

“Wish I May, Wish I Might...”



Jane Linnegar


c. 2013


“Wish I May, Wish I Might...”


Adam stretched leisurely, as the bright sunrise shone through his bedroom window.


 “Five more minutes…” he thought to himself, as he closed his eyes again, and rolled over. He felt a sudden small finger, as it pried up one eyelid. Sarah was kneeling beside his bed, in her nightgown, one elbow resting on the bed covers, and her little smiling face gazed into his.  “Mornin’, Pa. Are you awake?!” Adam groaned. “I am now, I guess. What is it, Sarah?” She practically bubbled over. “When do we get to tell Grampa Ben and Hoss and Joe we’re getting married?!” Adam closed his eyes for a moment. Ah, yes - that proposal, in Beth’s room, just the night before. Unbeknownst to Sarah it was, of course, his second proposal to Beth, that day, and he just smiled.


“Well, Sarah, that is sort of my job. There’s a lot to discuss with your Grampa, and a lot to organize. Arranging the wedding,  where we’re gonna live, and all that. I’ll talk to him about it right after breakfast. Now, why don’t you go get dressed? And close the door on your way out, please, Sarah…” She just grinned from ear to ear “Okay, Pa. See you downstairs!” She ran out of the room, slamming the door as she left. Adam grinned as he sat up, and swung his legs over the side of his bed. “Kids!” He pulled on his black jeans, and walked to his shaving stand. He smiled at the man in the mirror, as he wielded his razor blade across his face. It WAS a good day….The family was already seated around the dining room table, and Hop Sing was just serving up breakfast ,when he sauntered down the stairs a few minutes later. “Mornin’, everyone”. Adam walked to his place and sat down, with a big smile as he did so.  Ben smiled at his son, and pretty much knew the answer to his question, before he even asked it. “So, son, what’s new?” Adam smiled at Sarah, before he answered that question. “Well, Pa. The most beautiful woman in the world has agreed to be my wife.”  The other three Cartwright men stood, as one, and rushed to Adam’s place at the table - slapping him on the back, and shaking his hand.  “That’s wonderful news, son”. Hoss almost looked misty eyed. “That’s great, Adam. Congratulations!”  Joe smiled broadly. “Well, you always were the ‘romantic one’, big brother. Frankly, if you hadn’t asked her, I might have just asked her myself. I’m really happy for you!”  Adam grinned, and winked, at his younger brother. “ Good thing I   DIDN’T wait that ‘extra’ week or two to ask her, hey, Joe? With your record, you’d have ‘beaten me to the punch’.” Everyone laughed at that comment, even Joe. Adam lingered after the meal, and shared a second cup of coffee with his Pa after Hoss, Joe and Sarah had left the table, to begin their chores. Ben smiled at his eldest son. “Beth seems to be such a warm, wonderful woman. I’m really happy for you, son.” Adam glanced down for a moment, then looked into his Pa’s eyes. “Yes. She is, Pa. For all the women I’ve dated, since I lost her, all those years ago, there was only one thing wrong with each of them - they weren’t  ‘Beth’.”  Adam smiled slowly, and shrugged, and his Pa understood. “Pa, we’ve agreed we want to get married really soon - right after the round-up, if possible. And right here in the house, if it’s alright with you. Neither of us want a big wedding, just kind of small, and intimate. You see, she was married, for seven years - did the whole  ‘big wedding’ thing. Both of us just want to get on with our life, together…”Ben smiled at his son, again, and nodded.  “Of course you can, Adam. It would make me so proud to host my eldest son’s wedding.” Adam smiled at his Pa again.


“Thanks, Pa. There’s one other thing. You’ve always told us we could pick where to build a ‘marital home’, on the ranch, whenever any of us got married. Well, I showed Beth  ‘Bourne’s Meadow’, just yesterday, and she loved it. It’s where we want to build our home- hopefully, mostly before the ‘snow flies.’ ” Ben raised his eyebrows for a moment, and a sudden warmth shone from his eyes. “ That’s the perfect location, Adam. If we’d owned that piece of land, years ago, it would have been my first choice, too!” Adam sighed, and smiled. “ Far as  ‘sectioning off  a piece of the Ponderosa’, Pa. I know that was always an option, when one of us got married, but  I think that I’d prefer to keep it just the way it is. ALL of us working, for the common good. The Ponderosa  will always be its strongest, if we keep it  ‘whole’, and don’t cut her into pieces….” Ben leaned back in his chair, and nodded in agreement. “ That’s fine with me, son. And, you know, in all honesty? I’m so glad, and proud, that you feel that way. Because it’s just the way I feel about this ‘old ranch’ of ours, too. Far as the whole  ‘round-up’ thing. I think we can excuse you from that little chore, this time round. You have other things to plan, and do, right now. Matter of a fact, once the round-up is done, you’re welcome to your pick of the ranch hands, to help you out in the construction of that home of yours.” Adam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Then he re-considered, and he COULD believe it. His Pa was just being the generous, loving  man he was, after all. “Thanks, Pa. I’ll really need their help, if I’m to build that home mostly before the winter arrives. Guess we’ll rent a place, in Virginia City, till it’s built… ” Ben’s eyes widened. “ You’ll do no such thing, Adam! You’re ALL welcome to live right here, for as long as you want to!” Adam smiled again. “ You’re sure, Pa? We don’t want to feel like we’re in the way…” Ben’s laughter suddenly filled the room. “Now, how could my family ever ‘be in the way’, Adam?” Adam smiled again, and winked at his Pa. “Well, it could happen, if a baby arrives, before our home is finished. Stranger things have happened, after all. You know, that whole expression, about the ‘best laid plans, of mice and men’…” Ben grinned again. “Don’t you worry about that, Adam. We’ll do just fine. Besides, it would add to the whole ‘merriment’, wouldn’t it?” Ben’s eyes just sparkled, at that comment, and Adam felt very thankful that he had the Pa he did. Adam smiled, and winked, at his Pa. “I’ll hold you to that, when there’s perhaps a baby,  ‘screaming the house down’, at two o’clock in the morning… By the way, Pa, I’d like to haul out the plans for this ranch house. I’m building ours mostly the same, but want to ‘tweak’ the layout, here and there.” Ben nodded once. “Sounds fine, Adam. I’ll dig them out for you, today.” They each rose from the table, and Ben clapped one hand warmly, on his son’s back, as they walked to the door, to begin their chores for the day.



Adam hauled Sport’s saddle and pad down from the rack, and threw them up onto his horse’s back. He reached for his bridle, and, pulling it on, led Sport from the barn.


“Sarah, are you nearly done? Come on - we’ve got work to do today…” She followed him out from the barn a few minutes later. Adam stopped off at the workshop to pick up a couple of hammers, a bag of nails and some coiled wire, all of which he fastened to the back of his saddle.  “Let’s go, Sarah.” They each mounted up, and headed around the stable to the sweeping meadow on the other side. “Guess we’re mending fences today, hey Pa?” Adam nodded. “Yeah, having a bit of trouble on the east range, according to the hands. Seems our cattle have been ‘wandering off ’ a bit more than usual…” He dug in his heels, and loped off, with Sarah soon closing the gap.


It was a long ride to that east range. By the time they got to the fence line, Adam could clearly see the problem. A four  rail fence had several sections where the boards had been pushed right off, opening about a fifty foot section of fence. Adam sighed. “Well, least we know where the problem is now…” He dismounted, and grabbed the hammers and bag of nails. “Come on, Sarah. I’ll hold the boards up, and you can nail them back on again…” And so they did. Just enough nails, at first, to hold the boards in place, then additional nails, for added strength, as they both finished the job. They left two adjoining ten foot sections open, and crossed the fence line to check for strays. They didn’t have to go far to find them - just over the next rise. About fifty head, or so. Sarah smiled at her Pa. “I guess they think the grass is greener on this side of the fence, right Pa?”  Adam smiled at his girl.  “Guess so, Sarah. Let’s get  em back.” Sarah rode like the young ‘herding expert’ she was slowly becoming, and they soon had the cattle rounded up, and pointed towards the gap, and  carefully drove them through again. Sarah had the fun part of running them off, well away from the fence line, when they were back on their land, so her Pa could finish the repairs. Adam watched his daughter with pride, as he dismounted, and started the task of re-attaching the boards again He’d just nailed up the last one, and driven in the last nail, when he heard a yell. He spun to see Sarah being dumped off of Rebel, and the mare galloping away in a panic. He leapt onto Sport’s back, and dug in his heels. He reined him to a stop near Sarah, and saw the problem in an instant. Sarah stood with her back against a large tree and, not fifteen feet away, was a very angry looking rattler. Adam said as calmly as he could. “Sarah, don’t move.”   She just turned her eyes to him in fear, and didn’t even nod. After all, her Pa HAD said “Don’t move..” He reached his rifle from its scabbard, cranked the lever with a loud “ click -click” to load it, and swung the rifle to his shoulder, and took aim. He squeezed off the trigger, and the impact of the bullet just flung the snake away, dead.  Adam walked towards his daughter, and she ran to him. “Are you okay, Sarah?” She nodded. “Yeah, Pa. He didn’t get me, or Rebel.” Adam sighed with relief. “You know, Sarah? I think that it may be high time that you had your own rifle. Come on, let’s go. Rebel will find her way home.” They walked back to where Sport was ground tied. Adam reached Sarah onto the saddle, and after reattaching their repair equipment, Adam swung himself up behind her, and they headed off, to continue the ride along some more of the fence line. They’d covered several miles, dismounting here and there, to re-nail fallen boards, or fix damaged wire, along their way. Adam was just about thinking it was time to head back to the ranch house, when Sarah looked up at him. “Pa, when you marry Ma, are we moving?” Adam smiled down at his girl. “Well, sort of, Sarah. I’m building our home - for you, and your Ma ,and me -  right on ‘Bourne’s Meadow’. We’ll have our own barn, paddocks, and even a workshop.” She considered that for a moment. “ Oh…Does that mean that Grampa Ben is ‘firing’ you?” Adam laughed at the apparent absurdity of her statement, then smiled down at her again. “Of course not, sweetheart. We’ll all still own an equal share of the ranch - ALL of us working together, like always. Kind of like the Three Musketeers - ‘all for one, and one for all’…” Sarah nodded. “ Except there’s six of us. Well, so far…” Adam smiled at his precocious girl again. She did know her math, and had thought of the possibilities, too, apparently, just as much as he and Beth had …



Later that evening, Adam was rummaging  around his dresser drawers, looking for his slide rule. What could he have done with it - if he was to re-jig those ranch house plans, he’d need it, to make the accurate calculations. He was just checking his last, bottom drawer, when he came across a very small, black velvet box.  When he opened it, he found a small diamond ring inside. He walked to his bed, and sat down with a sigh. It was the original engagement ring he’d gotten for Beth, nearly eleven years before. He didn’t even remember he still had it - he just remembered how much of his savings it had cost to buy, at the time….Ben suddenly appeared at his bedroom door. “ I found the plans, Adam…”  Adam turned to his Pa, with a smile. “Look what I found, Pa. Beth’s first engagement ring. I never did get the chance to give it to her, back then…” Ben walked to his son’s bed, and smiled. “You kept it - all these years?” Adam just grinned again. “Yeah. Though, I must admit, I didn’t remember I had. I’ll have to show it to Beth - I bet she’ll laugh. I do still have to get her a ring…” Ben just smiled slyly. “ Oh, somehow, I don’t think that will be her reaction at all… Come on, son, let’s take a look at these plans.” Adam continued the search in the bottom drawer for the slide rule, and soon found it. He placed the small ring  box  carefully in his top drawer, and continued on downstairs with his Pa.



They spread the massive blueprint sheets across Ben’s desk, then they each pulled up a chair, to pour over them. Adam picked up a pencil. “See, Pa, I was thinking of eliminating that small bedroom, beside the master bedroom, and incorporating it into a larger ‘master suite’ - have sort of a combination library/ sitting area. These walls - here and here - are only ‘divisional walls’, and not ‘load bearing ’ walls,  so it’ll work. I’d like to have the house front  facing out with an eastern orientation, so the master bedroom, at the very back of the second floor, will look right out over Lake Tahoe, to the west, and will catch the sunset in the evening….” He looked to his Pa, and his Pa smiled. “ Looks good to me, Adam. What else?” Adam grinned. “Well, I think I’ll move the guest bedroom downstairs,  to be beside the kitchen, and add a second one - but put them both on the outside of the kitchen area - a little more private for everyone. Sarah will have this slightly larger bedroom, of the remaining five, right beside ours, then these four  other bedrooms will be for any ‘new’ family members…” He turned to his Pa, with a wink and a smile. Ben put one arm lightly around his son’s shoulders, and grinned. “ Sounds even better, son…” Adam smiled again. “ I’ve already spoken to Beth, in general terms, about the structural changes, and she agrees with me. I’d like a really big window, in the master suite, on the western wall - here - so we can enjoy the view of the lake. And a nice, big fireplace, too, to keep it nice and warm. All the bedrooms will have fireplaces, of course, just like this house.” Ben nodded his head once. “ Great, son. Now, all we have to do is build it…” Adam raised his eyebrows for a moment, and sighed. “ Yeah, that’s all…” They were interrupted by Sarah’s voice, calling from her bathtub, in the  kitchen. “Pa, can you help me shampoo, please?” Adam grinned. “If you’ll excuse me, Pa - ‘duty calls’…”.  Adam strode off to the kitchen, and Ben smiled, as he watched him go, and as he re-rolled those precious blueprints, once more.



Adam awoke earlier than usual the next morning. It was a bright, sunny Friday. There was so much to arrange, and get accomplished in the next little while, after all. He quickly got ready for his day, and was whistling as he knocked at Sarah’s door, to wake her. “Come on, Sarah, six o’clock. Rise and shine.” He heard a cheerful “Okay, Pa!”,  then continued downstairs. He was soon joined at the dining room table by the rest of the family, as Hop Sing started serving breakfast. Adam was the first to finish his meal, and dabbed his mouth with a napkin.  “Well, guess I’ll take a trip out to the mill, to speak to Frank. I’ve got to see about getting a crew to start felling trees, and getting them milled, and ready to use. Sarah, how about I help you with your chores, so we can get an early start?” Sarah looked to her Grampa, then her Pa. “Pa, can I stay home today?” Adam looked at her quizzically. “I thought you’d want to come, Sarah? Well, if it’s okay with Hop Sing, I guess you can stay home…” Hop Sing was just refilling everyone’s coffee cups, and he smiled. “Alright with Hop Sing, Mister Adam!” The Chinaman grinned at Sarah, and winked. The little girl giggled, and Adam shrugged, as he stood.


“Fair enough… Sarah, you be a good girl for Hop Sing. If you’ll all excuse me, I’ll see you all later.” He walked to the side table by the door, and buckled on his holster, and pulled on his hat, then grabbed his tan coat. He opened the door, then he was gone. Ben smiled. “ So, it’s all set for tomorrow’s surprise birthday party for your brother. And your Pa? ”, he added, and winked at Sarah. “ The guests have been told to be here by four thirty, and to park their horses and rigs at the back of the house. Don’t want to spoil the surprise. Sarah, here, is helping to bake and decorate the cake today, and Hop Sing is getting the food prepared, mostly today, too. Decorations go up tomorrow morning, right after Adam and Sarah leave for the picnic with Beth. You boys can barbecue the quarter of beef. So, we all know what we’re doing?”  Hoss, Joe, Sarah and even  Hop Sing all answered “Yes, Sir!” , in just about unison, and Ben laughed. “ It’ll be a party to remember!”



The day went by without a hitch. Adam made the arrangements with Frank, to get a crew out to the Ponderosa the following week, to start felling trees - a very special project that he would be supervising. Once the round-up was over, the ranch hands could help with the actual construction. Adam was in a great mood, as he rode back out to the ranch again.



Sarah held the icing bag carefully, and squeezed out the dark blue icing onto the white background icing of the cake, under the watchful eye of Hop Sing. She very carefully wrote “Happy 30th. Birthday Adam”  then, as an afterthought, she added “and Pa. Love Sarah ”. Hop Sing smiled at the little girl. “ Very nice, Missy Sarah. Your Pa will like, I think. But we must add flowers, too.” Sarah put down the blue icing, and picked up the pink, her brow furrowed in concentration. She carefully put several blobs of icing around the edge, that sort of looked like fancy flowers. She then reached for the pale blue icing, and added some more   ‘flora’ to the cake. Grabbing the green icing, she added some leaves, here and there, beside those flower blobs, then she grinned with great satisfaction, at her masterpiece, as did Hop Sing. Ben entered the kitchen moments later, to get a drink, and Sarah called him over. “ Look, Grampa Ben. The cake’s all finished!”  Ben smiled at the childlike effort, and the love behind it. From the shaky lettering, to the blobs - that were the flowers - to the long, skinny, green leaves. “ It sure looks finished to me, too, Sarah - I’m sure your Pa will love it!” He gave his granddaughter a hug. “You’d better cover it up, and hide it in the pantry, though - don’t want your Pa to see it  before it’s time!” Hop Sing also got busy, hiding the various trays of food that he could prepare ahead of time. The main course - a barbecued quarter of beef - would be cooked the following day.



When Adam awoke the following day, a sunny Saturday, his mind was filled with thoughts of building a home, and arranging a  wedding - no thought at all to what the day really was - August 25th, and his thirtieth birthday. The rest of the family had already  realized how preoccupied Adam’s mind was, and had agreed, in secret, to not even mention the  ‘birthday fact’, to make the surprise birthday party even more of a surprise…



Ben dabbed his mouth with a napkin, as he finished his meal. “Well, boys, I think we should start the round-up today. I know it’s a bit earlier than usual, but the price of beef is high right now, so the sooner we get them to market, the better.” Hoss nodded in agreement. “Sounds good, Pa. I’ll ride out to the east range, and get the hands working on it.” Ben nodded in agreement. “Joe, you can head for the south range, and get the hands busy down there.” Joe smiled, and nodded. “Sure thing, Pa. I’ll get right on it.” Ben reached for his coffee, then took a sip. “It’s settled, then. I’ll organize the men in the north and west  ranges.” Adam shifted a bit uncomfortably in his seat. This would be the first round up, in his whole life on the ranch, that he wouldn’t be involved in, and it didn’t feel right to him, somehow. He was about to mention that fact, when his Pa held up one hand. “Now, Adam. We all agree that you have other more important things to do right now. It’s okay, son. We understand.” Hoss and Joe stood, and they each slapped a hand on Adam’s back. Joe grinned from ear to ear, and winked. “Yeah, big brother. We can’t expect you to leave Beth alone, for a couple of weeks, now can we?” Hoss laughed. “That’s right, Adam. You leave a nice looking gal like that ‘unattended‘, and some other guy could come swooping right in, and take her hisself…” Adam grinned to himself, at his brothers’ teasing, then he paused for a moment, as he remembered his and Beth’s time together, in just the last week: the romantic dinner, that  same evening drive out to Lake Tahoe, the riding tour of the ranch the following day - the ‘picnic’ -  just everything - then he winked slyly. “Thanks for that ‘vote of confidence’,  but I’m not worried…”



By the time Sarah had finished her morning chores, Adam had already brought Sport into the barnyard to hitch to the buggy, for the ride into town, to pick up Beth for the picnic. When Sarah came out of the barn, she was wearing her favourite  cowgirl hat. Adam smiled at his daughter - she sure loved that old hat - as many times as he had offered to get her a new one, she preferred that old one. It was the first hat he’d gotten for her, years before. She sat down outside the barn door, as she watched him hitch up the horse. “Pa, should I bring my fishing pole?” Adam smiled, as he reached the driving bridle over Sport’s head. “Sounds like a great idea, Sarah ” He placed the harness over the horse’s back, and soon had him connected to the buggy. Adam checked  his jean’s pocket, to be sure that Beth’s  ‘old ring’ was still there, to show her, then they each climbed onto the buggy, and they were off. Adam slapped the long lines on Sport’s back, and they set a good pace, as they transitioned from the grass onto the dusty road that led to town, Adam glanced over and smiled at Sarah’s  cowgirl  hat again. Like every parent, probably since time began, he liked to envision his little girl  ‘all grown up.’ Perhaps eight or ten years down the road, after Mother Nature had  ‘worked her magic’, and changed his little girl into a beautiful young woman. But, just for now, for these few fleeting childhood years, he just enjoyed, and loved Sarah, just the way she was - funny little  cowgirl hat , and all…



By the time they’d gotten to town, Beth was already downstairs, waiting in the lobby, as Adam and Sarah walked through the front door of the boarding house. The smell of freshly fried chicken wafted towards them as they entered. Adam smiled, as he walked to her, to kiss her   ‘hello’. “That  fried chicken smells just  great, Beth. What else do you have in there?”   He reached out one hand to check the picnic basket, and she slapped it playfully, and smiled. “Just you never mind -  ‘a little bit of everything, for everyone’-  you’ll find out soon enough… ”   Sarah grinned, as she  reached up to give her Ma a hug, and Beth smiled down at her, and gently stroked her hair. Adam grinned from ear to ear.


“Well, if  that’s the case, let’s get going! ” He ‘herded up his girls’ - one arm around each of them - as he escorted them to the buggy.



As they pulled out of town, Adam turned the buggy towards the road that lead to the lake, then smiled down at Sarah. “How about we go see where your new home will be, Sarah? And you can get some fishing in, too!”    Sarah wrinkled her nose, as she grinned. “Okay, Pa. Sounds like fun!”  Beth looked up at Adam and smiled, as she tucked one arm around his. A little grin tugged at his mouth, as he winked at her. It was a beautiful, long drive, out to the lake that day. Mile after mile of lush green pasture lands, mature trees dotted around here and there, or in larger stands, their canopy casting large  patches of cool shade across the grasses underneath, with a backdrop of the mountains, that bordered Lake Tahoe, in the distance.



Once they’d reached Bourne’s Meadow, Sarah could barely contain her excitement, and was the first to jump down from the buggy. She ran off, with her fishing pole, as Adam and Beth climbed down, too. Adam reached the  picnic basket, and  the blanket, which was wrapped around his guitar, for protection, from the deck of the small buckboard.  



Sarah had stopped running by the time she’d reached just about the centre point of the large meadow, and she spun around, and called back. “Is the house going to be here, Pa?”  Adam and Beth walked after her, smiling, as Adam pointed out where everything was going to be built. “No, Sarah. That’s just about where the driveway will be, with  corrals on either side. Barn off to the left, there, and the house a little closer to the lake, backing onto it. And the workshop/ driving shed combination will go on the other side, opposite the barn…” She laughed, as she ran to where the house was going to be, and opened an ‘imaginary door’, and went inside. She stopped, and looked to them again.  “What’ll it look like, Pa?” Adam grinned again. “Just like our house now, Sarah, except YOU get a bigger bedroom… ” Her eyes widened. “A bigger bedroom? WOW!” Adam reached one arm around Beth’s waist, as he smiled down at her, with a twinkle in his hazel eyes. “You know, I think she actually likes the idea…” Beth just laughed in agreement, as they continued walking to the lake’s edge. They found a nice , shady, grassy spot, and spread out the blanket. The fried chicken was passed around, as was the homemade potato salad. The big surprise was homemade chocolate cake, with a large, generous sized slab for everyone. All washed down with milk for Sarah, and a nice bottle of  chilled wine for her Ma and Pa. After the meal was finished, Sarah headed for the shoreline, to try her luck with her fishing pole, as Adam stretched along the shady grass and rested his head in Beth’s lap.  “Beth, that was a great meal. Thanks..” He pulled her down beside him, and kissed her. “By the way. We have to go ‘ring shopping’ pretty soon, Miss…” He pulled the small ring box out of his jean’s pocket  “But, guess what I found in one of  my drawers? You’re going to laugh - the original engagement ring I got for you, nearly eleven years ago…” He opened the small box, and held it out to her. Beth’s eyes widened. “You’d  kept it?” Adam shrugged. “Well. Yeah. Didn’t remember I had…”   She looked up at him. “Oh, Adam, put it on…” And so he did. She held the ring out, at arm’s length, and just smiled through her sudden tears. “It’s beautiful, Adam. THIS is the ring I want…” Adam cocked one eyebrow. Well, guess there were still a few things he didn’t understand about women. “Are you SURE this is the one you want?” She answered THAT question, with a kiss…Adam grinned, as they parted. “Fair enough - I aim to please…” He reached over, and ran his fingers gently  through that auburn hair of hers, then softly  cupped her face with his two strong, gentle hands, as his hazel eyes gazed into her blue ones. “Hmm…Talking about ‘aiming and pleasing’ …”A cheeky grin tugged at the corners of his mouth again.  Beth felt that old, familiar yearning - a wonderful, warm glow - that started from the top of her head, and  reached  right down to her toes - then she smiled slowly. “Sorry, my love, but our daughter’s right over there, fishing, remember?” Adam glanced up, and sighed. “Oh, yeah. Nearly forgot. Oh, well,  next time…” He pulled her into his arms, once more, and they kissed. When they parted, Adam sat up, and with a sly, dimpled grin, and a slow wink, reached for his guitar, then strummed it quietly. This time, it was Beth’s turn to ‘get comfy’. She lay down, with a sigh, her head in his lap, her light auburn hair cascading down over his black jeans clad legs, and spilling onto the grass beneath them, and just closed her eyes, as she listened to him play, and sing softly -‘heaven on earth’, in her mind. Adam gazed  down at her and thought, once again, that he was the luckiest, and happiest, man on Earth.



By the time he’d just about finished his repertoire of songs, Sarah had ambled back from the lake’s shoreline, and Adam glanced up at her. “No luck today, hey Sarah?” She  just shook her head. “No, Pa - guess they don’t want ANY of MY worms today…” Adam lay his guitar down, as Beth sat up again. “How about some games, Sarah?” The young girl grinned. “Okay, Ma. How about ‘tag’? I’ll be ‘it’!”  Adam and Beth both leapt to their feet, and took off, their little girl running after them both, as fast as she could. They all laughed, as they expertly dodged each other, running around and around. After a few minutes, they all collapsed in a big, happy, exhausted, pile. Sarah was just a mass of giggles. “That sure was fun - let’s do it again!” Adam jumped up. “Okay, but I’M   ‘it’ this time..” He chased first Beth, then Sarah, then Beth again. They were both just about in stitches with laughter, as they ran up and down, between the rocks and trees, trying to dodge Adam. He suddenly lunged for Sarah again, and, grabbing her, scooped her up in both arms. The little girl giggled, as Adam began tickling her, and Beth watched them both with a wide smile. After a few moments, Adam lowered his daughter to the ground again, laughing nearly as hard as she was, as the three of them all collapsed onto a green, shady spot, once more. Adam removed his hat momentarily, as he wiped his brow, then pushed it back onto his head again, with a grin. “Whew - that’s hot work…” Beth suddenly remembered the party. “Adam, what time is it?” He pulled out  his pocket watch, and flipped the cover open. “Just coming up to two thirty - why?” Beth just smiled. “Oh. No reason. You mentioned that your Pa and brothers were starting the round-up today. I thought we could go for a little drive, then perhaps make dinner together at the ranch…” Adam considered that.  “Sounds like a great idea. It is Hop Sing’s day off… I’m sure we could rustle up something, between us… ” Sarah grinned - she knew what was going on, and was looking forward to the surprise party, as much as her Ma was. The picnic things were soon packed up, then they all climbed up onto the small buckboard again, to take a bit of a scenic tour around part of the ranch. By the time five o’clock rolled around, they were just pulling up into the barnyard again. Adam climbed down, and was soon unhitching the horse. He glanced around. “Sure is quiet, with everyone away, isn’t it?” Beth and Sarah just grinned in reply. He turned Sport out into the paddock, then pushed the buggy back into the drive shed, then they all headed for the ranch house door, Adam leading the way. He pushed the door open…


  S  U  R  P  R  I  S   E   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


And he certainly was… The great room was filled with his  family, and friends. A large banner hung over the fireplace - “Happy 30th. Birthday Adam” -  in bright, multi- coloured, large letters. Paper lanterns hung from strings stretched across the room, and the furniture had been pushed back to make a large dance floor. Tables laden with food were spread around the perimeter of the great room He just turned to Beth and Sarah with a wide smile. “Did you know about this?” Beth and Sarah threw their arms around him, and he hugged them back. “Of course we did !!”  Beth kissed him gently on the cheek, and her voice was barely a whisper. “Happy birthday, darling..” A cheer went up, and Adam grinned as he raised his arms, to quiet everyone. “Well, this IS a surprise. I’d totally forgotten that today was even my birthday. You see, I’ve had a lot on my mind just lately.” He reached for Beth’s hand, and drew her towards him. “This lovely woman, Miss Beth Emily McCord, Sarah’s Mother, has agreed to be my wife. So, let’s celebrate BOTH  events, shall we?”  There were smiles on the faces of everyone in the room, and they applauded the newly engaged couple. Moments later, the small band started to play, and everyone grabbed their partners, and danced. Hoss swept a giggling Sarah, up into his arms, and danced with her, since she was the only one without a partner… When the music stopped, they all rushed in to shake Adam’s and Beth’s hands, and offer their ‘happy birthday’ and ‘happy engagement’ wishes. When the music started again, Beth pulled Adam to one side. “I’m just going upstairs to change.” He looked puzzled.


“Change? Change into what?” Beth smiled. “Oh. Hoss picked up a party dress at my place for me, today. I’d like to look my best for you!” Adam kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful just the way you are, to me..” Beth nodded her head. “Thanks, but still- Hoss did go all the way into town and back, to get it for me...” She walked towards the stairs, and Adam followed her, and reached for her hand. “Guess I might as well get dressed, too…” They climbed the stairs, then each went to their allotted rooms - Beth, to the guest room, and Adam, to his own.  Beth took advantage of the fresh jug of water and clean towels and soap that Hoss had put out, and freshened herself up a bit, then pulled on the pretty, low cut, pale green, floral,  tiny- print dress, that looked just beautiful with her wavy auburn hair, as it cascaded down her  back and shoulders. Adam washed, and shaved, then changed into his black dress pants, and white dress shirt, with his black tie, and his black dress boots. He thought a bit of cologne would go a long way, too,  so patted some on. They met in the hallway again, a short while later, and Adam took her gently into his arms, just for a moment, as he gazed down into her blue eyes, and kissed her.  “I love you, Beth McCord ..” She, too, just gazed up into his hazel eyes. “And I love you, Adam Cartwright”. They kissed once more -  long, and warm, and deep, then Beth took his arm, and the happy couple walked back downstairs again, together, smiling…



By the time they’d gotten to the landing, the party goers were all involved in an energetic version of the Virginia Reel dance, as they swung and danced around the large room. When the dance ended, Joe stepped up onto the hearth, as Adam and Beth approached him. He raised his voice momentarily, to get everyone’s attention, and the crowd quieted down, as they gathered around him. “I’d like to say something. Being the youngest in this family, I always felt like I had two Pas - my own, and older brother Adam, here. I remember, when I was little, I got into more than my fair share of trouble…” Gentle laughter made its way around the room. “Oh, you all remember, too, hey? Well, anyway, brother Adam, here, always tried to keep me on the ‘straight and narrow’ - and when I didn’t, he was ‘authorized’ by Pa, there, to ‘tan my hide good’. And, I remember a few times, he did, too…” There was more laughter in the room, then Joe held up one hand. “I want to thank my big brother for always being there for me, and for being one of my best role models - whether he knew it, or not…” Joe just grinned from ear to ear, as he bear hugged his older brother for just a moment. Adam reached a gentle hand, onto each of Joe’s shoulders, and grinned. “Thanks, Joe…” Hoss stepped forward, and got the crowd’s attention, too. Being the size he was, he didn’t even need to stand on the hearth. Hoss’s blue eyes twinkled, as he began to speak. “I’ll never forget the night before Adam, here, was leaving to go back East, to college. I was just twelve years old at the time, and thought I’d be losing my big brother forever. I was kinda upset, too,  ’cause I just knew I never  would  have the smarts to go to college, like Adam here. But, he said somethin’ to me that night that I ain’t ever forgotten. He said,  ‘Hoss, don’t you ever think you’re not smart, because you’re smarter than you think you are, little brother. If the ‘mark of a man’ can be judged by the size of his heart, Hoss, you’d win top prize - cause you’ve got a heart the size of the Ponderosa, itself. And, when it comes right down to it - that’s the most important thing in the world’…I’ve never forgotten that little talk, and I’ve never forgotten the way it made me feel, either…Happy birthday, brother…  ” Hoss dropped his head, for just a moment, as a tear fell down one cheek. When he raised his head again, he was wiping his eyes, and he grinned. “Dadburn it - I promised myself I wouldn’t cry!” There were several other teary eyes around the great room, too…Adam reached up one arm, and placed it  gently  around Hoss’s big shoulders, and his voice was barely a whisper.  “Thanks, Hoss…”Ben, who had stood at the back of the crowd, quickly wiped his eyes, and stepped forward to where his three sons stood. “Well, while we’re all having our say, here, I’d like to say something, too. Thirty years ago I was blessed with the birth of my first son. Six years on - a second son. Then six years after that, my third son arrived. Three wives - and three sons - all of them so different…I watched them grow up, and develop, from little boys, into mature, grown men. But, a man couldn’t be any prouder than I am of these three sons of mine, right now…. Happy birthday, Adam…” Ben clapped one warm hand on his eldest son’s back, and Adam just smiled at him, and nodded. Ben glanced around the crowd again. “Well - how about another dance? Start the music, Slim!” And so they did. Couples waltzing around and around, in their best, colourful, party clothes. As the late afternoon wore on, Adam, his brothers and his Pa, like the good hosts they were, took turns dancing with all the young ladies. Adam did save all the slower dances for Beth, of course, and even some of the more energetic square dances. After a couple of hours, the guests were hitting the buffet tables, and digging into the abundant, and delicious, food, as they sat around the great room. Adam had just stood, to fill his and Beth’s plates again, when he heard a voice from the back of the room. “Hey, Adam ,how about a tune or two?” Adam craned his neck, and grinned.


 “That you back there, Charlie? You expect me to sing ,on my birthday?”  “Can’t think of a better time, Adam” came the reply. Adam shrugged, as he picked up his guitar from the side of the hearth, and rested one foot on its edge.” Well, if that’s what everyone really wants…” There was laughter, and a little applause. Adam grinned, and winked, as he started to strum. “Well, okay. If you all insist…” He sang, and strummed, a selection of folk songs, and ballads. When he got to his final song, he glanced over to Beth, and smiled. “I’d like to dedicate this last song, to my future wife.” Beth smiled, as he started to sing  “Early One Morning”. Adam just knew it had always been her favourite. As the song finished, the guests clapped, and Adam leaned over to Beth, and kissed her lightly on the cheek, which made them all clap even more. He took her by the hand, and led her towards the door. “How about getting some ‘air ’?”, and he winked at her…..



He led her outside into the cooler, fresher, night air, and walked to a small stand of pine trees, at the very edge of the barnyard, that housed a small bench. The smell of pine was all around them, as Adam pulled Beth onto his lap, and she cuddled against him. “Adam, this is the most wonderful party I’ve ever been too. Your Pa and brothers sure know how to throw  one!”   Adam grinned. “Yeah, they do, and they also know how to surprise a guy, too!” Beth smiled. “You really had no idea?” Adam just shook his head. “Nope - but, I must admit, I have been  just a little distracted, this last little while, though…” They leaned in to kiss each other. When they parted, Adam glanced up at a rapidly darkening, and threatening looking, sky. “Looks like a storm is brewing, Beth. Guess you’ll be staying here, tonight - wouldn’t want to chance a long drive in a thunderstorm”  Just at that moment, they felt the first few large drops of rain, and headed for the house again.


Ben smiled as they entered the large room again. “They’re back - bring out the cake!”


All the guests starting singing “Happy Birthday”, as Hoss very  carefully carried the large cake, covered in thirty candles, into the great room, with a grinning Sarah at his side. Hoss placed the cake on a large table, as the guests crowded around to see Sarah’s ‘masterpiece’.   There were   ‘Ahs’, and smiles, all around, as they admired her obvious ‘handy work.’ But no smile was wider than Adam’s. “You decorated it all by yourself, Sarah? That ’s a beautiful job - nicest cake I’ve ever seen!”  Sarah just grinned from ear to ear. “Make a wish, Pa - then blow out the candles!” Adam tilted his head thoughtfully to one side, as if concentrating, then he smiled. “Okay - got it!” He took in an enormous breath, and blew out all the candles, all in one go, then got busy cutting the cake into enough pieces, so everyone got one. By the time the cake was eaten, it was gift time. Adam opened each gift, and thanked each friend. As the last gift was opened, and given thanks for, Sarah came down the stairs, carrying her gift. She placed the package, wrapped all in pale blue tissue paper, carefully onto her Pa’s lap, and took one step back.  “What is it, Sarah? It feels sort of like a sweater…”Adam quickly tore open the tissue paper, and just smiled at the contents, as he held them up - the fancy, black suede -leather chaps, she’d shown him, weeks before….. He just smiled. “Oh, Sarah, you didn’t - all your prize money, from the barrel race…” She stepped over to him and put her little arm around his shoulder. “I sure did! Turn them over Pa - they even got your  nitials on the back, too!” And sure enough, they did - a big, capital  ‘A’, and a capital  ‘C’, all in fancy silver scroll. Sarah grinned from ear to ear. “All that barrel racing ‘thing’ - I did for you, Pa. I just wanted to get you the bestest gift ever…” Adam looked into his little daughter’s sweet face - a face that still showed a trace of the big bruise, and blackened eyes, that she’d gotten at the end of that ‘winning’ barrel race, just the week before. Adam had to clear his throat, to get rid of the ‘lump’ in it. “Oh, Sarah. Just all the work, and the effort, and the love behind it, would have been more than enough… These are the ‘bestest’ chaps I’ve ever owned - thank-you, sweetheart.” Adam reached out to hold her, for a few moments, before he stood up again. Ben and Hoss and Joe stepped forward to admire the chaps, but especially the ‘supreme effort’ that had been exerted to GET them, as did the rest of his guests. By the time coffee was served, a few minutes later, the party was starting to break up, as the guests gave Adam their best wishes again, before leaving. By the time another twenty minutes had gone by, the house was empty again, except for the Cartwrights themselves. They all got busy, clearing everything away, and moving the furniture back into their rightful places, again. An hour later, they had all collapsed around the fireplace, to take a break. Adam loosened, then  pulled off his tie, as he reached one arm around Beth, as she sat beside him on the settee. Sarah sat cuddled against him, on his other side. “I want to thank you ALL for this party - it sure was a surprise, in the truest sense of the word!” Ben stood with a smile, and reached for his best bottle of brandy. “I’d like to propose a toast, to the happy couple.” He quickly poured five glasses, and they were passed around, then raised in that toast. “To Adam and Beth - a long, and happy, life together!” Adam reached his glass to Sarah, with a grin, and let her have a little ‘sip’ of that toast, too… She screwed up her face a little. “I think I prefer milk, Pa..” Adam smiled. “You just keep thinking like that, Sarah, and you won’t go far wrong, in this life!” Just at that moment the old grandfather clock, by the door, struck the hour of ten. Adam leaned to kiss his young daughter. “You’d better get up to bed, Sarah. It’s way past your bedtime. Your Ma and I will be up in a few minutes to tuck you in.” Sarah stood sleepily, and climbed the stairs. Not ten minutes later, Adam and Beth climbed the stairs, too, and crept down the hallway to Sarah’s room. They opened the door slowly, to see Sarah stretched out on her bed, fast asleep, still in her clothes.


Adam smiled.”  That’s my girl. Never quite enough energy, at the end of a busy day, to get into her nightgown.” He glanced over to Beth, and winked. “Here, ‘Ma’, want to give me a hand?” They each pulled off a shoe, then a sock, then carefully removed her jeans. Adam sat the little sleeping girl on his lap, as Beth unbuttoned, then pulled off, her shirt. Adam reached her nightgown from under her pillow, then helped Beth as she struggled to get Sarah’s little limp arms through the arm holes. Adam stood with Sarah in his arms, as Beth folded back her covers. Then Adam laid her down gently, and pulled the covers up to her chin. They just stood together for a few moments, arm in arm,  in the glow of Sarah’s oil lamp by her bed, looking at their little girl. “Oh, Adam, she’s just beautiful - just perfect… She makes me feel all  ‘broody’…” Adam grinned. “Well, if you can just hold that thought for a LITTLE while - say, preferably, till AFTER our home is built - we can do something about that…” Beth reached her arms around Adam’s neck, and he felt her press herself against him, then kissed him warmly. Adam sighed. “Of course, on the other hand…” And he kissed her back, just as ‘warmly’…They were interrupted by the muted sounds of footsteps on the upstairs hallway carpet, then Ben stuck his head through the doorway. “Well, goodnight, you two. We’re all off to bed. See you in the morning.” He continued on down the hallway, then they heard his door close. Then they heard two more doors close, as Joe and Hoss entered their rooms for the night, too. Adam looked to Beth - as, for a fleeting moment, they were both thinking the same thing, then, without a word of discussion, both thought better of it - there was time enough, in the future… Adam smiled slowly.  “Come on, sweetheart - walk you to your room?” They extinguished Sarah’s lamp, then walked hand in hand down the hallway, and Adam kissed Beth ‘goodnight’ at the guestroom doorway. She closed her door and, with a sigh, he walked to his own room, closed the door, and retired for the night…



The storm that Adam had predicted earlier that evening, had finally arrived. The light rain that had fallen since earlier that evening had turned into torrents of heavy rain with rumbling thunder, and lightening flashing, all around. Adam was awakened with a start, by an exceptionally loud ‘clap’, and the lightening illuminated his whole room. He just lay there for a few moments, enjoying the ‘light show’, then stood and walked to his window. He looked out over the dark land to the mountains in the distance, as the thunder claps and lightening flashes continued, and lighted the landscape. He felt  a few raindrops as they hit his bare chest, so he partially closed his window.  It had been a dry summer, and he was thankful for the much needed rain. He thought he’d go check on Sarah, so pulled on his jeans, and walked down the darkened hallway. He opened her door quietly, and a sudden flash of lightening illuminated her room enough for him to see she was sound asleep, but had kicked her covers off onto the floor. He stepped to her bed and carefully pulled the covers up over her again, and tucked them in, and bent to kiss her cheek, before he left the room. As he walked down the hallway, he thought he’d get a glass of milk, while he was up, so made his way down the creaking staircase. When he got to the landing, overlooking the great room, there was a sudden brilliant flash, the glow of which made its way through the windows at each end , and the window behind his Pa’s desk, and illuminated the entire area. In that instant of light, he spotted a figure curled up on one end of the settee, and recognised it to be Beth, so he walked over to her, “What are you doing up, sweetheart?  I came down for a glass of milk - can I get you one?” She just nodded in reply. Adam walked to the kitchen, and had soon returned with two glasses, and passed her one, as he sat down beside her. There was suddenly another loud clap of thunder, and Adam saw Beth visibly shudder in the low glow of the fire in the hearth. “Oh Adam. You’re going to think I’m such a baby. I’m afraid storms like this frighten me a little.” Adam smiled, as he moved closer to her, and reached one gentle arm around her shoulders. “I don’t think you’re a baby, Beth. We all have our fears. There’s nothing to be afraid of, though - it’s just a storm…” Beth looked up to him. “ ‘Just a storm’.. I remember one storm, one night, about twenty years ago…” Her voice trailed off, and Adam pulled her a little closer. “What happened, Beth?” She sighed. “It was just about this time of year - late August. Pa had gotten all the hay in for the winter - the hay loft was packed -  corner to corner, and right up to the rafters…We were awakened that stormy night, in our beds, by the smell of burning. We all got up, and ran downstairs. The barn had taken a direct hit by the lightening - and was fully engulfed in flame. My poor parents - I’ll never forget their faces. There wasn’t a thing they could do. Just watch as a fire destroyed everything they’d worked for, for nearly twenty years - not only the building, but most of their dairy herd, too… But there’s more, Adam… My brother suddenly started yelling…” Adam looked puzzled. “Your brother? I thought you were an only child?” Beth shook her head sadly. “No, Adam. I had a twin. Isaac. He started screaming, and tried to pull away from my Pa. He wanted to save his bull calf, ‘Bully’, the one he was raising, to show in the fall fair… He broke away from my Pa, and just started to run towards that barn .. My parents yelled after him, trying to call him back. Then Isaac ran into that barn. My Pa took two steps, to go after him, and there was suddenly the most awful creaking and groaning noise, then the sound of shattering timbers, as the barn collapsed in on itself… Isaac was gone…..We were just nine years old…” Beth just broke down, into tears, as she buried her face into Adam’s chest. Adam just closed his eyes for a moment - he just couldn’t imagine the horror of that night. He wasn’t the only one, here, who had suffered such horrendous loss, as a young child.


His voice was barely a whisper. “Oh, Beth - I’m so sorry - I didn’t know…” He stood slowly, and gently cupped her face in one hand. “I’ll be right back..” He walked from one window, in the great room, to the next, and closed the wooden shutters on each. The less lightening she had to see, that night, the better, in his mind. He threw a couple more logs onto the fire, too, then climbed the stairs, to get a blanket. When he returned again, he sat down beside her, swung his feet up onto the coffee table, and draped the blanket over the both of them, then smiled. “There, how’s that? Better?”  A small smile spread across her face, as Adam gently wiped her tears away. “I won’t  leave you alone, Beth… Not tonight… If you need me, I’ll be right here…” He kissed her gently, as Beth rested her cheek against his bare chest, and wrapped one arm around his waist. Adam reached both his arms around her, as they sat gazing into the fire, together, and the memories of that horrible night started to recede back into her memory, again, and she felt one thing - ‘safe’ - in Adam’s arms. Beth sighed at length, and tilted her head to look at him.


“Adam, you mentioned we all have our fears. What are yours?” Adam raised his eyebrows momentarily. “That’s an easy one to answer, because it’s already happened, a few times : losing the people that  I care about the most. I don’t even remember my own Ma, because she died the day I was born, but Pa always kept her memory alive for me by telling me stories about her, and what kind of woman she was. Then of course, there’s Hoss’s and Joe’s mothers. I remember both of them, and they each treated me like their own son. Looking back, I’m always very grateful, and thankful, for that.” He paused as he looked down at her, and there was suddenly pain in his face, at the unthinkable..  “Then there’s you, Beth. I just can’t imagine…” His voice trailed off, as he gazed down at her. Beth smiled. “I’m not going anywhere, Adam..” His face suddenly looked very sombre.  “I’m sure my own Ma said the same thing to my Pa, once, too. Then I was born…” Beth reached her arms around his neck. “Oh, Adam, I’m sure your Pa doesn’t blame you for your Mother’s death. How could he? You were an innocent victim, too, that day. You lost your Ma.” Adam’s hazel eyes suddenly locked with hers. “I know he doesn’t, Beth, but what of you? This whole ‘baby’ thing. Yes, I do want a family, just as much as you do. But I’m afraid for YOU, Beth… There, I’ve said it…” He dropped his eyes, and sighed. Beth moved her hands, to cradle his face, and he looked to her again. “Oh, Adam. The best days are the days that babies come - I’m not afraid…” She smiled, and Adam took her into his arms, and they kissed. They continued watching the fire, dancing on the hearth, till sleep finally found them both……Adam was suddenly awakened by someone shaking his shoulder gently, then he heard a deep, familiar voice. “Adam?” He opened his eyes to see his Pa, standing over him, as the early morning sun shone through the windows.  “Oh. ’mornin’ Pa.” Ben smiled. “What are you two doing down here?” Adam glanced down to Beth, whose head nestled against his chest, the blanket wrapped around them both. She was sound asleep. “I’d gotten up for a drink, and I found Beth down here. The storm woke her. She felt a little rattled, so I just stayed with her….” Ben smiled slyly.


“Well, it’s just about time for breakfast. You better get upstairs, and get dressed…”



Adam, Beth and Sarah made an early start that morning, to take Beth back home, leaving Ben, Hoss and Joe to finish their breakfasts, without them. Ben dabbed his mouth with a napkin, before he spoke. “Boys, I hear that Jeb Johnson is selling up his place, and moving into Virginia City, to retire. I think it would be a good idea to buy it. It’s a good  size : five hundred acres.  He has some fine pasture land on it, and the Carson River flows right through it. His buildings are in very good repair, too. Would make an excellent  ‘outpost’ for our hands, during the winter months, if needed.” Hoss nodded in agreement. “I heard the same thing, Pa. Me and Joe were wondering what to get Adam and Beth for a weddin’ present. I know Adam has some money put aside, but, he has to furnish a home, with a lot of that. Seems to me, they’ll need just about everything when they get hitched! Jeb has a real fine, young draught horse team. Joe and me were thinking of buying them for Adam.” Joe smiled. “Yeah, Pa. Even some of his equipment is in real fine shape. Fairly new buckboard, I seem to remember. I’m sure Adam and Beth could use that, too. ” Ben smiled in agreement.  “I was thinking the same thing, boys. Jeb is a close friend, and I’m sure he’d let me have ‘first refusal’ on his place, since it borders ours. Perhaps he’d do a ‘package deal’ for us. I know I could meet his price, because he IS a good friend. I’ll ride out to see him today, and make an offer, before we start the round-up.” Joe grinned, as he and Hoss stood up, to begin their work day. “Sounds good, Pa.”



The next few days were busy ones for not only his Pa and brothers, arranging the round-up,  and ‘getting it rolling‘, but for Adam and Sarah, too, as Adam selected trees to be cut, to build their future home. Adam was selecting them, as near to the actual building site, as he could, for ease of transport to Frank’s mill, on the Carson River, fairly nearby, for processing. By the time the crew arrived, the following week, the trees had been selected, and the actual felling was started. The unused branches of the trees would be the beginning of the wood pile, to heat their new home. The area was a hive of activity, as Adam poured over the blue prints then measured off, and roped off, the actual areas where the house, barn, drive shed - workshop combination, and paddocks, would be built. Sarah sat on a log, as she watched her Pa chopping the branches, and stacking them, in a wood pile, and glanced around the site to the other workers. “It sure is a lot of work, isn’t it Pa?” Adam rested his axe on the chopping block, and pulled off his sweat dampened shirt, then grabbed a drink, as he stopped to take a break. “It sure is, Sarah. And there’s a lot more to do. Once the round-up is done, we’ll have the help of the ranch hands to do the actual building. I’m kind of hoping that the bulk of the construction beams will be milled by then, and we CAN start building.” The days were long,  and hard, for everyone, but the work was satisfying. By the end of nearly two weeks, there was a large stockpile of the milled logs, and Adam patted them with pride. “There’s your house, Sarah. Just sitting there, waiting to come to life.” He winked at her, as he swung her up onto Rebel’s back, for the ride back to the main ranch house again. He swung up onto Sport, and they loped off together.



By the time they got to the ranch house, the smell of roast beef cooking was wafting out an opened window, and Adam smiled, partly in relief. Since Hop Sing had left on the cattle drive, to feed his Pa, brothers, and ranch hands, the cooking chores had fallen to him, for himself and Sarah. Except on the days, when Beth came for a visit….



Adam walked into the great room, to be met by Beth. Sarah left them, alone, to go play in her room, before dinner. Beth greeted him with a kiss. “Hi - how’s it going?” Adam removed his holster, and tossed his hat onto the sideboard, then grinned in reply.


“Oh, just fine. Most of the logs have been milled. And our wood pile is coming along really well, too.” Adam moved his shoulders wearily, as he followed her into the kitchen. She nodded towards the filled hip bath, by the kitchen hearth. “I drew you a bath, Adam. Thought you might appreciate it.” Adam smiled. “Oh, don’t YOU know it?” He winked, then removed his dirty clothes, and stepped into the hot water, and settled back, and closed his eyes. It felt SO good, on his weary muscles. Beth washed his back for him - that felt pretty good, too… By the time he’d finished washing, and shaving, the meal was just about ready. Adam stepped out of the tub, dried off, and pulled on the clean clothes Beth had laid out for him. He felt like a new man - albeit, a tired one.



Adam reached the platter of  the steaming beef to Sarah, again, and she took a couple of slices off, and dropped them on her plate. He glanced to Beth, and thought the time was right to pass an idea of his, past her. “Beth, I was wondering. How do you feel about maybe asking your parents to our wedding?” She looked at him -  he always could ask the most pointed questions, at the strangest times. “I don’t know, Adam. I haven’t even talked to them in years. Not since - well, you know. Last I heard, from a cousin, was they’d retired, sold their dairy farm back East, and settled in California - Placerville, I remember.” Adam nodded in reply. That wasn’t too far away. “Well, I think it would be worth a try, Beth. I think Sarah deserves to meet her grandparents - and they should meet her, too. It’s been such a long time, Beth. Surely, they can’t stay mad at BOTH of us, forever? I am making an ‘honest woman’ out of you, after all.” There was a twinkle in his eyes, and Beth nodded. “Let me think about it, Adam.” He half smiled. “Fair enough.” Sarah suddenly piped up. “What are their names, Ma?” Beth smiled. “My Pa’s name is Oliver, and my Ma’s name is Sarah, like yours. You were named after her.” Sarah nodded. “Yeah, I remember my Pa telling me that.” She paused, as if in thought, then “Pa, may I be excused, please?” Adam looked surprised. “Don’t you want dessert - your Ma made an apple pie?” She smiled. “Maybe later, Pa.”  Adam just shrugged. “Alright, Sarah. Off you go.” She jumped up from the table, trotted across the old plank flooring of the great room, and ran up the staircase, towards her room. Adam shook his head, and smiled at Beth. “Guess she suddenly has something ‘more important’ to do!” Beth stood with a smile, as she led the way to the settee, each of them carrying their coffee, and apple pie desserts. They were soon finished eating and drinking, and settled back to relax. Adam sat back gingerly, as his shoulders just ached, from all the wood chopping. Beth reached her hands up, to message his tired muscles, and he smiled slowly, a twinkle in his hazel eyes. “Do you think that’s a good idea? Last time you gave me a ‘shoulder message’, we ended up with a baby - funny how that works, isn’t it? ” Beth just smiled slyly,  in reply. “That won’t happen tonight, Adam.” He sighed, by way of reply.  They’d sat for some time, just enjoying the fire dancing in the hearth, when Adam glanced back to the old grandfather clock.  “I’d better go check on Sarah - it’s past her bedtime.” Adam stood, then climbed the stairs, and walked along the quiet upstairs hallway, to Sarah’s room. When he opened the door, she was already under her covers, fast asleep. And she’d even managed to get into her nightgown that night….


As Adam stood looking down at his little girl, his mind suddenly went back nearly eleven years, and his fond memories, of  times long ago, with Beth: a loving courtship which had lasted months, till one fateful night, there had been a ‘cosmic shift ’. A beautiful, young, shy girlfriend, that had suddenly become a woman ,who knew exactly what she wanted - and she had wanted  him…a seeming tidal wave of love and passion for each other, that they could no sooner stop, than you could stop a wave crashing upon the shore. Just one fateful, moonlight night… when a young couple’s love and passion for each other had produced the child before him now.. One night that could - that HAD - changed both their lives, forever…Sarah suddenly stirred, and opened her eyes, and looked up at him.


“Oh, hi Pa..” Adam grinned, as he bent to kiss her good night. “Just came up to tuck you in, Sarah. See you in the morning. Good night.” She grinned back at him, “’Night, Pa.”, then closed her eyes again, and rolled over. As Adam turned to leave the room, he suddenly felt very thankful for that  ‘cosmic shift’ that night, all those years ago…


As he walked past Sarah’s desk, his eyes spotted an apparent letter, sitting there in the near darkness, illuminated only by a sliver of  light from the oil lamp, mounted on the wall, across the hall, and his curiosity got the better of him, as he picked it up. Who’d she be writing a letter to? It was way too early for Santa Claus…


By the time he got downstairs, he’d read it. He smiled as he shook his head, then glanced up, as he heard Beth’s voice calling from the kitchen. “I’m in here, Adam.”


He walked to the kitchen, still smiling, as she poured them each a cup of coffee, then they sat down at the kitchen table. Adam held up the letter in one hand. “Just wait till you hear this, Beth. Seems our daughter is trying to ‘mend some fences’….” Then he read the letter to her….



“Dear Grampa Oliver and Grandma Sarah, You don’t know me, but I know your daughter, Beth, and she’s my Ma. I’m nearly ten years old, and I’m why you sent her away. I wish you hadn’t. I didn’t know Adam was my real Pa till this year. She really loved my Pa, and only just met up with him again a while ago, by accident. I’m glad that accident happened, though, because now my Pa is going to marry her. I wish you could come to the wedding, too. Please answer back to my Grampa Ben, at the Ponderosa Ranch, Nevada, if you want to come. If you don’t want to come, don’t answer, and nobody has to know. I don’t want to see my Pa and Ma get hurt again, if you do decide not to come.


Your Granddaughter,


Sarah Elizabeth Cartwright”


Adam raised his eyebrows momentarily, as he glanced up. “Well, what do you think?” Beth wiped a tear from her eye. “Adam, she just may be the one person that can get through to them…” He just nodded in agreement.  “You may be right, Beth….”



Adam yawned a while later, as they both finished their coffee. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for bed.” Grabbing Sarah’s letter, so she could mail it, he stood, took a few steps, then turned his head to wink at her, cocked one eyebrow, and held out his hand to her. “Are you coming?” Beth smiled, as she stood, and just took his hand in reply. Adam walked from one oil lamp, to the next, as he extinguished them all, in the kitchen, and  the great room, then they climbed the stairs. They paused at Adam’s door, while he went to replace the letter on Sarah’s desk, then he returned to Beth, smiling. “Sarah’s asleep- looks like the coast is clear…” Adam led Beth into his room, and closed the door. As the darkness enveloped them, Beth reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt.  His hands made their move to the buttons of her blouse. Unbuttoning it, he removed it, then slipped her silky camisole off over her head – she was just beautiful to him. Beth pulled off  his shirt, and could feel his heart quicken, as her hands roamed gently  through the hair of his muscular chest, then moved down to come to rest on his abdomen. Adam felt Beth’s hand move from his abdomen, to his belt, then she unbuckled it. His eager fingers moved to undo her belt also, as his desire became ever stronger. After each had slipped out of their jeans, Adam picked her up, tenderly, in his arms, and kissed her, then, placing her on the bed, laid down beside her, in the darkness. The only light  in the room came from the bright moonlight, that shone through the window, as the late night breeze lifted the light curtains. They embraced, and kissed again. Beth ran her fingers tenderly through his dark, wavy hair as Adam removed her hair clip. Her wavy, auburn hair cascaded down over his arms, and they embraced again. In the warmth, and desire, of that embrace, they felt like the rest of the world was miles away, and they were totally alone, together…  Beth was reminded, yet again, just how loving Adam could be - with his wonderful, gentle, tender hands, as they caressed every part of her…Adam felt  that loving, tender, exciting touch of hers, as they slowly surrendered to each other… Then - “Adam, what if I get pregnant? ” and he sensed an unspoken “What will the neighbours think?” He paused just for a moment, as she looked into those hazel eyes of his, and as he smiled, his dimples deepened in his cheeks.  “So? We love each other, and it’s no one else’s business, but our own,”  and he winked, and Beth just smiled at him : when he was right - he was right… Adam closed his eyes, and held her just a little tighter, in his arms, in the darkness. He gently cradled her against him, and he could feel the warmth of every part of her . He could see all the beauty of her as Beth lovingly surrendered to the warmth and the closeness of him against her as they made love to each other….


Sometime later, as they slept in each others arms, there was an intense thunder clap, that woke them both, as a storm had moved in. There was the scent of rain soaked soil in the air, and that of pine trees, and Adam could hear the rain as it splashed against his opened window. He glanced down, as Beth had stirred, just a little, in his arms, and nestled in just a little closer, as she rested her cheek against his chest, and fell asleep again. He wondered, just in passing, in his sleepy state, why it was that he couldn’t sleep, and look at her, at the same time. That would have been the ideal thing, in his mind. He rested his cheek against her beautiful, auburn hair, and sighed, and had soon fallen back to sleep.



Adam stood before his shaving mirror, and, over his shoulder, could see Beth’s reflection in it, as she still slumbered in the bed, and he smiled. He wiped the last traces  of the shaving cream  from his face, with his towel, then walked to the edge of the bed, and sat down. Leaning over, he kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Hey, sweetheart. Time to get up…” Beth murmured a little in her sleep, then opened her eyes, and smiled up at him.


“Well, good morning. What time is it?” Adam checked the small alarm clock by his bed. “It’s just past six. Mornings start early on this ranch, Miss McCord..”, and he leaned to kiss her again. “There’s  lots of work to be done. The logging crew will be out at the building site at seven thirty, and I’d like to be out there soon after that. I’d better get Sarah up and moving, too. I can’t really leave her at home by herself, during the day. Poor kid. I think she’s getting a little bored hanging around there, all day. Not a lot for a nine year old to do - but she’s been a pretty good sport about it, so far.” Beth sat up in the bed, and, swinging her legs over the edge, walked to Adam’s dresser, and picked up his hair brush, then ran it through her hair. “Adam, why don’t I just stay here to help you with Sarah? I know it must be hard keeping a ranch running, and a construction site going with Ben and your brothers AND Hop Sing  out on the cattle drive.” Adam grinned, as he walked back to the washstand’s mirror, to comb his hair. “Now, that would be a BIG help”, he said, pointing, as he winked at her.”  But I wasn’t ‘fishing’ for it, Beth. Just saying…” Beth smiled. “I know that, Adam. I’m offering. School doesn’t start for a while, yet , and I really don’t have a lot to do right now. Besides, I’d just as soon be here with you and Sarah, if I was to be absolutely truthful…” Adam walked over to her, and reached his arms around her waist. “And I’d just as soon have you here, too…” They heard a sudden knock at the door, and looked to each other. They each knew just what the other was thinking. Adam just shrugged, and grinned. “Oh, well. She’d find out sooner or later. Come in Sarah…” The door opened, and Sarah trotted in, and looked from one of them, to the other. “Oh, did you have a sleep over? That must have been fun!” They both stifled a smile, and Adam nodded. “Sarah, your Ma is going to be staying with us for a while - to help out - till your Grampa and the others get back from the drive.” Sarah nodded her head. “Oh, okay, Pa. When’s breakfast?” Adam looked down at Beth again, and held her just a little tighter - Sarah seemed alright with the whole idea, too….then Adam reached for his shirt, and pulled it on. “Breakfast is as soon as I get down there, and get it cooked…” Beth just shook her head, and smiled. “No, Adam, I can do that. You have enough to do. Besides, I did just offer to help, and that means looking after you, too,” and she reached up to kiss him. “Come on, Sarah, let’s go get breakfast ready.”


They were all soon sitting around the dining room table, enjoying the meal. Sarah sliced off a piece of her fried egg, and held it up for inspection. “Gee, Ma, your eggs aren’t nearly as pretty as Pa’s, when he cooks them.” Beth smiled. “What do you mean, Sarah?” She just grinned from ear to ear. “Oh, Pa’s eggs have some fancy brown lace around the edges” - and she popped the piece into her mouth - “but yours taste okay, too.” Adam just smiled, as he reached for his cup of coffee.  “My daughter - the ‘gourmet food’ critic.” Beth just laughed. “We all cook in different ways, Sarah, and your Pa’s ways are just  different, that’s all - and there’s nothing wrong with that.” She just winked at Adam, then shook her head, as she smiled again. Adam caught that wink, and threw one back to her…



Sarah was the first to finish, then excused herself to go do her chores. Adam and Beth enjoyed a second, then a third cup of coffee together, just enjoying the quiet in the great house. Adam finally stood, as the coffee was finished. “I guess I better get moving, Beth. I’ll hitch up Betsy, so you can go into town, and get anything you may need.”   “Fine, Adam. I’ll come out right after the dishes are done.” Adam walked to the door and after buckling on his holster, and pulling on his hat, headed for the barn.


He stood in the barnyard , harnessing the mare, then connected her to the buckboard. Adam reached the ‘tether weight’ from under the buckboard’s seat, and fastened it to Betsy’s headstall, then grabbed Sport from the paddock, before he walked into the barn. Sarah was already busy cleaning the stalls, as she had already turned out the horses into the paddock, and given them their hay out there. She looked over to her Pa, as he reached Sport’s tack down from its stand.  “I like it when everyone’s out on a cattle drive, Pa. Kind of like a vacation for me - there’s only three stalls to clean!”  Adam smiled, as he reached  Sport’s blanket and saddle up onto his back, and tightened the girth, then pulled on his bridle.  “That may be, Sarah, but usually we’d BOTH be on that drive, and you wouldn’t have ANY stalls to clean…” She wrinkled her nose. “Oh - I hadn’t thought of that…” Adam grinned to himself. “Tell you what, Sarah. You can go into town with your Ma today. Maybe pick up anything we need? You check with your Ma, okay?” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out some cash, then handed it to her. “I’ll see you later, Sarah. You be a good girl for your Ma.” He led Sport into the barnyard, and Beth had just walked from the house. She passed him a package.  “What’s this?” She smiled up at him. “I made you a lunch, Adam. I said I’d look after you. Save you a trip home.” Adam just smiled. “Oh, thanks! But don’t hold dinner for me, Beth. I have to take advantage of just about every daylight hour, if we want to get our house built mostly before the ‘snow flies’.” He leaned to kiss her, and gave her a quick hug,  then swung up onto Sport’s back. He doffed his hat at her, then loped around the corner of the barn, and was gone.


By the time he’d finished the ride to “Bourne’s Meadow”, the site was a hive of activity. Several teams of draft horses hauled logs around, here and there. Some already processed, and ready to stack,  and others were still freshly cut trees, still waiting to have their branches removed ,and readied, for the trip to the mill. Adam stepped down off Sport  and tied him in a shady spot, then heard Frank, the mill owner’s voice, calling him.


“Adam, can I see you for a moment?” Adam walked over to him, then rested one foot, on a nearby log. “How’s it going, Frank?” The man smiled. “Really well, Adam. The crew should be finished getting the logs prepared ,and stacked, and ready for construction, in about another week or so. I know your Pa and brothers are still on the drive. Wondering if you’d like the crew’s help in starting the construction? You mentioned you’d like to get the house built before the winter comes on. Guess you’ll need the barn built by then, too. You’re my last job scheduled for a while, Adam. This is usually when our business starts to wind down a little, for the season. Most people don’t like starting a project this big, this late in the year!” Adam grinned. “Then there’s the Cartwrights, Frank. Nothing holds us back, I guess…It sounds like a good idea, and I appreciate it.” He held out his hand, and they shook on it. Adam walked to the area where several of the crew members were working to remove the branches from the felled trees, that had already been roughly cut into shorter lengths, for easier handling, then had been dragged to the site. Adam pulled off his shirt, and picked up an axe, and got busy chopping the smallest of the branches - those unsuitable for construction - into firewood, to keep his family warm….He’d worked for some time, then walked to where Sport was tied in the shade, and reached his canteen down from his saddle horn, and removed the stopper. He tipped the canteen back, and just drank. Chopping wood sure could be hot work, in a hot September. By the time he’d finished drinking, the canteen was just about empty. He walked to the old pump nearby to fill it. At least that was one thing they didn’t have to worry about - digging a well. The site had once had a house on it, destroyed by fire from a lightening strike, years before, but the well still remained, and the water was still clean, and safe to drink. There was still the original small cabin, back in the trees, and Adam thought, if ‘push came to shove’ in the ‘construction timeline’, he might spend a few nights there, so he could get an earlier start on his work days, on the site. He pumped the old pump’s handle a few times, and caught several handfuls of water, which he splashed down his face and chest, then went back to work. The day wore on, and the crew, and Adam, were kept really busy. By the time the sun was getting low in the sky, they were all calling it a day. Adam pulled his shirt on, again, and mounted Sport wearily. He turned the horse’s head, and headed back to the main house.



He smiled as he rode into the barnyard, and dismounted. The large ranch house, with its lighted windows glowing in the dusk, always looked so welcoming. He unsaddled Sport, and put him up in his stall, for a good feed, then walked wearily to the house. He was greeted by the delicious smell of chicken stew, as he opened the door. He removed his holster, and tossed his hat onto the sideboard, as Beth walked from the kitchen, and greeted him. “You look tired.” Adam nodded. “I am. Got anything left  to eat?” She just smiled. “Don’t you know I do? I made some chicken stew - I’ll just warm it up for you…”Adam grinned in reply, then headed for the settee, and laid back on it. Beth  carried his plate out to him, about ten minutes later. Adam was out for the count, stretched along the settee, fast asleep. Beth put his plate on the coffee table, then reached for a cushion, and placed it gently behind his head. Beth thought how handsome, and somehow ‘boyish’ he looked, lying there, asleep. Just then, Sarah stomped down the stairs, and Adam’s eyes fluttered open again, as she ran to him. “Hi, Pa!” Adam sat up, as the little girl rushed into his arms, and hugged him. “Hello, Sarah..” Beth reached Adam’s plate to him. “Your Pa hasn’t had his dinner yet, Sarah. Why don’t you go get him a piece of pie, for dessert?” The little girl grinned, and hurried off. Adam dug hungrily into the stew. “Mmm… Looks like I’m marrying a very good cook - among other things…” and he winked at her.


Adam stretched, after he’d finished off the last of the pie, and his coffee. “Beth, do you mind if I call it a day?  I’m just beat, sweetheart.” She smiled, as she reached for his empty dishes. “Of course not. I’ll be upstairs in a while.” Adam stood, then climbed the stairs. Once he got to their room, he stripped off, and had a bit of a wash, then practically collapsed into bed. His head had barely hit the pillow, before he fell fast asleep….



Beth crept through their bedroom door, and closed it silently behind her. Despite the fact she was being as quiet as she could be, she saw Adam stir a little, as she removed her clothes, and pulled on her nightgown. She slipped under the bedclothes, and felt Adam move in closer to her. “Oh, are you awake?” She heard his throaty little chuckle. “I sure am…”, and she smiled, as she moved into his arms. “Adam, last night…. Well, the whole time I was married to Calvin - I never felt anything like that - it was just wonderful.  I guess, looking back, he was a very selfish man, in that respect.” Adam propped himself up on one elbow, as he looked down at her, and reached one arm around her waist, and grinned. “I aim to please, sweetheart…Beth, you never did  mention what  your married name was.”   “It was ‘Armstrong’ ”   Adam’s eyes widened a little. “ARMSTRONG? ‘Calvin Armstrong’?” He just laughed. “Beth, was he much older than you, really dark hair, tanned, weathered looking face, and really dark eyes - you know, the kind where even the skin around them is dark - and did he have a moustache?” She looked up at him quizzically. “Why, yes Adam, why?” Adam grinned. “Well, how about that - that’s the same man that filed for custody of Sarah, a few months back.” Beth gasped. “Oh, Adam, he didn’t! He mentioned, just in passing, years ago, that he wanted to do that. I told him ‘no’ - it was too late -  I still loved Sarah enough, that  I just didn’t want to disrupt her life anymore than it had been.” Adam shuddered a little. “Makes you wonder his motives, now, doesn’t it? Maybe he was about to make a play for YOU again, Beth - thinking if he had your daughter, he’d get you back, too. It would probably all make sense, if only in his warped little mind, perhaps…” Beth just shook her head. “I’m afraid that boat sailed a long time ago, Adam. It all comes down to the fact that he was a cheater, who never really loved me at all… It just took me a long time to figure that out….” Adam laid down again, and pulled her tenderly into his arms, then sighed. “Well, that was then, and this is now…”


Another few days had gone by, and the work at the site was moving along well. The mill crew was working like a well oiled machine, so all the logs that were needed in the construction were finished, and stacked, and just waiting to be used. Adam designated the old, small cabin, already on the site, to be the ‘construction office’. He unrolled the blueprints onto the former kitchen table there, then placed a small rock at each corner, to keep them flattened. He picked up a pencil, to use as his pointer, then leaned across the documents, as Frank sat down beside him, to take a look, too. “See here, Frank? These main upright support beams - they’ll need to be sunken into the ground, below the frost line, to give us a good, strong foundation. Cement them in, just to be sure they’ll be nice and solid. That’s our first job.” Adam glanced back over to Frank, who nodded in reply.


 “Sounds good, Adam. You just show my men where they need to be, and they’ll get busy with their post hole diggers.” Adam walked from the small cabin, out onto the sunny meadow again, then unhooked his tape measure from his belt, and carefully started measuring off the distances, where each upright beam would stand, around the perimeter of the staked off area, where their home was to be. He drove a stake into the very middle of each spot, to mark it.  Adam raised his hat off, momentarily, to wipe his brow, pushed it back onto his head again, then he smiled with great satisfaction - he was finally building their home…



By the end of that week, all the main support beams were in place, and securely cemented in, and work had begun on raising the actual walls. Ben, Hoss, Joe and the hands had returned from the round-up. The market value the cattle had brought was the highest in several years - a good return, for the year’s work, and Ben was satisfied, as  were they all. Hop Sing had left for his annual holiday trip to visit relatives in San Francisco, and Sarah was looking forward to the beginning of school, just days away. With Hop Sing being on vacation, Ben had hired  Hop Sing’s  ‘number three cousin’ to look after the household chores, as he did most years, during Hop Sing’s vacation time. Even Adam and Beth had found time, in their busy schedules, to take a trip into town, to arrange for the minister to marry them, out at the ranch. They’d be married  Sunday, the 14th. of October - about three weeks away…


Beth stayed on at the Ponderosa, to help with the wedding preparations, and to get to know her daughter. The sleeping arrangements had been ‘changed’, since Adam’s  Pa, and brothers, had returned just a couple of days before. Adam dutifully kissed  Beth ‘goodnight’ at the guestroom door, before they each retired for the night, in deference to his Pa……..‘Number three cousin’ was serving up breakfast, the following morning. The family was already seated around the dining room table, and the banter was light - talking of the wedding, and the work on the new house, they would all now be helping with, since Frank’s crew’s work was done. Sarah was the last to come ambling down the stairs, and join the family, and she plopped into her chair beside her Pa. Adam reached the platter of scrambled eggs to her, and pushed a small mound onto her plate. She lifted her fork, paused, then lowered it down to the table again, as she looked from her Ma to her Pa. “Did you and Ma have a fight?” Adam just shrugged, as he looked to his little girl.


“Of course not, Sarah. What makes you ask that?”  Sarah reached for her glass, took a mouthful of milk, swallowed it, then continued. “Well, you’re not having ‘sleepovers’ any more. How come?” She just looked at her Pa, through those long eye lashes, with those big, innocent, hazel eyes of hers. Adam didn’t know where to look - so he just gazed into her sweet, innocent, little face, and wished that the floor would just open up, nice and  wide, and swallow him whole… A sigh of embarrassment  escaped him, as he glanced momentarily at Beth, who just blushed to the roots of her auburn hair. She didn’t know where to look either, so she just looked to Adam, and their eyes locked - now what?   Despite the fact they were adults, they each felt like they’d been caught ‘red handed’ with their hands in each others ‘cookie jars’. There was a pregnant pause, and even Hoss and Joe didn’t laugh - unusual for them, Adam thought…He heard his Pa clear his throat, and he raised his eyes slowly towards him - and changed his ‘mental stance’- now just ready, and more than willing, to defend himself, and Beth, against his Pa’s possible judgment. Ben cocked his head to one side. “Well, Sarah, that is strange, isn’t it? But, it’s up to your Pa and Ma, though, what they do.” Adam couldn’t believe it - vindication from his Pa? Ben covered a smile - he really liked Beth a lot, and he couldn’t remember ever seeing Adam as happy as he was, right now, since he’d found Beth, again, and they’d ‘set the date’. He’d ‘been around the block’-Adam and Beth were both adults, and he wasn’t so old, that he couldn’t remember what it was like to be young, and in love. The topic was dropped - Adam satisfied that they’d ‘dodged’ THAT possible, particular, bullet…



A couple of days later, and the first day of school had arrived, and Beth and Sarah made the long drive into Virginia City, to the small school, on its outskirts.  As they pulled up to the hitching rail, and tethered Betsy there, there were already many of the young students playing noisily in the school yard. They rushed over on seeing Sarah, and  each caught up with the summer’s events. A couple of the kids had had siblings added to their families over the summer. But the biggest news was finding out that Adam Cartwright was Sarah’s ‘real, live’ Pa, and the school teacher was not only her Ma, but her Pa’s fiancé. Beth stepped out onto the wooden school porch several minutes later, then rang the bell, and the kids filed orderly into the classroom. Behind Beth’s back ,many notes were being sent, back and forth, especially between the older girls of the class. Beth heard some whispers and giggling, as she stood, writing at the blackboard, and turned around. Being the seasoned teacher she was, she wasn’t rattled by the shenanigans. “The next person I hear talking, or giggling, can go stand in the corner till lunch. Do I make myself clear?”  There was absolute silence, and compliance, as the lessons started….


An hour and a half later, and the young students were bursting out the door for recess. Sarah took her apple snack, and wandered into the cool shade of the large oak tree in the yard, and sat down to eat it. Several of the older girls approached her, and she looked up as they surrounded her. The oldest of the girls, Jenny,  was the first to speak. “So, your Pa’s Adam Cartwright? I overheard my Ma say once he’s ‘irresistible’. What’s he really like?” There was a tone of anticipation in her voice. Sarah just tilted her head , as she lowered her apple, and frowned a bit. “He’s like my Pa.” Another of the girls stepped forward, and gave Sarah a shove, pushing her off her log seat, backwards. “No, silly. He was our teacher for a while last year, but what’s he ‘like’?” Jenny just laughed. “She doesn’t know anything. Let’s go…her Ma’s just a ‘stupid face’, too,  anyhow…” That’s all Sarah needed. Teasing her, or calling her names, was one thing, but calling her Ma and Pa a bad name was quite another. She hauled herself up, and just charged at Jenny, head first, and caught the young girl, full on, in the stomach. With a loud ‘oomph’- as the air escaped her, and a yell - Jenny fell sprawling, backwards, onto the ground. That’s when the scream really  went up, as Sarah jumped on her, pinning her down, and started punching her.  Beth heard the commotion - as the other students crowded around, cheering them on - and ran from the classroom, then across the yard, to pull the girls apart. She hauled off Sarah, then pulled the other girl to her feet, and held them each at arm’s length. “Now, just what is going on here?!” Jenny rubbed the back of her grimy hand across her nose, and found it to be bleeding. “She just came at me, for no reason, Miss McCord….” Beth turned her eyes to her daughter. “Is that true, Sarah?” Sarah had just heard another kid call BOTH her parents ‘stupid faces’- but how could she tell her Ma that? So, instead of telling her, she just said nothing, as she lowered her head….Beth looked from one girl to the other, then announced. “All right. Recess is over, and YOU two can both stand in the corner till lunch time. I don’t tolerate fighting in my school yard…” It was a long ‘rest of the day’,  and an even longer, silent drive home, at the end of it. When Beth pulled into the barnyard, and pulled Betsy to a stop, Sarah jumped down from the wagon, and just ran  into the house. By the time that Beth had unharnessed Betsy, and turned her out into the paddock, then entered the ranch house herself, Sarah was nowhere to be seen. Beth sighed, as she sat on the settee. Minutes later, the four Cartwright men entered, and, after removing their hats and holsters, joined her in the great room, Adam sitting beside her.


“So, how did the first day of school go?” Then he glanced around. “Where’s Sarah?” Beth sighed, as she told  them all of the events of the day. “I don’t understand it, Adam. She just refused to tell me what happened .” Adam stood thoughtfully, then walked to the fireplace and , lifting one foot onto the edge of the hearth, rested his forearm on his knee. “It’s sure not like Sarah to fight like that. Something must have happened…… I’ll go have a talk with her.” Adam went up the stairs, and paused outside of Sarah’s door. He thought he heard her crying, so entered the room quietly. Sarah was sitting on her bed, and quickly wiped her eyes, on seeing her Pa. Adam sat beside her. “What happened today, Sarah? You’ve never had a fight with anybody before…” Sarah looked up at him. “I never had a reason to before, Pa…” Adam reached a gentle arm around his daughter.


“What was the reason today?” Sarah dropped her eyes. “Jenny called BOTH  you, and Ma, ‘stupid faces’…” Adam was suddenly somehow touched by the fact that his own daughter had stood up for both him, AND her Ma. “Well, I think I understand how it made you feel - but it was just a name. I think your Ma and I have thick enough skins to shrug off something like that - ‘Sticks and stones’, Sarah.” She looked up at her Pa again. “It hurt though, Pa.” Adam half smiled. “I know it did, Sarah. But there are lots of things in this life that ‘hurt’ - you just have to, sort of , get used to it, and not start a fight every time it happens.” Adam hugged his little girl, then smoothed her pigtails back from her tear stained face. “Now, how about you give your face a little wash, then come downstairs for dinner?” Sarah just grinned at him. “Okay, Pa.”



Adam was smiling when he reached the bottom of the stairs, and walked over  to sit beside Beth again. “Well, it’s official, Beth. Your daughter loves you.” Beth looked at him quizzically. “What makes you say that, Adam?” He reached one arm tenderly around her shoulders.  “Well, that girl that Sarah was fighting with? She’d just told Sarah that we are BOTH ‘stupid faces ’. In Sarah’s world , you just don’t do that…” Beth was totally taken aback.  “Oh, Adam. I suddenly feel so ashamed. I’m a teacher -  perhaps I should have handled it differently.  Sarah just refused to say what happened, so I put each of them in a corner, for punishment.” Adam smiled again. “No, I’d say  given the information you had, you handled it right. Sarah wouldn’t  tell you what happened, so you had to punish both of them. You’ll just have to learn how to separate between Sarah being your own daughter, and being just another one of the students - that could be a real balancing act.” Just then, ‘number three cousin’ called them all to dinner. Adam was the last to take his seat, and turned as he heard Sarah coming down the stairs.  Sarah trotted over to him , and gave him a hug, then moved to her Ma, and hugged her, too. “I’m sorry about the fight today, Ma. I’ll try not to do it again…” Beth looked into her daughter’s big hazel eyes, and smiled. “Your Pa told me what happened, Sarah. Next time, you tell me, too, okay?” Sarah just nodded, then took her place at the table, beside her Pa, as Ben started to say the grace.  They’d eaten in silence for several minutes, when Sarah suddenly looked to her Pa, and piped up. “Pa, one of the big girls today - well, they said their Ma said you were irresistible, and wanted to know what you were really like. I told them you’re like my Pa….” Adam looked into his daughters face, and just smiled. There were grins on all the faces around the table at that moment, too. Then Joe chimed in. “Adam, I remember Abigail Jones last year - she thought you were pretty ‘irresistible’, too!” Both he, and Hoss, started to laugh, at the memory of THAT   ‘little misunderstanding’, and Ben just lowered his fork, and smiled. “Now, boys. I think that’s enough of THAT trip down memory lane.” Even Ben, despite himself, chuckled at the memory.  Sarah looked to her Pa again. “They even said you were a teacher last year. Is that true, Pa?” Adam grinned, and suddenly saw the connection with the conversation in the school yard that day.  He remembered he’d received a lot of apples, each day, from some of the older girls, in his class, those few weeks he’d taught. Enough apples to keep the whole family supplied, as a matter of a fact….. “Yes, Sarah, I was - but only as a substitute teacher, for a few weeks.” She nodded her head thoughtfully. “Would you do it again, Pa?”  Adam thought of the complications from that particular job, and the beating he’d suffered, and just shook his head. “Probably not, Sarah. Now, how about finishing your dinner?”



By the end of that week, both Beth and Sarah had settled into the school routine, and, as Sarah had promised, there were no more school yard ‘scuffles’ - as least, none instigated by her…Saturday morning came around, and the Cartwright family had all headed over to Adam and Beth’s building site, to get an early start, to work on their home.  Adam thought it would be a good idea to get at least one corral built, if only to have a secure spot to house the horses for the busy days to come, so they could more easily graze, and drink, without having to be checked on as often.  He removed his tape measure from his belt, and carefully measured off the distances, and marked where each fence post would go - eight feet apart. Hoss grunted with the effort, as he forced the fence hole digger around in circles - Adam on the other end of its twin handles - also pushing with all his might, and strength.  Dadburn, it, Adam. I don’t remember the holes being as hard as this to dig when we put up the corrals near the main house.” Adam paused in his work, and reached his navy and white patterned kerchief from a back pocket, to wipe his brow. “Well, Hoss, seems the soil is a little more sandy near the main house. A lot of years ago, this whole area was covered in water - Lake Tahoe was a lot bigger then. That’s the reason for the clay - we’re digging into the old lake bottom. One thing’s for sure - it’ll make for a stronger, more secure fence line…..” Hoss nodded his head in agreement, as he wiped his brow, too, then continued pushing on the digger’s handle, as the two went back to work. They worked on, placing a post in each hole, as each hole was finished, to prevent anyone accidentally falling INTO each hole… A while later, each post was straightened, and levelled, then the soil was shovelled back into the holes, and tromped back around their bases. They’d already started attaching some of the rails when Joe ambled over.  “We’re all stopping for some lunch, Adam, and to give the draught horses a break.” Adam glanced over the site to where their home was being built. His Pa and Joe, and several of the ranch hands, had gotten a few of the logs lifted, and  carefully lowered into their proper place, in the main front wall of their future home, and the chinking had been carefully trowelled into place, too. Adam smiled in agreement. “Sounds good to me!” The three men walked back to the lake’s edge, and gathered around the makeshift buffet tables that had been placed in the shade of several pine trees. They were joined by their Pa, and the ranch hands, as well as Beth and Sarah, as they all filled their plates.  They sat around in a large circle, on the cool grass, as they began their meals.  Adam smiled, as he glanced to his daughter : she was just about coated in ‘chinking’, as she dug hungrily into her fried chicken. “Well, Sarah, nice to see you’re helping your Ma today.” She just grinned, as Beth, and the others, in the circle of workers, smiled. “Yeah, Pa! It’s a lot of fun - kind of like making mud pies, when I was little! ” Ben laughed. “Adam, I remember when you, and Hoss, wore just about the same amount of ‘chinking’, when we built our home, too. I guess Sarah is just following in the great ‘Cartwright tradition’!” Ben’s dark brown eyes sparkled, as he reached his arm around his granddaughter, and gave her a warm hug.  Adam, who sat on Sarah’s other side, ruffled her hair. “We may have to give you a bit of a dunking, in the lake, before we go home, Sarah. Wouldn’t want that  ‘chinking’ to harden, would we?” Then he winked, and Sarah smiled at her Pa. Beth laughed. “We won’t have to do that, Sarah. I packed a clean change of clothes for you, to go home in.” Adam smiled at his future wife. “See how good it is, having a Ma, Sarah, to think of things like that?” Beth stood up, from her place beside Adam, to go refill her plate. Adam reached for her hand, and gave it a little momentary squeeze, and winked at her. Their eyes met, and Beth just smiled in reply. They’d continued on with their meal for several minutes, when Hank Myers walked over to where Adam sat. “Adam, can I have a word, please - in private?” Adam rested his plate on the grass beside him, and stood slowly. “Sure, Hank” They walked away from the main group, and stood in the shade of a large Ponderosa pine. Hank looked a little uncomfortable,  and almost embarrassed, as he began to speak. “Well, you see, Adam. Me and Miss Abigail. Well. We’re having a baby pretty soon…” Adam just grinned. “Yeah, Hank. So I’d heard…” Hank continued. “Well, you see, I may not be available for too much longer, to help you build your home. I gotta think about Abigail - it’s her first baby and all…” Adam reached a friendly arm around the shoulders of his shy ranch hand. “Tell you what, Hank. Any help you CAN give, is really appreciated. And, when Abigail’s ‘time’ comes - well, you can take off all the time that you need to.”  Hank grinned broadly. “Thanks, Adam. I knew if anyone would understand, it would be you!”  Adam just shook his head slowly, as Hank walked back over, and joined the rest of the group, again. ‘ There, but for the grace of God, and nasal singing, go I ’, Adam thought to himself……



When Adam awoke the next morning, he rolled over to reach his arm around Beth - except she wasn’t there. He raised his head sleepily, and looked around. Just at that moment, Beth walked back into their bedroom, and  slipped into bed, beside him again. Adam moved to take her into his arms. “Where did you get to?” Beth sighed, as she cuddled against him.  “I felt sick to my stomach…” Adam just raised his eyebrows for a moment. “Oh? Nothing serious, I hope?” Beth sighed again.  “I don’t think so - must have been something I ate, I guess…” Adam pretty much accepted that explanation, as Beth was doing a bit of math in her head, and wondering about the ‘non-arrival’ of a ‘good friend’. Unbeknownst, to a sleeping Adam, it had been the third morning - in a row - that Beth had had to rush  to the outhouse, to be sick…. Could she be? 



Spirits were high, that morning, around the Ponderosa’s dining room table, as the talk was all about the construction of the new house. Ben continued the distribution of the food, around the table, to each family member, as he passed the platter of bacon to Hoss, who then passed it onto Beth. She grimaced just a little. “No, thanks, Hoss. None for me. I think I’ll just have some toast this morning.” Adam looked up from his plate, that was already piled high with eggs, bacon and home fries, and grinned. “Just toast? That’s hardly enough to keep a bird alive, Beth!” She just looked down at her lap, then looked up again, and forced a smile. “I’m alright, Adam. I’m just not very hungry. I’ll just have a bigger lunch.” He reached out with one hand, to squeeze hers. “Alright, sweetheart - anything you say.” He glanced over to Sarah, on his left, who seemed to be daydreaming a bit, between each mouthful.  “Now, no dawdling, Sarah. We have a full day ahead of us.” Adam smiled at his daughter, and she just grinned in reply, and picked up her eating pace a little.  There was a sudden wide smile across Ben’s face. “Well, everyone, I’m pleased to report that our offer on Jeb Johnson’s ranch has been accepted.  Five hundred acres, plus all his equipment and livestock. He’ll let it go for $25,000 cash money.” Joe just grinned from ear to ear, as he glanced at Hoss. “That’s great, Pa. That Belgium draught team of his are multiple blue ribbon winners, at the local fairs. I bet they’re worth a lot, alone!” Adam smiled, as he replaced his coffee cup in its saucer. “You’re right, Joe. Just about the best and strongest draught team in Nevada - he had the breeding stock shipped in all the way from Belgium.” Hoss grinned, and winked to Joe. “Yep. Guess they’ll come in real handy, and very soon, too!” They continued their meals, and Adam was the first to finish. “Well, if you’ll all excuse me, I’ll go get a start on saddling the horses.” Beth watched him as he stood, and strode over the door. He pulled on his hat, and buckled on his holster, then he was gone. She sighed, as she struggled to finish eating her toast. She’d sat there, for a few more minutes, then thought it was time to talk to him. “Would you all excuse me? I think I’ll go see if Adam needs any help.” The Cartwright men stood, momentarily, as she rose from the table. Sarah stood to join her, and Beth just glanced at her. “Sarah, sweetie? You just stay inside for now, okay? You can help Hop Sing make the lunches.” Sarah just shrugged, and took her seat again. “Okay, Ma.”



By the time Beth had walked out into the barnyard, Adam already had Chubb and Cochise saddled, and tied to the hitching rail. As she walked into the barn, he’d just tied Rebel in the aisle, and was lowering her saddle onto her back. He glanced up, as he heard her entering the barn. “Oh, Beth. Can you get Betsy out of the corral for me, please? I can saddle her up for you.”  Beth hesitated for just a moment. “Adam, can you hitch up the buggy instead?” Adam just frowned a little. “Hitch up the buggy? I thought you preferred to ride?” She just suddenly turned her back to him, and lowered her head - how to tell him?! Adam walked over to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, as he stood behind her.  “Hey, what’s the matter, sweetheart?” There’d been a tone of concern in his voice, and Beth just gazed down at the ground. “Adam, this morning wasn’t the first time I was sick. It’s the third morning - in a row.  And, well, my ‘little friend’ didn’t arrive last week, either - and it should have.” She paused, just for a moment, then, “I think we’re going to have a baby, Adam.” Adam suddenly just spun her around, and had to grab her, by her arms, so he didn’t knock her over.  He just had the biggest, silliest looking grin on his face, that she’d ever seen. “A BABY?!!  Oh, Beth, that’s just wonderful news!!” He picked her up, ever so gently, and kissed her, then lowered her to the ground again, and just held her there.  ”A baby - I’m going to be a Pa again - and you’re going to be a Ma..” Beth just smiled up at him - she was so happy that he just looked so pleased, and his eyes were just glowing. Then  he just started to chuckle a little. Beth tilted her head to one side, and looked at him questioningly “What are you laughing about, Adam?” A sly smile crossed his lips. “Well, considering our ‘track record’ - of ‘a-hole-in-one’ with Sarah - and taking all things into consideration… Hmm.. I guess I’d be more surprised if you WEREN’T pregnant…” Beth just suddenly laughed, and gave him a playful swat on his backside. Adam just chuckled again, and his hazel eyes just sparkled. “Now, you just be careful there, young lady. You don’t want to start something that we don’t have time to finish, right now…” She just gazed up into those hazel eyes of his, and saw the merriment, and the love, in them. Adam pulled her closer, into his arms, with a sigh, and they kissed again. When they parted, Beth looked up at him once more.


“Now, we can’t tell anyone yet, Adam. I pretty sure I’m pregnant, but I want to get checked over by Doc Martin, first. Just so we know for sure.” He kissed her forehead lightly. “I guess you’re right. It’ll be our little secret for now, then, won’t it?” He paused, for just a moment, then tilted his head thoughtfully to one side. “Hmm… Well, how about that…” Beth looked puzzled. “How about what Adam?” He had the proud look of a peacock on his face : a look of absolute pride . “I got accomplished in about two months what your ex, Calvin, couldn’t get done in seven whole YEARS…” Beth just smiled, and slowly shook her head.. “Yes, aren’t YOU just the clever one?!”  Adam wrapped his arms around her waist, again, and pulled her tenderly towards him.  “No, Beth. We’re BOTH clever.”  And there is was again - that twinkle in his hazel eyes, and that big, silly grin, reaching across his handsome face…



It wasn’t long before the horses were readied, and the rest of the family had joined them in the barnyard. Adam held Beth’s hand as she climbed up onto the buckboard, then he clambered up, and took his seat beside her, as Hoss, Joe and Sarah each mounted their  horses. As Ben mounted Buck, he wondered just why Beth had requested a buggy, instead of riding, to the site that morning. For a young woman who seemed to enjoy horseback riding so much, it seemed strange to him. A bemused expression, then a wide smile, flashed across his face, as he suddenly thought of the possible reason…



The work on the house progressed well that day. Adam allocated a couple of the hands to finish up the work on the corral, that he and Hoss had started the previous day, so he  could concentrate on the supervision, and the actual building, of their future home. After Beth’s announcement that morning, it suddenly seemed even more imperative. Adam balanced on the framework of  the scaffolding, as he directed the men operating the giant log pulleys, with their draught teams, as each log was lowered into place. “Okay, Hank. Right there!”  Adam carefully swung the large square hewn log into place. He watched in great satisfaction as it settled onto the chinking, that had been spread along the log below, to support it, and make a weather proof seal. And so it went. Log after log, painstakingly put into place.


By the time noon rolled around, the construction team at the site were breaking for lunch.  Adam climbed down from the building’s scaffolding, and met Beth. The whole crew walked to the buffet tables, that stood in the shade of the trees, by the lake’s shoreline. Beth and Sarah had been on ‘chinking duty’ again, that day. Adam gently pulled her to one side. Beth saw a concerned look on his face, as he took her in his arms. “How are you feeling? Are you all right?” She just smiled wanly, as she wiped the back of her hand wearily across her forehead.  “I’m fine, Adam. Though I am a little tired. Not unusual, perhaps,  for someone in my ‘condition’. ” He just grinned in reply. “How about you sit right here, and I’ll get you something to eat?” And so he did. By the time Beth had finished her meal, Adam could suddenly  see just how tired Beth did look. “Sweetheart, why don’t you have a lay down in the buckboard, for a while, if you’re tired?”  She decided that was a good idea, and after Adam had helped her up, pulled the small lap robe over herself. Adam stayed with her a while, as they held hands, and they chatted a bit. He was surprised just how soon she fell asleep - she must have been tired. He leaned over, and kissed her cheek, as he gently swept her auburn hair back from her face. He wandered back to join the rest of the builders, and continued his meal. What happened next seemed, to Adam anyhow, to all happen in slow motion. He watched, in horror, as the little mare connected to the buckboard, suddenly reared up, then lurched forward. In a matter of strides, she was at the full gallop, as she rushed, pell mell, across the meadow. Adam heard  Beth’s screams for help, as he noticed the long lines falling behind the horse’s hind legs, and trailing along the grass, well out of her reach. Adam rushed over to Sport, and swinging up onto the saddle, booted the horse in the direction of the fleeing horse. Adam just flew across the meadow, leaning low over the gelding’s neck, and kicking him forward, for all he was worth.  As Adam pulled alongside the buckboard, he realized that Beth was still kneeling on the buckboard’s back deck. He yelled frantically to Beth.


“Beth - get down! Get flat down!” He pushed Sport forward, a few more strides, to come abreast of  the runaway horse. Adam leaned over in his saddle, as far as he dared, and gripped the bridle of the little mare, as hard as he could, then pulled back, with every bit of his strength, he could muster. “Whoa, Betsy, Whoa!” Sport and Betsy continued on, galloping side by side, as if in some sort of a sick race, each feeding the other’s energy, with Adam hanging onto the mare’s bridle - like life itself. He continued pulling wildly on the mare’s head, as she continued her mad dash. The mare eventually slowed  to a stop, and he leapt down from Sport, and rushed to the buckboard’s deck.  He vaulted over the low, ornate metal railing, that ran around its perimeter, and knelt beside an unconscious Beth. He saw a large bruise forming, that ran from her forehead, and continued down to her right temple. A small cut just above her right eyebrow was starting to ooze blood. He lifted her head and shoulders, slowly and carefully, and gently stroked her cheek. “Beth?” There was no response. Adam was in an  absolute panic - his heart just pounding in his chest, and a sob escaped his throat. Then he felt sudden tears sting his eyes, as he looked down at Beth’s ashen face. He just sat there, slumping numbly, the limp form of Beth half sitting, half laying, across his lap. He felt like his whole world was collapsing around him, as he sat there, a  feeling of  absolute helplessness overtaking him. What seemed an eternity later, Beth’s eyes suddenly fluttered open, and she coughed. Adam swept her up into his embrace again. “Beth! Sweetheart, are you okay?” She reached one hand up, to explore her bruised forehead, then flinched a bit, as she touched it. “I think so. I banged my head.” The colour was slowly returning to her face, as Adam lowered her gently onto the buckboard’s deck again. “I’m taking you to the doctor.” As he climbed over the back of the seat, and reached down for the long lines, his Pa, brothers, and Sarah, had reached them. They leapt down from their horses, as one, and rushed over to them. Ben was the palest of the four. “Son, is she alright?”  Adam nodded once. “I think so, Pa. I’m taking her to Doc Martin, just in case.” Sarah jumped up onto the buckboard’s seat, and threw her arms around her Pa’s neck, and cried, as she looked, wide-eyed, to her Ma.  Adam hugged the child, to comfort her. “Your Ma’s okay, Sarah. I’m taking her to Doc Martin, just to have him check her over. But you need to stay here with your Grampa and Hoss and Joe.”  Adam held his little girl out at arm’s length again. “You’ll be a good girl, while we’re gone?” Sarah just nodded her head slowly, as the tears ran down her cheeks. “Yes, Pa.” Adam pulled her to him , and kissed her cheek gently, then looked to his Pa. “Pa, we may stay in Virginia City tonight, depending on what Paul finds.” Ben just nodded his head solemnly in reply. “Of course, Adam.” Beth reached one hand out to Sarah, and gently stroked the child’s hair. “I’ll be fine, Sarah. You do what your Pa says, now.” Adam lowered  Sarah down from the buggy, then, turning in a large circle, slapped the reins on the mare’s  back, and trotted off towards the dusty road that led into town. It wasn’t long before he’d decided that it would be better if Beth was in the seat, right beside him, so he could keep a better eye on her.



To Adam, it seemed like the longest drive he’d ever taken….



When they finally got to town, Adam drove directly to Doc Martin’s house, on its outskirts. He pulled Betsy to a stop, then reached Beth down into his arms, and carried her to the door, calling out, as he rushed forward. “Paul! Paul!” The doctor opened the door, then held it, opened wide, to allow them to enter. Adam  walked right through the empty waiting room, to the small examination room, then placed Beth gently down onto the examination table, that stretched against one wall. Adam turned a very worried face towards the doctor.  “Paul, the horse spooked, with Beth on the deck of the buckboard. I went after them, on my horse, and managed to stop them, before it rolled right over. But, unfortunately, not before Beth had banged her head. She was unconscious for a minute or two.” Paul nodded slowly, as he listened, then took Beth’s face gently into his hands, as he slowly moved her head from side to side, then up and down. “Well, I think it looks worse that it is, Adam. She appears to be alright. How do you feel, Beth? Any dizziness or nausea?” She shook her head slowly. “No, just a bit of a headache, Paul.” The doctor smiled. “Adam, why don’t you wait outside?  I’ll check her over more thoroughly.” Adam nodded silently, then ambled into the waiting room again. Once the door had closed behind him, Beth turned to her doctor.  “Paul, there’s something I need to tell you. I may be pregnant - I just told Adam this morning.” Paul smiled. “Well, we can check for that, too, then. ” Try as he might, Adam couldn’t sit still - he was just too worried - so he stood up again, and paced up and down for, what seemed to be, for him, an eternity. Finally, Paul opened the door once more. “Adam? Come in, please.” Adam rushed through the doorway, his hat clenched in his whitened knuckles. “Is she going be alright, Paul?” The doctor looked into the haggard, strained face, and the worried hazel eyes, of one of his oldest patients, and dearest friends. “No signs of concussion, Adam. Just a small cut, and that big bruise. She’ll be fine.” The doctor paused, as a big smile spread across his face, and his blue eyes just twinkled.  “And, by the way - congratulations, Adam - you’re going to be a Father!” Paul reached out his hand, to Adam’s, and shook it warmly, then left the young couple alone, to celebrate.


There was a large lump in Adam’s throat, as he took Beth gently into his arms. He had to swallow, a couple of times, to get rid of that lump. “Beth, I thought I was going to lose both you, and the baby, today…” She just smiled up at him. “When I saw you coming after me, Adam, I just knew I’d be alright…”Beth buried her face in Adam’s shirt, in absolute relief, and happiness, and sighed, as she felt his arms tighten, even more, around her. She felt Adam kiss the top of her head, oh -so -gently, and she smiled.  After they’d stood there for a few moments, in that warm embrace, Beth heard Adam chuckle softly into her ear. She raised her head to look at him. “What’s so funny?” Adam smiled down at her. “I guess our baby just went on his first ‘wild ride’ today…” A smile tugged at the corner of Beth’s mouth “‘HIS’ first ‘wild ride’?”  Adam rapidly back peddled a bit, and blushed a little. “Or ‘her’ first ‘wild ride’. It really makes no difference to me, Beth - boy or girl - as long as the baby is healthy.” She smiled again. “But, I guess a boy would be fun - then we’d have one of each.” Adam grinned. “Yeah, I guess so.” Beth tilted her head to one side. “Well, Adam, there’s a good chance of twins, too, seeing as they run in my family, and I’m a twin myself…” She let her voice trail off, as Adam looked wide eyed as her “Twins?? Hmm… Now, wouldn’t that be something?” She saw the same look of pride on his face, that she’d seen earlier, and laughed. “Yeah, it would be, wouldn’t it? Come on ‘Pa’, let’s go home..”  Adam moved his arm around her waist, and she around his, as they walked back out to the buggy together.



By the time they’d gotten back to the rambling ranch house, the ‘work day’ was over, and they were greeted by the other members of the family. They saw Ben, Hoss and Joe just burst through the door, as they drove the rig into the barnyard. Sarah was the last one through the door, but the first to get to the buggy, in a dead run.  Adam smiled at his girl, as he helped Beth down from her seat. Sarah just threw her arms around her Ma’s waist, and smiled up at her “Are you okay, Ma?” Beth smiled at Sarah, then winked in Adam’s direction, and he just winked back at her, in reply. “I’m better than okay, Sarah. I’m just fine. ” She and Adam had decided, on the long ride home, to keep their news of the expected baby a secret, for a little while longer. Those ‘shared winks’ hadn’t gone unnoticed by Ben, however, and he wondered if his suspicions, from earlier that very morning, were true.  Was there a baby coming, perhaps, in the near future? Hoss and Joe each gave  Beth a hug, by way of greeting. Hoss’s blue eyes just twinkled. “Beth, soon as I saw Adam, here, going after you - I knew you’d be just fine!” Joe grinned from ear to ear. “That’s right, Beth. I thought the same thing. If anyone can stop a runaway horse, it’s our Adam!” Adam smiled, as he reached one arm lightly around Beth’s shoulders.  “Thanks for that vote of confidence.  But it’s not something I’d want to have to do every day, believe me!” Beth grinned up at Adam. “We’ve decided no more ‘naps’ in buckboards, that are hitched to horses…” Ben’s sudden laughter filled the barnyard. “Now, that sounds like a very good policy, to me! Come on - let’s get inside - Hop Sing has dinner ready.”



The days went by. Beth and Sarah making the long drive into Virginia City each weekday morning, for school, then the long drive home, at the end of each day. The work continued, just about daily, on the new house, between the other chores that needed to be looked after, around the ranch. All the arrangements for the wedding were completed, and most of the guests invited had RSVPed their replies, that they were coming. Beth had even finally decided on a wedding dress, and had gone for her final fitting. The dress was carefully stored  in one of the spare bedroom’s wardrobes - well away from Adam’s, perhaps, prying eyes. It would be bad luck, after all, for the groom to see what the bride would be wearing that day! Beth had helped Sarah choose a new dress, and hat, for the occasion, too. Even Adam had bought a brand new suit - with a black jacket and gray dress pants - complete with a new fancy dress shirt, black tie, and dress boots. He wanted to look his very best for his young bride, too. The days were very full, for everyone.


Ben had ridden into town, to check the mail, yet again, since he was expecting an important lumber contract. He was surprised to see a letter with a postmark from Placerville, California, with the address : “c/o Ben Cartwright, The Ponderosa Ranch, Nevada Territory,  U.S.A.”, carefully written across the front of the envelope. “Care of?”  He thought that was unusual, as he tore the envelope open, and read the short note inside


“Dear Mr. Cartwright,


It came as a real surprise to us to get a letter from our granddaughter, Sarah. A lot of years have gone by, Mr. Cartwright, and we’d like to try to perhaps make amends, if we can. Sarah, in her original letter, stated to “Please answer back to my Grampa Ben, at the Ponderosa Ranch, Nevada, if you want to come. If you don’t want to come, don’t answer, and nobody has to know. I don’t want to see my Pa and Ma get hurt again, if you do decide not to come.” 


Well, Mr. Cartwright, we do want to come to Adam’s and Beth’s wedding, and to finally meet our  granddaughter, Sarah, after all these years. By her letter, she sounds like a  little girl with  real ‘spunk’ - not unlike her own Mother.


Please advise the date of the wedding, so that we may make the necessary  arrangements to be there.


Yours sincerely,


Mr. & Mrs. Oliver McCord”



Ben smiled to himself, as he carefully folded the letter again, and slipped it back into the envelope, then  placed it safely into the inside pocket of his tan, corduroy jacket. They were right - that granddaughter of his sure had ‘spunk’. He wondered, as he hoisted himself up onto Buck’s back again, if Adam and Beth knew anything about Sarah’s letter to her grandparents. He pulled Buck’s head around and, digging in his heels, loped off down the street, and headed for home once more.



After Ben had walked through the ranch house door, he reached his hat onto the hat rack, then unbuckled his holster, and laid it on the sideboard by the front door. As he walked into the great room, it looked like no one else was around, till he heard foot falls on the staircase. He glanced over to see Adam walking down the stairs, stripped to the waist, his shirt draped casually over one shoulder. “Oh, Adam. There you are. We got an interesting letter in the mail today…Um… Where’s Beth and Sarah?” Adam raised one arm, and jerked his thumb in the general direction of their bedroom.  “Beth’s upstairs, taking a nap, and Sarah’s out with Hoss and Joe. What’s up, Pa? ”   As he approached his Pa, Ben placed the letter in his hand. “Did you know anything about this?”  Adam pulled on his shirt, then took a seat, in the blue velvet chair, then quickly read the short note. He smiled, as he finished it. “Oh, yeah. Beth and I knew about it - I’d found the letter on Sarah’s desk, one night, a couple of weeks back. Sarah didn’t know we knew, though…Well, how about that? They’re coming. Now, that could be interesting…” Ben smiled at his son. “Talking about ‘interesting things ’. Adam, do you have anything you want to tell me about?” Adam just looked all innocent, as he stood up again, and started buttoning his shirt. “What do you mean, Pa?” Ben tilted his head to one side, and a sly smile spread across his face. “Look, Adam. I don’t mean to pry but, well - Beth suddenly eating like a bird in the morning, and going to the construction site, by buggy - when she prefers to ride, most of the time…” Adam just shrugged, then grinned. “No, I don’t have anything I want to tell you about, Pa…. Um,  I think I’ll go see what Hop Sing is cooking up for dinner…” He winked, cheekily, at his Pa, then he turned on his heel, and walked, purposefully, towards the kitchen, tucking in his shirt, as he went.  Whistling.


Ben just smiled, as Adam walked away from him, and he shook his silver haired head. As excited as he was about the prospect of another grandchild, perhaps, he guessed, if there was anything ‘to find out about’, it would be on Adam’s and Beth’s schedule, and not his…



When Adam went upstairs, a short while later, to wake Beth for dinner, he had the letter in his hand.  He leaned to kiss her, as he sat on the edge of their bed, and she smiled as she sat up. “Well, Beth. Sarah got a reply to that letter she’d sent to your parents….They’re coming.” He handed her the letter, and she read it quickly. “How about that? All things considered, and all the years that have gone by - I didn’t think they’d want to come.” Adam smiled, then nodded his head slowly. “Yeah, it sure surprised me, too. If not for them, we would have been married eleven years ago, and we both would have been raising Sarah. Not to mention, perhaps, having a bigger family by now. Their not accepting me, or your pregnancy, effectively put BOTH of our lives on hold, didn’t it?”



Beth smiled sadly.  “Yes, I guess it did.” Then she brightened, once more. “But, we’re all together now, and we’re expecting a baby, and we’re getting married - and there’s nothing that can change THAT!” Adam smiled at his fiance. “True enough. Why don’t you get dressed, sweetheart? Dinner’s just about ready.” As he stood, he cupped her face, very tenderly, in one hand, and winked at her, then turned to go back downstairs.


As he got to the bottom of the stairs, Sarah came bursting through the door, with Hoss and Joe, at her heels. When she saw her Pa, she ran right over to him. “Hi, Pa! Hoss and Joe took me into town, and bought me some candy - do you want some?!”  Adam gazed into her big, excited,  hazel eyes, as she held up a sizable paper sack, that had barely more than a few pieces left in it. Adam raised his eyes, to look to his brothers. “Nice to see they’re keeping you well fed…” Hoss and Joe each blushed, a little, then Hoss laughed.


“Come on, Adam. What are Uncles for, if not to spoil their niece, a little?” Joe chimed in. “Yeah, Adam. You must be getting old! ”Adam winked. “It’s not the age - it’s the dealing with a ‘sugar-energized ’ child…” He watched, as Sarah, her eyes wide with excitement, and her braided pigtails -  just bobbing - was practically dancing around him. “Yeah, we had a really great time, Pa! We looked in just about all the stores, and they bought me a new shirt, and some new jeans, too - See?! -  and I had an ice cream cone, and some chocolate cake, too, and played with a really nice puppy, we found, and it’s a whole lot of  fun going out with Hoss and Joe!” Adam caught her gently by her arm, at her next ‘lap’, and smiled down at his little daughter. “That’s just fine, Sarah. I’m glad you had fun, but it’s time for dinner, sweetie. Go upstairs, and get washed up, please.” She complied, taking the stairs two at a time, grinning from ear to ear, as she climbed them - the paper packages, containing the remainder of her candy, and new outfit, gripped tightly in one hand…Adam just shook his head slowly, and smiled, as he watched his little ‘whirlwind ’  go -  Note to self : Control the ‘flow of sugar’ into my next child - or children….By the time the long evening was over, and Sarah had had her bath, and been read to and tucked up in bed, Adam and Beth were just about ready to collapse. Ben, Hoss and Joe had all made an early night of it, and gone up to bed, leaving Adam and Beth alone, to sit in front of the fire. Adam had stretched out his legs, to let his socked feet rest on the coffee table, as Beth curled up beside him, on the settee. Adam had reached one hand up, and was absent mindedly running that one hand through Beth’s hair, as he gazed into the flames. At length, Beth tilted her head, to look at him. “I’ll give you a penny for them..” Adam tilted his head thoughtfully to one side. “Oh, I was just thinking. How do you feel about going to see your parents, before our wedding? The day’s going to be stressful enough, perhaps, without the spectre of meeting your parents, for the first time, again, after all these years.” His focus went from the fireplace, to Beth’s face, and he smiled. She just looked at him. “Oh, Adam, I don’t know. I guess it would be a good idea, though.” She considered his proposition for a few moments longer. “Yes - Let’s do it!” Adam kissed her forehead lightly. “Good. I’ll go into town tomorrow, and send them a wire, and have it delivered by courier, right to their home. Can’t wait to see what they say.” Just at that moment, the old clock struck the hour of ten, and Adam glanced down. “Bed?” She smiled. “Bed!” They extinguished each oil lamp, then retired for the night.



The next day, Adam made the ride into town to send the all important wire. By the time a couple of days had gone by, they’d received the reply from Beth’s parents, and they agreed that a meeting before the wedding, to ‘catch up’, would be a good idea, too.



The following morning, Sarah was excited to hear that she, too, would be included on that trip, to meet her grandparents. A trip that would start that very day. She could barely contain her excitement, as the family sat around the table that morning, eating breakfast. “Pa, are we going on a real live stagecoach, to get there?” Adam smiled at his excited little girl. “Yes, we are Sarah. And we’ll stay in a real live hotel, when we get there, too.” He and Beth had decided that staying in a hotel was the better idea, to perhaps help camouflage Beth’s morning sickness, for now. Beth also smiled at her girl.  “Now, finish your breakfast, Sarah. We have a stagecoach to catch!” Beth went upstairs to pack their three bags, while Adam hitched  Betsy to the buggy, for the ride into town. When Ben walked them out to the buggy, a while later, he was ready with advice. “Now, Adam, give them time to explain, and come around. I know that mistakes were made, by them - but it’s time to mend some fences…” Adam nodded at his Pa, as he reached out to shake his hand. “I know, Pa. I’ll try to be ‘polite. But - I won’t back down, either… ”    Then he winked, and Ben laughed. “Yeah, I know you won’t, son. See you in about five days.” Ben reached out to give both Beth and Sarah a warm hug, before Adam helped his two girls up onto the buggy. He took his place in between them,  then Ben watched as the three of them drove out of the barnyard, headed for Virginia City.



By the time they got there, the stage was just about due. Adam dropped his girls at the stagecoach depot, then hurriedly drove the horse and rig over to the livery stable, where they’d be boarded, till they returned. By the time he’d walked back to the depot, again, the stage was thundering down the street, raising a large cloud of dust, in its wake. Adam  heard the driver’s voice, above the snorts of the horses, the jingle of their harness,  and the creak and groan of the old coach, as the driver pulled the four horse team to a stop.  


 “Whoa, boys, whoa!” The driver clambered down, as Adam approached him, and reached out one hand, to shake his. “Are you taking the stage on to Placerville, Will?”  The driver smiled out from a dusty face. “Sure am, Adam. Right after I water the horses.  You can get on board when you’re ready. Seems you three are my only passengers, this trip out.” The driver took the bags of luggage from Adam’s hands, and reached them onto the roof of the stage.  By the time the horses had had their fill of water, Adam, Beth and Sarah had climbed aboard. Adam suggested that Sarah take the seat on one side all to herself - the better to be able to see out BOTH windows - on that side of the coach.  She thought that was a great idea. Adam took Beth’s hand gently into his own, and smiled  at her. It looked like it was going to be a fun trip, especially for Sarah - her first stagecoach ride. Minutes later, the driver climbed back up onto his high driver’s seat perch, and cracked his whip.  The team lurched forward, and they were off.



The scenery was ever changing as they drove along, mile after mile. Open, flat, grassy landscape with trees here and there, to a more hilly, rocky landscape as they neared the southern tip of Lake Tahoe. Sarah made sure she didn’t miss any of it, as she moved, back and forth, across her seat, to check out the view from each side of the stage, as it continued along on its journey. The driver had made one stop, at the Carson City depot, to drop off some mail, and to get a  fresh team of horses, about mid afternoon. By the time the early evening had arrived, they were halfway to their destination. The stage was pulling into the way station at Woodfords, and they had just crossed into California. The driver pulled the tired team to a stop. The few snacks that Beth had packed for their journey were long gone,  and Adam, Beth and Sarah climbed down, weary and hungry.  They were greeted at the door by the keeper of the way station, and he held out his hand, in greeting. “Welcome to California, folks! Dinner’s just about ready.  Come inside - make yourselves at home.” Fast introductions were exchanged, then they entered the station. The furnishings were plain, but cheerful. A large fieldstone fireplace just about covered one wall of the main room, and three doorways - leading to the sleeping quarters -  reached along the wall, beside that fire place. A large kitchen and dining room area lay at the far end of the main room. Deeply upholstered furniture had never felt SO good to sit on, before, and Adam smiled, as he lowered himself down gingerly beside Beth. He’d forgotten just how ‘bone rattling’ stage coach travel could be. Sarah had already grabbed their luggage, and gone to explore the room they would share, for sleeping in, that night. Adam reached an arm tenderly  around Beth’s shoulders. “Halfway there, sweetheart. How do you feel?” She smiled a little.  “I’m fine. Mostly hungry, and tired, in that order.” A few minutes later, dinner was served. A delicious, hearty rabbit stew, with generous sized helpings, shared by the travellers, the way station keeper, and the stage driver. A large basket of homemade bread was passed around the table, again, as the meal continued.  The station keeper smiled to Adam and Beth. “So, what takes you to California?” Adam glanced to Beth. “We’re meeting up with some relatives, after a very long time.” The keeper tilted his head to one side. “That’s always interesting, isn’t it? People change so, over the years. Never quite sure what you may find.” Adam grinned, as he threw a wink to Beth. “We sure hope so, in our case”, and she just smiled, in reply to that wink.  By the time the meal was finished, Sarah looked to be very tired, to her parents, so they sent her off to bed. She must have been even more tired than she looked, since, despite the interesting company, she went to bed very willingly. Adam and Beth sat by the fire, conversing with the others for some time, all just enjoying the amiable company, and the conversation, and the warmth of the fire’s glow. As the sun started to set, everyone was ready to call it a day, and retired to their rooms, for the night.  After they’d closed the door behind them, Adam and Beth walked over to Sarah’s small bed, to check on her. She was out like a light, her favourite little doll, Emily - whom she insisted come on this journey, to meet her grandparents, too - safely tucked under one arm, but she’d managed to kick back her covers a little. Beth leaned over, to put the covers right again, and Adam smiled as he watched her, then reached one strong arm around her waist.


“Come on, ‘Ma ’, let’s go to bed.” As they both settled under the covers, minutes later, Adam wondered to himself what the next day would bring, and how this all important first  meeting would go, after so many years. Unbeknownst to him, Beth was wondering the same thing, as she rested her cheek against his chest, and reached an arm around him.



The stage made an early start the next day. After one stop, to get a fresh team of horses for the last leg of the journey, and many more miles of travel, they finally reached their destination. Adam, Beth and Sarah climbed down wearily from the stage and, after Adam had grabbed their bags, they crossed the main street of the town, to get a room in the hotel.


As Adam signed them in, and was handed the key, Beth looked to him. “Do you want to get it over with? I don’t know if I want to wait till tomorrow to meet them, Adam.” He could see the strain in her face, and nodded silently. “Sure. Let’s take our bags up to the room, then we’ll drop by for a visit, shall we?” Once they’d all freshened up a little, and changed their clothes, after their long journey, they walked down to the lobby of the hotel once more. When they checked the address with the hotel clerk, they found it to be just a couple of blocks away, so decided to walk there.  As Adam raised his fist, to knock at  their door, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so apprehensive……


The door was opened by a fairly short, balding man with hornrim reading glasses, perched on the end of his nose. “May I help you?” Beth stepped forward. “It’s us, Pa.” The man smiled, then held the door open for them to enter, and called over his shoulder.


“Ma, they’re here.” A mostly silver haired women, whose hair was carefully rolled into a bun, walked in from the kitchen. There was just a hint of the light auburn colour still left in it - the same auburn shade of Beth’s hair.  Her face had the same delicate features as Beth, but, in Adam’s eyes, her expression was somehow guarded, as she extended her hand to shake theirs. “Nice to see you. Won’t you come in?” Adam thought that was strange - after all these years- it seemed to be a pretty cold greeting. They were led into a small sitting room, and offered seats.  As the three of them took seats on a small settee, Adam sitting in the middle of Beth and Sarah, the future in-laws made themselves comfortable in two separate chairs.  Beth’s Pa was the first to speak. “This must be Sarah.”  Sarah glanced up to her Pa, as if looking for direction. Adam smiled. “Yes, it is. Go say hello, Sarah.” Sarah quickly stood, and crossed the room, and shook each of their hands. “How do you do?”, then just as quickly retreated back to her seat beside Adam again.  Her grandmother tilted her head to one side. “Are you shy, Sarah?” Adam stepped right in with an answer to that question.  “No, not at all, Mrs. McCord.  Once she knows someone, she can be very open, and out going. But, she has to get used to someone, first.” The woman nodded silently, and Mr. McCord asked the next question. “Well, Adam, just how is it you make your living?”  Adam was feeling the tension in the room already - and he didn’t like it. “I help my Pa run our ranch - the Ponderosa - with my two brothers. We raise beef cattle, and ‘dabble’ a bit in timber and mining…” Mr. McCord shook his head.


“I thought you were studying to be an architect?” Adam could feel the anger rising in himself, and fought very hard to fight it down. “Well, yes, I was.  But, as you know, things happened, and I gave that up. Went back to ranching instead.” Adam felt there was still a real under current of some hard feelings -mostly on the part of his future in-laws. He glanced to Beth. “Why don’t you and your Ma and Sarah, go into the kitchen - I’m sure you have lots to talk about? And, I think I’d like to have a quiet word with your Pa…” The three of them stood, and disappeared through the kitchen door.  Adam exhaled heavily, as he stood, and walked to the fireplace. He raised one foot onto its hearth, then rested his forearm on his knee, as he collected his thoughts, then he looked to Mr. McCord, and their eyes locked. “Now, look, Mr. McCord - ‘ Oliver ’ - I don’t think I like the tone of either your wife OR you. Beth, Sarah and I have come a long way to visit you - to ‘mend fences’ - and all I get, from both of you, is apparent judgment and distain.  Yes, I’m a rancher - and proud to be one. And, no, I never did get my  architectural degree.  You see, I’d fallen in love with your daughter, and I’d asked her to marry me. Then, you and your wife stepped in, on hearing of her pregnancy, and filled Beth with your ‘poison’. At the time, I knew nothing about that pregnancy. Then, you lied to me about her moving to another college - out of state. You had NO right to do that. That led not only to our break-up, but to our daughter being raised by someone else…” Adam could feel his anger rising again, and paused for a few moments to compose himself, then he continued. “Once I finally found out the whole story - just a few months back - I just couldn’t understand how you could have been so cruel - not only to your daughter and me, but to Sarah, too. If our Sarah was ever expecting a baby - out of wedlock - we would never dream of sending her away, and disowning her, at a time when she’d need our love, guidance, and support, the most. That’s what being a parent is all about, after all, isn’t it?  As a matter of a fact, Mr. McCord, we just found out, a couple of days ago, that we ARE expecting another child.” Mr. McCord  just snorted. “Well, so THAT’S why the sudden marriage…” It was all Adam could do to not strike out at the man, as he shook his head slowly. “No, Mr. McCord. We would have gladly gotten married, eleven years ago, if you and your wife hadn’t gotten in our way. So, we’re getting married NOW. But, let me tell you one thing. I won’t let you stand in judgment of ANY of us. I love your daughter, and she loves me. And we both love our daughter, Sarah, and our baby that’s on its way, too. It’s been a long time, Mr. McCord, and we’ve gotten on very well without you, so far .If you and your wife want to be in our lives - and the lives of your grandchildren - well, you’ll do it by MY rules, and Beth’s. And no one else’s. We won’t be hurt again by you. Do I make myself clear?” Adam swallowed hard, once, and took a deep breath, and held it for a few moments, before exhaling again, just waiting for the response.  The other man nodded once. “Fair enough, Adam. We’ll see you, Beth, Sarah, and your family, on the 14th. of October.” He stood slowly, reached for Adam’s hand, shook it quickly, then headed  to the kitchen. Moments later, Sarah, Beth, and her Ma, walked out from the kitchen. Beth’s Ma asked  Adam what he’d said to her husband. Adam just shook his head. “Why don’t you ask HIM? Come on, Beth. We’re leaving…”Adam walked to the door, and holding it open for Beth and Sarah, followed them through it.  Beth could feel the anger, just radiating off of  him, as they walked back to the hotel. By the time they’d gotten back, and put Sarah to bed, Adam was starting to cool down a bit. Once Sarah had fallen asleep,  Beth told him of her uncomfortable conversation with her Ma, in the kitchen - more like an inquisition - then listened, in silence, as Adam told her what he’d said, to her Pa,  then he hung his head, as he rested his forearms on his knees. “I’m sorry, Beth, but I just laid it on the line to him. I won’t let either of them hurt any one of us, anymore.” Beth smiled slowly, as she tenderly reached for his face, and turned it gently towards hers. “And that’s what makes me love you SO much, and makes me SO proud of you, Adam. ”  He smiled as he took her  into his arms - both so glad that they had each other. “We’d better get to bed, sweetheart, it’s getting late. It’s a long, tiring journey, to get back home.”



By the time another day and a half had gone by, they were well on their way back to Virginia City, again, as the stagecoach trundled along. Little had been said about the outcome of the trip, between the three of them. What had started out as a hopeful journey of reconciliation had fizzled out. Adam glanced down to his lap, where his young daughter had stretched out along the coach’s leather padded seat, rested her head, and fallen asleep. He very gently rubbed her back, as he glanced over to Beth, on the other side of the coach. “I think she’s taking this whole thing the hardest of any of us, Beth.” Beth looked from the window, where she’d been watching the scenery go by, to Adam again. “What makes you say that? She didn’t even know my parents - as least you and I do, and know what they’re capable - or NOT - capable of doing.” Adam smiled slowly.


“Well, Beth, she’s sucking her thumb. She only does that when she’s really upset about something. As a child,  I guess it’s her way of coping.” Beth looked to her daughter, and smiled sadly. “Poor little thing. She has been through a lot in her young life, hasn’t she? Who knows, Adam? Perhaps after what I said to my Ma, and what you said to my Pa, they’ll see sense, and come around. They have about a week and a half to do that, before the wedding. I hope they do, Adam.” Her blue eyes just looked so hopeful, and Adam nodded. “Me too, Beth…”


It was getting late in the day when the stagecoach pulled to a stop at the Virginia City depot. Adam was the first one out of the coach, and held out his hand to help both Beth and Sarah down.  The driver reached down their luggage, and Adam hoisted it onto the board sidewalk. “Why don’t you two wait here - I’ll go get the buggy?” Adam strode off across the street, headed for the livery stable, as Beth and Sarah took a seat on the bench beside  the depot’s ticket wicket. They’d sat there for a few minutes, when Sarah placed her little doll, Emily, onto her lap. She fiddled absentmindedly with the little lacy dress of the doll, for a few minutes more, before looking up at her Ma. “It didn’t work, did it? I wish now I’d never written that letter to my grandparents…” Beth reached an arm around her daughter, and hugged her. “Oh, Sarah. Your Pa and I are both glad, and proud of you, for writing that letter. It’s not your fault that your grandparents didn’t react the way we’d all hoped they would. It’s just really complicated, sweetheart.” Sarah considered that for a moment. “I guess they’re mad because I was born. If it weren’t for me..” Beth stood up suddenly, then, stooping down in front of her daughter, tenderly took one shoulder in each hand, then spoke very gently to her. “Now, you just listen to me, Sarah Cartwright. I know we all had a bit of a rocky start in your life, but you’re the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to your Pa and me. We both love you so much, Sarah - that will never change. And whether or not your grandparents ever come around, we’ve still got each other, and your Grampa Ben, and your Uncle Hoss ,and Uncle Joe, too.” Beth reached her arms around her little girl, and had to fight back her tears. Just then, Beth heard the jingle of the horse’s harness, as Adam pulled the buggy to a stop beside them, and smiled. “All aboard for the Ponderosa…” He could see the sad, strained expression on Beth’s face, as she turned to look at him. Beth’s slowly shaking head told him ‘not to ask.’ Adam hopped down from his seat, and moved to put their luggage on the back deck. As he looked to Beth again, she just mouthed the word  ‘later ’. Adam helped each of them onto the seat, then climbed up between them. Then, slapping the reins on the horse’s back, turned the buggy around, and headed for home.



They were all relieved to see the large, welcoming ranch house, its windows glowing in the dusk, as they drove around the corner of the barn, and pulled to a stop in the barnyard.  As Adam hopped down, the ranch house door opened, and Ben walked towards them. “How did it go, son?” Adam shrugged, as he reached their suit cases down.


“Unfortunately, about as well as you’d expect, after all these years. We can fill you in later, Pa… Sarah, why don’t you go upstairs, sweetheart, and get changed, and washed up for dinner?” Sarah nodded silently, and Ben grabbed one of the suitcases, then reached one grandfatherly arm around her shoulders, as they both walked back  towards the opened door of the ranch house together. Adam watched them go, then turned to Beth.


“Well? It’s ‘later’…” Beth just shook her head slowly, as she looked up into his hazel eyes. “Adam, to make a long story short - Sarah blames herself for everything. She thinks it’s all her fault, because she was even born…” Beth felt the sudden tears in her eyes, as she dropped her head. Adam pulled Beth into his arms, and kissed the top of her head gently. “Damn. I wish now I HAD ‘punched out’ your Pa…” Once they’d parted from that embrace, a few moments later, he picked up the remaining suitcases, one in each hand, and they walked into the ranch house for dinner.


They were soon all sitting down to eat, and Adam glanced around the table, as he held the platter of the sliced roast pork over Sarah’s plate, to his left, and slipped off a couple of slices. “Where’s Hoss and Joe, Pa?” Ben smiled. “Oh - they already ate, and  went  into town. Left a couple of hours ago.” Adam smiled, then sighed. “Well, I guess that part of my life is over - ‘Checking out all the ladies, in the whole town’…”  then he winked at Beth, who just chuckled . “Well, I should hope so, too!” Beth lowered her napkin onto her lap then, very discreetly, reached under the table, and tenderly squeezed his right thigh, a couple of times, then gave it a few very slow, loving strokes. Adam’s dimples deepened in his cheeks, as he grinned at her, again, and his hazel eyes were just twinkling innocently. “You don’t hear me complaining, do you?” He winked at her, then they all settled in to eat their meals. As Hop Sing started removing the used dishes, a short while later, Adam glanced up to him. “Hop Sing, can you draw a bath for Sarah, please?” “Yes, sir, Mr. Adam!” He hussled off to the kitchen again, the stack of plates carefully balanced in his hands.


A short while later, after Sarah had finished washing, both Adam and Beth joined her, and each pulled up a seat on either side of the hip bath. Sarah reached the shampoo bottle to her Pa, and he squeezed a generous amount onto one hand, then started rubbing it in, as he glanced over to Beth. “You know, Sarah, your Ma told me something tonight that really upset me.  She said that you blame yourself for all this stuff happening with your grand-parents. It’s not your fault, Sarah - it NEVER was - and you shouldn’t EVER think that way. Your grandparents still just don’t seem to understand, is all. If they ever change their ways, and come around - that would be a good thing. But, if they don’t - well, we’ve gotten on just fine without them, so far, haven’t we? And we can continue to do that, too. Do you understand, Sarah?” She reached up, and wiped a blob of shampoo suds from her face, that had dripped down, and nodded, as she looked up at him. “Yeah, I guess so, Pa.”



Adam smiled at his little daughter. “Good girl - rinse off, Sarah.” She dunked under the water, then stepped out as Beth held out the big, fluffy towel, for her, and wrapped it around her.  Adam passed the smaller hair drying towel over to them. “How’s this, Sarah? If your Ma dries your hair, and you get into your nightgown, quickly, I can read to you?” Beth kissed her little daughter, and Sarah giggled. “Alright, Pa!” Adam smiled again, as he stood and turned to go back into the great room. “Okay, I’ll leave you ladies to it!” He was joined by Beth and Sarah, just a few minutes later. He’d just straightened in his chair, to make room on his lap for her, when Sarah reached for his hand. “Can we read upstairs tonight, Pa?” Adam just shrugged. “Sure, Sarah.” Sarah reached for Beth’s hand, too, and led the BOTH of them upstairs.  As she trotted down the upstairs hallway, in front of them, towards her room, Beth pulled lightly on Adam’s sleeve, to stop him. “Adam, let’s tell her about the baby. I think after the last couple of days, it’s just the right time..” He smiled in reply. “Okay, let’s just do that!” When they entered Sarah’s room, she was already nestled under her covers,  and she patted the bed on each side of her. “Come on,  sit down!” They each took their places, then Adam smiled. “I think tonight, Sarah, I’m going to tell you a different story, for a change.” He winked to Beth, and she just grinned from ear to ear. “You see, there was once a little girl - just about your age, Sarah. She lived on a nice big ranch, with her parents, grandpa and uncles. She even had her own horse - Rebel. But what she didn’t have was a little brother or sister. Her parents decided that that just didn’t seem right, so they decided to do something about that…” Sarah suddenly looked wide eyed from her Ma to her Pa, as the ‘penny had dropped’.


“I’m getting a baby brother??” Beth laughed. “Yes, sweetheart. Or a baby sister..” Adam laughed joyously  at Sarah’s excitement. “Who knows, Sarah - twins run in your Ma’s family - you might JUST get BOTH!” Sarah’s eyes were as big as saucers, as she reached out to hug her parents. “WOW - I’m so happy!!! ”Adam glanced to Beth again.


“No one else knows about the baby yet, Sarah, just us. But, we can  tell the others soon, alright?” Sarah was so happy, she was just about beside herself. “Okay, Pa. And, Pa? That’s the best story you’ve ever told me!” She reached her arms around her Pa’s neck, to hug him, and he winked over her shoulder, to Beth. “We’re both just very thankful that we CAN tell you the story, Sarah!” Beth stood, and Adam followed her. “I think that’s enough story telling for one night, Sarah. It’s getting late, and your Pa and I want to get to bed, too.  See you in the morning, sweetie.” They each leaned to kiss their girl, extinguished her oil lamp, closed her door, and left for their own room. After they’d closed their own door, Adam reached Beth tenderly into his arms.  “Well, that went really well. I hoped she’d be excited…. Talking about ‘exciting’ - what was that ‘little move’ of yours, at dinner time?” A devilish little grin reached across his lips, and Beth just smiled up into his handsome face, with those beautiful hazel eyes of his. “Oh, just letting my man know how much he’s  ‘appreciated’- that’s all..” Adam’s grin widened.  “Oh, really? Just how ‘appreciated’ am I? ” Beth reached for the buttons on his shirt, and slowly unbuttoned them. Adam felt his heart quicken, as she ran her hands tenderly down his muscular, hairy chest, then moved her hand to rest on his big, silver, fancy embossed belt buckle, as she smiled up at him again… “Oh… THAT ‘appreciated’… ” Adam’s mouth found hers, as he wrapped his arms tenderly around her, and carried her to their bed….



By the time that a couple of days had gone by, the bad memories of the trip to Placerville, and the visit to Beth’s parents, were fading into the background for all of them. Beth and Sarah were back into the routine of going back and forth to school, and Adam, his Pa, and brothers, and many of the ranch hands, were putting all their efforts into building Adam and Beth’s home.



Adam watched as Hoss and Joe pulled the  four horse team, that was connected to their largest buckboard, to a stop, right in front of the big, new, ranch house. Joe hopped down first. “Adam, we’ve got just about everything. Most of the windows, and about three quarters of the cedar shakes, for the roof.  The rest was put on back order. It should all be here in about a month, or so, according to the packing slips.” Adam grinned, as he climbed down from the scaffolding that stood all around the slowly rising walls of  his future home. “That’s just great, Joe. Here, I’ll give you two a hand unloading it all.” They were kept busy for some time, carefully lifting down the paper wrapped windows - already in their wooden frames - and the crates of the cedar shakes. They were all placed carefully inside what would be the future great room of the home.  Hoss grinned, and his blue eyes twinkled, when the task was finished. “Well, Adam, that’s gonna cost you at least one dinner, once your home is built, that is!” Adam reached an arm around each of his brothers’ shoulders. “You’re both welcome here anytime - you know that!” Just then, Ben walked through the doorway of the house, and grinned. “Come on, boys, we’re losing daylight. We can get a few more logs placed, if we really work at it!” So they all went back to work.  By the time the sun was getting lower in the sky, they were ready to call it a day. They all wearily mounted their horses and, as the four of them started riding out across Bourne’s Meadow, Adam reined Sport to a stop, and paused, and looked back. The nearly setting sun shone through the few gaps still left in the first floor of the structure - the gaps that would be the windows - and Adam smiled. The house was coming on well. In about a couple of weeks, the installation of the second floor would be started , and the second floor walls would be following up soon after that. The large stones for all the fireplaces had been quarried, and were also on their way, to the site. He was very hopeful that he, Beth, and Sarah would be spending their first  Christmas together, as a family, in their new home.  Adam took one last look, then, pulling  Sport’s head around again, loped off to catch up with his Pa and brothers.



After the long ride from the building site, they were all just  glad to be seated around the dinner table, as Hop Sing served up  the beef stew. Adam excused himself from the table, and  walked into the kitchen, to see what had  become of Beth. She had just removed a freshly baked cake from the oven, as Adam walked up behind her, and reached his arms around her waist. “Oh, here you are.  You’re missing a really nice stew - why don’t you come eat, sweetheart? ” Beth smiled. “I’ll be there in a minute or two.” She paused, then, “Adam, how about we tell everyone else about the baby?  I’m not sure how much longer Sarah can keep it a secret. Every time she comes up to me, when we’re alone, together, she pats my stomach and says ‘Hello’ to the baby…I’m thinking she’ll forget herself, and do it in front of your Pa or brothers.” Adam grinned. “She does?!  Ah, that’s just like Sarah, isn’t it? Okay, we’ll tell them right now.”  Adam kissed her cheek, then placed one arm tenderly around her shoulders, as he steered her back to the dining room. As Beth took her seat, Adam remained standing, and tapped his water goblet lightly with his knife. “Could I have everybody’s attention, please. I have a small - no, make that a large - announcement to make…” All eyes were on him, as Ben just suddenly jumped up, a look of absolute joy on his face.. “There boys - See? Didn’t I tell you? They’re having a baby!” Adam just smiled at his overjoyed Pa. “Well, Pa, you kind of ‘took the wind out of my sails’, but, yeah, we are!” His Pa, Hoss and Joe rushed to them, with arms outstretched. Hugs all around, and happy shouts of congratulations. Ben looked about the most joyful, as he gently hugged his future daughter-in-law. “When’s the baby due, son?” Adam just couldn’t stop smiling himself. “Doc Martin seems to think about early June.” Joe grinned, as he reached out to shake his older brother’s hand. “Well, you always were the ‘romantic one’ Adam - I’m really happy for you. For all of you.” As they took their seats again, Hoss spoke up. “I’d like to propose a toast - to my big brother, Adam, his lovely future wife, Beth, and my little niece, Sarah. And the baby, too, of course. ‘To a happy life, together’!”  They all raised their glasses high above the table, and clinked them together. “To a happy life!”


They’d all settled back into eating their meals, when Adam felt Sarah tugging lightly on his sleeve. In what would be considered a very loud ‘stage whisper ’  she asked. “Pa, are you going to tell them there may be twins in Ma’s  tummy?” Adam just smiled at his little girl. “Sarah, I think YOU just told them…” Adam raised his eyes to see the looks of surprise on the three faces of the other Cartwright men around the table. “Sarah’s right. Beth’s a twin herself, and, since twins run in her family - we could just be having two babies…”  The looks of surprise, turned to looks of  love, then pride,  as Ben, Hoss and Joe  smiled at Adam, Beth and Sarah.



Adam stood, then  leaned over, to turn off Sarah’s bedside oil lamp, after reading to her that night. “Goodnight, Sarah. See you in the morning, sweetie.” He closed her door behind him, then ambled back down the stairs, into the great room.  His Pa and brothers sat in their usual places around the fireplace. Ben in his high backed leather chair, engrossed in a book ,and Joe and Hoss, huddled around the small gaming table, playing checkers and, by the groans from Hoss, Joe was winning. Again. He glanced over to see Beth seated behind his Pa’s desk, surrounded by several piles of papers, so he walked over,  and perched on one corner. “Grading papers again? “Beth sighed. “Yes - pretty much ongoing in my job, I’m afraid.” She smiled up at him. “I shouldn’t be too much longer, though. You look tired, Adam. You’re putting in such long hours at the building site - why don’t you go up to bed? I’ll be up there shortly.” He leaned to kiss her check.


“Sounds like a good idea to me. I’ll see you later.”  After Adam had climbed the stairs again, and gotten to their room, he’d soon stripped off, had a bit of a wash, then fell into bed. It didn’t take long for sleep to find him… Sometime later, Adam rolled over, in his half-asleep state, and went to reach his arm around Beth - except she wasn’t there. He looked bleary eyed to the alarm clock by the bed - it read just after midnight. He sat up, and pulled on his jeans, then headed downstairs. The great room was silent, except for the slow ‘tick-tock’ of the grandfather clock,  and the low crackle of the fire, as the reflections from the fireplace’s subdued flames danced across the walls. Everyone else had gone to bed. Everyone except Beth. Adam smiled, as he looked across the darkened room, from the landing, to his Pa’s desk. Beth’s head rested on her folded arms - she was fast asleep.  He walked quietly over to her, and placed one strong hand on her shoulder, and shook it gently. “Hey, sweetheart. Wake up - it’s time for bed.” Beth raised her head slowly, and her auburn hair cascaded across her face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep - I still have some marking left to do…” Adam grinned, as he gently pulled her hair back from her face again. “Not tonight you don’t, Beth. You need your sleep, ‘Ma’.   Now, come on…” He helped her to her feet, and steered her upstairs. Once they got to their room, Adam pulled off his own jeans again,  and slipped under the covers, as he watched her fumbling around, in the darkness, getting undressed herself. She pulled on her nightgown, and Adam sighed as he realized she was so sleepy, she’d put it on backwards…He stood, and stepped towards her. “Here, let me help you with that thing. You’re just like our Sarah, sometimes, aren’t you, sweetheart? Never quite enough energy, at the end of a very long day, to get into your nightgown….At least Sarah comes by it honestly…” He helped her  pull it off , and went to twist it around, so it would be the right way around, again. He helped her into it, then Adam grinned, as she murmured a ‘Thank You’ to him, then cuddled into his arms. “You know what, Beth? I think it’s time you put in your resignation at school.” Adam thought he felt her nod her head, a little, in reply, but couldn’t be sure… “Seems to me you’re just so tired all the time. Putting in the hours at school, and after school - marking papers and all that. Not to mention just the travel time - back and forth - everyday. Helping out Hop Sing…It can’t be good for you, or the baby - such long days, and all that work. What do you think?” He heard no answer, in the quiet of the room. “Beth? ” Adam glanced down, as she suddenly felt a bit heavy in his arms. Beth’s head nestled against his bare chest , and she’d reached  her arms around him - she was sound asleep. Adam just smiled, as he kissed the top of her head.  “Oh, well - we’ll continue this discussion tomorrow, shall we?” He carried her to the bed, and gently laid her down, then climbed into bed beside her. Adam reached down, under the warmth of the covers, and very tenderly patted Beth’s stomach. “Goodnight, baby…” He was soon asleep, himself…



At breakfast the next morning, the discussion was all about Beth resigning from her teaching job. It was unanimously agreed, for the sake of her, and the baby. Hoss, who was just so excited about the prospect of another niece or nephew, was told that, no, it wouldn’t be necessary to carry Beth up and down the stairs, but thanks for the kind offer, anyhow. Joe’s suggestion of a ‘new horse’ for the ‘new arrival’ was also judged, by Adam, to be a bit premature, but a gift  of  some new diapers might be in order, and much more practical, and appreciated…Ben just smiled at the suggestions from his youngest and middle sons. “I think we have to all  remember that the baby will need just about everything - clothes, diapers, blankets, a cradle. We should all focus on items like that, and leave the purchase of a ‘new horse’ on the ‘back burner’ for a FEW more years, at least…”Adam smiled in agreement. “Well, I have the cradle covered…” Beth turned towards him, in absolute surprise. “You do?!” Adam just looked to her.  “Of course. I’ve already started building it. Hmm…It was supposed to be a surprise…. And, no, before you ask, you can’t see it…I want to keep it a bit of a surprise, at least…..” There was a teasing tone in his voice, and his hazel eyes were just twinkling, as he grinned at her, and she smiled back at him.  Sarah suddenly giggled. “Pa, if Ma could be having twins, maybe you should be building two cradles!” Adam turned to her, absolutely straight faced.


“Who says I’m not?” Then he winked at her…..Ben smiled, as he raised one hand.


“And, on that note, I think we all have work to do, today! Let’s all get moving!” They all quickly finished their meals, and headed off to do their chores, for the day.  Adam thought that, with the wedding just a couple of days away - the coming weekend - they’d all take a bit of a break from the construction of the house for that one day - since it was moving along so well -  and that he’d  head out to look for strays on the eastern perimeter of the large ranch. A region of the ranch that still seemed to be ‘leaking cattle’ into the surrounding area…


Ben, Hoss and Joe had already ridden out, as Adam finished harnessing up Betsy for Beth and Sarah.  A few minutes later, once he’d tacked up Sport, he led the horse from the barn, as Sarah and Beth walked out to the buggy.  He reached one arm lightly around Beth’s waist, as he leaned to kiss them both. “You two have a good day - I’ll see you later..” He mounted up, doffed his hat at his ‘two girls’ then loped out of the barnyard.  After the very hard, physical work, of  helping to build his home, for the last few weeks, Adam actually enjoyed the thought of a bit of an easier day, looking for strays. He rode along, in quiet solitude - just him on Sport, under the mid October sun.  By the time he got to the vast eastern range, he’d met up with some of the cowhands, and reined Sport to a stop, then stepped down. “I hear we’re ‘leaking cattle’ again…” A short, stocky cowboy nodded his head. “Sure are, Mr. Cartwright. There’s a section of the fencing that just seems to be a real problem area. It just seems to be always getting knocked down.. I have some of the hands repairing it now…” Adam nodded. “Fair enough, Brady. I’ll ride out, and see if I can’t help ‘bring  em back’ ” Adam swung up onto Sport’s back, and, tugging his hat a little lower on his head, loped off across the large meadow. As he crossed the perimeter of the Ponderosa’s eastern boundary, he thought he spotted several cattle far off, in the distance, and booted Sport towards them.  He slowed the horse a little, as he got closer, and rode slowly into the small herd, of about twenty head, and checked their brands. They were all marked in the distinctive ‘Ponderosa Pine tree’ brand, so he started to head them up, to move them out.  As he rode behind the cattle, slowly zig zagging back and forth, to keep them together, he suddenly looked up as he heard the unmistakeable rumble of a stage coach, and its team, seemingly bearing down on him and his small herd. He thought that that was strange - they were a good half a mile, or more, from the main dusty roadway that ran a little further east of where he was. As the stagecoach got nearer, Adam suddenly realized that he couldn’t see the driver. The combination of  the loud noise from the panicked team of horses, pulling that jangling out of control stage, just scattered the cattle he was driving, and Adam knew his sudden priority, now, was to stop that coach - if he could…. Adam booted Sport into action, and judged the interception point, to stop the stage, and headed for it. As they reached that point, Adam yanked Sport’s head around, and just flew along beside the stage, focused on the front mounting step, to climb up to the driver’s perch… He suddenly heard a man’s frantic voice, from the small side window of the coach. “Adam - it’s you! Help us!” He recognised it to be Mr. McCord - Beth’s own Father…With a sudden new determination, he booted Sport forward, even faster, alongside the runaway coach. He got as near as he dared, to the rapidly spinning wheels of the vehicle, then reached out and grabbed the railing around the driver’s seat.  As he hauled  himself up, he pulled his feet  free from his stirrups, and Sport wheeled off to one side, but continued galloping beside the vehicle. With his feet safely inside the vehicle’s driver’s footwell, he pulled himself up into the driver’s seat and grabbed for the long lines. With all his might, he braced his feet against the  front of the stage’s foot well, and pulled back on the reins, with all his strength, and practically screamed at the team, to be heard above all the noise. “Whoa, boys, whoa!” The team finally started to slow, then Adam managed to get them stopped. He just sat there for several moments - saying a silent prayer of thanks - and to be sure the team was truly ‘settled’ - then he climbed down, and opened the stage’s sidedoor.  He saw four very white faced people, just clinging to each other, in fright. “Are you all alright?” The four looked to each other, as the colour slowly returned to their faces. “We think so. Thank you..” Then Mrs. McCord spoke up. “We are, now,  thanks to you, Adam.”  Adam just half smiled, and nodded once. “You’re all welcome. What happened to the driver, anyhow?” Mr. McCord was the one to answer that question. “He’d gotten down  to water the horses, a couple of miles back, and the team got spooked by something and, well, they just took off…” Adam ambled over to Sport - just a few feet  away - and grabbed his reins. “Guess you’ll need a driver, for now, till we find your old one…” Adam tied Sport to the back of the vehicle, then climbed up into the driver’s seat. He pulled the team around, and headed back to where the driver had gotten down…


It was just a couple of miles later that Adam spotted a very sheepish looking man ambling down the road towards him. He pulled the coach to a stop beside him, and glanced down. “Guess you’ve learned a lesson today, my friend.” That was all Adam said, as the driver climbed up beside him, and he handed him the reins. He was just a young man, and obviously new to the job. Adam climbed down, and went to untie Sport from the back of the stage. As he did, the McCords stepped down from the coach, and looked up to the driver. “Can you hold the coach for a moment, please?”, then looked to Adam.  “Thank you, Adam. Though that doesn’t seem to be enough. We owe you our lives - we all do. Perhaps we were wrong about you…” Adam just grinned, in great satisfaction, as he straightened his hat on his head. “Yes, you were… See you Sunday, then ?” The McCords suddenly looked almost embarrassed, and nodded their heads. “Yes, Adam. We wouldn’t miss it for the world - Our daughter is a very lucky woman…” Adam stepped into Sport’s stirrup, and swung up onto his saddle again. “Well, if you’ll  all excuse me, I have some strays to round up - again. Till Sunday.” Adam doffed his hat, then pulled Sport’s head around, and dug in his heels, then loped off , and the stage continued on its way, to its destination….



Later that evening, as the Cartwright family sat around the dining room table, eating dinner, Adam passed the platter of vegetables on to Beth. “Oh, by the way. Your parents nearly bumped into me today.” Beth looked at him questioningly. “‘Nearly bumped into you’ - what are you talking about, Adam?”  Adam recounted his story of the runaway stage coach that afternoon, and Beth’s parents’ comments, after he’d managed to stop that stage, then he winked slyly. “You know, I think they may actually LIKE me now, Beth.” Sarah had sat wide eyed, listening to the story. “Wow, Pa - you’re a hero!” Adam just smiled, and shook his head. “No, Sarah. I just did what anyone, who was able,  would  have probably  done - I tried to help.” Beth looked to her daughter, then smiled at Adam, and reached over to gently squeeze his hand. “Well, you’re a ‘hero’ in MY eyes too, anyhow, Adam. Thank you.” Hoss nodded in agreement, to Adam’s comment. “Your Pa’s right, Sarah.  You should step in to try to help anyone, who’s in trouble, if you can. That even includes any animals that may need your help, too. It’s just the right thing to do.” Ben smiled. “Sarah, I remember when  your Uncle Hoss was little - he was  always bringing home injured animals, and  nursing them back to health.” Hoss chuckled.


 “That’s mainly ’cause I couldn’t find any HUMANS to help, Pa. But, I’d have brought them home, too, if  I’d found any!” Joe just laughed. “I remember that crow, with a sprained wing, you found once, Hoss. When that wing of his had healed, you didn’t  realize it, till it suddenly started flying around the house.  Was Pa mad THAT day!” All three of the Cartwright brothers laughed at the memory of that little incident - even Ben, whose eyes brightened, too, at the memory. “I just remember it took us about an hour of chasing it around, to finally get it out the door. That’s when the ‘no wild animals in the house’ rule was made, I seem to remember! ” Joe smiled. “That’s a  rule I didn’t break anyhow, Pa - when I brought that sick colt into the kitchen. He was ‘domesticated’…”   Ben rested  his chin thoughtfully into his hand . “Ah, yes - when an eight  year old  Little Joe got us ALL on a ‘technicality’. Had to adjust ‘the rule’ again THAT day…” There was laughter right around the table again, and Beth smiled. “I can see that Sarah’s love of animals comes naturally in THIS family - I was quite the  ‘animal rescuer’ when I was growing up, too!”  Sarah looked absolutely intrigued. “Really, Ma? What kind of animals did you save?” Beth smiled over to her daughter. “Mostly orphaned puppies and kittens. Baby birds, and the like. I remember once I found one little ‘black and white cat’ - guess I wasn’t much more than three or four years old - and my Ma just screamed, when I brought it into the house. Turned out it was a baby skunk…” They all laughed at Beth’s story, especially Adam. “Guess you learned the difference between the two that day, sweetheart…” He leaned over, and softly kissed her cheek. “Oh - I sure did. That little skunk had behaved himself till he heard my Ma screaming. He was just so frightened, he suddenly sprayed… It took days to get rid of the odour -   out of the house, AND off of me!” Sarah just giggled. “That’s so funny, Ma!”  Beth smiled at the memory. “It is now - looking back - not so funny at the time, though. I can’t ever remember having SO many baths, in just a few days!” Beth glanced over at the old grandfather clock. “If you’re finished eating, Sarah, you’d better get a start on your homework.” She just heaved a big sigh. “But, Ma! Can’t  I do it later? I just have a little bit to do …” Beth shook her head. “No. You have to have a bath ‘later’.  If  you just have a little bit to do: the sooner you get started - the sooner you’ll get it done. Off you go, now.” Sarah stood up with a loud “Hmmph  and stumped off  across the room.  Adam turned in his chair, to watch her go, then spoke sternly to her. “You quit that right now, Sarah. Don’t make me have to go over there! ” She made no real comment - just another soft “Hmmph”, then deferred to her Ma and Pa, and walked a lot more lightly on her feet, as she continued across the great room, then mounted the stairs, and disappeared from their view. Adam turned back around again, and grinned, then reached for his coffee cup. “Her temper certainly does surface a little, sometimes…” Beth smiled back at him. “What do you expect, with a Mother with auburn hair? Old wives’ tale is : we’re noted for it! It’s bound to rub off  - at least she comes by it honestly…” Adam smiled, then winked, at his future wife, and there was a bit of a teasing tone in his reply. “What? You  have a ‘temper’? I prefer to call it all part of your ‘fire’…” She just smiled coyly, by way of reply, as their eyes met, and held, for a few moments, as the other Cartwright men, around the table, tried not to chuckle softly….By the time Sarah had finished her homework, and had her bath, it was getting late. She’d calmed down to her usual ‘amiable self’ again, as Adam sat reading to her, by the fire. As he finished the story, and closed the book, he realized that he’d been reading to himself - Sarah was sound asleep. Beth put away her sewing, then he and Beth wished the rest of the family “Goodnight”,  as he stood slowly, and carefully, with his daughter in his arms, and headed for the stairs, Beth following him.  When they got to her room, Beth folded back her covers, then Adam laid the little sleeping girl down, and pulled the covers over her. “She’s mostly a good kid, Beth. Not too many things ‘get her going’…” Beth smiled. “Like her Ma and Pa, in that respect, then…” Adam grinned.


“Yeah. I guess she is.” Beth reached her arms gently around Adam’s neck, and gazed into his hazel eyes,  and he smiled again. “Ahh, what’s this - ‘temper’ or ‘fire’?” Beth kissed him warmly, then gently twirled one finger into that little wayward curl of his, just above his collar, on his left side. Sometimes she found she just couldn’t resist her man….. “Come on to our bedroom, and I’ll show you…” Adam raised his eyebrows momentarily. “I’m hoping for ‘fire’ myself…” Then he winked at her. Adam reached one arm  around her waist, and they headed off to bed. Truth be told - he couldn’t resist Beth, either….A little while later, as they lay in the cool, quiet, darkness of their room together, Adam suddenly chuckled. “You know what just occurred to me? In all the excitement of building our home, and planning our wedding, we haven’t even discussed where we’re going to spend our honeymoon.” Adam felt Beth’s  auburn hair tumble down over his bare chest, as she moved to nestle her cheek onto his shoulder. “We don’t really need a honeymoon do we, Adam? I think I’d rather spend the time around here, and work on our new home. We can have a honeymoon once the construction is finished, couldn’t we?” Adam smiled. “Yeah. We could do that. Of course, by then, the baby may have arrived. Nothing like a newborn to ‘cramp your style’…” Beth just slapped his chest playfully.


“Adam Cartwright - what a thing to say about your son!”  Adam chuckled.  “Oh, it IS a boy, then?” Beth sighed. “You know - I think it just may be. The baby feels -‘different’- than Sarah did, somehow.” She suddenly sounded serious to Adam, so he reached down, and very gently patted her tummy. “Oh well - I guess we’ll know for sure, come June. Goodnight, baby!” Adam smiled to himself as he remembered their wedding was just the day after tomorrow. He kissed Beth’s cheek tenderly, then they both settled in to sleep.



By the time the sun rose the next morning, both Adam and Beth were up, and busy.  They quickly ate their breakfasts, then started their day in town, making the final arrangements for the fresh flowers, for the wedding, to be delivered the following morning. They were to be pink and white roses - Beth’s personal choice - to decorate the large ranch house with. Adam had even had to borrow some chairs - from their church -  for all the guests, and loaded them onto the buckboard, to be taken back out to the ranch. Hop Sing was kept busy, preparing much of the food, but the wedding cake was a very  special project that had been  baked, and decorated, by the local Virginia City Bakery. A beautiful four tier cake, decorated in pink roses with delicate pale green leaves, on a snowy white background, with the little bride and groom -  perched happily, side by side -  on the very top tier…. Beth thought it was just beautiful - Adam thought it looked good enough to eat……Beth playfully slapped his hand, as he teasingly reached out one finger, for a tasty ‘preview’…They checked - and double checked - their list of ‘ last minute things to do’ and found out it was FINALLY all done…Beth tucked her arm, around Adam’s, as they drove wearily back out to the ranch, later that afternoon, in the mid October sunshine. “Oh, Adam - it’s going to be JUST perfect - I’m just so happy…” Adam smiled at his future bride. “If you’re happy - I’m happy, Beth…” then he leaned over, to gently kiss her cheek.


That evening was mostly spent with the whole family taking turns in the kitchen, having a bath, to prepare for the big day. The final oil lamp was extinguished, in the great room, at about midnight, as the last of the Cartwrights climbed the stairs to go to bed. As is the custom, Adam said “Goodnight”, to his lovely future bride, at the guestroom door. He took Beth tenderly into his arms, and held her there, for several moments. “You know? I guess the next time I see you, you’ll be  ‘walking down the aisle’ towards me, Beth. I can’t wait, sweetheart….” Beth sighed, as she buried her face in his black shirt. “After all these years, Adam, it’ll be my dream come true, too..” She raised her face again, and they kissed. Adam smiled, as their lips parted. “See you tomorrow, then, Beth.” She’d soon disappeared, behind her closed door. Adam sighed, as he walked back to his own room…



The next morning was Sunday the 14th of  October - and their wedding day had finally arrived. It was a bit of a ‘logistics’ game, keeping the bride and groom from seeing each other, the following morning - but they mostly managed.


Meanwhile, in Virginia City, an excited pair of future in-laws was busy getting ready for their daughter’s, and future son-in-law’s, wedding. Mrs. McCord smiled at her husband, as he struggled to get his tie tied  ‘just right’.  “Come on, Oliver dear, they won’t hold the wedding for us, if we’re late!” The  old man looked totally flustered. “Sarah, my dear, I’m just an old retired dairy farmer - I never could get the knack of these things…” After several more moments of tying, and re-tying the piece of material, he finally got it right, and turned to his wife in great satisfaction. “How’s that?”  She nodded her head in approval. “You look just fine, dear. Now, let’s get to the livery stable, and see if we can’t  hire someone who perhaps knows where this little ranch is, and drive us out to it….” It was a beautiful, sunny morning as they made the three block walk to the livery stable. As they entered the door, they spotted a young man cleaning stalls. “Excuse us, young man, but we’d like to hire a rig and a driver. We need to be driven out to the Ponderosa ranch - have you ever heard of it?” The young man just smiled. “Have I heard of it? Why, ma’am, it’s about the largest spread east of the Sierras - last I heard - about one thousand square miles of land, or so.” The McCords just looked wide eyed to each other. The stable boy smiled at them again. “I’m Miguel, and I can drive you out there myself. I guess you’re going to the wedding? Adam Cartwright  and his fiancé are getting married today - it’s been the talk of Virginia City for WEEKS…It’ll be sort of the ‘social function’ of the year, from what people say…” It was at that moment that the McCords got an inkling of just what type of family, and their importance, that their daughter was marrying into…A short while later, Miguel had hitched a horse to the rental rig, and the McCords climbed aboard. About an hour and a half into the drive, Mrs. McCord was starting to get a little impatient. “Miguel - when will we reach this ranch?” He just shook his head.


“Well, ma’am, we’ve been driving on Ponderosa land for about the last hour of so - we should be at the ranch house in about half an hour…” The McCords, again, just looked to each other, in disbelief...  True to his word, a half hour later, they spotted the back of a barn, whose perimeter was surrounded by trees, that spread out across the meadowland around the large structure. As they pulled around the corner of that barn, the large rambling log ranch house  became visible. It was the most magnificent - and largest - ranch house either of them had EVER seen. Miguel pulled the rig to a stop in front of the large home. “Well, here you are. Do you need a ride back into town later?” The McCords were so busy, gaping at the house, they barely heard what he’d just said, then


“No, young man. I’m sure we can get a ride back later today. Thank-you.” They handed the young driver their fare, and, as Miguel pulled the rig in a big circle, to head back to town, he glanced back at them. “Thanks, folks - have a good time.” They were just about to walk to the door, when the door opened, and Ben walked out into the barnyard, his hand extended, in welcome. “Well, you must be Mr. and Mrs. McCord, Beth’s parents? Welcome to the Ponderosa!” Greetings were just being exchanged, as Joe and Hoss joined them. Ben smiled. “These are my other sons - Hoss and Joe.”  The two young men shook the couples’ hands, warmly, and Ben commented. “So glad you could come. Adam, Beth and Sarah are in the house- won’t you come in? ” As Ben held the door for them, then stepped back to let them enter, they were, again, just amazed at the size of the home. The large stone fireplace, the antiques that were the furnishings, and just the general ‘country opulence’ of the place. Just at that moment, Adam walked down the stairs, and smiled when he saw the couple. He, too, extended his hand in greeting. “Oh, I see you found us. I hope you didn’t have any trouble in that respect?” There was a bit of a twinkle in his eyes, and a bit of a teasing tone, to his voice. Mr. McCord just smiled, as he shook his head. “No, Adam. Apparently you, and your family, and indeed your ranch, are quite well known in town…You remember my wife, Sarah?” Adam turned his attention to the woman. “Of course, Mrs. McCord - so nice to see you - again…” He was, of course, alluding to his stagecoach rescue, just a few days before. Just then, they all turned, as they heard footfalls on the staircase. It was Beth and Sarah, and they rushed over to join the group. There was just a moment of hesitation, then Beth reached her arms around her parents, and they around her. At they parted, her Ma smiled at her daughter, as she  tenderly stroked her hair. “Well, dear, I guess you’ll need some help with your wedding dress, won’t you?” Beth felt sudden tears in her eyes. “Yes, Ma. I will. Thank-you…” The two women, and Sarah, headed off across the great room, and climbed the stairs. Ben smiled as he watched them go.  “Well, Mr. McCord, how about a bit of refreshment?” The man smiled. “Mr. Cartwright - that sounds like JUST the thing - thank you!” Ben reached for his finest bottle of brandy, and removed five of his best crystal brandy glasses from a nearby cabinet, and poured each of them a drink. “I’d like to propose a toast - to Adam and Beth - the happy couple!” Adam smiled at his Pa, as he raised his glass, and winked. “I’ll drink to that!”


By the time twelve thirty had rolled around, the rest of the guests were starting to arrive, for the one o’clock wedding. The ranch house looked just gorgeous. The greatroom had had its furniture pushed back, out of the way, and the folding chairs, for the guests, were set up in several rows, with an ‘aisle’ down the centre, leading to an ornate rose decorated arbour, where the ‘nuptials’ would take place.  Even the great staircase - leading to the second floor - had had its banisters trimmed with the lovely pink and white roses. A fitting ‘walkway’ for Adam to see his bride walk down….


At  twenty minutes to one, Adam was in his room, getting dressed in his wedding suit. He did feel a little nervous, as he watched the man in the mirror, tie his tie. Just then, he heard a knock at his door. “Come in!”  It was his Pa. “Just about ready, Adam?”  He laughed a little nervously, as he looked to his silver haired Father. “If  you can ever be ready for ‘marriage’- I guess so…” Ben smiled at his ‘boy’, as their eyes met. “Adam - I’ve got so much to say…” then his voice trailed off, and his Father just smiled again, then shrugged. Adam just grinned at his Pa. “I know, Pa- Thanks….” To Ben, it was like in that instant, that Adam’s whole life had just flashed before his eyes : an infant son, who’d just lost his mother. Ben marrying for a second time, then a six year old saying


“Hello” to his new brother, for the first time. That same six year old loosing that brother’s Mother just weeks later. Several more years on, and a new Mother for Adam, and another brother was added to the family. Then, a few years more - and the loss of that Mother, too. All the time, and work, it had taken - building their family’s ranch, together…   Adam always taking it all, in his stride. Ben reached his arms around his eldest son, and they embraced warmly. His Pa had just said it all - without really saying a thing. Adam smiled to his Father again, as they parted, and his hazel eyes just sparkled.


“Well, come on ‘Best Man’ - don’t want to keep Beth waiting, do we? ”


As Adam stood before the rose covered ‘arbour alter’, minutes later, you could feel the anticipation in the room ,as one of the church ladies played the ‘Wedding March’ on a  small harpsichord. All the eyes in the room turned, to see  Beth began her descent down the staircase, on her Pa’s arm. Adam nearly gasped - she looked so beautiful in her long, lacy, white wedding gown. He watched as she walked slowly, and regally, up the aisle, in all her splendour.  In Adam’s mind, the actual ceremony felt almost like a dream sequence to him, somehow, as their vows were spoken to each other. Sarah stood beside them - in her pretty new wedding outfit - as she had taken on the roles of  both ‘flower girl’ AND ‘ring bearer’. As the Minister neared the end of the ceremony, Adam and Beth suddenly stepped away from each other, and partly turned, to smile at their little girl, as Sarah saw the Minister’s friendly face look in her direction. “And now, Miss Sarah Elizabeth Cartwright - do you take Adam and Beth to be your lawfully wedded  ‘ Pa and Ma’?” Sarah’s eyes were suddenly as big as saucers, as she reached her arms around the both of them. “Oh, I sure do - I mean  ‘ I do’!!”  Sarah passed the wedding band to her Pa, who slipped it onto Beth’s finger -  then the Minister smiled, and turned to Adam and Beth, again, to ask the similar question of them. As they each repeated,  ‘I do ’, the Minister  warmly  held their hands, in his, and recited the final part of the ceremony. “I now pronounce you man, and wife - And daughter!! Adam, you may kiss the bride.” Adam took Beth into his arms, and did just that, as a cheer went up in the great room. As they parted, Adam smiled at his new wife, and looked into her ‘bluer than blue eyes’. 


“Well - we did it!!” Beth smiled back at her new husband, and gazed into his hazel eyes. “We sure did!!”, and reached to kiss him, once more, as they felt Sarah’s arms reach lovingly around the both of them, again…


There were warm congratulations, to the newly weds, from everyone in the room, as Hoss and Joe collected up the chairs and placed them outside, to ‘free up’ the dance floor. As the small band started to play, the ‘newly minted’ “Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cartwright ” took to the wonderful old plank floor, to dance together. As the music continued, minutes later,  all the guests had soon joined them, and waltzed around the beautifully decorated great room together. Large dining tables had been set up outside, instead of inside - since the ‘weather was permitting’ - and the guests soon adjourned there, to enjoy the meal. The usual speeches were made, and the ‘toasts were raised’ ,to the newly married couple.  As Adam rose, to have his say, he was suddenly  interrupted by Hoss, driving a large buckboard into the outer edge of the grassy yard, being pulled by that championship team of Belgium horses.  The same horses that his Pa had gotten in part of that ‘package deal’ when he bought the old, retiring, Jeb Johnson’s  ranch, that bordered their own. Adam just smiled, as Hoss jumped down from the rig. “Well, big brother, this gift is from Joe and me - figured you’d need them for your ‘new place’ - not to mention to haul your ‘young family’ around in!” Adam just chuckled softly. “How many family members do you suppose we’ll have, Hoss - that’s a pretty big rig!”  Hoss grinned. “It  IS a big rig, Adam - I guess the ‘sky’s the limit’, far as THAT goes!” There was gentle laughter from all the guests, around the long dining tables, at Hoss’s comment. Sarah reached over,  and just  hugged her Pa, then Beth did the same, from his right, as they shared their ‘little secret’. The secret they had kept from their friends - so far -  about the upcoming birth….As Adam looked around the sunny, grassy ‘backyard’ of the large ranch house, to his assembled family and friends, seated all around him, all there for his and Beth’s wedding, he smiled. It had been a tumultuous few months : finding out that Sarah wasn’t his cousin at all, but his own daughter; finding, and falling in love with Beth, all over again; planning and building their home, together ; their marriage, that very day ; and, of course, looking forward to the birth of their second child, just a few months down the road. Adam grinned, and nodded, as he gently reached for Beth’s hand, then looked down at her. His hazel eyes gazed into her blue ones, as he commented, “Life is good….” Sarah giggled, as Beth smiled sweetly up at him. “Yes. It is…..”


                                                               THE END