popping incident, and on Edwin's advice, he was now headed to Wood's Gymnasium. He was contrite and resolved to defeat his sworn enemy, that is, his growing girth. 

 He opened the heavy door and stepped into a purely male domain. The decor was Spartan and dark. No flowers or velvet draperies or plush settees were in sight. There was a lingering odor of cigar smoke and chlorine from the baths. Here there would be unbridled sweating and straining and grunting, all in the pursuit of manly fitness. At least, that's what Adam expected.

 Professor John Wood had opened the gymnasium in 1853. Since then generations of Columbia rowing teams, prize fighters and avid amateur athletes had come to train with the tough, no nonsense staff. Recently the newly formed New York Athletic Club had adopted the gymnasium as their indoor athletics home. The gymnasium was often occupied with the city elite politicians, actors, including Edwin Booth, and businessmen between the hours of four and six o'clock. School boys and bankers were one and the same when they donned the flannel gymnasium suits and India rubber soled soft shoes. 

 "You need something, mister?" a young attendant asked.

 "I'm here to talk with Professor Wood if he is free."

 "I'll take ya to his office."

He led Adam up the stairs to a private office overlooking the gymnasium floor. He spoke to the secretary, who consulted a diary, and soon Adam was waved into the office of Professor John Wood.

"Mr. Adam Cartwright. Is that right?" He stood and shook Adam's hand. Wood was a few years older than Adam, lean, with strong shoulders and a firm handshake.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet you." 

"Please sit down and tell me why you're here this morning." 

"In the last year I have gained weight and it is time to address the problem." 

"How much?  Ten pounds?" 

Adam grimaced and shrugged his shoulders. 


He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  "I don't really know.  But this," he said as he stroked his potbelly, "has to go." 

Professor Wood nodded thoughtfully. He noted Adam's vest straining against the bulge at his waist.   

"My friend Edwin Booth recommended that I come here." 

"Ah, Mr. Booth. A fine physical specimen of a man."

 "He said that you helped Eugene Harold when he was cast as Horatio."

 "Yes, a fat actor in tights is, in Mr. Booth's words, “regrettable in a tragedy.”  Mr. Harold looked quite trim after our regimen.  Tell me, Mr. Cartwright, was this gain because of an illness you suffered?"

"No, not directly.  I've never really had a problem with my weight. I grew up in the west and we built a ranch from scratch. If my appetite was large, the demanding work more than compensated for it. But now that I teach here in the city, I find that I often put on a few pounds during winter. In summer, when I visit my family's ranch in Nevada, I lose the weight easily.   This year my wife was with child and she had a difficult time of it.  She was confined to bed for the last three weeks of the pregnancy and another two weeks after our son was born.  Naturally I stayed close to her.  I guess I ate more than I should have partly in sympathy and partly because I was so worried." 

"So you both grew bellies, but she delivered a baby and you were left with a paunch."

Adam nodded sheepishly.  "It got worse when I had to return to New York without her.  My housekeeper offered consolation with pastries and noodles and cream sauces which all settled here," he pinched the roll of fat at his waist.  

 "That I have noticed, Mr. Cartwright.  Are you reunited now?"

 "Yes.  The baby is healthy and thriving and so is my wife.  I'm a lucky man."

"Mr. Cartwright, please stand and remove your jacket and vest so I might see your physique more clearly."  Adam rose and removed the clothing, painfully aware of Professor Wood's sobering gaze.  "I think that you are correct. It seems that this is a temporary condition, not a result of a lifetime of sedentary bad habits.  Your chest and shoulders, while "padded" at this time, are well formed."

Professor Wood stood and walked to the door.  He opened it and called for his assistant to find Gus Schultz.  

"Mr. Schultz is a trainer here.  He will do a proper examination of your condition."  Adam raised his eyebrow.  "Of your strength and stamina.  He will weigh you and take measurements as well. I shall talk to you afterwards."

"Charles, get Mr. Cartwright a gymnasium suit and shoes and take him to the dressing room to meet with Gus." 

Gus Schultz was a compact man with grizzled hair and a gruff voice from years of shouting.  He had a handshake that could make a grown man wince and he suffered no fools. He was a bandy rooster of a man. 

"You Adam Cartwright?"  he asked.  "Hang up yer clothes and come over here." 

Adam stripped to his underclothes and began to pull on the flannel tunic.  

"Did I say to put that on?  I gotta weigh ya.  We do that naked here.  C'mon I don't have all day." 

Adam stripped down and walked across the room.  He straightened his shoulders and pulled in his stomach as he first faced the mirror and then stepped on the Fairbanks scales.  Gus measured Adam’s height at six feet one inch. Then he adjusted the weights and the bar balanced at 218 pounds.   Adam flushed a deep red.  He was seventeen pounds heavier than last year.  Twenty-two pounds heavier than on his wedding day.  It was worse than he had thought.  

Gus recorded the figure in his notebook and said, "Let's do the other measurements."  He wrapped the tape around Adam's chest and then his waist and hips, silently observing the scar from a gunshot on the left lower abdomen. As Gus took Adam's leg measurements he stopped to look at the long scar at the right knee

“Where’d ya git those scars, Mr. Cartwright? They ever bother ya?”

Adam fingered the scar on his lower belly. “My family has a ranch in Nevada. It can be rough out west. We had a run in with some Apaches." He shrugged his shoulders and continued. "The knee is a souvenir from Cold Harbor. I’m healed. No problems.”

"Yer numbers ain't as bad as most older men I've seen.  Yer strong on top, just flabby.  Kinda like somebody basted ya all over in butter, ‘cept for this." Gus grabbed Adam's belly and shook it. "This is like ya swallowed a stuffed turkey whole.  Yer legs are skinny for the rest of ya. Put the suit and shoes on.  I gotta see how fit ya are. We use the policeman’s test."

They entered the gymnasium. It looked, for all the world, like a medieval torture chamber to Adam. Gus was its Grand Inquisitor. There were pulley weights, Indian clubs, dumb bells, ladders and parallel bars. A cinder running track was around the perimeter.

“We’ll start with the running test. Sixteen times around the track is a mile. I want ya to go ‘round as fast as you can. You can run or trot or walk. Just don’t stop.”

Adam began the test at a slow jogging pace and progressed more rapidly to a run. He couldn’t sustain the pace for long. He’d never been a runner. His body had been honed by riding and ranch work. He marched as a soldier and settled back into that cadence. But even at that pace he was undone by his heaviness. He finished in eleven minutes. He bent over at  the waist, with his hands on his knees, sucking in great gasps of air.

“Go over there to the mat," Gus pointed. Adam followed him, still huffing and puffing. 

“Lie flat on yer back and put yer arms behind yer head. Now raise yerself up as many times as ya can.”

Adam strained and managed to sit up and slowly lowered himself back to the mat. It was harder than he thought. As he continued, Gus called out, “Two. Three. Four.” Adam grunted and raised himself once more before Gus taunted him again. “Hard with that lard ‘round yer middle, ain’t it?” Adam pressed his lips into a thin line and glared.

“I’ll put that down as five then.”

“Chin-ups.” Gus pointed to a horizontal bar fixed to the wall. He adjusted the bar to a height that required a full stretch of Adam’s arms. “Grab the bar, Mr. Cartwright and pull yerself up to yer hands as many times as ya can. I got to see how strong yer arms and shoulders are.”

Adam was relieved when he made it to four without much difficulty. The last two chin ups he performed to spite his nemesis. Gus nodded his approval and directed Adam to the dumb bells. Adam was able to lift the 45 pound weights confidently. 

“Parallel bars. I want ya to raise and lower yerself ten times.” He did five with greater effort. His pesky abdominal region plagued him. And when Gus upped the ante and had him raise himself on the bars and then try to pull his legs up horizontal to the floor, he grunted in defeat.

“Okay, Mr. Cartwright, that’s the end of the test.”

Adam wiped the sweat from his brow and started toward the dressing room. 

Gus called out to him. “I said it was the end of the test, not the day. I want another two miles if yer serious about losing that gut.”

Adam nodded his head and hung the towel on the railing that lined the track. He stepped in and started to trot around the gymnasium. 

“Johnny, c’mere! I want ya to count the laps for Mr. Cartwright. Thirty-two. Ya can count that high, right?”


Within the hour Adam was ushered back into Professor Wood’s office. “Sit down, Mr. Cartwright, I’m just going over your results. Did you tell me your age?”

“Forty.” He added, “forty and fat,” under his breath.

Professor Wood smiled and addressed him. “I commend you for coming here. Too many men lose the resolve to be fit at your age. We can help you if you are willing to commit yourself to our methods for several months.”

Adam sighed and nodded. “With what kind of results?”

“Don't worry, Mr. Cartwright. Gus Schultz will make you fit and trim again. He can turn back the clock five, maybe ten years, if you work with him and follow the diet I give you. Let’s say, you’ll lose twenty pounds and that unsightly paunch of yours.”

“He’s a bit of a bandy rooster, isn’t he?”

“You'll find he's more like a tenacious weasel. He will work you hard and you will curse him most days.”

“The diet. Is it Banting’s?”

“The man’s an amateur. Not enough vegetables and too much liquor. Gus wrote here that you have a bad knee from the War. Is that right?”

“It’s healed now.”

“I want your doctor’s word on that before we start. Take these with you when you see him.”

“What are they?"

“The fitness report and the diet I want you to follow. Go see your doctor and we’ll see you tomorrow morning at 9:30.”

Adam glanced at the papers and folded them. He placed them in his jacket pocket. Then he rose to shake Wood's hand. 

“Tomorrow morning, Mr. Cartwright.”

Adam opened the door and turned to face Professor Wood again. “You didn’t say anything about the fees.”

He waved his hand to dismiss the topic. “Tomorrow morning. We'll talk about it then.”

Adam nodded and exited. Professor Wood thought about Adam’s examination results. Most men never returned when they learned there were no quick fixes. He was betting Adam Cartwright was not like most men.

Adam stepped out on 28th Street and took a deep breath of the chilly November air. He’d spent a sobering morning at the gymnasium. He walked to 6th Avenue and turned south toward home. 


He found Sara sitting on the bed sorting through baby clothes from a trunk she’d dragged down from the attic. 

“It’s quiet, where are the children?”

“Thomas is asleep in his cradle as you can see. Emily and Hannah Marshall invited Amy to their dance lesson and James is taking the boys for a ride in his new carriage. They’ll be home for dinner but not before.”

Adam leaned down and kissed her. “Remind me to thank James. After this morning it is nice to have a little time alone with you.” He removed his jacket and vest and hung them in the closet.

“Was it bad?” She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him.

“Oh yeah, worse than I thought. I am officially fat.”

“Distinguished looking.”

“No fat. I saw the numbers. I am giving Hoss a run for his money.” He put his hand over hers and jiggled his belly. “Fat. Like Santa, like a bowl full of jelly.”  He shook his head in disgust.

She gently rubbed his abdomen and quoted him. “There is more of you to love.”

He groaned. “You weren't convinced when I said that to you last month. I apologize now.”

She laughed. “It’s not so bad, sweetheart. We’re in this together now.” 


The bell on the door rang as he entered the doctor’s office. Laura Stewart looked up from her desk. “Adam Cartwright. I haven’t seen you in ages. I haven’t even congratulated you on the baby.”

“Laura, it is good to see you,” he said as he bent to kiss her cheek. 

“Nothing is wrong at home, I hope.”

“No. Everyone is well. I want to see Ned about me.”

“I’ll pull your record and see if he is free.”

Adam hung his coat on a peg and stood impatiently tapping his fingers on the desk.

Laura returned smiling. “He’ll see you in a few minutes. He's finishing a chart.”

“Thank you.”

“That Thomas is a wonderful baby. Sara is so proud of him.”

Adam nodded.

“And Sara, she gets more beautiful every time I see her. You know I doubted her when she said she’d have her figure back by the New Year, but no more. She’s a model for us all.” Laura blushed. “Well, a model for me. I’ve lost half an inch off my waist since I started going to your house for calisthenics.”

Adam nodded absentmindedly and then with a start asked her to repeat that statement.

“Well Adam, she was so successful with her diet I had to know her secret. It was marching and calisthenics. She does calisthenics while Amy practices piano. It sounded like fun so I’ve joined her twice a week.”

“I just thought Amy had a new lesson book of marching songs.”

From the examination room Ned called for Adam to join him. Adam walked in and Ned could scarcely hide his surprise at Adam’s girth. “What happened to you? You look like you’re pregnant, I'd say about five months pregnant.”

Adam’s frown stopped Ned’s teasing. “That’s why I’m here. I need to lose this.” He pinched the roll of fat around his middle. “I went to Wood’s Gymnasium this morning. They want your approval for an exercise regimen.” He reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out the papers Professor Wood had given him. “And here is the diet.”

Ned leaned on his desk and looked over the report and the diet plan. “Wood’s Gymnasium, huh? You are serious then. That’s good. This diet looks fine. Lots of green vegetables, few starches, no alcohol. It’s a lot like Sara’s plan, without the milk. It’s restrictive but we can change it as you lose fat and gain muscle. Take off your clothes and let’s see what we’re dealing with.”

“You can see it in black and white in that report.”

“Adam, I’m your doctor. I need to see that there isn’t another cause for the weight gain. And I need to see your knee and ankle.”

Adam winced at the thought of yet another thorough examination. He undressed and settled himself on the examination table. Ned checked his heart and lungs, palpated his belly, and prodded and twisted his knee and ankle. He pronounced Adam healthy enough for the exercise plan. 

“Thanks," Adam said as he dressed.

“Oh wait a minute, buddy. Who is it you’re working with?”

“Gus Schultz, at least that's who I saw this morning."

“Whew! He’s a hard taskmaster. When do you start?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Just don’t quit when you’re hurting at first. He's going to ride you hard and work you 'til you feel like dropping. The pain’ll ease up after a couple of days. I want to see you in a month.” He patted Adam’s midsection and smirked. “And I want to see less of you.”

Adam rolled his eyes.

Ned called out to the waiting room, “Laura, when is it that Sara is coming next month? Schedule an appointment for Adam at the same time.”


In a perfect imitation of his grandfather, Jacob shook his head when Sara served Adam his dinner. “Rabbit food! Now you’re eating rabbit food!”

Amy giggled behind her napkin. 

“Are you gonna march like Mama, too?”

Adam smiled smugly and answered in measured tones. “Children, Papa loves you so much that he is taking it upon himself to get healthy so he may torture you all the days of your young lives.”


“You’re right, dear. That was harsh. Yes, Jacob I am eating rabbit food. And no, son, I will not "march" with your mother. I will exercise with other men at a gymnasium.”

“Well, that’s good. ‘Cause Mama marches with Mrs. Stewart." He paused dramatically, "In her underwears.”

“I’ve heard that,” Adam answered. “Though not the part about the underclothes.”

Sara arched her brow. 

“Laura told me about the piano practicing and calisthenics.”


“Sweetheart, I think that is great.”


In that drowsy state between sleep and wakefulness, Adam turned and reached for Sara. His hand touched the cool sheet. He sat up to see her nursing the baby in the dim light from the streetlamp. 

“Go back to sleep, darling. It’s early yet.”

“No, I said I’d do those stretches with you in the mornings. It’s probably better to work the kinks out before I face my ignoble fate with Gus Schultz.”

“True.” She smiled warmly. The embarrassment of yesterday’s examinations had taken the sparkle out Adam’s eyes the night before and she wanted to encourage him.

“I’ll go down and stoke the fire in the parlor.”

“Thank you, dear. He’s nearly asleep. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

“And Sara, put on something more than your “underwears” in case Jacob wakes up early.” 


Charles knocked on the door softly and peeked in. "Mr. Cartwright is here, sir."

“Show him in.”

“Professor Wood.” 

“Mr. Cartwright, I’m glad to see that you have returned. Many men shy away after the examination. Somehow I think you are made of sterner stuff. Do you have the doctor’s approval then?”

Adam handed him Ned’s note. 

“So, you can begin today. Did you start the diet?"


"Good. It's best not to exercise on a full stomach. You will work with Gus today and every day but Sundays. On Sundays Sanders will train you. You will come every day until I say, excepting Christmas and New Year's Day. We're closed those days. Follow our regimen and the diet and you will be fit and trim again."

"And the fees?"

"Twenty dollars per year for the use of the gymnasium. Three dollars a month for training fees. One dollar per month for laundry."

"I make that $32 for a three month period. Should I write you a check?"

"I hope, Mr. Cartwright, that it will not be the last check you write for my gymnasium."

"Of course not."

He wrote the check and excused himself to change into his gymnasium clothes. Five minutes later he met Gus at the track.

"It's more of the same from yesterday, Cartwright. Ya start with doing some track work - two miles - for yer wind and stamina. Then ya move to the mat and the bars to work on that gut of yers. Then weights. Then back to the track for another mile. That's about an hour. Yer gonna work hard and yer gonna sweat. Ready?"

Adam nodded.

"One more thing. I don't chat when yer working out. We're not friends. Yer time here is for training."


With every muscle aching and dripping in sweat, Adam entered the dressing room an hour later. He was grateful he knew no one. And he wondered just when the routine would be comfortable. 

A voice from someone behind him startled Adam. "I saw you with Gus," the man said. "He's a tough old bird but he knows what he's doing." Adam turned to see a older businessman changing out of his street clothes. He noted the man’s flat abdomen as he added, "Gus changed my life. You'll see."


That night Adam lay propped up against the pillows watching Sara's evening toilette. Every inch of him ached. She sat at her vanity in her chemise and pantalets. Her arms were bare. She unpinned her hair and he noted how much her torso had slimmed in five weeks. Her arms were shapelier as well. Laura was right, by New Year's Sara would lose the baby weight and belly. His empty stomach growled loudly in hunger.

"Was that you, Adam? Oh sweetheart, drink a glass of water, it'll make you feel fuller."

"I'm fine, Sara."

"Are you sore?"

"Very," he said emphatically and groaned.  "It's been a long day."

She smiled and grabbed a jar of scented cream. She pulled back the covers, carelessly tossing them to the foot of the bed, and climbed in. 

"What are you doing, woman?"

She perched on his hips and tugged his undershirt from his drawers. "C'mon Adam, take off your shirt and I'll give you a massage."

"No, thank you. I've been poked and prodded enough lately."

She leaned down and kissed his pouting mouth, coaxing his lips open to kiss him fully. "Tell me where it hurts. I'll kiss it and make it better."

He pointed to his neck. She kissed it and nibbled at his ear. "Where else?" "Here." He pointed to his bicep. She pushed the sleeve up and kissed his arm. He tapped his upper abdomen. Then she pushed his shirt up to his chest and kissed him just below the sternum. "Is that better?" He took a deep breath and let it out slowly and nodded. She opened the jar and warmed a dab of the cream in the palm of her hand. She caressed his chest, massaging it in small circles. "Better?" 

He grabbed her by the shoulders and held her and looked at her directly. "You don't play fair, you know."

"I know. Now take off your shirt and roll on your stomach."

He did as she had instructed. He winced as he lifted the shirt over his head and rolled over facedown. She perched on his hips and leaned forward to massage his neck and shoulders. Her gentle kneading relaxed the tension there and she felt the knots in his muscles release their hold. She slowly worked her way down to the small of his back. His breathing slowed. He was finally relaxing.

She gently massaged his lateral muscles and he took a deep shuddering breath. "Turn over, sweetheart, I'll do your abdominal muscles."

He smiled sheepishly and said, "Not unless you want to take this to its logical conclusion." She looked puzzled and he continued. "You have relaxed some muscles and , um, "awakened" some others."

"Oh, I see." She laughed softly. "Well, lovemaking is supposed to be good exercise."

"Sara, you are shameless."



The routine was set. On Mondays and Wednesdays when Adam's first class was at eleven o'clock, he met Gus no later than eight-thirty. Tuesdays and Thursdays he headed to the gymnasium after his nine o'clock class. He had enough time for a good training session before the lab he supervised at one-thirty. On Fridays and on the weekend, he arrived by nine o'clock. 

One week into his regimen and the soreness was finally abating, or maybe he was just inured to it. He completed a mile in less than eleven minutes. He earned a smile from the implacable Gus. Still, he was soaked in sweat and breathing heavily as he entered the dressing room and stripped for a quick "shower" bath.

"Hey, Cartwright. Where'd ya think your going?"

"To bathe, Gus."

"Not 'fore I weigh ya."

Adam sighed and stepped on the scales platform.

"Five pounds."

Adam looked at Gus and then the scales to make sure the number hadn't changed.

"Yep, five pounds. Ya worked hard, ya earned it."

Adam smiled sheepishly and walked toward the bathing room, his shoulders squared, his belly pulled in.


The morning train from Boston arrived early. Ben was sitting in the waiting room waiting for Adam. He was taken aback at the throngs of people coming and going, pushing and shoving, moving with intent. The pace was daunting and he was reminded of a swarm of bees. He spotted Adam from across the room. Adam held himself erect and walked with a swagger. “I guess he found his confidence again,” Ben thought. “Good. He’s miserable to live with when he mopes.”

Adam greeted his father with a wide grin. “It’s good to have you back, Pa. How was Boston?”

“I hardly recognized it. Things have changed so much, including me. I’ve changed, too.”

Adam picked up Ben’s bag and started toward the exit. “C’mon Pa, there are people waiting to see you at home.”


“Oh yes. Jacob is quite anxious to have you home,” Adam answered. "And Katrina was up very early this morning," he added with a wink.


At lunch Ben looked alarmed when Katrina walked into the dining room with two plates of salad and poached fish. She placed them in front of Sara and Adam. 

“Is everyone on short rations in this house?”

Katrina smiled and walked back into the kitchen to retrieve a tureen of hearty stew. “It’s a pleasure to cook for a man who appreciates it.”

“Oh Katrina, I assure you that I appreciate your cooking. I appreciated it all too well,” Adam said patting his stomach, “and I am paying the price for the pies and strudels and cookies now.”

“Papa goes to the  ‘nasium and runs and gets sweaty,” Jacob suddenly announced.

Ben looked at his grandson bewilderedly.

“I’ve joined Wood’s Gymnasium,” Adam explained.

Ben raised his eyebrow. Adam nodded. “Five pounds. I was weighed this morning. I’ve lost five pounds in the last week.”

“Sweetheart, that’s wonderful!! Five pounds in one week!” Sara jumped up and hugged Adam.

Ben met Katrina’s glance. She rolled her eyes. He smiled at her. “Vanity of vanities, son.”

A rather perplexed Adam looked at Ben.

“I mean, it was just a button that popped. You are overreacting. I think that you look fine, son. Prosperous, in fact.”

“You mean that I have a 'banker’s paunch'.  No, Pa, if I don't stop now I’ll be as big as Hoss by summer. And yes, Ned approved of my diet.”

Katrina popped up from her chair. "Oh, I’ve forgotten the biscuits!”


On Sunday those who were not participants in Adam and Sara’s Spartan regimen, save for baby Thomas, craved starches and sugars and all manner of confections and fled the house. The children were invited to a birthday party across the street. Ben and Katrina headed back to Moretti’s to try the risotto and beefsteak. This time the waiter suggested a fruit and cheese course instead of a sweet. They ate in guilty pleasure, laughing and savoring each decadent bite.

Afterwards, they headed to the New-York Historical Society Museum and wandered through the European paintings galleries. The Bryan gallery was filled with works of fat and happy people painted by Italian masters. They laughed as they stood in front one painting called, “The Concert,” by a student of Titian. Two men and a naked woman sat in the open air playing music. 

“She looks so pleased with herself. Look at her. Her eyes are sparkling. Her skin is rosy and healthy,” Kristina said.

“And she is not bothered by her round belly,” Ben observed. “How refreshing!”

“She’s not afraid to eat potatoes or pastries,” Katrina continued.

“Nor is she hell bent on calisthenics,” Ben offered.

“Mind you,” Katrina said. “Maybe she should be, a little bit.”


Inspired by his quick success, Adam redoubled his efforts at the gymnasium that Sunday. He came home feeling tired but pleased with himself. He had lost five pounds the first week of his regimen. At that rate, he reckoned he could lose his shameful belly in about a month. 

Sara made them a simple lunch, a lettuce and tomato salad, served with poached chicken and fresh fruit for dessert. They "savored" each bite and sipped seltzer water instead of wine, declaring that it was a "joy" to enjoy a healthy meal without the judgmental glances from Ben and Katrina. 

They asked the neighbor, young Emily Marshall, to watch Thomas while they took a long walk to the Croton Reservoir on 42nd Street and walked atop its Egyptian walls and home again. 

They were hungry for dinner that night. They had "earned" a good meal with their efforts that day. And thus were disappointed when Ben and Katrina begged off anything more than a snack after the fine Italian meal they had eaten earlier. The children had no appetite after the birthday party and chocolate cake. So Adam and Sara made due with another lettuce and tomato salad, leftover poached chicken and fresh fruit for dessert. Uninspiring and healthful. They were not so self-congratulatory as they dined sparingly again.

Adam was grading papers that evening while Sara was bathing the older children. It was eight o'clock and his stomach was gnawing at him. "Virtue is its own reward," he thought. "Bah, humbug!" He longed for something sweet to satisfy his hunger. A bite of the honey cake on the kitchen counter would not hurt. Just a bite. 

He walked into the kitchen to find his father and Katrina sipping coffee and polishing off the last of the cake. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I just wanted…. a glass of water. Yes, I'm thirsty and I need some water."  He looked around the counter and added, "And maybe this apple." He poured a glass of water, grabbed the fruit and exited quickly.


Ben graciously carried the trunk from the attic and deposited it in Sara and Adam's bedroom. With Thomas napping, she used the excuse to close the door and open the trunk. She retrieved the tissue-wrapped silk ball gown she'd worn on her wedding night. She examined the slim waist and worried whether she could wear it in a month's time. She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "I need to know," she thought. She stood and walked to the vanity mirror, and held the dress in front of her. She couldn't tell if it would fit so she undressed and stepped into the ball gown. 

Not yet. Maybe if she'd pull her corset strings very tight she could wear the dress, but not comfortably, and certainly she would not be able to dance all evening. She closed her eyes imagining dancing with Adam that snowy night in Boston. It had been so romantic, so perfect.

More dieting, more marching! She resolved to wear that dress in a month's time, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel ballroom, in Adam's arms!


Remembering that he had left a paper in his jacket, Adam headed toward his bedroom to retrieve it.  In the hallway he heard Katrina singing softly to Jacob as she gave him a bath.  He tiptoed near the door and leaned against the wall to listen. He closed his eyes and could hear Inger singing to him this same song.

"Ensam går jag här och vankar,

Söker efter vännen min"

"What does it mean, Katrina?'

Let's see.  She thought a moment and said, "I walk alone and wander here looking for my friend."

A flood of memories washed over Adam.  He had never known his own mother. When Ben married Inger, she was his mother for nearly two years.  She came into his life at Jacob's age and left an indelible mark.  She gave him a gift of optimism and loved him as her own.

He sang softly the last lyrics.

"Se, jag möter honom här, (Look, I meet him hereHan, som är min hjärtans kär                                     He, who holds my heart so dear)

"Vill du såsom förr med mej (Say if you will dance with meSvänga om I dansen säj?"         As you did before?"

Ben watched his son quietly, remembering his dear Inger.  Her death had changed Adam as well. He longed for her tenderness until he found it in Sara.  Now Ben wondered how much of Inger Adam saw in Katrina.  The two women were much alike in spirit.  Ben stepped back into his room before Adam opened his eyes.


Adam had stayed back for ten minutes to answer a student’s questions. Consequently, he was late for his session at the gymnasium, which riled Gus, who dealt Adam’s punishment out in an exact measure of his offense. Ten minutes of a new torture, jumping rope, after his regular routine.

He collapsed on the mat afterwards, panting.  “Were you born mean, Gus, or did you have to learn it?”

“I don’t mollycoddle, Cartwright. Yer done now.  And I’m bettin’ that yer never late again.”

Adam nodded and wiped his face with his towel.  He was headed to the dressing room when he heard his name called.

“Adam Cartwright! Is that you?”  Edwin Booth was lying prone on a massage table. 

Adam neared the table and Edwin laughed at the sweat drenched jersey.  “You took my advice to heart then, did you?”  He eyed Adam’s midsection.  “Are you working with Schultz?  He’ll whip you into shape.”

He held his lips in a thin straight line annoyed by his friend’s amusement at his appearance.  He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.  “Yes, Edwin.  I thank you for your concern for my health and your recommendation.”

Grinning slyly, Edwin added, “Sara will thank me too.”  He shook his head.  “No, Adam, I don’t mean to offend you.  Good for you.  I applaud your resolve. You look all done in, Asa here is a wonderful masseuse.  He’ll fix those sore muscles.”

Adam thought back to Sara’s sensual massage and smiled wryly.  “No thanks. I don’t have much time.  I have a lab to teach at 1:30.”

“It’s just going on twelve.  You can finish my appointment, I insist, as an apology for the teasing. Go take a quick shower bath and come back here.”

“Just wrap a towel around your middle, Mr. Cartwright.”

His aching body won the day.  “All right, Edwin.  I accept your apology and the massage.”

Adam headed to the bathing rooms and returned a few minutes later with a towel stretched around his waist.

“Lie facedown, Mr. Cartwright.  I’m going to start with your shoulders and work my way to your legs.”

Asa warmed oil in his hands and began to firmly knead and press hard on Adam’s sore muscles. His touch had little of Sara’s gentleness.  Her massage had relaxed him.  This rougher method had a result of invigorating Adam’s aching muscles.  Edwin stopped by as he was leaving. 

“I leave you in Asa’s capable hands, Adam.  My regards to your father and my sweet Sara.  By the way, Winna has been asking to spend a day with Amy.”

“Why not bring her by before your matinee on Saturday?  I’m sure that Amy would be pleased.”

Edwin nodded, tipped his hat and left.

“You can turnover now, Mr. Cartwright.  I’ll do your arms, chest and those sore abdominal muscles.  I have something special for that belly of yours.” 

Adam was perplexed by the mention of a special treatment.  Still he closed his eyes and sighed as Asa kneaded the stiffness from his limbs.  His eyes opened wide when he felt a heavy pressure applied to his lower abdomen.

“What the hell is that?”

“It’s an old cannon ball wrapped in cloth,” Asa answered as he rubbed the heavy weight back and forth across Adam’s lower torso.  “They say it helps to break up the fat faster.  There’s a doctor in Bath, England who insists all of his reducing patients have this special massage.  It makes for fast digestion and…”

Adam sat up suddenly.  He grabbed the towel around his waist and hurried to the water closet. 

“You’ll thank me at tomorrow’s weigh in,” Asa called after him.


Friday, December 16, 1870

“It’s been three weeks today, Cartwright.   Jump on the scales.”

Adam walked slowly to the scales, pausing to glance at his profile in the mirror. His belly was definitely smaller.  He wasn’t imagining it.  He had had to tighten his belt another notch today.  He stepped on the Fairbanks scales and Gus adjusted the bar. It wavered between 208 and 209, and settled at 208.25.

“I’ll give ya this one. I make it 208. Ya lost ten pounds so far,” he said as winked at Adam.  “I hear ya had Asa’s cannon ball special yesterday.”  Adam groaned and he heard Gus chuckling as he made his way to the bathing room.


Adam had his office door open and was grading exams when his colleagues, Paul Boyd and Cecil Croft, dropped by.

“C’mon Adam. You’ve dodged our invitations for lunch for weeks now.  It’s the last day of the semester.  Join us.”

He shook his head.  “I’ve got my lunch here.  Thanks.”  He pointed to a flask of soup and a thin sandwich. 

“That’s not enough to keep a bird alive, man.”

The Dean was walking down the hall and stuck his head in.  “Adam, you’ve been absent in the faculty dining room of late.  Why don’t you accompany me?”  He looked at the others and with a glint in his eye said, “and you reprobates can join us as well.”

Adam could not easily decline the Dean’s invitation.  He stood and arched his back to relieve the kinks.  He grabbed his coat from the peg behind the door.

“By god man, you’re a different person.  You’re half your size,” Croft said.

“Not quite, Cecil, but I have lost some weight lately.”  Adam caught the Dean’s concerned look. “By design.  I was going to fat and have joined Wood’s Gymnasium.”

The Dean smiled.  “Gus Schultz?”

Adam grinned back. 

“You should follow Adam’s example,” the Dean quipped looking at Croft’s spreading midsection, “but after we have lunch.”


Adam took advantage of the end of the semester and the week before Christmas to fit in extra long sessions with Gus. They were invited to Edwin’s home for Christmas dinner and he desperately wanted to fit into the ignominious brown suit and garnet vest.  The efforts paid off when he joined Sara and Thomas for their appointment in Ned’s office on the 22nd. 

“Let’s have a look at Thomas first,” Ned told Sara and Adam as they entered his examining room.  Sara undressed him.  Ned was pleased at the baby’s progress.  He gently held Thomas’s stomach and said, “Now this is the only baby belly I want to see in the Cartwright family.”  He called Laura in to take the baby to watch in the waiting room.

“Adam, you first.  Sara can undress while I look at you.”

Adam stripped to his underclothes and sat on the exam table.  Ned checked his knee and ankle looking for soreness.  There was none.  He listened to Adam’s heart and lungs, then poked and prodded his abdomen.  He patted Adam’s smaller midsection and said, “I should never have doubted your resolve, my friend.  You have done remarkably well.  Step on the scales and I’ll get the numbers.”

“205 pounds.  Thirteen pounds in one month is a lot but you had a lot to lose.  How do you feel?”

"I feel strong and…smaller," he said as he patted his flatter torso, "and pleased."

"What does Wood say about your weight?"

"The professor wants me to get down to 195."

"I can't argue with that Adam. Carry on, my friend.  Now, hurry and change and go claim your baby before Laura steals him for herself."

Adam smiled and dressed quickly.


Sara stepped out from the screen in her sleeveless chemise and pantalets.

Ned held out his hand to her.  “Step over here, my dear, and let me take a look at you.  Is this the same Sara who cried that she was so fat two months ago?” 

She climbed on the exam table and he listened to her heart and lungs.  “If all of my patients were as healthy as you, I would be penniless.”  He lifted her chemise and palpated her abdomen.  “Perfectly healthy.”

“My belly is still a little round.”

“My guess, Sara, is that Adam would say ‘provocatively round’.  You’ve not only recovered your figure, you have improved it.  Your arms are shapely.  Your legs….I should stop.  I am your doctor not your husband.  But as Laura’s husband, I thank you for including her in your regimen.  She has lost another inch from her waist. Now, step on the scales.”

She walked to the scales confidently and stepped on the platform.  Ned adjusted the bar and said, "Down another five pounds.  I make that fifteen in total.  And the wedding night ball gown?  Does it fit?”

“I need to lose a little more weight.”

“You promise to stop when it fits?  Laura will tell me if you do not stop.”

She smiled and nodded.  “Laura will know exactly the day it fits.”


That evening Sara stood with her nightgown hiked to her torso studying her profile in the mirror.  Her waist was thin again but she still had a small rounded belly.  Adam stepped behind her and placed his hands on her waist.  She flinched a moment.  He stroked her stomach softly in a circle, massaging it gently, raising goose bumps along the way. He whispered in her ear, "Come to bed, my love."  He took her hand in his and led her to the bed.

He lay on his back, guiding her to perch on his hips. He brought his legs up and she leaned against them.  She lifted the nightgown over her head and tossed it away. He smiled warmly and began to caress her belly. Her breath shuddered. "I love this little belly that held my children."  He pulled her into a close embrace.  Her body was lying full upon his and she smiled down into his eyes.  She kissed him and he coaxed her lips open to kiss her passionately.


The next morning Adam headed to Wood’s Gymnasium early to work with Gus.   His father and Jacob would come to meet him there after his session to go to buy the Christmas tree in Madison Square Park.  He was jumping rope when he heard Jacob’s giggles.

“Papa, you’re skipping rope!  Girls skip rope not boys.”

Gus turned toward the visitors.  “Boxers jump rope, my boy.  Boxers and men who want to be fit, like yer papa.” He flashed a crooked smile and beckoned Ben and Jacob into the gymnasium.

Adam stopped and wiped his brow.  He was still panting a little. “Pa, welcome to the torture chamber.  Let me introduce, Gus Schultz, my inquisitor.”

Ben offered his hand to the wiry trainer.  He was surprised at the power of Gus’ handshake. 

“Pleased to meet ya, Mr. Cartwright."  He turned to Adam.  “One more weighing ‘fore Christmas. Let’s get it over with.”

Adam led his family into the dressing room and he stripped for the weigh in.  Ben watched with interest as his son strode to the scales.  Adam had always had a powerful physique.   Hard work makes hard bodies and the work on the Ponderosa had given Adam a robust and manly build.  His shoulders were broad and his chest strong.  But he had inherited the Cartwright tendency towards a bit of a belly.  Ben had it, Hoss certainly did.  Only Joe was exempt, he took after his mother. Weeks of work with Gus has narrowed Adam’s waist and was trimming his abdomen.  His back was straighter and stronger.  Gone was the soft padding that had settled on his hips. His legs were more muscular from the running.  He was leaner and more athletic. He held himself like a younger man.

Adam straightened his shoulders and stepped on the too familiar Fairbanks scales. "What's the damage this week, Gus?"

"Yer gonna be happy.  204.5."

Adam stepped off smiling broadly.

"Where ya going?  The perfessor wants measurements.  It's been a month."

Adam stood still as Gus measured his arms, legs, chest, waist and the pesky lower abdomen.   Gus recorded them in his notebook.  "Ya wanna know?"

Professor Wood walked up to Gus and asked for the notebook.  "I saw you from my office, Mr. Cartwright.  I am impressed with your efforts. These numbers reflect your hard work.  I can see that you have lost that veneer of fat from most of your body. You've gained muscle in your arms and legs.  Your chest is noticeably stronger and one inch larger.  Your waist is three inches smaller and your belly is retreating nicely."

Adam wrapped a towel around his waist. He was pleased with his hard won results. "Thank you, Professor, and thank you, Gus.  Pa, may I introduce Professor John Wood."

Ben shook his hand.  "It's a pleasure, sir."

"You've got a very determined son, Mr. Cartwright."  Ben nodded.  "You are a rancher, sir?  I recognize those broad shoulders and strong chest."  Wood did not continue but Ben followed the man's gaze to his middle.  Ben coughed and sucked in his stomach.

"Can ya do a somersault little man?"  Gus asked Jacob, who shook his head. "C'mon then.  I'll show ya while your papa washes up."  Gus took Jacob by the hand and led him back into the gymnasium.   

Adam stood in amazement.  Gus's gruff exterior melted when he addressed Jacob. He had a heart after all.  Adam excused himself to bathe.

"I'll be done in fifteen minutes, Pa, and we can go get that tree."

Ben was left alone looking at himself in the mirror.  Wood's gaze had focused on his middle and now Ben could see material stretched tight over a soft belly. He rolled his eyes and headed to the gymnasium to watch Jacob.


Adam joined his father and son in the gymnasium just as Jacob mastered a forward roll.  "Papa! Look I did it! I did it!"  

Gus was beaming at his little protege.  "Bring him again some day.  I'll teach'm some more."

"That's terrific, son!" Adam swept Jacob up in his arms and hoisted the boy to his shoulders. "Thank Mr. Schultz. We have to go buy that Christmas tree."

"Thanks, Gus!"  Jacob shouted.  

"I'll see ya soon, little man.   Merry Christmas to ya and yer family."

Adam shook the trainer's hand.  "Merry Christmas, Gus.  Thanks again."

"No cookies, no cake, Cartwright.  See ya in two days.  Nine o'clock."

Adam turned toward the door and waved as he left.


They made their way the few blocks south to Madison Square to buy a Christmas tree.  Jacob chose a tall white pine with its soft needles and fresh scent.  Adam arranged for its delivery in the early afternoon.  

"I've got one more gift to pick up," Adam said.  They headed toward a jewelry store on 6th Avenue.  Adam opened the door and was greeted by the proprietor.  "Is it ready, Mr. Moser?"

"Yes, I have it right here," the jeweler answered.  He pulled out a gold locket on a chain.  The locket had three chambers with three wispy curls encased, one for each of his children.  "It looks good, yes?"

"It's perfect, Mr. Moser.  Could Rachel wrap it up for me?"

"Of course, Mr. Cartwright."

While they waited, Ben looked at a hat pin that would complement Katrina's best hat, the one she had worn to the Nilsson concert.  Adam leaned in to say, "I am sure she would find it beautiful, Pa."

"What? Oh yes, I think she might like it.  I…"

"You don't have to hide your feelings from me, Pa.  Buy her the pin.  Mr. Moser, we have another gift to wrap."


On Christmas morning the Adam Cartwright house was a happy jumble.  By nine o'clock the parlor looked like a cyclone had hit.  Toys and brightly colored papers were strewn from top to bottom.  Amy and Jacob were seated on the floor taking stock of their loot.  Thomas was fast asleep in his grandfather's arms.  Adam held Sara in his arms on the settee.  She was fingering the locket, her eyes bright with tears.

"Who wants cocoa?" Katrina said as she brought a tray of steaming cups.  "And don't say you are on a diet.  It's Christmas morning!"

Each grabbed a cup as Adam toasted Katrina.  She blushed and thanked them for their kindness.  Her eyes were on Ben, who smiled warmly and winked.  Ben stood and addressed Adam and Sara.  "I hope that you are not hurt, but I have accepted Katrina's invitation to attend church and then go to a friend's Christmas dinner."

Adam was taken by surprise but graciously agreed to his father's plans.  Sara pinched him and he continued, "I am sure that Edwin will understand as well."  


Adam opened the closet door and retrieved a soft silk white shirt and the brown suit. He laid them on the bed and went to his dresser to get a tie and the garnet vest. He inspected the bottom buttonhole on the brocade vest.  Sara had mended the tear caused by the popped button and fastened the button securely.  He closed his eyes and sighed a moment thinking of his embarrassment at Thanksgiving.  No matter. He had moved on from there.  He patted his flatter belly.  It hadn't disappeared yet but his undershirt which stretched tight over a paunch a month ago, now billowed at his waist.

Sara came in carrying a squirming, hungry Thomas.  "I guess I'll nurse him now and hope that he'll sleep at Edwin's house."  She looked at the suit on the bed.  "Is that what you're going to wear?"

He nodded.

"Have you tried it on?"

"Not yet."

"You want to make a point, don't you?"

"Oh yeah."

"Then put it on, Adam.  Let's see how it fits."

He tucked the shirt in and easily buttoned the trousers.  He slipped into the vest and it hung loose. Sara adjusted the cloth belt in the back, allowing the vest to hug his frame, accentuating his thinner waist.  The buttons were flat.  He admired the fit in the mirror.

Sara embraced him from behind and squeezed his middle. "You look wonderful, my love."  

He turned to face her.  "Not bad for forty."

"I'd say very handsome indeed, Adam."


Edwin helped Sara out of her cape and watched Adam hang his coat on the peg. "That isn't the same suit you wore at Thanksgiving, is it?"

Adam grinned.  "It is."

"Take off the jacket.  I want to see the vest."

Adam obliged him willingly.  Edwin whistled his approval.  "My lord, man, you have transformed yourself, or maybe Gus transformed you."

"The sweat and hunger pangs were all mine, Edwin.  Gus is a fine trainer, but I worked for each inch and every pound I've lost."

"How much?"

Adam shook his head.  "A little more than half of what I want to lose.  There's still some padding here," he said as he rubbed his smaller belly bulge.  "I will head back to Wood's tomorrow."


Adam laughed and bowed to his host.

"And you, my sweet Sara, your waist is even smaller than at Thanksgiving.  You are heavenly in your appearance."  He kissed her cheek.  "Ah, you are flesh and blood.   I took you for an angel."

Sara blushed.  "A madonna at Thanksgiving and a Christmas angel today.  Edwin, you are a master of flattery.  Thank you."

"Where's your father?"

"He sends his regrets.  He is spending the day with Katrina."

Edwin smiled.  "He has no regrets at all, of that I am sure.  And he has my approval."

"Mine, too," Adam added, winking at Edwin.


December 26, 1870

True to his word, Adam met Gus by nine o'clock.  Sara had shared with him her desire to wear her wedding night ball gown on their anniversary.  Now he was determined to wear his wedding suit with tails.  He would book dinner in the ball room at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.  With Thomas still nursing they may not be able to spend the night at the hotel, but they would dine and dance that evening. 

Adam finished his run breathy but not breathless. 

"Yer not coughin' up cakes and cookies this morning.  Ya must have been good yesterday."

"No regrets this morning, Gus."

"Good. I marked yer time at nine and a half minute miles.   The perfessor wants me to retest you for fitness.  Then I got somethin' new for ya after."

Adam worked his way through the test. He did thirty sit ups and ten chin ups with no problems. He lifted a 60 pound dumb bell this time. The half dozen lifts on the parallel bars he did while holding his legs horizontal.  Gus smiled as he entered Adam's results.  At the end, he shook Adam's hand.  "Yer fitter than the ones ten years younger who wanna be firemen."

Adam smiled broadly, his dimples showing.

"I got a strikin' bag here I wantcha to try."

Adam shrugged his shoulders and stepped up to the stuffed leather bag hanging near the end of the mat.

"When ya punch this thing, ya see, most of yer power comes from here," Gus said as he tapped Adam's stomach.  "And here," he held Adam's hips as he positioned him in front of the bag. "And here," he pointed to his legs.   "Yer stronger in yer legs now and in yer gut. This thing'll finish off yer belly."

Gus had him do three two minute rounds of punching and jabbing with the striking bag.  He was dripping with sweat and his stomach muscles burned.  

"That's good.  We'll work ya up to eight rounds by the middle of next month.  Yer belly will be flat as a pancake soon.  Now get on the track fer one more mile."


Adam's torso was sore that evening as he eased himself into his chair at dinner.  He winced as he pulled the chair to the table.

"What's wrong, Papa?"

"Nothing, Amy.  Your papa tried a new exercise today and is feeling its effects."  He rubbed his sore stomach.  "Gus promised it would make my belly completely disappear."

"I would have thought that your regimen was doing that all ready," Ben said.  "You looked mighty fit the other day at the gymnasium."

"This striking bag will do the job quicker. You use the muscles in your stomach area and hips and legs as much as your arms. It swings as you punch and jab at it like a boxing champion.  In fact, I may buy one for Hoss.  He likes to box."

"Seems like much ado about nothing to me.  And your brother Hoss works hard enough with real cow punching without you having him play with a silly contrivance."

"Bridget might like a smaller belly on him," Sara noted.  

"Enough! Can't we have one meal without focusing on a person's anatomy!"  Ben roared.

"Sure, Pa," Adam answered sheepishly.  "Amy, would you like to say grace?"


Adam was reading and relaxing in bed as Sara finished nursing Thomas.  She stood and carried him to Adam. “Hold him a bit while I check on Jacob and Amy, all right?'

Adam reached out and took the baby in his hands.  A very drowsy Thomas yawned. “Come here little boy.  You’re growing like a weed, aren't you?.”  Adam settled the baby on his chest, caressing his head and kissed his downy wisps of hair.  Softly he started to sing.

“Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,

Go to sleepy little baby.

When you wake, you'll have cake,

And all the pretty little horses.”

Sara returned and stood silently in the doorway listening.  A wish fulfilled.


“Pa? Can we talk?”

Ben looked up from his book.  “Of course, son.”

“Sara and I are not planning anything for New Year’s Eve.  With the baby still so young, we think we should stay home.”


“We want a family New Year’s Eve, just us,” he paused.  Ben raised an eyebrow. “And you and Katrina.  We think of her as family.  We’ll open some champagne and toast the New Year.”

“That sounds fine.”

“But the next day, we’ll have an open house.  It’s traditional here in New York. We’ve invited Ned and Laura, Edwin’s family, the Marshalls, the Dean and his family, some other colleagues of mine, and some friends of Sara’s who volunteer in the Children’s Aid Society.”

“And Katrina will serve your guests?”

“Oh no, she is a guest.  We want our friends to meet the two of you.  Sara ordered cakes and pastries from the French patisserie on 14th Street.  I am asking if you would prepare your brandy punch, however.”

“You’ll let those sugary temptations in your house, eh?”

“It’s just one day, Pa.

“What is it that Shakespeare says, Adam? ‘Tempt not a desperate man.’”

Adam smiled at his father’s gentle teasing.  “Just one day, Pa.


Shirtless, Adam was shaving in the bathroom.  His baggy trousers were cinched tight with a belt but it was clear that he needed to visit the tailor.  At the other end of the hallway, Ben was inspecting the spot on the lapel of his only suit.  He remembered that Hoss had brought home fine silk shirts and several well made suits from a store in New York, perhaps he should do the same.  It would make a good appearance on New Year’s Day.

“Adam, son, where was it that Hoss bought his suit?”

“Stewart’s Department Store, it’s on my way to Wood’s. I’ll show you. In fact, I should have some clothes altered in the tailoring department. I’ll come with you.”


As Adam was measured and his clothes were pinned for alterations, Ben selected some silk shirts. An older salesman approached Ben and suggested that one of the other tailors could take his measurements before he selected a suit.

With his arms spread out, a young apprentice wrapped his tape around Ben’s chest. “I make that 41 inches, sir.”  The tape stretched around Ben’s waist.  “I make it 40 inches.”

“That can’t be.  You’ve got your thumb in the tape.  I’ve never had such a large waist.”

A master tailor stepped in to intercede.  “I apologize, sir.  Let me take your measurement.”  He checked the number twice and said, “I’m sorry, sir.  The measurement is correct, 40 inches."

"But the trousers I am wearing are not that large."

"Your true waist is 40 inches, these trousers sit below your, er…belly, sir."

He was grateful that Adam was out of earshot.  Chastened, he chose a dark navy suit and deep garnet vest.  

“Very flattering, sir.  Very slimming.  It shall be ready by Saturday, New Year’s Eve.”

“Thank you,” Ben muttered.


New Year’s

At the stroke of midnight, Adam held Sara in his arms and kissed her fully.  There was much to be thankful for in the last year.  He had been so close to losing Sara and the baby in the summer. Now each was healthy and thriving.  Amy was growing into a beautiful young girl and Jacob was keeping everyone entertained with his antics.

Ben kissed Katrina.  He had never anticipated finding someone new in his life again. She filled a space in his heart and brought joy to his family. He hoped that she loved him as well and would join him in a new life out west.


January 2, 1871

“Professor Wood,” Ben held out his hand.  John Wood turned from his window overlooking the gymnasium floor.

“Mr. Cartwright, it is a pleasure to see you again.  I am afraid that you just missed your son.”

“I did?”

“I saw him leave not ten minutes ago.”

“It’s not Adam who I wanted to see.  I am here to speak with you about me,” he gazed downward, “about this.”  He patted his midsection.

“I see.”  Wood gestured toward a chair.  “Sit down, Mr. Cartwright.”

Ben sat, feeling like a schoolboy, prepared for a scolding.

“Mr. Cartwright, may I ask how old you are?”


“I see.  And when you are not here in New York, you are very active in running your ranch?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Riding for hours, roping, lifting heavy objects, a lot of physical work,…”


“And in your time here in New York, you have not ridden a horse….”


“You have eaten rich foods and sweets.”


“How long do you intend to stay here?”

“I have to leave in early March.”

“Mr. Cartwright, I think that when you return to your ranch you will find that your weight will naturally correct itself.”

“But with Adam, you insisted….”

“Your son is quite a bit younger and was developing bad habits with a sedentary lifestyle.  It was necessary to break those habits with a strict diet and a regimen of violent exercise.  He is a man who rises to a challenge, and challenge him is what I have done. He would have no patience with gradual results.”

"But my resolution is to lose this," he pinched the roll of fat around his middle.

"I advise you to modify your son’s diet plan for the remainder of your time here.Fewer sweets and starches and no alcohol. Take a daily constitutional and explore the city.  If the weather is horrid, come here in the late afternoon when the businessmen exercise. We have pulley weights and Indian clubs and such. In a matter of weeks, I assure you, you will feel better.  It will make your return to ranch work easier.”

“That’s all.”

“Yes, Mr. Cartwright.  It is what I recommend.”

“Thank you, Professor.”


Half asleep, Adam heard someone retching in the bathroom down the hall.  He mumbled, "Sara, sounds like Amy is sick."  When the sound continued he woke fully and found Sara's half of the bed empty.  He rose, slipped on his robe and padded into the bathroom.  There he found a ghostly pale Sara, sitting on the edge of the clawed foot bathtub, her eyes closed and panting.  

"Are you all right?"

"Of course, not.  My head's pounding and my stomach keeps rolling over and over."

He pressed the back of his hand to her forehead.  "You're not hot."

"Something's not agreeing with me," she said softly as she held her stomach.

"I'll help you back to bed."  He put his arm around her and began to help her stand.

"Don't," she protested.  "I'm dizzy."  She sat and gulped for air.  As her stomach clenched once more she crawled to the commode and vomited.  Her stomach was empty but still roiling.  "I think that's it."

Adam lifted her and carried her to the bed.  Then he dampened a washcloth and placed it on her forehead.  "I'll be back with some soda water in a minute."

Sara was sleeping when he returned.  Afraid to jostle the bed and wake her, he grabbed his pillow and sat in the rocker as the night turned to day.  Thomas was fussing in his sleep.  "Must be hungry," Adam thought.  He worried whether Sara should nurse him this morning.  She might give him whatever she had.  Regardless, he did not want to wake her for a time yet.

When the baby woke, Adam took him downstairs to the kitchen.   He thought giving the baby water might settle him for a bit.  Soon a wailing Thomas made his displeasure known.  Adam walked the kitchen to and fro, bouncing his son in his arms, cooing to him to calm him.

"What's going on here?"  Katrina said.  

"Sara was sick this morning.  I tried giving him water but he's still hungry," Adam answered sheepishly.

"Of course he is, he's not had anything since last night.  He's old enough now, let's try some barley water. It should help."  She walked to the pantry and quickly brought out some barley and put the kettle on to boil water.  "Hand him to me," she said as she reached for Thomas.  "I'll try to settle the poor babe."

She lay Thomas on his stomach in her lap and patted his back.  He soon was whimpering and settling down.  She looked up at Adam and smiled.  "Takes a woman's touch.  The water should be boiling.   Put the barley in a bowl and pour the water over it.  It will need to be strained and cooled."

"Thank you," Adam said gratefully.  "He'll be fine, won't he?"

"More than fine, it's time that Sara starts to give him a little something more than milk.  It'll be good for both of them. What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know.  She was vomiting early this morning.  She doesn't have a fever. She thinks it might have been something she ate."

"Well, let her sleep late.  It's the best thing for her."

"I'll stop by Ned's office and ask him to look in on her."

Katrina nodded to Adam and then addressed Thomas. "Okay, my little darlin', let's see if you'll try some barley water."  She sat him up and started to spoon feed the baby the barley water.  He opened his eyes wide at the first taste and was soon lapping it up greedily.


"Whatever it was Sara, you seem to be on the mend.  No fever, no pain or soreness in your belly."  Ned closed his medical bag and placed it on the floor.

"Can I get up?"

"No, I think it would be best if you just rested today.  Katrina can bring you some clear broth. Drink lots of water.  And if your head hurts, mix this powder in some milk and drink it."

"But Thomas, is it safe to nurse him?"

"Yes.  I hear he took some barley water this morning.  That's good.  I think you should introduce him to that and a little cereal.  He's old enough and he can handle it."

Sara smiled ruefully. She loved the exclusive bond that she and Thomas shared. His weaning was beginning. He was already starting to scoot around on the floor. Soon he would crawl and walk and assert himself in his world. 

"Your anniversary is at the end of the week, isn't it?"

"Yes.  And the dress fits, as I am sure Laura told you."  

"I want you to stop by in a day or so.  I want to see that you are well, and talk to you about changing your regimen.  I don't want you to lose any more weight."  He bent and kissed her forehead.  "In my office, Wednesday."


With Sara sick and his caring for Thomas that morning, Adam skipped his early session at Wood’s and headed over to the gymnasium after his afternoon class.  Gus was surprisingly accepting of his excuse.  Adam was taken aback and raised his eyebrow.

“Don’t be so shocked. I heard all about it earlier.”

“About what?” Adam asked as he walked on to the track and started to warm up.

“Yer wife bein’ sick.”


“Yer father told me.”

“My father came here to warn you that I may not be coming today?”

“No, he was here ta walk and work with the pulley weights.  Ya just missed him.”

“My father?" Adam asked.  "Tall man, snowy white hair, commanding voice?”

“Yea, yer father.  He’s been comin’ fer the last week.  Now git started, I ain’t got all day.”


At dinner, Adam watched his father with a closer eye.   After all the rich food of the holidays, Katrina was serving everyone, not just Adam and Sara, plainer meals.  Now he thought he knew why.   Ben’s plate was filled but with fewer potatoes and more green vegetables. 

“Sly devil,” Adam thought.  “He makes a fuss over our ‘rabbit food’ and quietly joins the battle himself.”

That evening Ben sat on the floor with Jacob playing with the toy horses.  It was Jacob’s favorite game, racing Sport and Cochise across the rug, and Ben loved indulging his grandson.  But when the game was over, Adam noticed that Ben winced as he rose. 

“Pulley weights,” Adam thought.  “Good for slimming the torso.”  He smiled behind his newspaper.  “Good for you, Pa.  Good for you.”


January 10, 1871 

"Are you nervous, Sara?"

"For the weighing, Laura?  No.  I feel very satisfied with how I look and feel."

"No, sweetie.  Are you nervous to go off the diet now that you are done?"

"I hadn't thought of that.  I know I'll continue the physical activity.  It feels too good to be strong and healthy to stop."

"What do you want first?"

She thought a moment and shrugged her shoulders.  

"I know, for me, I'd like a glass of champagne," Laura said as she measured her waist with her hands.  "You should drink a glass of champagne for your anniversary!"

Ned was pleased that Sara's color had improved.  Whatever had made her sick on Monday had no lasting effects.  But when he weighed her, he frowned.  "Twenty pounds.  It's too much, Sara. Has your appetite come back?"

"I had a big bowl of oatmeal with raisins and apples and milk this morning."

He nodded.  "Well, you ate little or nothing for two days. It might just be that you are dehydrated. I want you to eat more and gain a couple of pounds.  Being too thin doesn't suit you, Sara, nor will it please Adam."

She looked at Ned sheepishly.  

"Start eating some more meat and add some grains.  I trust you.  You've had babies before and gotten your figure back.   Continue the exercise, it's good for your strength and stamina.  If you ever want another child, it'll make the pregnancy easier."

"Good.  I like the exercise."

"So does, Laura.  She lost another half inch from her waist.  That's two in all, wants to lose another inch.  She says she feels years younger."

Sara walked behind the screen and got dressed.  As she left the office, Ned asked about Adam.  

"He has been sparring with a striking bag.  I'm not sure exactly what that is, but it is very effective.  His belly is gone.  He is wearing his suit from our wedding."

"So you've both turned the clock back, what is it? Five years?"

"It's our sixth anniversary on Friday."


Friday, January 12th

“Okay, step up.”  The weekly ritual continued.  Adam stepped on the scales and Gus adjusted the bar.  “199. That’s nineteen pounds now.”

Adam looked disappointed.  He had worked as hard as ever in the past week and expected his usual loss.  Nonetheless he stood quietly as Gus took his measurements and recorded them in his book.

“Not bad.  Don’t look at the weight number.  Look at yer waist.  It’s smaller.  Yer belly,” Gus tapped Adam’s abdomen with the back of his hand, “is gone.  Yer not fat no more.  Yer building muscle now.”

Adam nodded and looked at his profile in the mirror.  Gus was right.  The roll of fat that had hugged his waist and abdomen was gone.  His whole body was leaner.  He smiled remembering how he’d compared himself to Hoss nearly two months ago. Now his waist was nearly as trim as Joe’s. 

“It’s yer anniversary, ain’t it?  Go dance with yer wife and celebrate.  Drink some champagne.  The perfessor wants to see ya in the morning at ten.”


They ate their anniversary dinner at home. Amy and Jacob insisted that they be included in the celebration and Adam and Sara acquiesced.  Gus gave Adam a special dispensation from his regimen for the occasion.  Katrina made a Swedish wedding cake for dessert and the adults drank a champagne toast. 

After dinner they changed into their formal wear, Adam took special delight in watching Sara preen.  She was as slender and beautiful as the day they married.  As Sara walked down the stairs in her silk ball gown, Jacob exclaimed.  “You look like a princess, Mama.” 

She smiled warmly and kissed the top of his head.  “Thank you, sweetie.  I feel like a princess tonight.”

“And Papa is Prince Charming,” Amy added.  “Don’t be late coming home.Remember the pumpkin!”  She teased.

“We’ll be home on time, Amy,” Adam assured her. 

Ben helped Sara into her cape and kissed her cheek.  “Now scoot and enjoy yourselves.  You’ve earned it.  You make a very handsome couple.” 


As Adam unbuttoned the many tiny pearl buttons on Sara’s dress, a shiver traveled down her spine.  She stepped out of the dress and the petticoats.  Then he unlaced the corset and tossed it aside.  He lifted her chemise and placed his hands on her bare waist, pulling her closer to his bare chest.  Her breath shuddered as he kissed her behind the ear, whispering, “You have never been more beautiful.”

She turned to face him and held him at arm’s length for a moment.  “Yes, Amy was right.  You make a very handsome Prince Charming, even in your ‘underwears’ as Jacob calls them.”  She stood on her toes to kiss his lips and he gathered her in his arms and kissed her passionately. 

“It was worth it, wasn’t it?” she asked.

He nodded. “We could have danced all night.”

She smiled mischievously, “We still can.”  

He grinned widely as she turned to face the bed.  



Saturday, January 13th

The door was open and Professor Wood called Adam into his office.  “Come in, Mr. Cartwright. I am pleased to see you.”

“Professor Wood.”

Wood pointed to a chair and Adam sat.  Wood reviewed notes on Adam’s progress and smiled.  “I see you’re a man who is willing to accept challenges. You’ve bested our regimen, Mr. Cartwright and achieved your goal nearly a month early. Well done, sir.”

“I thought you wanted me to weigh 195.”

“It’s a number, Mr. Cartwright. Your physique tells the story.  Your commitment to getting fit is admirable.  I believe you will break that bad cycle of gaining and losing weight each year. You've certainly put your bad habits of a sedentary life in the city to rest.  That gain and loss of weight is hard on the body, sir.  I think you have come to appreciate the necessity of constant conditioning.”

“A lesson hard learned, Professor.  And one I hope never to repeat.”

“I’m sure that you mean that.”

“So what is next then, Professor?”

“You start to add things to your diet.  More meat, whole grains, a glass of wine. Moderation is the key.  Pies and cake can be an occasional treat.  Listen to your body, Mr. Cartwright.  You’ve treated it as a working machine these last two months. Don’t overfill it with fuel.”

“And my routine here?”

“Let your body tell you what you need here as well.  You can start by relaxing one day a week.  It will not affect your stamina and strength.  But look to your own history, Mr. Cartwright.   Working on your ranch was not a sometime activity. Always push yourself a little.”

“Thank you, Professor.”  Adam stood and shook Wood’s hand.

“Mr. Cartwright, you are very welcome.  And remember what I told you as you began this regimen.  Gus is a tenacious weasel of a man.  If you fall from grace, he will be merciless.”  He looked at the clock and added, “I understand you have a session with him now.”


January 16, 1871

He walked in to the dressing room, sweating and satisfied with his regimen.  He stripped down and wrapped a towel around his waist.  As he stood in line to weigh himself he caught sight of Edwin Booth in the mirror.  He was standing across the room from Ben.

“Mr. Cartwright!  Don’t tell me Adam shamed you into coming here?”

Ben looked down at his middle and shook his head.  “Adam doesn’t know I’ve been coming here.”  He patted his belly and continued, “This is what shamed me.”  He stood on the Fairbanks scale and adjusted the bars.  He lost four pounds in the last two weeks.  Slow and steady is what Wood had advised him.  With Katrina’s help, he’d made a few changes to his diet.  The exercise was helping as well.

“Join me in the Turkish bath,” Edwin suggested.   “It does wonders for your body.   You’ll sweat out a multitude of sins and emerge feeling virtuous.” 

Ben lifted a skeptical eyebrow. 

“Well, maybe not ‘virtuous’ but it will do much to relax your tired muscles.  We’ll finish with a massage and cold bath.  It’ll invigorate you.”

“I don’t….”

“I insist,” Edwin said as he took Ben’s arm and led him to the Turkish bath. 


January 17th

Jacob woke early and ran downstairs.  It was his fifth birthday and he didn't want to miss a minute of it.  He barreled into the kitchen and right into Katrina's arms.

"Happy birthday, Jacob!" she exclaimed as she hugged him tightly.  "You're such a big boy now!"

"Can I have the skinny pancakes with cherries for breakfast?"

"Oh yes, my boy, Swedish pancakes with cherries and sour cream."

Sara was next to enter with a babbling Thomas in her arms.  She leaned down to kiss Jacob.

"Eww, he drooled on me!"

"Happy birthday, Jacob," she said as she wiped his face with her hand.  "He's teething, sweetheart.  You did that too."

Katrina handed Sara the heel from a loaf of bread for Thomas to chew.  "I'll make him some hard biscuits later."

"Not before you make my cake!"

Katrina hugged Jacob again.  "Of course I'll bake your cake first.  Now that was chocolate cake with chocolate icing, yes?"

The rest of the family soon greeted Jacob and settled at the table.  Katrina placed a plate of pancakes in front of Jacob.  He began to eat them with obvious pleasure.

"Amy, how many pancakes would you like?"

"Three, please."

Adam grinned at Katrina and said, "Those look mighty good.  I'll take three, please."

Everyone froze and looked at him.

"I'll go to Wood's this morning and undo the damage.  It's not every day that we celebrate a birthday."

"You're right, Adam.  I'll take two.  They smell delicious," Sara added.

"Are you sure, Mama?"

"Very sure, Amy.  Mrs Stewart is coming this afternoon.  Have you practiced the new Strauss music?"

Amy nodded between bites.

"I'll just have some toast and coffee, please, Katrina.  I don't have much of an appetite this morning.  I'm saving room for cake this evening," Ben explained rather unconvincingly.

Adam winked at his father and started in on his pancakes.

Ben looked at Adam rather puzzled.


A couple of days later Adam was gathering papers from his desk as his father was in the hallway putting on his winter coat.  "If you wait a minute, Pa, I'll join you."

"Are you headed to school, Adam?"

"Not directly, my class was canceled today.  The Dean has a program for the students.  I'm going to Wood's first.  I thought I'd join you today."

"Join me?"

"At Wood's, Pa.  That's where you're going, isn't it?"

"Who told you?"

"Gus, when Sara was sick."

"Damn busy-body," Ben grumbled under his breath.

"Now Pa, did you really think that we hadn't noticed that you started eating 'rabbit food', and spending more time away from the house during the day, and that your middle was shrinking?"

"Shrinking?" Ben asked as he sucked in his stomach.  "You have noticed that?"

"Yea, Pa.  I've noticed."  He put his arm around his father's shoulders and laughed. "And I'm guessing so has Katrina."


Ben and Katrina continued their Sunday outings, albeit without the large meals. They still returned to Moretti's to enjoy a good meal. Signor Moretti still seated them in the window seat, but Ben ordered a single veal chop and the lettuce salad.  He drank mineral water instead of wine. The chef at Moretti's proved that even a "diet dinner", if well cooked, could be tasty and enjoyed. 

"New Year's resolutions!  I hate them!  Bad for business," Signor Moretti complained. "Still, Mr. Cartwright, you look good.

"Grazie, Signor.  I look forward to eating your spaghetti again."

Katrina smiled her approval and nibbled at the anisette cookies that Signor Moretti insisted she try.

They spent the afternoon back at the New-York Historical Society, this time in the extensive Egyptian collections.  Unlike the generous figures in the European paintings, the physiques of the statues were sleek and slim.  Ben caught his reflection in a glass case and straightened his shoulders.  Katrina squeezed his arm.  "You need to have your suit altered, my dear."  She patted his stomach.  "Your waist is slimmer now."

Ben beamed.

"You look very handsome," she added.  "I think that we are a handsome couple."

They stood looking in the glass a moment.  "You are a vision, Katrina." Ben took her hand and kissed it.  

Ben led Katrina into a gallery of the museum's very popular landscape paintings. "It's over here," he said as he walked her to a Bierstadt painting of the West.  "I think it is extraordinary."  

She stood studying the painting of the Rocky Mountains.  She stole a glance at Ben. This was his country in the painting.  Big and dramatic and wild.  She was at once excited and nervous as she wondered how she would fit into such a country.


February 6

Clothed in his undershirt and trousers, Ben was shaving in the bathroom as Sara passed by.  She noticed the gathers of cloth cinched by Ben's belt.  "It's time for you to go back to Stewart's.  You need some alterations before you lose those trousers," she said grinning.

Ben looked down at his flatter belly and nodded.  "I think that you're right, Sara.  I weighed myself yesterday.  Twelve pounds and most of it from right here." He patted his middle.  

"You're very handsome," she said and pecked him on the cheek.

"You are a very patient and wonderful daughter. I gave you and Adam a hard time about your diets, but you were right all along."  He kissed her back.  "Now, I want to take Katrina somewhere special for Valentine's Day.   What do you suggest?"

"There is a ball at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.  It's very posh and very elegant."

"No, Sara, dear.  I think it would be too loud.  I need some quiet intimate place."

"They do have private dining rooms off the ballroom."

"I see.  That may work quite well," he said.  They could have a private dinner and conversation and then dance, hopefully, to celebrate.


The tailor pulled Ben's measurements card from the index and looked at the tall, slimmer rancher in front of him. "I see that we will have to measure you again, sir," he said smiling. "Have you started a new regimen?"

Smiling, Ben stood erect and answered, "I believe that I need my suit altered."

"Your new physique suits you, sir, if I may say so."

"Er, thank you."

The tailor stretched the tape measure around Ben's waist. "I make that 37 1/2 inches, sir. Less two and a half inches. Well done, sir."

Ben looked down at  his stomach and sighed. As Wood had promised, his moderate changes in eating and exercising had paid off. He would return home fit and thinner. "Now, I was wondering about an evening suit. Something suitable for a ballroom dance."


Katrina was thrilled with the invitation to the Valentine's Day dinner and the dancing later.  She was concerned about the dress, however.  The cost of a ball gown was too dear for something she'd never wear again.  Borrowing a dress from Sara was not possible. She was shorter and thinner than Katrina.  It was Laura Stewart who stepped in to lend her a silk gown.  The fitted bodice flattered Katrina's trim waist and the emerald color suited her perfectly.   Sara lent her a tiara that made Katrina's silver blond hair sparkle.

The Fifth Avenue Hotel ballroom was like a beehive with activity. As Ben and Katrina were escorted down the staircase to their private dining room, they watched a kaleidoscope of vibrant silk dresses in the dizzying movement of the waltz. The music rose and fell in time. Arrangements of roses and red carnations perfumed the room as if in summer, belying the snow falling outside. Ben took Katrina's arm and pulled her closer to him. 

Their dining room was, as promised, intimate and the service was quite discreet. The waiter anticipated their needs but never interrupted them. Their champagne glasses were never empty. Courses were served and plates removed almost invisibly. After the coffee was served, Ben stood and walked to Katrina's chair. She rose but he stopped her.

"Please don't, I have something to ask you." She sat and he took her hand in his. "Katrina, my dear, at my age I never expected to find love again. He hesitated a moment, "Never expected to find love here in this city. And yet, here I am in love with you. I can't imagine life without you. I want you in my life every day for the rest of my life. Wherever you say, whether it is back West or here in New York, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you are by my side. Please, Katrina, will you marry me?" With that he kissed her hand and looked in her eyes for his answer.

Her eyes were brimming with tears, she took his face in her hands and kissed him. "Yes," she whispered. "Yes. I will marry you." She smiled through her tears and added, "I would follow you to Timbuktu, Ben Cartwright, the Ponderosa is not so far." He pulled her into his arms to kiss her.


Adam held Sara in his arms as they talked in bed that evening.  

"She looked radiant, didn't she?"  Sara asked.

"She did.  And he looked a bit nervous. and distracted, like he had something on his mind."

"Adam, it's not that hard to guess what was on his mind."  Adam squeezed Sara. "He's going to ask her to marry him tonight."

Adam nodded in agreement.  "We are pretty successful matchmakers, aren't we?   First Hoss, now Pa, perhaps we should go into business," he chuckled.

"Or focus on Joe," she added.

"Oh no, Sara. Joe likes playing the field too much.  He needs no help in the game of love."


Ben and Katrina confirmed Adam and Sara's suspicions the next morning at breakfast.  Hugs and kisses were exchanged.  Eyes shone with happy tears.

"Wait a minute, you're gonna be my grandma!" Jacob announced.

"Indeed she will, son," Adam assured him.

"But Grandpa lives on the Ponderosa.  Are you gonna live there too?"

Katrina squeezed Jacob in a warm hug.  "That's right.  I will go out west with your grandpa."

"But who's gonna make pancakes for me?"

"I'll teach your mother how to make your pancakes."

"Will you make them for Uncle Hoss when you live on the ranch?"

Katrina looked at Ben, who winked at her.  "Yes, if he wants them."

"Oh, his belly is gonna be huge! Bigger'n Santa's maybe."


That evening with the children in bed, Ben, Katrina, Adam and Sara gathered in the parlor to discuss the wedding plans.  Ben and Katrina wanted to marry before heading west in early March. The trick would be to marry before Ash Wednesday, on the 23rd.  Most ministers would not perform marriages during the lenten season.  In fact, most judges were not inclined to marry couples either. 

"We don't want to wait. I think it is best that we have a small family wedding here if we can," Ben suggested.  Katrina took his hand in hers and squeezed it.  "I can ask Judge Walters to marry us."

"Judge Walters?"

"Yes, we met while walking the track at Wood's.  I'm sure he would perform the ceremony if I asked him."

Adam laughed softly.  "I guess that your time spent at Wood's Gymnasium was not only beneficial for your physical health, Pa."

Ben smiled in return.  "Shall I ask him about Saturday afternoon?"

Sara gasped.  "So soon?  Katrina will need a gown. We need to make preparations. Are we inviting any guests?"

Katrina stopped her.  "Sara, I will wear my light grey silk dress.  It is just family and the judge.  You and Adam can stand up for us."

"We can have a church wedding in Virginia City in June.  I promise you, Sara, we will pull out all the stops for a glorious celebration at the Ponderosa," Ben assured her.  "But for now, time is of the essence.  We don't want to wait."

Sara nodded and rose to give Ben and Katrina each a hug.


"It will mean that we need to look for a new housekeeper.  I can ask Laura or the Dean's wife for another recommendation," Adam said as he unbuttoned his shirt.  He looked at Sara's reflection in the vanity mirror.

"It's just for a short time, sweetheart.  We travel back to Nevada for the summer in early May."

"You've had both Katrina's and Pa's help these last four months, my love.  Bridget has an aunt in Brooklyn, maybe there's a cousin."

"Maybe we should look beyond an eligible young woman, Adam.  Joe might visit and we'll be back to square one."

They both laughed and readied for bed.


Late Saturday afternoon the sun shone through the curtains in the parlor casting a warm golden light on the wedding ceremony.  Ben stood tall and proud as he proclaimed his vows in a deep steady voice.  Katrina's emotions got the better of her as she answered in hushed tones.  Ben took her hand as she vowed to honor and love him all the days of her life. Ben slipped a simple gold band on her finger. There would be time to buy her a diamond ring later.  Judge Walters proclaimed them husband and wife as Amy played Mendelssohn's wedding march.

"She's my grandma now?"

"Yes, Jacob." Sara whispered.

"Whew, that's good!"  He ran to give Katrina a sloppy heartfelt kiss.  "Let's eat the cake!"


Adam arranged for a suite for the wedding couple at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.  A chilled bottle of champagne was waiting for them in their room.  A telegram from Hoss and Joe congratulating them on their wedding was laying on a silver tray on the mantle.  

Ben stood gazing at his bride still a little stunned by the events of the last several months.  It was so unexpected that he would fall in love again, let alone marry. Each of his wives had suited his needs.  Elizabeth was his first love, so full of promise. She was a young man's love.  He met Inger when he needed to warm his heart after hardships.  She healed his broken heart and taught him to love again. Marie had given him romance and a capacity to have fun again.  Now with Katrina, he found a mature and lasting love and respect.  She would be good for his soul.

She blushed at his attention. She crossed the room to his outstretched arms and warm embrace.


Ben bought Katrina two large trunks and she was packing each with her belongings and the clothes she would not wear on her journey. Adam would ship them tomorrow, a week before their departure. 

"I can shop here and bring things for you in May," Sara said as Katrina inspected the trunks.

"Thank you, Sara," she answered putting her arm around her new daughter-in-law. "I'm sure I'll find things I have forgotten when I get to the Ponderosa."

"Katrina, you're not nervous are you?"

"No, Sara," she said. "Well, maybe a little. I have never been a rancher's wife. My Lars was a teacher in Sweden. When he died, I left my country to start again here and I never left New York. Now I have my big adventure!"

Sara pulled Katrina in a hug. "You will love it, I promise you. It's a magical place. And you'll just adore Joe and Hoss and Bridget."



May 1871

Ben and Katrina stood on the boardwalk waiting for the two o'clock stage. It was late and Ben was sighing as he consulted his watch.

"Afternoon, Katrina," Sheriff Coffee greeted her with the tip of his hat. "Afternoon, Ben. Is Adam and his family do in today?"

"Yes, Roy, and the stage is late as usual."

"It must be nice to have everyone home for summer. Granted you'll need Adam's help with Hoss so busy with Bridget. How old is that little one?"

Ben smiled. "He's three weeks old. Big and healthy, just like Hoss when he was a baby."

"That's good. I saw Hoss the other day," Roy shook his head in amusement. "I swear his belly was bigger than ever, like he was having a baby himself.

Ben rolled his eyes. "He fretted for Bridget. And he eats when he frets. He'll lose it when he starts working on the branding and the round up."


"Sara, look at you! Your waist is so tiny," Bridget said as she rubbed her flabby baby belly. "I had a waist like that once."

"Bridget, don't be silly. You just delivered, you'll get your figure back soon enough. Give yourself some time and when Paul Martin says you're ready, I'll share my secrets. Now let me see that beautiful baby of yours." She lifted the baby from his cradle. "Oh, he's a big boy!"

"He has his father's eyes, don't you think?"

"I do, Katrina. Clear and blue. Let's hope they stay that way."

"He has Hoss's appetite, too," Bridget said. "He's eleven pounds already."


After a big homecoming dinner, the men settled on the porch for some conversation.

"Hey Adam, you're always a bit chunky when you get here for summer," Joe said teasingly, "but not this year."

"That's right, Joe. I'm in good shape," Adam answered standing tall. "No paunch this year. I've got a thirty-four inch waist."

"Whew, Adam! Yer downright skinny!"

"Not at all, Hoss. I think that he looks healthy and I know that he's strong," Ben added smiling and patting his own flatter stomach. "Sara and Katrina seem to appreciate our new physiques, don't they Adam?"

Joe rolled his eyes as Adam smiled smugly.

"Adam, what's that contraption Pa hung in the barn for ya?" Hoss asked.

"The striking bag? It's for boxing practice."

"You're boxing, OLDER brother?" Joe asked.

"No, it was designed for boxing practice. I use it to keep fit."

"Let me see you use it." Always competitive, Joe was more than a little curious about his brother's routine and his improved physique. 

They walked into the barn and Adam stepped up to the bag. He began punching and dodging the swinging leather bag. He stayed light on his feet, jabbing, always moving, in a sort of dance.

"That doesn't look so hard," Joe said as he inched in to try.

Adam stopped and answered a little breathlessly. "Don't fool yourself, Joe. It's a challenging workout. It melted my fat away fast." He unbuttoned his shirt, and removed it, revealing his carefully honed muscular frame. 

"Whew! Adam, you gotta train me this summer." Joe said in admiration.

Hoss shook his head. "Not me, Bridget likes men with meat on 'em." 

Affectionately, Adam placed his hand on Hoss's large belly and shook it. "That's not all meat there, brother. That's what comes from fretting and eating too many pies, cakes and sweet desserts. Take it from one who knows." Adam smiled wryly and patted his flat stomach. "This is what comes from the just deserts of the hard efforts of diet and training."

Joe laughed. "'Just deserts', that's a good one, Adam."