

“ A  King’s Ransom ”



Jane Linnegar


c. 2014


“ A King’s Ransom…”


The young woman sat alone at the beer stained table, in the busy saloon -  one of several, in Virginia City. Her care worn face betrayed her true age. At just thirty two years old, she looked some years older than that. She raised her glass one more time to her lips, as her mind wandered back – yet again – to the gravesite of her daughter. She’d watched as the dried, and hardened, chunks of dirt, had hit the coffin’s lid, slowly covering the brass engraved plate that carried the name of its occupant : Peggy Anne Dayton 1850 - 1861. She felt a sudden catch in her throat, and closed her eyes trying, in vain, to block out the horrible image. She was barely aware when Sam, the bartender, arrived at her table. “ Is there anything else I can get for you, Mrs. Dayton?” Laura looked up at the round, friendly face of the man, and just shook her head slowly. “ No. Thank you. May I have the bill, please ?” He looked down into her sad blue eyes, in her drawn, narrow face, that was still framed with the familiar mane of long, blonde, wavy hair. “Sure, Mrs. Dayton. I’ll be right back…”

Her current surname was from her first husband, now deceased, who was also Peggy’s father. She’d actually been married again, for a short time, to Will Cartwright - Ben’s nephew - after a brief engagement with Adam Cartwright had been terminated, by her, after she’d fallen, instead, for Adam’s cousin, Will. When she and Will had gotten divorced, after a year of marriage, she’d changed her name back to ‘Dayton’, if only so it would match the name of her young daughter, by her first husband. She thought that would at least be less confusing to people, and would save her the emotional chore of any explanations, to anyone…

Sam had soon returned with the bill, and placed the small sheet of paper  onto the table top. Laura perused it, then, reaching into her small purse, grabbed a collection of coins, then tossed them onto the table top, in his general direction, thanked him, and left quietly.


The next morning, Adam was awakened by the sound of ‘raspberries’ being blown onto a tiny tummy…He opened his eyes to see Beth, as she went through her morning routine of feeding, changing and dressing the triplets, to begin their day. He smiled as he sat up, and swung his legs over the side of their bed. Standing up, he reached for his jeans, and pulled them on.“ Why didn’t you wake me up, Beth ? I could have helped you with all that…” She smiled back at him. “ You just looked so peaceful, Adam. I thought I’d let you sleep a bit longer. But, you still can be a bit of a help. Can you change Rosie for me, and get her dressed ? I’m running a little late. If you can look after her, I can get Sarah up, and get breakfast started.” Adam leaned to kiss the foreheads of each of his baby sons, and his beautiful wife, as Beth stood with their baby boys in her arms.  “Sure, sweetheart. We’ll be downstairs before you know it.” He ambled to his wash stand, and started to shave, as Beth left the room with the boys. After he was done with his razor, he headed for his wardrobe armoire and removed  a black shirt. He pulled it on, then buttoned it, and tucked in the shirt tails, before reaching his tiny daughter out of her cradle. Adam laid her against his chest, as he tenderly patted her little back.  “ How’s my little ‘Rosie - dosie - doe’, today ?” He glanced down, at that sweet little face, framed in light auburn, wavy hair, and could have sworn she smiled at him. Then again, at only a few weeks old, it was probably just a little bit of gas…

Rosie was already a bit of a ‘Papa’s girl’. In their first week, after they were born, Beth realized that the baby girl – being that little bit smaller than her two brothers – was having some trouble nursing, after all. When the good Dr. Martin examined the baby, he decided it was just a matter that breast feeding was hard, and very tiring  work, for such a tiny baby, and she’d have an easier time of it being fed her Mama’s milk, from a bottle. For now, anyway. Well, that happy chore had mostly fallen to Adam - when he was home - to help Beth, and save a bit of time : feeding three such young babies could prove to be a monumental task, especially through the wee early hours of the night, when most folk would have preferred to be just sleeping…

Adam laid Rosie on their bed, and, holding her securely with one big, gentle hand, reached a clean diaper off the pile on the bedside table. He removed the soiled diaper, cleaned her up with a fresh wash cloth, then re-diapered the little girl, like the expert he was rapidly becoming…     “So, what do you want to wear today, Rosie ? How about a nice pink sleeper ?” Adam grinned at his daughter again, as he picked her up, and  carried her to the triplets’ new armoire, and threw open the door. It was filled with several shelves that, in turn, were filled with tiny outfits –  and he pulled one down. He held it out at arm’s length for their inspection. “ This one looks just fine - don’t you agree ?” The little girl replied by sticking her thumb into her mouth, and starting sucking it vigorously, so Adam smiled again. “ I love that you’re SO agreeable, Rosie…” He soon had his daughter dressed, then headed downstairs.

On reaching the bottom of the staircase, he looked around the great room to a scene of controlled chaos. Sarah was bustling around the dining room table setting knives, forks, and spoons where they needed to be. Wyatt and Shane had been propped up in the large winged leather chair, that backed onto the dining room area. Adam watched as Wyatt had started to whimper, as Shane had just accidently hit him in the face, as he’d been merrily swinging his arms around. Adam heard Beth calling to Sarah, from the kitchen, albeit a bit impatiently, “ Sarah, can you see what’s wrong with your brothers, please ?!” Adam half smiled, as he saw Sarah roll her eyes, before heading for the chair. He met her there. “Here, Sarah. You take Rosie - I’ll look after the boys.” He reached his youngest daughter into her sister’s embrace, then scooped up Wyatt and Shane – one in each arm. Adam chuckled softly, as Wyatt’s cheek rested against his chest “ Now, what’s going on here, you guys ? There’s nothing to fight about, here !” Adam soon strode into the kitchen, the boys nicely calmed down again. Nothing like being held in your Papa’s arms to have that affect. Beth raised one hand, to remove a wisp of hair, that had fallen across  her face, then grinned as Adam reached her. “ Welcome to the ‘crazy new world’ of the Cartwright family…” Adam grinned in agreement. “Yeah – only about twenty more years to go, before we get back to ‘normal’, I guess…” A smile spread across Beth’s face, again, as she reached up to kiss his cheek. “ If that was supposed to make me feel better, Adam,  it didn’t work !”

A few minutes later, the triplets were laid, side by side by side, safely ensconced in the big winged chair again. Adam had spun it around, so their parents could keep an eye on them, as they ate. The platters of scrambled eggs, bacon and home fries were passed between the three older Cartwrights, as they loaded up their plates. Adam took a sip of the steaming fresh coffee, then lowered his cup to its saucer again. “Beth, I’m heading into town this morning, to pick up the new washing machine – is there anything you need?” She nodded. “I especially could use a couple more dozen diapers. The babies seem to go through them so fast. I can barely get them washed and dried before they almost run out of them again…” Adam nodded his head in agreement. “True enough. If you make a list of everything, I can get it done in one trip. Do you want to come along – get some fresh air?” Beth smiled slowly. “No thanks, Adam. The babies are due to be fed again, shortly, and I’ve got enough to do to keep me busy around here. You can take Sarah, though, if she wants to go. I think she’d enjoy the break.” Beth glanced to her eldest daughter, who had been such a good, patient little helper, since the babies had arrived. Sarah’s face lit up. “Yeah, I’d really like to go, Pa.” Adam finished the last of his coffee, then smiled in reply. “Fine, Sarah. I’ll head outside to feed the stock, and hitch up the team.”


Laura Dayton turned the door knob of her front door, and swung it open. It was the first time she’d been home, to her small ranch, since the accident in San Francisco, two weeks before, that had  claimed her young daughter’s life. The year long visit,  to her Aunt Lil’s, had meant to be a happy extended holiday, away from her ranch, after leaving the running of her ranch in the capable hands of her trusted foreman.  The visit had meant to culminate in the celebration of her Aunt Lil’s fifty fifth birthday.  Instead, it had turned into a tragedy, when Peggy had drowned in the river than ran by Aunt Lil’s home. As Laura walked numbly through the living room, just about everything in it reminded her of her late daughter : A pair of her small shoes sat by the fireplace, and a cherished dolly, of Peggy’s, sat propped up in the gold upholstered  chair, in the opposite corner.  An oil lamp with a green, tulip-shaped shade, sat on the small table, beside the fireplace. Beside that lamp sat an ornately framed picture of  Mother and daughter – two happy, smiling faces… Laura tried hard to fight back her tears, as she dropped one of the two suitcases she was carrying. She lost that fight, as her tears started to flow : the dropped suitcase contained Peggy’s things. She climbed the stairs slowly, with the second suitcase - that contained her belongings, that had to be put away again - still in her hand . Peggy’s things would have to wait – she just couldn’t face even seeing them again, let alone touching them : All the pretty garments that had once been worn by her young daughter.


Much later that day, Adam pulled the team to a stop in their barnyard, after their shopping trip. He and Sarah hopped down, then headed for the back of the large buckboard, and flipped down its tail gate. He glanced to his daughter. “ Sarah, can you start taking some of the things into the house for me, please ? Better start with that big package of diapers, for your Ma !” Sarah grinned, as she reached over the tailgate, and grabbed the package. “ Okay, Pa !”, then hurried off  towards the house. Adam watched her, as she scurried away, and shook his head. “ Be careful you don’t trip there, Sarah !” He heard a cheerful, “ I won’t trip, Pa !”, over her shoulder, as she reached the porch overhang, and headed for the doorway. Adam grabbed the sacks of flour and potatoes, one under each arm. Once they’d been put away in the kitchen, he returned to the buckboard, and grabbed the large wooden crate containing the smaller sacks of coffee, tea, sugar, salt, a selection of spices, and other assorted kitchen items, not the least of which was a large container of clothes washing soap. With three young babies, they certainly went through a lot of THAT stuff…             

When everything had been put away, Adam returned one more time to the buckboard to lift down the new fangled ‘clothes washing machine’ for Beth. It was the latest thing in ‘clothes washing technology’- and had had to be ordered in from Sacramento, California. It was a generous sized wooden barrel-style tub, held tightly together with three bright, shiny, brass barrel hoops, with a hand operated wringer at the top, and a hand operated ‘agitator’ inside of it - that did the actual ‘washing’ apparently… A ‘truly, time saving device’ - and it sure beat a wash tub, and scrubbing board, in both Adam’s AND Beth’s eyes. Especially Adam’s, since he’d been helping out in that area, too, some days, once he’d finished his ranch chores, and had returned home for the day.

As a few more weeks went by, Adam and Beth were pleased when they realized that the boys’ eyes were turning the same light hazel shade as their father’s, and older sister’s. With their dark, lightly waving hair, little ‘cupid’s bow’ mouths, matching dimples on each of their cheeks, and light hazel eyes, they looked even more just like their Pa. Rosie’s blue eyes – who, like her brothers, were quite a dark blue at birth - slowly grew to be a lighter, brighter blue colour, like her Mother’s eyes. With her light auburn, wavy hair, bright blue eyes, and very fair, pink complexion, she was just like her Ma. Those Cartwright triplets sure were ‘crowd pleasers’, since it was uncommon enough for twins to survive, but triplets were even much rarer.  Whenever the whole family occasionally made the trip into town, “Ooos !” and “Ahhs !”, were all around, as they entered each store, picking up any supplies they needed.

On one such trip, Adam smiled as they ran into Widow Hawkins, in ‘Cass’ General Store and Emporium’. She was practically bubbling over, as her Cockney accented, raucous voice, just filled the store.  “Oh, my dear Adam. Didn’t you and your loverly wifey do well ? Three at a time  - ’magine that -  ow  DID you manage it ?! Ain’t that jus’ ‘ducky’ ?!”  Adam tossed a sideways glance, and a little smirk, to Beth, then barely, perceptively, shook his head, ever so slowly. “ Now, me and me late ’usband ,’arry, never was blessed with children. Tried  ard, we did…” The woman sighed, and had a distant look in her eyes, at the memory. “But, it tweren’t meant to be, I suppose .Now, if I’d met your father first, Adam. My, could ’ave given ’im three more sons, I’d wager! Probly a coupla girls, too !” She winked, then threw her head back, and just laughed uproariously, at her own comment. Adam’s blood just ran cold, at the very thought of it all… She then reached for Rosie, and practically tore the baby from Beth’s arms. “And ’ows me littl’ Rosie doin’? What a bonnie wee gal – and don’t she look more, just like ’er Mum, every day?” The older woman raised the baby to her face, and laid a big, slobbery kiss, on one of her little pink cheeks. Beth realized that, at that point, Rosie’s face was starting to crumble into a pout, bordering on a crying jag, so gently retrieved her daughter, from the woman’s arms. “ Yes, we were very lucky, Miss Hawkins. Thank you.” The older woman turned her attention to Wyatt and Shane – who were safely cradled in their Pa’s arms. “ And I’ve never seen a finer selection of two littlgentlmens, either. Just like their ol’ Pa, they is – no doubtin’ who their father is –probably be right littl’ ‘lady killers’, too, just like their ol’ Pa, whens they grows up !” and she winked very conspiratorially, as she reached over to chuck both Wyatt and Shane under their little collective chins. Adam smiled patiently, and politely. “Yes… Well… We have to go now, Widow Hawkins. Just SO nice seeing you again -  ’bye!” He hustled Beth and Rosie out of the door – in front of him, and the boys – and barely made it to the buckboard, that was parked just a couple of doors down the street, before he burst out laughing. “ I’m so sorry, Beth, I guess my ‘Widow Hawkins Sixth Sense’ wasn’t working today. She means well, I know, but she can be a little - shall we say - ‘overbearing’ - from time to time ?!” Beth smiled, as she nodded in agreement. “Yes – we’ll just say that… ‘Ducky’…I do feel sorry for Mr. Cass, though. I’ve never known anyone who can clear a room, as fast as that woman… As fast as a skunk, at a Sunday school picnic…” Adam threw his head back , and just laughed out loud. “ I agree, Beth ! But look, I have a bill to pay at the feed store. How about I meet you, and the kids, at Baxter’s Restaurant, in a little bit ? Maybe grab some lunch, before we go home?” Beth smiled in agreement. “ That sounds like a fine idea, Adam.” He reached Wyatt, Shane, and Rosie, into the back of the buckboard, where Sarah had been waiting for them, then helped Beth up onto the seat. She turned the buckboard around, and Adam waved them off. He turned on his heel, and started to whistle, as he headed for the feed store.


He’d walked about a block, or so, when he heard a familiar woman’s voice behind him. “ Adam, is that you?” He turned around to see Laura Dayton. Not the Laura Dayton he remembered, though - this one looked somehow older, than her years. “Yes, it’s me, alright !  I haven’t seen you in ages, Laura. It must be a year, or so, at least…” Laura smiled up at him. “Yes, it is. I’ve been away – in San Francisco. Staying with my Aunt Lil. I got back a few weeks ago.” Adam shook his head and smiled. “ Must be nice being able to take such a long vacation – especially since you own a ranch ! I sure couldn’t do it…So, how are you ? How’s Peggy ?” At that point, Laura’s expression just fell, and a torrent of tears starting falling as she, literally, collapsed into Adam’s arms.  “Oh, Adam. Peggy… She’s dead…” Adam looked at the woman helplessly, as he realized he was the only thing stopping her from falling to the ground, altogether. “ Oh, Laura, no – not Peggy. Come on, let’s go have a drink – you can tell me all about it…” He reached one arm around her shoulders, to help support her, as he steered her towards the saloon, just a few doors further down the street. On reaching the saloon, they took one of the more private tables, in a back corner area. A low dividing wall, topped with a short blue curtain, hanging from a brass curtain rod, kept the corner private, and free from prying eyes. He caught the attention of Sam, the bartender, and signaled for one bottle of wine, and two glasses. Once Sam had delivered the items, Adam poured them each a glass. He was more than a little surprised when Laura drained her glass – in several gulps – then held it out, again, to be refilled. Adam took the first sip of his drink, then lowered the glass to the table top again. “What happened, Laura ?” As she sat there – looking into his eyes – the memories came flooding back. Not only of Peggy, and how he’d practically become like a second father to her, during their courtship, but of her and Adam. How could she have been so foolish to let him go ? Leaving him behind for his cavalier, devil-may-care, cousin Will? A relationship that had ended in divorce, a mere year after it was begun. Adam was surprised when she reached for his hands, and took them, oh-so-tenderly, into hers.    “ She drowned, Adam. It was just so horrible…” She paused, then searched his face for several moments, before continuing. “Oh, Adam. I was such a fool – leaving you, for Will. Couldn’t we just …” At that point, Adam pulled his hands free, from her grasp, again, then held up one hand, to silence her. He leaned back in his chair, with a sigh, and just looked at her, as he finished her sentence for her.  “ ‘Take up where we left off ’ ?” He just shook his head slowly. He took his time, as he studied her face -with those hazel eyes of his, that gave nothing away - before he continued.  “ The short answer is ‘No’… A lot has happened since you left me for Will, Laura. I’m older now, and  I’ve matured a bit more. I like to think I’m a little bit wiser, too. And I have a life, now. I found out Sarah is my daughter, and we found her Mother again : my old college girlfriend, Beth. That’s a long story, but we got married a year ago, come the fall. We’ve also been blessed with triplets – two boys, and a girl. We built our own home, on the Ponderosa – right on the shores of Lake Tahoe, at ‘Bourne’s Meadow’. Beth and I couldn’t be any happier together, than we are right now… So, no. I’m sorry, Laura. You did have your chance… We could never be any more than friends, now.” Laura felt – in her mind, at least – that she’d been, somehow, strangely betrayed, and was filled with sudden rage, at his rebuff, but did not show it on the outside, however. She smiled very demurely. “I do appreciate your honesty, Adam. Thank you for that. A woman needs to know where she stands.” She held out her glass again, and Adam, reluctantly, refilled it, then stood up once more. “I am so very sorry about Peggy, Laura – she was a wonderful little girl. But, if you’ll excuse me, I do have to be going. My family IS waiting for me. I guess I’ll see you sometime? ” She nodded in reply, and watched as he walked away from her. She tipped down the drink that Adam had just poured, then refilled her glass, yet again…How could it be that Adam Cartwright had found all the happiness that a person could ever hope for, in the whole world, and all she had left was -  nothing…


After paying the feed bill, Adam made the three blocks walk, to Baxter’s Restaurant, and spotted his young family seated at a table in a back corner, as he entered through the doorway. He had to smile at the sight. Sarah was sitting with Rosie, bouncing on her lap, and Beth had the boys. At least – he thought she did. Shane sat on his Mama’s lap, and – for just a moment - Adam wondered what had become of Wyatt. As he got nearer to the table, he realized that Wyatt was stretched along the wooden bench beside his Mama, fast asleep, his little thumb stuck into his mouth. Adam lifted the small boy – oh so carefully – then rested him against his shoulder, as he gently rubbed his back, and took a seat. Beth smiled at them. “All done, Adam ?” He grinned, as he continued cradling his still sleeping son. “Yeah. Sorry it took so long. I met an old friend. Laura Dayton. I haven’t seen her in ages.  She just recently got back from San Francisco. Sorry to say, but she lost her daughter, apparently, in an accident, there.” Beth just shook her head sadly.  “That poor woman. I just can’t imagine that… Weren’t you engaged to her, for a while, a few years back ?” Adam raised his eyebrows, momentarily, as he nodded his head. “Yeah, I was. One of the ‘follies of my youth’, as it turned out - she left me for my cousin, Will. And you know what, Beth ? She’s really changed. I can’t quite put my finger on it… Oh, I know. I’m sure you’re bound to, if you lose a child, but, it seems to me, it’s much more than that, somehow…” Beth could see how the meeting , and the sad news, had truly affected him, so she reached out a gentle hand, to pat his. “Perhaps what she needs is our friendship, and not our judgment, Adam.” He turned his eyes to look at her again, as he’d found himself gazing off into the distance.  “Yeah. I suppose you’re right.” Just then, a waitress arrived at the table, to take Adam’s meal order.


Later that afternoon, Laura steered her horse off the main dirt road, and headed down a weed filled, narrow tract. It was to be a trip down memory lane, for her… She pulled her horse to a stop, and climbed down from her buggy. She approached the overgrown, skeletal like, frame structure remains, of a small house. The wood  had gone gray, with age, over the years, and a couple of the unprotected roof beams had fallen in. A rusted hand saw sat abandoned across a saw horse, and a small crate of rusty nails had been tipped over, its contents strewn across the ground. A sturdy field stone fireplace - built by Adam’s own hands - sat in the middle of one of the still-open walls. She glanced up to see an old hammer - still hanging from a cross beam - right where Adam had left it - just before he’d fallen, to the ground… Laura collapsed to her knees, and started to cry. It was to have been her and Adam’s home – a home he’d been working on, as a surprise for her, when he’d fallen from a ladder, that fateful day. The day she and Will had ridden out to tell Adam that their engagement was off – she had chosen Will, instead. “Oh, Adam, I’m so sorry. I threw it all away…” Laura pulled herself to her feet, and, walking back to her buggy, climbed up into the seat. She turned her horse around, and headed back to the main road again.


Beth chuckled as she watched Adam attempting to bath Wyatt. He’d wrapped one strong arm around his son, to support him, and was washing him with the other, when Wyatt began joyously laughing, and splashing his Pa. “ Now you know what I go through, everyday, Adam !” He didn’t really mind, and joined in the laughter. “It’s alright, Beth. It’s kind of fun, actually !” A few minutes later, he lifted the dripping baby, from the small tub, and laid him down on the towel-draped kitchen table. He dried him off quickly, then Beth looked on, in concern, as he finished. “Now, be careful, Adam…” He held up one hand, to patiently silence her. “There’s nothing I don’t know about looking after babies, Beth. I AM the older brother, of two much younger brothers, remember. Why, I practically helped Pa raise both Hoss and Joe, after their Mothers died…”  Beth just nodded in agreement, as she folded her arms casually across her chest, just waiting for it… As he reached across his young son, to grab a fresh diaper, a warm, little stream suddenly hit him in his chin. Beth just about convulsed into laughter. “Yes, so I see…” Adam grinned, as he wiped off his face, and started diapering Wyatt again. “ Okay. I admit it. I guess I’d forgotten – for a moment – that ‘little detail’ of  ‘baby boys’…Though, I remember diapering Little Joe – back in the day. I swear: He’d do the same thing, occasionally, on purpose. He always had that devilish little grin of his, on his face, right after he’d done it, too... I’d be thankful, Beth, if you didn’t tell him I told you that story, though...” He glanced over to her, a twinkle in his eyes, as he winked at her. She smiled at her husband.  “Ah, don’t feel bad, my love. Those boys of ours have caught me - off guard - a couple of times, too, just like that. First rule : Keep them covered, till the diaper is safely in place…” She  reached for Wyatt, then passed Shane to his Pa : the next member of the ‘Cartwright clan’ that needed a bath. As they finished with Shane, Adam called to Sarah. “Sarah - we’re ready for Rosie !” He quickly dumped out the small tub, and refilled it - again - for the next ‘customer’. Sarah walked in from the great room, where she’d been looking after, and playing, with her baby sister. To her parents, she suddenly looked so grown up, with the baby wrapped in her arms. “Ma, may I bath Rosie?”    “Of course you can, Sarah. Your Pa and I could use the help.” Sarah just beamed, as Beth tossed a little wink to her husband. Adam and Beth sat at their kitchen table - one on each side - and supervised  as their eldest very tenderly, and carefully, bathed her little sister. She, too, broke into gales of giggles, as Rosie splashed  happily in her tub. By the time bath time was over, it was about seven o’clock, and the babies were due to be nursed again, before being carried upstairs, to be put to bed. Beth prepared a bottle of her milk for Rosie, which she passed off to Adam, then they moved into the great room, to feed their young family. Beth took her usual place in the winged chair – that backed onto the dining room – then raised her young sons to her bosom. They were soon nursing contentedly. Adam took his place on the settee – his left arm resting on the armrest, his littlest daughter cradled in that same arm. He smiled, as he looked down at her. She sucked away hungrily, and gazed up at her Pa, her blue eyes locking with his. After a few moments, she gave out a little sigh and, just for a moment, released the nipple of the bottle. Adam was so pleased as she smiled up at him. Then she grabbed the nipple again, and continued her meal. A few moments later, Sarah – who had sat beside her Pa, to watch - tugged at his sleeve. “ May I feed her, Pa ?”  “ Sure, Sarah. ” He stood with Rosie in his arms, as Sarah scooted over to his place, on the settee. He reached his ‘youngest’ into the arms of his ‘oldest’, then passed her the bottle. “I guess I can go check on the stock, then…” Adam grinned to himself, as he exited their home, and headed for the barn. He’d never felt happier, in his whole life, than he did right now…


Laura watched - from the end of the long, corral lined, laneway - as Adam ambled slowly across the barnyard. It was such a peaceful sight. The snow capped mountains, on the opposite shore of Lake Tahoe, behind the great home, were the perfect backdrop to the large ranch house. The windows glowed an opaque amber-yellow, through the light coloured curtains, in the early dusk. She could hear the soft, distant whinnying of the horses, in the barn, greeting him, as Adam pulled the door open. At that moment, she pulled her horse’s head around, angrily, and laid her whip on his back. The horse lurched forward, onto the dusty roadway again, and galloped off. Adam’s head snapped around, suddenly, as he’d heard the loud crack of that whip. He squinted down the long laneway, through the dusky gloom, and caught the sight of a small, single hitch buggy, hurrying off down the road, and also caught – just for a moment -  a  glimpse of  blonde hair, on the driver of that rig. He just shrugged, then walked into the barn, to finish his chores for the day.


Much later that evening, Adam and Beth lounged back, together, in their bed. The moon shone through the large, opened window of their master bedroom. The light breeze, blowing in off Lake Tahoe, fluttered the lacy curtains, in its wake, which adorned that window. Beth rolled over to check on the triplets, whose three cradles were lined up near their bed. Wyatt lay peacefully - flat on his back - his little mouth and tongue moving contentedly, like he was nursing. He raised his right thumb, lazily, up to his mouth, and stuck it in. He let out a little sigh, as he started sucking it. His long, full, curled-up eyelashes brushed against the tops of his little pink cheeks, and his dark, wavy hair, curled across his forehead, and framed his face. A little strand of hair hung down, stubbornly, in the very middle : much like that strand of Adam’s, that often did the same thing… Shane, too, was making good use of his thumb. Rosie had rolled onto her tummy, and tucked her knees up, under herself, which made her little diapered derriere stick right up. There were looks of absolute bliss, on all three of their little faces…Seeing that the babies were still happily asleep, Beth rolled back over. Adam looked as peaceful as their babies. He’d flipped back his covers, in the late summer’s warmth, and lay there, mostly just in what God had given him. He’d reached up his right arm, and his hand lay – palm up – on his pillow, beside his head. She watched as his broad, muscular, hair covered chest, rose and fell, with each deep breath that he took. His left hand rested easily on his stomach. His long, lean, muscular legs – made that way from years of riding, and working, on a ranch -  stretched to just about the bottom of their bed. Since soon after the arrival of the triplets, he’d taken to wearing a pair of very short, black briefs to bed. When Beth had questioned him on that, he’d just commented “Well, Beth, I don’t want our babies to think their Pa is ‘uncivilized’…” When she’d shot airily back at him “ How about what I want ?!” he’d cheekily countered with, “ I know what YOU want, Beth !”, and he’d winked at her. That had elicited a rambunctious tickle fight, initiated by Beth, between the two of them, which had ended very nicely, as she remembered… Beth smiled at that memory, then  reached her arm around Adam’s broad chest, and nuzzled against it. The lovely, musky scent, of his cologne –  that he’d sprayed on after his bath, earlier that evening - still lingered there. She moved  to kiss him tenderly, then settled her cheek against his shoulder. She heard Adam sigh, as he’d just awoken, again, then gently kissed her forehead. “Comfy, sweetheart ?”  She brushed her lips lightly across his shoulder, then replied sleepily “Uh huh..” Adam moved his right hand to gently caress - what he called – her ‘Mama tummy’. A few months on, from the birth of their triplets, and Beth was just about back to her pre-pregnancy size - except for that little bit of a ‘tummy’, she still had, and that Adam just loved. “Hey, Beth. I was just thinking. How about taking a couple of days holiday ? The babies are pretty much sleeping through the night, now, and I’m sure that Pa and my brothers would take care of them, and Sarah, too. I think we could both use the break, and we never did have a honeymoon – What do you think?” She reached up to kiss him once more “ Uh huh…The babies are asleep - we could always start the ‘honeymoon’ right now…” Adam smiled cheekily,  as he took her into his embrace, then she heard his throaty little chuckle. “ I just love it when my lady gets ‘frisky’…”

Adam had to say his goodbyes, to his family, the following morning : He’d be gone for close to a week. With the cattle drive coming up, the Cartwright men had to check the herd, and decide who would be going to market, and start rounding them up. By the time seven a.m. rolled around,  Adam was just reining Sport to a stop in the barnyard of the other home on the Ponderosa. A few of the ranch hands were just tacking up their horses, for the day’s work ahead, as he wrapped Sports reins around the hitching rail, and headed for the doorway of the home. When he threw it open, and entered the great room, Ben, Hoss and Joe were still seated at the dining room table, having their breakfasts. Ben glanced up, and smiled at his eldest son. “ Ah – the prodigal son has returned.” Adam smiled at his Pa, as he sat at the table – in his old, usual place. “ That coffee sure smells good !” A spare cup and saucer, along with the coffee pot, was passed down to him. He’d soon filled it, and was savoring his first sip : Hop Sing really did make some of the best coffee in Nevada. He lowered his cup to its saucer again. “ I saw some of the new  ranch hands out the front, when I arrived”. Ben nodded.  “Yeah – they seem to be a good crew. With the round-up and cattle drive, we’ll sure need them.” Adam nodded in agreement. “True enough. Pa, I was wondering something…” Adam paused. He really didn’t like asking his Pa for any special favors, when it came to his young family, but he, and especially Beth, really needed a break. “Well, the babies are four months old now, and Beth and I never did get a honeymoon, and, well, we were just wondering…” Ben smiled at his son, as he finished his question for him. “If your Pa and brothers, could take the kids for a while, so you could have a bit of a break ?”Adam just nodded. “ Yeah – in a nutshell, Pa. Just for a couple of days, though.” Ben glanced around the table to his two younger sons. “Well, what do you think, boys ? Could we help out your brother and sister-in-law, here ?” Hoss looked to Joe, and Joe looked to Hoss, then they both looked to their Pa, and Hoss grinned. “ I reckon we could do that for ya, Adam.” Ben smiled in agreement. He didn’t have the time to visit his grandchildren as often as he’d like to – with a ranch to run, and all - so to take them for a couple of days really sat well with him.  “When were you thinking of taking those days, Adam ?”  He considered that for a moment or two. “How about this coming weekend ? That way it won’t interfere with the cattle drive, the following week.” Ben nodded in agreement.  “That would be fine, son. Are you bringing them here, or do you want us to go there ?” Adam smiled again. “ We’ll bring them here, Pa. We don’t want to put you out too much. That way we can drop them off on our way out, then pick them up on our way home.” Ben smiled – he was actually looking forward to it. “ Sounds fine. You can drop them off Friday afternoon, after the round-up.” Adam grinned again. “ Thanks, Pa.” Adam glanced around the table to everyone’s heaping plates. “By the way – that bacon sure smells good…” Joe smiled to his eldest sibling, then winked, as he passed him the platter. “ Dig in, big brother !”

The next few days would be spent inspecting the herd, and deciding which members were at their peak weight, and would be driven to market. That chore usually fell to Ben and Adam, as they were the most familiar with the various blood lines, of the massive herd. They knew which members to sell, and which ones would be kept, as valuable breeding stock, for the following seasons’ crops of calves. The herd members that were to be sold would be driven – by the ranch hands - to the north end, of the large ranch, then held in massive corrals, where they would then be driven onto California – a state that loved Ponderosa beef.

The four Cartwright men rode out that day, followed by the ranch hands, to start cutting out the cattle, that were going to market. They started in the south end of the large ranch. It was hot, dusty, hard, time consuming work. As each of the older steers were cut out, the hands would herd them away to a smaller, separate ‘market herd’. Any of the actual ‘cows’, that were to go to market, were at the discretion of Ben and Adam. They knew whose breeding days were over, and who to keep. And so it went. Hallelujah, their trail cook, greeted them at the chuck wagon, as the sun shone down at high noon. “ I got beans and biscuits, boys. And hot coffee. Gather round !” He slopped a large, generous ladle full, onto each of their plates, and the men settled down, in what little shade there was, to eat their noon meal. Once they were done eating, it was right back to work again. The ranch hands didn’t complain, though. The Cartwrights were known for paying their cowboys fairly, for a good day’s work.

As the days wore on, the ‘market herd’ was getting larger, and larger, as they made their way across the range land of the large ranch, making their selections. By the time Friday morning came around, they’d been working for about a week. They were all dirty, and tired, but the herd was ready to drive to market, in just a couple of more days, after a final check, and count, of their numbers. With enough grass in the several massive, adjoining, ‘holding corrals’, and a small river twisting its way through them, there was enough to keep the herd fed, and watered, for a couple of days. So, on that Friday morning, several of the ranch hands took control of the herd, to watch over them for the weekend. The Cartwrights rode back to the main ranch house, to prepare for the arrival of the kids, and Adam rode back to his own home, to tell Beth of his surprise, of a ‘holiday weekend’ for them, before he had to leave again, to help drive the herd to California.

He rode into their barnyard at about noon time. Dismounting wearily, he led Sport to the barn, where he removed his tack, then turned him out into one of their grassy, shady paddocks, to graze. He patted the dust from his clothes, as he walked to the house. As he opened the door, Beth was just coming in from the kitchen, and she reached her arms out to him. “Welcome home, sweetheart.” Adam gave her a quick hug, before removing his hat and holster. “ It’s good to be home, Beth. Where are the kids ?” Beth smiled at him. After about a week on the trail, he sure didn’t look like her ‘regular Adam’. He looked to have several days worth of scruffy growth of beard, his clothes were covered in dust, and grime, and he was, too. “Sarah went for a ride, and the babies are upstairs having a nap.” Adam nodded, as he headed for the kitchen.   “First things first, Beth. I really need a bath, and a shave…Come on with me – you can fill me in on the family news…” Beth had heated up several large cauldrons of water – in anticipation of Adam’s arrival home that day – and Adam soon had the hip bath filled with nice, hot water. He stripped off his dirty clothes, and lowered himself in. It felt so good…Beth held his shaving mirror for him, as he wielded his straight razor across his face. By the time he was done shaving, he was looking more like himself already .As he shampooed his hair, Beth told him how Wyatt was starting to sit up on his own, and both Shane and Rosie were trying to. As he washed, she also told him how they were getting more used to the cereals they were starting to be fed, and even were getting a liking for the fruit and vegetables she was also starting to offer to them, too. Except Wyatt didn’t seem to like broccoli – which was okay, in Adam’s eyes : It wasn’t his favorite vegetable, either. Beth offered to wash his back for him. It was that gentle motion that made Adam realize how much he’d missed her, so he reached up to kiss her, and told her as much. Beth smiled at him. “I missed you too, sweetheart.” Adam stood up, and, stepping out of the tub, reached a towel around his waist. He pulled an eager Beth into his arms. “ I have a little surprise for you, sweetheart. Pa and my brothers have offered to take the kids, for the weekend, so we can have a bit of a holiday. A day or two in Virginia City – catch a play, have dinner, have some ‘us time’, and just spoil ourselves…How does that sound?” Beth answered the question with a kiss. Adam grinned. “ I thought you might approve…”,  then he kissed her back.

 An hour later, Sarah had returned home from her ride, and the younger Cartwright family home became a hive of activity, as Adam and Beth packed the needed items for three young babies. Adam stood at the bottom of the stairs, and called up to his eldest child. “ Sarah – you need enough outfits for two days – how long does it take ?! Come on, we’re on a schedule here, you know !” She soon appeared, lugging along a good sized suitcase. “ I have to take some of my toys and books too, Pa. I want to have something to do at Grampa Ben’s !” Adam smiled at her. “I was kind of hoping you’d give your Grampa a hand, Sarah. It’s been a while since he had young babies around the house…” He placed his hand tenderly, on the back of her pig tailed head, as she reached the bottom of the staircase, then steered her towards the front door, of the great home. Beth dashed in, breathlessly, from the kitchen, a good sized wooden crate in  her arms, full of milk replacement – in case they ran out of her own milk - bottles, bottle brushes, and other assorted items.  That wooden case also contained tiny jars of  preserved fruits and vegetables she had prepared for the babies. She dumped it all onto the side board, by their front door, then drew the back of one hand wearily across her forehead. “I think that’s about it, Adam. You already loaded their diapers and clothes  into the buckboard, and our two bags – we just have to get the babies up from their nap.” Adam nodded in agreement, as they headed for the stairs. “ The babies, AND their cradles. Can’t forget those…” A short while later, the young  family was finally ready to leave. The horses - that weren’t being used that weekend - had been turned out into the roomy, grassy paddocks, to ‘camp out’ for those couple of days. Adam had made sure that all the troughs in those paddocks were filled, to their brims, with fresh water, to last through their ‘holiday’. Adam had harnessed up Beau and Belle, to pull their large buckboard. As he turned the team around in their barnyard, to head down their long laneway, Sarah grinned in anticipation, as their harness jingled merrily. The buckboard creaked and groaned, as they transitioned from the laneway, to the dirt road that would take them to Grampa Ben’s house. When they reached their destination, it was a case of  ‘all hands on deck’ as the buckboard was unloaded again. Ben offered them the use of the much smaller, two seated buggy, and his mare, Betsy, for their actual trip to Virginia City, and Adam gratefully accepted. After Beth had stopped to nurse the babies, one last time, Ben and the boys, and Sarah, waved them off, as Adam and Beth began their trip to Virginia City, to begin their ‘holiday’. Once they’d entered the house again, Ben smiled as he took Wyatt into his arms. As he gently rubbed his little grandson’s back, he remembered his own sons, when they were this size. It was going to be SO much fun…

Adam and Beth pulled into Virginia City at about six thirty that evening. As they drove down the main street, they were aware that it seemed to be a little more crowded than usual. They soon found out why. A large banner – hung from the second floor balcony, above the main entrance of the International House - proclaimed a convention : “ International Association of Buggy Whip Manufacturers” . Adam turned to Beth, in surprise. “They have an ‘association’ ?!”  Their worst fears were realized, when they entered the hotel, and asked for a room. “ Sorry, Mr. Cartwright. We’ve been booked up for this weekend – solid – for a few weeks now. You might try the ‘Palace Hotel’ - they may have some rooms left.” So, try they did. They too, were booked solid. The next stop was the rooming house – run by Agnes – where Beth had first lived, on her arrival in Virginia City. She, too, had to reluctantly tell them that she was full, also. All hope was not lost, however, as Beth suggested Widow Hawkins Boarding House. Adam turned to her with wide eyes “ Widow Hawkins ?! Ah, Beth…” She tucked her arm around his. “ It’s either that, or we find a nice place to ‘camp out’ on the edge of town…Or we could just go home again…” By her expression, Adam could tell that THAT wasn’t an option here, so he gave her a very defeated look, and sighed deeply. “Oh, alright…” Then he muttered quietly, under his breath. “How bad could it be ?” They drove the couple of blocks, then pulled the horse to a stop in front of the small boarding house. Adam hopped down, then took Beth’s hand, as they walked to the door. On opening that door, they entered the familiar lobby. Widow Hawkins’s late husband’s bar bells still sat – dust covered – on a small side table, in one corner. Several of his carnival posters – with him, scantily clad, in his weight lifting outfit – still adorned the walls. Adam glanced up at the ceiling :  much to his surprise, the widow still hadn’t installed a flying trapeze – the one thing, he’d once mentioned to his Pa, that the room really was lacking…

At that moment, Widow Hawkins entered the lobby from a small side office. “ Oh, Adam – ow’s you and your lovely wife ? What can I do for you this lovely evening?!” Adam smiled at the woman, then said a silent prayer… “We need a room for the weekend, but I guess you don’t have one, with the convention in town, and all…” Her old, blue eyes lit right up. “Oh, but I do. If you don’t mind a single bed – afraid all the double rooms is taken, they is…I’m sure a young couple like you won’t mind – nice and cozy, it is !” Then she winked broadly. Adam glanced to Beth, and knew there was no way out here. “We’ll take that room, Widow Hawkins.” After he’d signed them in, they trudged up the stairs to their room. As they opened the door, they realized that – in Widow Hawkins’s world – ‘cozy’ equated to ‘miniscule’. Once Adam had returned to their buggy – to take their bags, up to their room - they headed off for dinner. The first restaurant – one of the finest in the city - had a line up, right out the door, with people waiting to be seated. Adam signaled down the street to the Baxter’s  Restaurant. On checking, it too, was full to capacity. Adam glanced down to his wife.  “How hungry are you Beth ? Do you want to wait?” She just shook her head.  “I’m starved, Adam.” He nodded. “ Well – the ‘Bucket of Blood’ it is…” They’d soon entered the saloon, and took a table. When the server arrived, they were advised that only sandwiches were being served, at that hour. So, once they’d arrived at their table, they sat, grimly eating them…Once their meal was finished, they headed out onto the street again. Adam thought that all wasn’t lost – it was still a pleasant night, and he thought they could talk a walk around the town, and get some air. They were enjoying their time together – doing a bit of window shopping, as they ambled along the board sidewalk. Then Beth heard the cry of a young baby, just down, and across the road, from them. Her lactating body responded to that little cry, and she felt her milk starting to flow. Adam heard her whisper : “Oh, no…” and he glanced down at her. Two small, damp patches, were appearing on the front of her blouse, and his eyes widened, as he reached a handkerchief from a jacket pocket, to mop her off - cover her up – do something ! “What’s the matter, Beth?!” She frowned slightly. “ It’s the baby crying down the street – I’m afraid it’s one of those things, I can’t control, Adam...” She looked up at him, helplessly, and he understood. He pulled off his suit jacket, very gallantly, and pulled it around her shoulders. “ Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get back to Widow Hawkins place…”

When they arrived back in their room, Beth rummaged around her suitcase, looking for her breast pump. It wasn’t there : She’d forgotten to pack that one, important item. She looked to Adam forlornly. “Can you go buy me one, Adam?” He rolled his eyes. “ Oh. Alright. I’ll be right back…” He ambled down the stairs…

 He checked Cass’ General Store and Emporium, first, and couldn’t see one, so quickly exited out of there, and went into the next general store he came across. Several women were shopping in the tiny store, so he sidled up to the counter, and spoke to the elderly shopkeeper, in a low whisper. “ Do you have any breast pumps?” The shopkeeper held his hand up to his ear. “What’s that, sonny ?” Adam repeated it again, in a slightly higher volume. “ I need a breast pump - do you have any ?” The old man shook his head. “ Sorry, I don’t even know what a ‘test lump’ is…” Adam rolled his eyes, then shook his head. “No, not ‘test lump’ – ‘breast pump’ - Breast Pump - BREAST PUMP !” With each repetition, his voice had gotten louder, and louder, and the women in the store just turned, in absolute shock, to stare at him, and one of them commented, very brusquely,  “ Well - I never !” The old shopkeeper was also totally taken aback. “No need to yell, sonny. I ain’t totally deaf, you know. If you needed a breast pump, why didn’t you just say that, in the first place ?!” He reached under the wooden counter, and placed the item, impatiently, onto its glass top. Adam was so embarrassed – at that point - he just reached into a pocket, grabbed a five dollar bill, and just hurled it at the man. “ That should cover it – thanks !” He scooped the item up in one hand, and left the store at a gallop...  “Hey, Mister, don’t you want your change? They only cost fifty cents!  Mister ? ” His voice had gone unheard…

Adam just charged back down the street, rushed through the boarding house’s front door, flew  across the lobby, then ran up  the stairs – two at a time – to get to the second floor. He dashed down the hallway, then threw open the door to their room . It closed behind him, as he leaned against it, then he slid slowly to the floor, totally out of breath. He turned his eyes up, to look at Beth, then he held out his hand, as he practically panted, “Here’s your breast pump…”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there was a scene of chaos in  Ben Cartwright’s great room. Even though Beth had told him the babies would be happy with just a bottle at bedtime, the three Cartwright men had decided to take it upon themselves to feed Wyatt, Shane and Rosie some ‘real food’, before settling them off to bed. How hard could it be, right? For each spoonful of food that was offered to each tiny mouth, about half of it came back out again. Ben patiently scooped it up, and just shoved it back in, like the seasoned Pa that he was. Hoss was totally amazed by it all, having never fed a baby before. “ Dadburn it Pa. Was I ever like this ?!  I can’t believe I ever spat out everything, the way Shane here does…” Joe was struggling to feed Rosie. She was far more interested in her Uncle Joe’s nose, and ears, and kept grabbing at them. Each time Joe protested, the baby girl just went off into gales of giggles: Joe was so easy that way…   By the time they’d each managed to get about two thirds of the meals, into each of the babies, Ben decided they were probably nearly full, and suggested just giving each of them their bottle. Sarah offered to get them, and soon returned from the kitchen, carrying the three tiny, nippled, vessels. They each settled back in their chairs, and the babies were soon each drinking contentedly. Hoss looked up at his Pa, and just grinned. “ I could have one of these, Pa…” Ben just smiled at his son. “ Hopefully, one day, you will, Hoss…” Joe looked to his brother, and there was a teasing tone in his voice, when he spoke. “ You need to get married, to do that Hoss. Do you have anybody in mind ? ” Hoss looked to his little brother, and blushed. “ Ah, you know what I mean, Joe. They’re so doggone cute, ain’t they?” The big man bent his head,  and gently kissed his little nephew on his forehead. A while later, once each of the babies had been changed, and had their little faces and hands washed, the three Cartwright men carried the three Cartwright babies upstairs, to their cradles, in Ben’s room.

Back in Virginia City, Adam and Beth had decided to call it a night, too. Once they’d both gotten undressed, and Beth had pulled on her nightgown, they sat down on opposite edges of the little bed. Adam glanced around. “ Do we sleep ‘left to right’, or  ‘right to left’, on this thing ?” Beth just laughed, as she laid back. “ I don’t think it really matters – but we’ll be turning in unison, for sure – or we’ll both end up on the floor !” As Adam lay down beside her, the bed gave out a loud squeak. As if testing it, Adam made a few more subtle moves. With each move he made, the bed squeaked loudly. He just sighed. “Oh, great. ‘Sound affects’…” He heard Beth’s soft laughter, beside him, in the darkness of the room.  “This isn’t the way I envisioned our ‘holiday weekend’, Beth…” She just reached her arms tenderly around him. “ Come here, ‘cowboy’ – let’s make our OWN ‘sound affects’…..”            “ YAA HOO !!! ”

Ben was awakened, the next morning, by a baby’s cry. His eyes popped open and, for just a moment, he thought he was dreaming – then he remembered. He rolled over in his big bed, and peered over its edge. It was Wyatt. Within moments, he’d woken up his two siblings, then they all cried in chorus. Ben had barely gotten out of bed, to attend to his grandchildren, when his door was thrown open, by Hoss. “ What’s up, Pa? Why are they crying so loud  ?!” Ben reached Wyatt into Hoss’s arms. “Babies sometimes cry, Hoss. That’s why. Give me a hand, will ya?” Joe was the next family member to amble into Ben’s room. He scratched his tousled head, and yawned, as he rubbed his stomach, sleepily. “ What’s going on ? Can’t a guy get some sleep in this house?” That question was answered by Ben, thrusting Shane into his arms. “Not when there’s three hungry babies in residence – let’s go !” Ben reached a sobbing  Rosie into his embrace, and gently patted her back, as they all headed downstairs, to begin their day…It was five a.m.

Ben led the way to the settee. “ First things first, boys - we have to change them…” He glanced around to see one shocked face. Joe just groaned. “We ‘changed’ them last night, Pa – isn’t that good enough? Heck, we only clean the horse’s stalls once a day…” Ben looked at his son in absolute disbelief: that boy’s education really was lacking, when it came to some things. “Joseph – get a clean diaper, and just change him – alright ?” Ben muttered under his breath, as he laid Rosie down, to change her, and Joe - thinking that taking the ‘high road’ was the way to go here - just did as he was told… Hoss – who had witnessed the whole conversation between his Pa, and younger brother, was practically reduced to tears, as he tried to cover his laughter…

Back in Virginia City, in Widow Hawkins’s boarding house, the morning was starting well, in Adam and Beth’s room…Adam had been awakened by the soft touch of Beth’s lips, on his.          “ Good morning, sleepyhead.” He looked up into her blue eyes, and just smiled, as he kissed her back. He’d taken her into his arms, and her hair had fallen down his chest, as they kissed again. It was just getting ‘interesting’ - a minute or so later - when their door suddenly flew wide open. Adam’s head shot up, and he blinked in the sudden harsh light, from the hallway. “ WHAT THE… !!!”  As his eyes focused, he recognized the Widow Hawkins, standing in their doorway, surrounded by the glaring light – like some kind of weird halo - and she held a massive serving tray in front of her. “  Mornin, folks. Can’t begin our day on an empty stomach, can we now ?!” She barged into the room, as Adam scrambled to cover himself, in absolute disbelief of the woman. She hustled over to Adam’s side of their bed. “Sit up straight, my son.”  Totally bewildered, he did what he was told, and could only manage to blurt out  “ But - WIDOW HAWKINS !!!” She shook her head.  “Now, now, no need to thank me, Adam. Just a little service I provide for me first time guests...” She plunked the tray onto his lap. “ We seem to  ave a lump in the bed…” she commented, and pounded the tray a few times, to get rid of it. Adam’s eyes were the size of saucers – and Beth just couldn’t say anything. She just collapsed into fits of  laughter. After a few more moments, of ‘pounding adjustment’ -  the Widow seemed satisfied the ‘lump’ was almost gone…“ Ah – that’s much better ! Got you a nice full English breakfast ’ere – nice big sausages, blood pudding, ’aggis and a nice big pot of tea !   ope you enjoy it !” She flounced out of the room again, then closed the door. Adam’s eyes had returned to their normal size, again, as he guardedly raised the bed covers, to check for any ‘damage’… “ That woman…I’ll live, I guess… But I don’t even like tea –and what the hell is ‘blood pudding’ and      ‘ ’aggis’, anyhow?!” Beth grinned at her husband – with her Scottish roots, she knew. When she explained it to him, he just rolled his eyes. “I think I’ll just stick with the sausages, thanks…” and, reaching for a fork, he jabbed the end of one, into his mouth, and took a big bite. Beth tried hard not to smile at him, again…he’d been through enough, already.

As they finished their meals, a few minutes later, Adam glanced to Beth as she reached for the breast pump, and one of the empty coffee cups. He suddenly realized how tired she looked.          “ Didn’t you sleep well last night, Beth? I slept like a baby…” Beth nodded in reply, then  yawned.. “ I slept just fine, when my body wasn’t waking me up, to feed three hungry babies. This pump was put to good use last night, a couple of times…” Adam considered her statement for a few moments, then felt a bit guilty. “We can go home today, Beth, if you want to. I realize, now, it must be hard for you…” She looked to her husband, and her eyes softened. “ It’s not just the whole nursing thing, Adam, and having to use this pump every few hours. I just really miss them...even more than I thought I would.” Adam reached his hand out to gently caress her cheek, then leaned to kiss her. “ I know what you mean. I kind of miss them, too. How about we just head home, later this morning ?” Beth smiled, and then nodded in agreement.


Laura Dayton drew her horse to a stop at the end of Adam and Beth’s drive, early that morning.  As she drove her buggy between the paddocks, that lined each side of the laneway, the horses in them would amble over to greet the strange, visiting horse. Some of them would reach their heads over the top railings, snuffling a greeting, while a couple of the horses trotted up, then spun, and just kicked out with their hind legs – in defiance – then wheeled away again, snorting and bucking, as they left. When she pulled her horse to a stop, near the doorway of the large home, it was very quiet. She hesitated, but for just a moment. It seemed like no one was at home. This fact, all at once, suited her just fine…                                                  

She climbed down from the buggy, and approached the entrance cautiously, as she glanced around. She tapped lightly at the door, and when she got no answer, went inside. She walked through the great room, picking up items here and there : a picture of Adam and Beth –obviously on their wedding day. A tiny, pink, stuffed elephant sat in one of the leather winged chairs. She reached for it, then raised it to her face. It was scented like a baby, freshly out of her bath. One of Beth’s shawls was draped over the back of the chesterfield. She lifted it up – perused it momentarily - then discarded it, absently, onto the floor. She continued on walking around the large, great room –picking up, then carefully replacing items, here and there - taking in every detail of them, as she did so. Then, she glanced to the stairs. In a moment, she was climbing them, as she made her way to the second floor.

 She walked along the carpeted hallway, and peered into each room. Two of them were already set up, ready to be used by the babies, once they were old enough to leave their parents room, and move into their own. The first room was definitely set up for a little girl: with pink gingham curtains, and matching gingham quilt, on a tiny child’s crib, that had been painted sparkling white. Several stuffed toys sat on a small shelf, on one wall. In the second room was a set of beautifully carved, wooden cribs – no doubt, by Adam’s hands – already made up for two little boys, in warm, homespun, earth tones. When she got to the second last bedroom, at the end of the long hallway, she realized it belonged to their eldest child, Sarah. The furnishings were simple, yet tasteful. The window was draped in light blue curtains, that matched the mostly blue toned quilt, which covered the bed. The ribbon Sarah had won, and the accompanying trophy, from the Championship Barrel Race win, the previous summer, was still proudly displayed on top of the chest of drawers. She realized that each of the previous children’s rooms had family portraits in them of Adam, Beth and their four children, and this room was no exception, as far as that went. As she exited Sarah’s room, she noticed the last room at the very end of the hallway had an impressive double doorway. She pushed them open to reveal the opulent Master bedroom suite. A large, comfortable looking, darkly and richly stained ‘sleigh bed’ sat off to one side, and a brass and crystal oil lamp chandelier hung, suspended, from the middle of the ceiling.  A large fieldstone fireplace sat installed against one wall. There was a generous sized sitting area, at one end of the massive room, with two large, over stuffed, leather arm chairs and a low coffee table. On that coffee table sat the same framed family portrait she’d seen in the children’s rooms. She reached her hand out to it, tentatively, then, reactively, just knocked over that picture of those six smiling faces. Each of the chairs had a small side table, and an opened book rested casually on one of them. Matching, darkly stained armoires, bracketed the large bed, and a small mirrored vanity table sat off to one side. She pulled each armoire open, in turn. One was filled  with Beth’s clothes and the other was filled with the familiar, mostly black wardrobe, of Adam’s. She reached for one of the black shirts, and ran one of the heavy, black cotton sleeves of the garment, lightly across her face. It smelled slightly of his cologne…A third, smaller armoire, sat against another part of the wall, to one side. She opened it to reveal several shelves filled with stacks of tiny outfits, apparently lovingly arranged into ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ outfits. She looked longingly at them, then ran one hand thoughtfully across a stack of tiny pink sleepers, picked one up, then closed the doors, with a sigh. Laura walked to the large window of the room, pulled the lacy curtains to one side, and looked out over Lake Tahoe. The sun shimmered on the surface of the lake. The snow capped mountains, with their pine tree covered lower slopes, on its opposite shore, stood like silent sentries. The breeze, that brushed past her face, through the opened window, was pleasantly cooling. The lovely view should have made her feel good – it only made her feel suddenly angry, and resentful. She headed downstairs again and – as an after thought – reached for that tiny, pink, stuffed elephant, to take with her, too…


Ben, the boys, and Sarah, had managed to get the babies fed that morning, without too much trouble. Once they’d been safely propped up, in Ben’s large winged chair by the fireplace - for ‘safe keeping’, and so they could be easily supervised – the rest of the Cartwrights sat down to eat their breakfasts.  Joe had gone into the kitchen, to get the cream. In all the rush, of the busy morning, it had been forgotten, when the table was laid. He grabbed a small glass jug out of the pantry, and headed back to the dining room with it. As he sat down again, he reached it over his coffee cup, and poured in a generous amount. Just as he was raising the cup to his lips, Sarah glanced up. She looked to Joe, then looked to the familiar small jug. He had already taken several large gulps, and lowered his cup to his saucer again, as he continued his meal. Sarah wasn’t sure if she should say anything or not, but… She excused herself from the table, and grabbed the tiny jug, to take with her. She disappeared into the kitchen, then soon returned with another small jug, filled with cream, and plunked it down by Joe, again. “Thanks, Sarah. But the other cream was just fine…” Sarah just looked to her Uncle. “That wasn’t cream, Joe. It was my Ma’s breast milk.” After shooting off  that cannonball, she sat down again, and calmly continued with her meal. Ben and Hoss just grinned, at Joe’s reaction :  the colour had started to slowly drain from his face. A moment later, he leapt up from the table, and suddenly bolted outside…The grins turned to laughter, as Joe closed the door behind himself. When he returned – a few minutes later - he looked to be pretty well back to normal. Discretion being the better part of valor – no one said anything to him. He grabbed a fresh cup, then poured himself some more coffee. He took it black, this time – just in case…

When Adam and Beth reached Ben’s place, early in the afternoon, and entered through the front door, Wyatt, Shane and Rosie all turned in recognition of their voices. The trio was sat, playing with Sarah, on the runner mat, just inside the doorway. Three sets of happy little arms reached out for their parents, and there were smiles, and giggles, as their parents scooped them up, into their embrace. Beth lifted up Rosie, and Adam had grabbed the two boys – one in each arm – as the rest of the Cartwrights had heard their return, and started to reappear from various areas of the house. Sarah joined the happy group, as she hugged each of her parents. As they made their greetings, Wyatt was suddenly drawn to his Pa’s hat. He pulled it off, and plunked it down onto his own head. Adam laughed out loud, as the hat drooped low enough to completely cover Wyatt’s whole face, which made the young baby giggle, even more. Adam lifted the hat off, and tossed it casually onto the side board, as he grinned at his sons. Rosie was interested in one thing, and started pushing her little mouth against her Mama’s bosom. In the last few weeks, Beth had been able to make the transition from ‘bottle fed’ to ‘breast fed’, as the baby had gotten much stronger, since she was born, and was able to nurse easily, now. Beth smiled as she gently kissed the little girl. “Adam, how about I go nurse the babies, while you get their stuff ready, to go back home again?” He nodded in reply, as he carried the two boys to the guestroom, for her, then closed the door  quietly behind him, as he left them there. Ben smiled at his son.  “How was it ? Did you have a good time ?” Adam smiled slowly. “ Well, if you call dried out sandwiches for dinner,  me scrambling around Virginia City looking for a breast pump, then spending the night in Widow Hawkins’s Boarding House – the two of us, in a single bed -  a ‘good time’ then, yeah,  we had a ‘good time’…” Ben’s eyes widened a little. “ Widow. Hawkins. Boarding. House.? Why   THERE ?!” He’d made the statement, like each word was a complete sentence. As Adam explained about the convention in town – ‘International Association of Buggy Whip Manufacturers’ - and how all the hotels were booked solid, because of that, Hoss just tilted his head  thoughtfully, to one side.  “They have an ‘association’ ?!” Adam just sighed, and replied “Exactly…and their numbers are legion…” Then he glanced around to his Pa, and brothers.  “How did you all make out – no problems, I guess ?” Ben just shrugged.   “No - No problems at all.” Hoss and Joe just looked to their Pa, and smiled knowingly. With that comment, they all got busy gathering up the babies’ things, and loading them onto the buckboard, as Adam hitched up his team of Belle and Beau once again, before they headed home. Adam and Beth both decided that – due to the young age of the babies – that Sarah would stay home, for this cattle drive, to help out her Ma. This was met with some resistance, on Sarah’s part. Her hazel eyes had the same fire in them, that Adam’s had, when he was angry, when she was told of the ‘change in plans’. “That’s not fair Pa ! You always said ‘nothing would change’ – that I’d always be your best helper ! Why can’t I go ?!” Adam glanced to Beth, then looked to Sarah again. “Sometimes things change, Sarah. We can’t control that. This is one of those times.” Sarah looked from her Pa to her Ma, in exasperation, and headed for the stairs. She ran up them, towards her room. Adam shook his head slowly, as he followed her. “That’s child’s temper, sometimes…” When he got to Sarah’s room, and opened the door, she sat with her back to him. “Look, Sarah. It’s different now – you have your Ma, and three siblings, to consider. Plus all the live stock. Helping to look after all of them is more important than any other job you could do, on this ranch, right now.  Now, please, just do as I ask.” He turned to go, and heard Sarah’s little voice behind him. “Can I go next time?”  He paused, then without turning around, he replied, simply. “Yes.” He suddenly felt his daughter’s arms wrap around his waist. All had been forgiven, apparently. “Okay, Pa”.                                                                                                                                Adam rode over to ask Hop Sing if he’d mind helping Beth out, while they were all away. Hop Sing agreed that helping to look after babies, and keeping Beth company, was probably an easier job than dealing with a lot of ‘cowhands’ complaints about the chow.’ Adam had to agree, there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Early on that Monday morning, Adam said his final goodbyes, and gave the final hugs, to his young family, then set out for the northern end, of the large ranch, where the ‘market herd’ was                  contained, in the massive corrals, waiting for the drive to begin.

There was a light mist that had settled, and still hung, in the lower lying, valley areas, of the ranch, as he rode along. The sun had barely risen over the distant hills, as he reached the holding corrals area. Adam and his Pa took their regular places – to ride ‘point’  - ahead of the large herd, while Hoss and Joe fell back to help control the flanks. The order was given to open the large gates, of each corral, and move the herd forward. A grand total of three thousand head –approximately two thousand, two hundred and fifty tons of ‘beef on the hoof’ – started to swarm into a ‘mooing’, earth pounding, and dust-cloud-raising, mass. With Sport ‘dancing’ a little, under him - feeling the excitement in the air - Adam stood in his stirrups, as he shaded his eyes with one hand, to survey the massive herd, which seemed to practically stretch to the horizon. His lifted his hat - with that silver studded hat band, of his - and raised it, as high into the air as he could reach, and gave it a wave. The early morning sun glinted, on each of those silver studs, as he did so. Then he gave the single, shouted order : “ HEAD ’EM UP -  MOVE  ’EM OUT !!!”  He heard the faint echo, of that command, as it was repeated - over and over again - as the instruction was passed down the flanks of the herd – to each cowhand – till it finally reached the back of that mass, to the last of the drovers, that were ‘bringing up the rear’. The cattle drive had begun…                                                                                                                                       

Beth was relieved to see Hop Sing arrive just after lunch, that day, as he reined old Betsy to a stop, in the barnyard, then dismounted. When she was first back with Adam, the previous fall, and had moved onto the Ponderosa, her and Hop Sing had become fast friends. She found that he would share his kitchen - a little -  if she didn’t get too ‘territorial’ about it… On entering their home, Hop Sing was greeted by Sarah with open arms. Since her time living with her Grampa Ben, Pa and Uncles, he really had become like another Uncle to her, in many ways. He could be a strict man, yes, who would take no nonsense from her. But he was not above giving a special little treat to her, either, of whatever he’d been baking, while she was at school.                       

Beth had just come downstairs, after putting the triplets down for a nap, when Hop Sing arrived. “I’m so glad you could come, Hop Sing – it sure will make my life a lot easier, while Adam’s away.” He smiled broadly. “Hop Sing want to help good friend. And Mister Adam.” She escorted him to one of the guest rooms, and left him to unpack, while she got busy in the kitchen, washing the dishes. After he was unpacked, and settled in his room, he’d soon joined her, to help out, as he reached for a tea towel. As they stood working together, the conversation got around to Adam’s meeting with Laura Dayton, in town, just a couple of weeks prior. As Beth told him of Laura’s daughter’s death, Hop Sing shook his head sadly. “That sad.  Miss Peggy was nice little girl -  Miss Laura, not so much.” Beth was surprised at that statement. Hop Sing usually kept his thoughts to himself when it came to discussing the Cartwrights’ friends and acquaintances.     Hop Sing could see the surprise, in Beth’s face, as he looked to her. “Miss Laura hurt Mr. Adam. She startle him - make him fall from roof – could not walk for while. She leave him for Will. He not good man, like Mister Adam. Hop Sing not trust her…” Beth considered that for a few moments. “ Love can be complicated sometimes, Hop Sing. I’d like to have her over to visit, though. I think that when a woman has lost a child, she needs friendship, and support, not judgment.” Hop Sing shook his head. “ Love not so ‘complicated’,  Beth – if you not love anymore, you tell person. You not go behind back…”

Another week went by. The Cartwrights, and their ranch hands, had driven the herd about halfway to their destination of Sacramento, California. Mile upon mile of unrelenting dust and heat. They were doing well, though. They moved the herd slowly, yet deliberately – not wanting any of the cattle to lose any more weight than they had to .They’d only lost one older cow, so far, carried off in a raging river crossing, and one bandy legged yearling calf - who broke a leg, going down a steep embankment – which, at least,  provided fresh meat for the men : a welcome change from the usual ‘trail grub’. As long as they had ample grass, and water, at the end of the ‘trail day’ - and their good fortune, and luck, held out – the return on the sale, of the herd, would be quite lucrative. Beth and Hop Sing had settled into a routine of looking after the babies, together, with Sarah’s help. They were all getting on well – though it went without saying that his young family did miss Adam.

Beth had suggested, on that first Monday, following the beginning of the drive, that they go into town to get some much needed supplies, and fresh air. Hop Sing hitched Belle and Beau to the buckboard, then Beth loaded up the triplets, in the back of the large wagon, with Sarah, before they set off. After a long drive, they pulled to a stop in front of Cass’s General Store and Emporium. Once she dismounted from the driver’s seat, beside Hop Sing, Beth reached the babies out – one each into the arms of Sarah, Hop Sing and herself. Mr. Cass smiled, and looked over his reading glasses at them, as they all entered his store. “ How are you, Beth, and how’s that lovely young family of yours doing ?” He moved to gently ruffle the hair, of each of the triplets, and they smiled, and cooed at him, as he did so. He turned to Sarah. “ And how are you, young lady?” She just grinned, in reply. Beth reached the list of the needed supplies to him.        “ We’re all fine thanks, Mr. Cass. But this family of mine surely goes through the groceries fast, even though Adam’s not even home, right now. He’s out on a cattle drive, for a few weeks. We have a pretty lengthy list, of what we need !” A young blonde woman, in the store, over heard the conversation, and turned to look. It was Laura Dayton, and she recognized Hop Sing. “Hop Sing, how are you?” she asked, extending her hand. He ignored her hand, and just looked away, so she turned quickly to Beth. “ You must be Adam’s wife, Beth. I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure, have we ?” Beth smiled at the woman. “ No – I dare say we haven’t. And you are ?” Laura shook her hand. “ Laura. Laura Dayton. How do you do ?” Beth gripped the woman’s hand warmly.  “So nice to finally meet you, Laura. Adam told me of the recent loss of your daughter. I am so very sorry.” Laura’s eyes gazed off for a moment or two, then she turned them back to Beth again. “Yes, it’s been very hard. But you have to go on, don’t you?” Beth nodded in agreement. “ I suppose you do…” she hesitated, then “ Laura, how would you like to come to dinner on Saturday, with us ? We don’t get many visitors out our way, and I’d enjoy the company. Do you know how to get to my and Adam’s home ?” Laura just nodded. “ It’s at ‘Bourne’s Meadow, by the lake, isn’t it ?” Beth nodded, then smiled again. “Yes, that’s right. Shall we say Saturday, three o’clock ? That will give us some time to visit, too.” Laura nodded once. “ Three o’clock is just fine. I’ll see you then !” With that, Laura left the store, and Hop Sing just shook his head at Beth. He didn’t even have to say it….

The few days before the dinner went by quickly. The day before, Beth had been kept busy baking – she wanted it to be special for Laura. When Saturday afternoon rolled around, Beth greeted Laura warmly, when she saw her pull her buggy to a stop in the barnyard. “ So glad you’re here, Laura. Won’t you come inside ?” She led the woman into the great room. Sarah and the triplets were seated in a long row, on the settee, to greet their visitor. Laura went down the row, starting with Wyatt and Shane. “ Oh, my ! Don’t they look just like Adam!”  She was practically gushing, then she saw Rosie. “ She really does look more and more like you, Beth, every time I see her ! May I pick her up ?!” Beth just smiled proudly at the woman. “ Of course – she loves being made a fuss of. ” Laura picked up the tiny girl, then turned to Sarah, who had been just sitting quietly, beside her younger brothers and sister. “Any how are you Sarah?” The young girl studied the woman for a few moments – she’d overheard who she was, and also what she’d done to her Pa, in the past and – frankly – she just didn’t like the woman, based on that.     “I’m fine, Miss Dayton. Thank you.” Beth looked to her daughter, and gently corrected her.         “It’s ‘Mrs.’ Dayton, Sarah.” Sarah just frowned. “ But she’s a widow, Ma. How can she still be a ‘Mrs.’?” Beth looked a little embarrassed, at that comment, and her cheeks had flushed a little, when Laura suddenly stepped in, with the answer to her question. “That’s very true, Sarah. But I prefer ‘Mrs.’, none the less.” Beth felt it was time to change the subject. “Can I offer you some tea, Laura ? I just made a fresh pot.” Laura’s gaze went from Sarah, to Beth’s face again. “ Yes please, Beth. That sounds lovely.” The two women left to continue their visit in the kitchen, just as Hop Sing came down the staircase, with his arms full of laundry, and then glanced to Sarah.   “ Miss Laura - she arrive ?” Sarah nodded.“ Yeah – just a couple of minutes ago. My Pa always told me not to judge people too harshly, but I just don’t like her, Hop Sing.”  She turned her hazel eyes up to him, and he gently cupped her chin, momentarily, in his hand, then nodded. “Your Pa is wise man, Miss Sarah, and often right – but Miss Laura make it easy for people to judge her, based on past.”

Beth watched as Laura fussed over Rosie, and played with the little girl, between sips of her tea.   “ Laura, have you ever considered getting married again? You seem to be so good with children - it would be a shame to perhaps deny yourself the chance of having another child.” Laura smiled slowly, and got a far away look in her eyes, as if remembering. “I have thought of it Beth, yes. But it’s hard to find the right man, isn’t it?” Beth smiled. “Yes, I suppose it is. I was lucky – I met Adam in college. We’d been courting for several months, and wanted to be married, when I got pregnant with Sarah. I’m afraid my parents ruined it for us, though. I believed their poison about Adam, and they sent me away, in their anger, and Adam and I lost contact. I actually gave Sarah up, to my Aunt, to take care of - a move I regretted, just about from the first day…” Her voice trailed off, at the memory of it all. “ But, by a stroke of luck, fate – whatever you want to call it – Adam and I eventually found each other again, and we couldn’t be happier than we are right now. It could be that way for you again, Laura, I’m sure.”

Just at that moment, Sarah walked into the kitchen, carrying Shane. “ Ma, Shane and Wyatt are starting to fuss a little. I think they may be hungry.” Beth glanced to the clock on the mantle, above the kitchen’s fireplace. “You’re right, sweetie – I lost track of the time. Can you get Wyatt for me please, Sarah – I hope you don’t mind, Laura?”  She smiled, as she gave Rosie a warm hug. “ Of course not –babies have to be fed, don’t they?” Within a very few minutes, three hungry babies were eating. The two boys, at their Mama’s bosom, and Laura was feeding Rosie, from a bottle. As she fed the baby, and looked into that sweet face, with those bright blue eyes – softly framed by her auburn hair - she got a sudden, very familiar, yearning…

When their own dinner was finished, a couple of hours later, Laura helped Beth feed the babies their dinner, too. Laura was completely taken by the triplets, and couldn’t stop from smiling, as she spoon fed Rosie some cereal. As fast as she put it in, the baby was giggling, and gurgling, and dribbling it out again, as she was far more interested in playing with Laura’s long, blonde, hair. Beth had sat Shane and Wyatt side by side, in their high chairs, beside her. She  laughed, as she raised a spoonful up to Wyatt’s mouth. “ That Rosie – I’m surprised she grows at all, some days. To her, most mealtimes are play times ! You should see Adam with her, though. For some reason, despite all her playing, he seems to be able to get most of her meal into her!”  In her mind’s eye, Laura could see Adam – her handsome ex, feeding his baby girl – and she got that familiar, yearning feeling, all over again…                                                                                                     Another week went by, and Laura and Beth were becoming quite good friends, after having dinner together a couple of times, and visiting back and forth. The Cartwrights, and their ranch hands, had safely delivered the herd to Sacramento and, after only losing a couple of head of cattle, to accidents, had received a bank draft worth forty five thousand dollars – a good return, for sure.                                                                                                                                         The four Cartwrights sat in one of the many saloons, of Sacramento, and were each enjoying a nice, cold beer, after the two week drive. A piano was tinkling in one corner of the busy saloon, and several of their ranch hands were drinking, and socializing, with the saloon girls. Adam sighed, as he lowered his beer mug down to the table top, again, and noticed Little Joe noticing every girl in the saloon. “Now, you better be careful, Joe. There’s not a woman in here, that wouldn’t eat you alive…” Ben and Hoss both grinned in agreement, but made no comment. Joe shoved his hat back on his head, a little, as he made eye contact with one of the lovelies. “ Aw, you’re just jealous, Adam. I know just what I’m doing…” He went to stand up, and Ben reached out one strong arm, to stop him, and hauled him back down into his seat again. “I don’t want you getting into any trouble, in this town, Little Joe. You’ll finish your beer – have some dinner – then an early night.  It’s still a long ride home, remember…” Joe heard both Adam and Hoss chuckle softly, at him, at their Pa’s comment. “ Can’t a guy have any fun, Pa ?!” Adam just shook his head, and smiled broadly. “ It appears not, little brother.”  Joe was practically pouting, as he raised his beer one more time, and took a swig. “ It’s okay for you, Adam – you’ve got Beth, at home, waiting for you…” Adam just grinned at his young brother. “Yeah – I know.”

 They made an early start of it the following morning. A ride that had taken them two full weeks – driving the herd of three thousand cattle, down a specially selected trail – took them considerably less time, going back home again. Adam rode into his own barnyard at about noon time of the sixth day. He swung down off of Sports back, then led him into the barn. Sarah was there, cleaning stalls. She propped her pitchfork, and ran to her Pa, on seeing him. “ Pa, I’m so glad you’re home !” Adam hugged his girl. “It’s good to be home, Sarah. How are you ? And how are your Ma, and the babies ? Hope you looked after all of them, for me...” and he winked at his daughter.“ Oh, I did, Pa, and I’m fine… But, Ma’s made a new friend…” Adam stood Sport up in the aisle, then flipped the saddle’s fender over the saddle seat, and yanked the cinch knot undone. “ Oh ? A new friend, hey ? Well, that’s good – I’m sure she gets a little lonely out here, sometimes, for another woman’s company… Is she anybody I know ?” Then he heard the answer from behind him. “ Yeah, Pa. It’s Mrs. Dayton.” Adam just rolled his eyes, as he yanked the cinch leather undone : of all the names Sarah could have mentioned, that was the one he hadn’t wanted to hear. He hauled off Sport’s saddle, and after turning him out into one of the paddocks, headed for the house. On entering their home, he pulled off his jacket, and holster, then tossed his hat on the side board.  He glanced around the great room, then called out. “Beth ?” He heard her voice float in from the kitchen. “In here, Adam !” He entered the kitchen to see Beth wrist deep in bread dough. He kissed her cheek, as he reached her. “ I hope you have lots of hot water – I sure could use a bath.” She smiled at him, then nodded towards the fire place at a large, black, steaming cauldron. “ With  three babies, don’t I always ?!” He grinned, as he pulled the hip bath from a small alcove, then started filling it. Once it was filled, he stripped off his dirty trail clothes, and lowered himself in. After hearing all the latest on the family, and on the triplets: they were all sitting up on their own now, and were even trying to crawl –  though they didn’t get more than a couple of ‘strides’ before collapsing again, being still kind of small to do that.      And they seemed to be all starting to cut their teeth, too. Adam smiled. “ That’s great, Beth. I did miss them…I missed all of you.” He glanced up at her, and she smiled down at him. “ And we missed you too, sweetheart. They’re upstairs napping. I’m sure once you’ve finished your bath, they’ll be awake again.”

After Adam had finished bathing and shaving, and got dressed again, they crept upstairs. On entering their bedroom, Adam was surprised at what he saw. It seemed to him that they’d grown, just in the three weeks he was away. He reached one arm gently around Beth’s waist, as he gazed down at the three of them. “ It looks like they’ve just about outgrown their cradles, Beth…” She sighed. “I know. I’ve thought that for a while, now…” Adam knew he would have to be the one to ‘make the suggestion’. “Well, you know sweetheart – we do have their cribs, set up in their own rooms. Maybe it’s time…” She just looked up at him hopefully. “Yes, I know… One more night?” Adam took her into his arms, and smiled, as he kissed the top of her auburn haired head. “ Oh, okay – ‘one more night’ it is..”


Laura read the first paragraph, for the third time, on the page of the book she was holding. Tossing it down onto the small table beside her chair, she sighed, then stood, and walked  to the window of her living room. She pulled the curtains to one side, to see the sunset over the hills, in the distance, and imagined that view - of that sunset - from Adam’s bedroom… She shuddered a little, as a thrill ran up her spine. Releasing the curtains once more, they fell across the window again, obscuring the view. She walked aimlessly around the room, lost in her thoughts, till she noticed the tiny pink elephant, with the matching pink sleeper, which she had borrowed from Adam’s home. Raising the items to her face, she enjoyed the fuzzy, extreme softness of them against her cheek, and the light baby-like scent of them. She closed her eyes, and let that scent envelope her, to her very soul. She was not surprised to feel sudden tears in her eyes, as she said, very softly.   “ Oh, Adam…why….” A moment later, she held the items at arm’s length again, and smiled at the little pink sleeper. She found herself taking very tentative dance steps, like the sleeper was her tiny partner. As the dance continued, she danced in swirling circles, and she found herself laughing, giddily, out loud. What any normal person would have considered to be a very dark thought, indeed, suddenly – for Laura - blossomed into a very viable plan…


Another week went by. Hop Sing had returned to the ‘other home’, on the Ponderosa. The triplets had been successfully moved into their new bedrooms. Sarah had settled back into the school routine, again, after a couple of weeks of being back there. Adam fell back into his own routine, also, after the long cattle drive, doing his various chores around the large ranch, shared with his Pa, Hoss, Joe and the ranch hands. Most of the work, in that very early autumn season, entailed riding the fence lines – to be sure they were still secure - and checking the line shacks, to be sure they were in good repair, and were well stocked in firewood, and non perishable food supplies, in case they became needed – in an emergency - during the long winter ahead. The remainder of their cattle herd was moved down into the lower pasture areas, of the large ranch, where the grass was still pretty plentiful, and the land was more sheltered, from the possible winter storms ahead.

Beth had invited Laura, again, for dinner, that Friday evening. Although Adam had his own thoughts about the woman, he kept them to himself. He realized that Beth needed her own friends, as much as he needed his, so he thought it was better to just let sleeping dogs lie.

Adam glanced up from his book, he’d been reading, by the great room’s fireplace, as Laura knocked at the door that evening. Before he could even stand up, to answer it, Beth rushed in from the kitchen, drying her hands in a tea towel. She threw the door open, and greeted Laura warmly. “ Hello, Laura – so glad you could come – won’t you come in ?” Laura tossed a long, lingering glance, to Adam, and he caught it… “ Oh, I wouldn’t miss it, Beth – I do so enjoy our time together !”  Adam snapped his book closed, and stood to walk over to the two of them. He bowed his head, just for a moment, in acknowledgment, “ Laura…”, then turned to Beth. “ I’ll go get the babies up, sweetheart.” As Adam headed for the stairs, he felt he was being watched. He glanced back, just for a moment. He hadn’t been wrong. Beth had turned, to head back to the kitchen once more, but Laura had lingered behind, and was watching his every step. He found himself shuddering, a little, as he mounted the stairs, and headed for the triplets’ rooms. When he made his second trip down, carrying Rosie, after already carrying down the boys, Laura rushed over to him. “ Oh, Adam – let me hold her. She and I get along so well…”  She gazed up into his face, and her look told Adam it was more of an order, than a request, somehow. She reached the young baby into her arms, and took a few swirling dance steps, with her. Beth had joined them again, and chuckled at the scene. “ Adam does that too, sometimes, Laura. Rosie does love her Papa !” Laura glanced to Adam again, and the look she gave him, a somehow yearning, hungry look, suddenly made him feel very uncomfortable. He walked to the woman, and reached for his daughter again. “ Yes. Well … How about I start getting the babies fed, while you finish up with our dinner, Beth ?” He cast a dark look to Laura, and headed for the kitchen.                                                                                                                                            In a very few minutes, he had Wyatt, Shane and Rosie seated in their high chairs, and was patiently spooning the shredded meat, and  peas, into each of their mouths, in turn. Beth entered the kitchen again, and approached him. “ What was that all about ?” Adam turned an innocent expression to her. “ What was all what about ?” Beth tilted her head to one side. “You know - snatching Rosie off of  Laura, like that ? She is our guest, and my friend, Adam. And I think you behaved very rudely.” He just nodded in agreement. “ Yeah, she’s your friend Beth. Not necessarily mine – and you know just why.” He turned his gaze to her, and she saw just a trace of anger in his eyes. “Look -  I know you have a history with her, Adam, but perhaps it’s time to let it go. I don’t question you on any of your friends. I’d appreciate that same courtesy.” She turned on her heel, and Adam watched as she strode, seemingly angrily, from his view. He slammed down the small jar of ground up peas, he’d been serving up, and the triplets all giggled merrily, as a large blob of the green concoction splashed back, and hit him on his cheek. He reached for a tea towel, to wipe himself off. “ Yeah, it’s all right for you guys to laugh…” he mumbled, then he grinned, as he picked up the jar again, then aimed a tiny spoonful, towards Wyatt. His big hazel eyes were just shining, and his mouth was opened wide, in anticipation - that little son of his really loved his peas…

Beth entered the kitchen again, just as the triplets were finishing up their meal, minutes later. Adam hesitated, before he stood, and walked over to her. “ Look, Beth. I can’t help how I feel about the woman.” She sighed, as she turned to face him. “ And I can’t help how I feel either, Adam. Laura has become a good friend, to me, over the last few weeks. Can’t you at least be civil, towards her ?  I’ll try to visit her more at her place, instead of her being here, if that’s what it’ll take. We can compromise on that, can’t we?” Adam just sighed deeply. “ I suppose so.” Beth just nodded. “ Fine. Dinner’s ready – I’ll serve it up.”

As they all sat around the table, Adam still had a very uncomfortable feeling. Whenever Beth was distracted by one of the babies – who they’d carried in, in their high chairs, for easier supervision – Laura was casting seemingly longing looks at him. She seemed to also be putting away quite a bit of wine, with her meal. When the evening was drawing to a close, Laura seemed to be quite drunk – in Adam’s eyes – so he offered – reluctantly – to drive her home, if only for her own safety. He also thought it would give him an opportunity to have a nice, long, meaningful conversation with her….


Little was said on the three mile drive, back to Laura’s ranch. Adam had saddled Sport, for his ride back home, and the gelding trotted along behind them, tied to the buggy. Adam kept his eyes focused on that spot right between the horse’s ears -who hauled that buggy -and the road ahead.

He was just trying to be a friend, getting another friend home, safely. Laura, though, had other plans…

When they reached her ranch, he suddenly felt a feminine hand, tracing its way up the inside of  his right thigh. He pulled the horse to an abrupt stop, and brushed her hand away, as he turned his face to her.  “Stop it, Laura. Perhaps Beth can’t see what’s going on, with your ‘friendship’, but I think I can. I’m neither stupid, nor blind. I saw those looks you were giving me – practically from when you first arrived, at our home…” She just smiled strangely at him. “Come on now, Adam. We’re both adults, here. We could be discreet…” He looked at her in absolute disbelief.  “ ‘Discreet’ ? Don’t make me laugh – other than the fact that I’m just not interested – there’s not a ‘discreet’ bone in your body, Laura.” He pulled the horse to a stop by her porch, and hopped down, then walked to her side of the buggy, and held out one hand, as she climbed down, too. Adam suddenly realized she could barely walk, as he helped her to the door. He wasn’t sure if it was partly an act, or not, and he sighed as she opened that door. He knew he had to do the right thing, here :  to get some coffee into her, to help sober her up, if only so she wouldn’t end up hurting herself, after he’d let. He steered her towards the small gold chair, in her parlor, and sat her down, then commented, “ I’ll make some coffee …” and headed for the kitchen.

 He’d filled the kettle with the hand pump, then placed it on the stove, and had lit that stove, when he became aware of a presence in the room. He turned quickly, to see Laura standing there. She’d removed her clothes, and stood in just a camisole and a short pair of briefs. He was in absolute shock, as she rapidly closed the gap between them. She was suddenly all over him, ripping open his shirt, pulling at his belt, devouring his mouth…he just gasped, as he grabbed her by the arms, and pushed her off, but she persisted.  “No  - no, Adam… You DO love me…I want your baby…” She just threw herself at him, again, in her passion, and Adam pushed her off once more. “ No, Laura. Don’t…” He  just stood there, holding her arms tightly, to keep her at bay, as his own heart pounded in his chest, and his breath came in ragged gasps, at the rawness of it all. “ I’ve already told you, Laura – I’m married to Beth. She’s the only woman I want, and love – her, and our children. NOT you.” He felt her relax a little, in his grip - almost like in resignation - so risked letting go of her, so he could re-button his shirt, and re-buckle his belt, again. His hazel eyes never lost contact with hers, as he finished dressing, then “Go put your dress back on. The coffee will be ready shortly …”

There was absolute quiet in the parlor, minutes later, as they each sat, drinking the beverage. Laura wouldn’t even look at him, each time he refilled her cup. Once Adam thought she’d had enough coffee, he stood, and then reached for his hat. He placed it solidly onto his head, once more, and then pulled on his tan jacket, as he headed for the door. “ I’ve got to get going, Laura.” She started to stand, and Adam stopped her.  “No, don’t bother getting up. I can see myself out. He paused, as if collecting his thoughts, and then his hazel eyes locked coldly, with hers.             “ Laura, you are the most manipulative person I’ve ever known. And you use people, merely for your own benefit.” He continued gazing at her, for several long moments, before making his final remark. “There’s one more thing, Laura – I want you to stay away from me, and my family. If I ever catch you, near any one of us again…” He just shook his head, and his voice trailed off, at that point, as he pulled the door open, and stepped out into the darkness. Laura stood, and rushed to the doorway, to watch him leave. He strode to the buggy, and pulling Sport’s tethered reins free, swung up into his saddle, and, digging in his heels, loped off into the moonlight, that illuminated the dusty roadway, that would take him home. As Laura watched him go, she decided that ‘Plan B’ would take affect…


Once the babies had been bathed, nursed, and put to bed that night, Sarah continued to help her Ma with the dishes. Beth carefully washed each dish, then passed it on to Sarah, to be dried, and put away, again. They’d moved into the familiar routine, of that job, when Sarah suddenly spoke up.  “ Ma, can I ask you something ?” Beth smiled as her daughter. “ Of course you can, Sarah, what is it ?” Sarah laid the tea towel down, then sidled over to a small stool, by the counter, and perched on it. “ Why do you like Mrs. Dayton ?” Beth considered that for a moment. “ Well, we both like children, and seem to have some other interests in common, too. Why do you ask ?” Sarah frowned a little. “ How can you like someone who hurt Pa, so much, in the past ? I couldn’t like anyone who hurt you, or Pa. It just wouldn’t seem right to me. If she was hurtful before, she could be just as hurtful again.” Beth turned to look at her daughter once more. “Sometimes, we have to put things behind us, and get over them, Sarah. It’s the adult thing to do.” The young girl just shook her head. “I’m sorry, Ma. But if being an adult means having to do that – I don’t want to grow up…I could never get over how Mrs. Dayton hurt my Pa – and I don’t think he can, totally, either…” The young girl suddenly rushed off, as she felt tears starting to form in her eyes. Beth took a step towards her daughter. “ Sarah – wait !”  But she’d already left the kitchen, and Beth heard her footsteps, as she ran across the floor of the great room, and continued on, up the stairs.

Moments later, as she left the kitchen, to follow her, Adam walked through the front door. He removed his hat and jacket wearily, and tossed his gun – which he’d carried with him - onto the sideboard. He looked to Beth, and just saw a sad face. “What is it, sweetheart?” Beth just shook her head. “ I’ll tell you later - can you help me finish the dishes, please ?” Without even waiting for a reply, Beth turned to go back to the kitchen. Adam just shrugged, and followed her there.

By the time they’d finished the dishes, extinguished each oil lamp on the lower level of the great home, and climbed the stairs, Adam could tell that Beth was really troubled by something. They looked into each bedroom – to check on each of their children – as they made their way along the long hallway, to their own room. Rosie’s was the first one. She lay, curled up under her pink gingham quilt, her little thumb stuck in her tiny ‘rosebud’ mouth. They each gently stroked her little auburn haired head...Next was Wyatt and Shane’s room. The two boys each lay peacefully in their cribs, covered by their light brown and gold leaf patterned homespun bedspreads, their dark hair curling softly over their foreheads, their long eye lashes brushing each little cheek. Beth turned to Adam, and smiled, then held one finger, to her lips, before they quietly left that room. The last room was Sarah’s. As they entered, they realized she’s kicked off her bedclothes. Adam grinned, then whispered. “ That’s my girl – never could keep herself covered at night…” He reached to tenderly pull the light blue patterned bedclothes back over her.

When they got to their own room, Adam pushed the double doors together, then walked to the bed, and sat down, to pull his boots off. Beth looked to him, and thought the time was right to tell him what had happened that evening with Sarah. “ Adam, Sarah and I had a very interesting discussion tonight.” He reached his boots to the end of the bed, then pulled at his belt buckle.      “ Oh ? How ‘interesting’ ?” Beth sat down at her vanity table, as she started to brush her hair.         “ She sort of chastised me for befriending Laura. Can you imagine ? She mentioned how she’d hurt you in the past, and how could I like her now, based on that ? I mentioned that adults have to learn to forgive and forget some things.”  Adam undid the fly buttons of his jeans, and pulled them off, then just stood there in his black shirt, and short black briefs, as he leaned against the footboard of their large sleigh bed. “I see… What did she say to that ?” Beth sighed loudly. “ She said, basically, that she didn’t want to grow up, if it meant having to forgive someone, who had done something to hurt someone else, that she cared about…. Then she mentioned that perhaps you hadn’t gotten over it, either, Adam.” Beth’s eyes shifted from her vanity’s mirror, to look at him, once more. He just hung his head for a moment, then shook it sadly, before he walked towards her. “Ah, Beth… Our little girl can be very intuitive sometimes, can’t she ? She’s partially right… You can lose those feelings of love for a person, and forget the details of the things they’ve said - but you’ll never really forget the way they made you feel. Good – or bad…” He paused as he placed a hand on each of Beth’s shoulders, then looked at the two reflections in her vanity mirror, that looked back at them. “I need to tell you something, Beth... Laura’s been using you…” He felt her back stiffen a little. “Now, please, hear me out, Beth, and you’ll see. Laura is nothing more than a manipulative woman, who uses people to her own ‘ends’... Do you remember a few weeks back, when I met her, in town, after you and the kids had left me, to go to the restaurant? Well - She made a pass at me, Beth. I rebuffed her, and thought that would be it. I must admit when I heard you had become friends with her, it didn’t feel right to me, but I didn’t say anything – I thought you needed to have your own friends, the same as I need some of my own, too…” He paused, for a few moments, as if collecting his thoughts, and then he continued. “… and then there’s tonight…she’d been giving me ‘the look’, several times, throughout the evening. I took her home, anyway, so she’d be safe - trying to be the ‘concerned friend’…started to make her some coffee, to help to sober her up, a bit…Next thing I know, she’d taken most of her clothes off, and – well – she tried to seduce me, Beth. Seems she wants nothing more than to have my child – and she used you, basically, to get to me, again…Look what she did to me, Beth…”Adam slowly unbuttoned his shirt, then pulled it off, to reveal six long, deep, scratch marks, right down the front of his chest : three down each side  They reached from his collar bones, right down to his navel area. There were little congealed spots of blood, all along their pathways. Beth spun around, as she stood up again.  “Oh my god, Adam ! She did that to you ?!” He just nodded, as she reached her arms around him. He reached right back. “ Yeah. She did… Once I figured out, just what had been ‘going on’, I warned her to stay away from me, and my family. I had to, Beth. I hope you can see that.” She just nodded her head, then looked up into his hazel eyes. “ I can see that I’ve been a damn fool, Adam, and I’m so sorry.” He lowered his arms again,  then reached for her hand.  “Come on, sweetheart – it’s been a hell of a day – let’s just go to bed…”

It was a rather sullen Sarah that joined her Ma, Pa, and siblings, at the dining room table, the following morning. She just sat down quietly, at her place, and her eyes were down cast. Beth glanced to Adam, then looked to her daughter. “Scrambled eggs, Sarah ?” She just nodded. “Yes, please.” Adam half smiled at Beth, as he reached the platter of bacon towards her, too. “Bacon, Sarah?” She just nodded again, without raising her eyes. “Yes, please, Pa…” He reached for the jug of milk. “Would you like some milk, with that?” Again, she just nodded, “Okay. Thank you.” After filling her glass for her, Adam rested his chin on his hands, as he propped his elbows on the table. “ Hug, Sarah ?” She suddenly looked up again. “ Pardon me, Pa ?” Adam patted his lap. “Come here for a minute, Sarah.” She pulled herself up, from her seat, then ambled to his place, at the head of the table. “Your Ma and I had a long talk last night, about the whole Laura Dayton ‘thing’. You were pretty much right in your assessment of me, Sarah. Sure - some of the hurt is still there – at least, the memory of it - though I have shoved it, to the back of my mind, after all these years. Your Ma was right - you do have to learn to do that, Sarah. Sadly, you’ll probably find that out, in your own life, one day.” He reached a big, strong arm, around his daughter, and gently kissed her cheek, as he held her, there. Beth smiled at the two of them. “ I was so wrong, sweetie. I let a new friendship sort of ‘blur the lines of loyalty’, between my own family, and a so called ‘friend’. I won’t let that happen again. And you won’t be seeing Laura Dayton visiting here, anymore, or me there, at her home, either. I learned a very valuable lesson last night, Sarah, from both you, and your Pa.” Beth held out her arms, and Sarah rushed into them, and hugged her Ma. Suddenly, out of Adam’s peripheral vision, he saw Shane reaching for a piece of bacon, off his Ma’s plate, as he sat beside her, in his high chair… “Look out, Beth - I think at least one of our sons is hungry !” The baby quickly raised the crispy strip to his mouth, and took a big bite, followed right away by a broad, two toothed grin, as some of the bacon crumbled, then tumbled, down his chin. There was sudden laughter, from the other family members, around the table. Beth reached out one hand, and very tenderly ruffled the baby’s dark, wavy hair. “Who’s his Mama’s little scallywag, Shane ?!” That one word –‘scallywag’- suddenly struck the other two babies as one of the funniest things they’d ever heard, and they all started to giggle happily away.

Another few weeks went by. The Cartwrights had seen neither hide nor hair of Laura – which suited them all just fine. It was a bright Saturday morning, when they made a trip into town, to pick up some supplies. Adam suggested he wait in the buckboard –with the kids – while Beth went into Cass’s store, to arrange for what they needed. Beth entered the store to a cheery greeting from Mr. Cass. “Good morning, Beth ! Family not with you today ?” Beth grinned at the friendly old shop keeper. “They’re all waiting in the buckboard with Adam, Mr. Cass. Sometimes it’s easier, and faster, to shop when your arms aren’t filled with babies !” He laughed, as he looked over his glasses to her, again. “I know what you mean – what can I get for you today, Beth?” Just as she handed over the list, Laura Dayton walked into the store. It seemed like the temperature dropped about ten degrees when she did. The two women eyed each other, for several moments, and then Beth approached the other woman slowly. “ Good morning, Laura.” The other woman just nodded, then looked away, and started her own shopping. Beth took one more step towards her. “ Laura Dayton, I have something to say to you. I thought we were friends. I welcomed you into my home, and even into my life, in some ways. Adam told me what you got up to.” Laura turned around again, and looked Beth up and down, for several long moments. “ Humph…So, Adam chose you – and I just can’t figure out why…” At that comment, Beth felt the hair on the back of her neck just bristle. “ No – I don’t suppose you can, Laura. A self centered woman, such as yourself, probably never could. Adam chose me because he loves me, and our family. That’s the one thing you just couldn’t accept, could you ?” Beth shook her head in feigned pity. “ One more thing, Laura…” With that, Beth raised one hand, then slapped the woman, as hard as she could, across her face. “Like Adam told you, Laura :  just stay away from us.” Laura looked at Beth in absolute shock, and disbelief, and then hurried out of the store again. Adam was parked just outside, and from his high perch, on the large buckboard’s seat, had seen the whole thing, through the store’s lettered window. He smiled, as Beth finished their shopping, and then came outside again, a few minutes later. He hopped down to help her up onto the buckboard’s seat, then climbed up beside her, as Mr. Cass put their purchases into the back of the buckboard, beside the kids. Adam stifled a grin, as he slapped the long lines on the backs of the team of horses, and the vehicle lurched forward. “I saw what just happened in there – um, feel better ?” Beth just turned to him, with a sly wink. “Much. Thank you.” Adam started to laugh heartily, as he reached one arm around her shoulders, then kissed her forehead tenderly.  “That’s my beautiful wife: ‘woman of fire’…”


Laura looked at her reflection in her bedroom mirror to see that the red slap mark, from Beth, was still visible, hours after the fact. She now resented her former friend – even more than she  had been before, if anything - if she were completely truthful to herself. It seemed to Laura that Beth had it all :  she had Adam, and a lovely home. And she had lovely children, too…         Laura gathered up her shawl, and several blankets, and then reached for the tiny pink elephant that had been borrowed, weeks before, from Adam and Beth’s home. She shivered as she headed outside into the cool mist, of the early dusk. Once the horse was hitched to her small rig, and a small cradle had been placed on the vehicle’s small back deck, she climbed very purposefully onto the seat. She took the long lines into her hands, and then laid the whip across the horse’s rump. The horse lurched off, as Laura steered him towards Adam and Beth’s home.


Adam grinned, as he balanced himself on his haunches, and watched as the triplets crawled across the plank flooring towards him, with Sarah cheering them all on.“ Come on, Wyatt – Shane’s catching up, and here comes Rosie, right behind !”  All three babies were giggling away – each trying to be the first to reach their Papa. Rosie – being the smallest of the three – was the first to tire, and pull out of that race. She plopped herself onto her little bottom, and just reached out her arms to Adam, and whimpered a little. Adam stood, and took a few steps towards his tiniest child, and scooped her up into his arms. Like her beautiful Mother’s, Adam just couldn’t resist those big blue eyes, of Rosie’s, especially when they suddenly looked so sad. “It’s okay Rosie. Papa’s right here…” He rubbed the little girl’s back tenderly, then kissed her forehead,  as she laid her cheek against his broad chest, and popped her thumb into her mouth. Meanwhile, as the race ended, Wyatt and Shane just sat beside him, one on each side, each grabbing onto one of those big legs of his, and grinned up at him. Beth walked in from the kitchen, where she’d been washing the dishes, after a late dinner. “Come on Adam. Time for bed – for all of us – we’ve got that early church service to get to, tomorrow morning, remember…” Adam sighed, as he passed Rosie to her, then reached down to pick up Wyatt and Shane. “I know, Beth, I hadn’t forgotten.”  Once all the oil lamps on the main floor were safely extinguished, the young Cartwright family climbed up the stairs. The first stop was Rosie’s bedroom, where she was kissed goodnight, by all the other family members – including her two brothers. A little nightly ritual that Adam and Beth had recently started – once the babies had learned how to kiss… Then the group moved onto Wyatt and Shane’s room, where hugs and kisses were once more exchanged and finally, to Sarah’s room, where there were a few more warm ‘good night’ hugs, and kisses. Once all their children had been lovingly settled, into their own beds, Adam and Beth crept quietly into their own room. Adam walked to their large window, to close it for overnight. November was about two thirds done, and although it still remained quite mild for that time of year, all the house’s windows were closed up tight, at night, to keep the home as warm as possible. They each quickly undressed, and slipped under the covers. Adam smiled, as he felt Beth reach an arm around his broad chest, then settle her right cheek onto his left shoulder – one of those loving, comfortable rituals, she had carried on, since the day they were married. Indeed, since they’d been sharing the same bed together, the previous fall. He reached one arm around her, too, as his lips found hers, and they kissed. “G’night, sweetheart”   G’night, Adam” They were soon both asleep.




Laura had watched from the end of Adam and Beth’s long laneway, for some time. She watched as each light was extinguished in the great home – first downstairs, then upstairs. She then sat quietly, looking for any signs of life, from the large home. Once she was sure that the whole family was asleep, she steered her horse and buggy quietly towards it. The mist continued to thicken – swirling in off of Lake Tahoe. It billowed, and filled the land around her - as she drove her way between the corrals on either side of her. The only sounds she could hear were the light jingle of the horse’s harness, the creek of the buggy’s wooden wagon wheels, and the excited pounding of her own heart. Once she’d reached the front entranceway, she turned the buggy around in the barnyard, to face down the laneway once again. She yanked the hand brake against the wagon’s wheel, then climbed down silently, and headed for the doorway. She placed her ear against that door for a few moments, to be sure she couldn’t hear anyone, or anything, then slowly lifted the latch. She pushed the door open to reveal that the only light, in the great room, came from the fireplace, and the reflections of the low flames, dancing across the walls. The sudden hourly, Westminster musical chime, of the grandfather clock, startled her, a little, and when it was done, she counted each hour’s gong. It was eleven o’clock. She stepped towards the stairs, then slowly climbed them. Getting to the top, she stopped again, and listened. It was absolutely silent, save for the continuing tick tock of the grandfather clock, downstairs. She crept towards the first bedroom and silently opened the door. The moon shone through the window, and its beams of light washed across Rosie’s crib. She walked towards that bed, and gazed down at its tiny occupant. The pink gingham quilt covered the auburn haired, little girl. She was curled up under her covers, in a little ball, and was sound asleep. Laura reached out her arms, and quickly grabbed the sleeping baby, wrapping her in the small blanket she’d carried in with her. The baby continued right on sleeping, as Laura made her way down the stairs again, hustled across the great room, and quietly closed the front door behind them. She rushed over to the buggy, and laid the baby in a small wooden cradle – that had once belonged to her now deceased daughter, Peggy - and climbed into the seat beside it. The small pink elephant was laid beside the sleeping child, then she glanced back towards the house, one more time, as she released the buggy’s brake, and then slapped the reins on the horse’s back. The house was still in total darkness, as she headed down the long laneway.  Laura smiled to herself - Rosie was now her baby…


Adam rolled over, sleepily, as he heard a muffled whimper from down the second floor hallway, then looked at his alarm clock. It read just before six o’clock. He glanced to Beth, who was still sleeping peacefully. He kissed her forehead gently, and then swung his legs over the side of the bed. Since he was already awake, anyhow, he’d look after the babies this time…He pulled on his jeans, and headed down the darkened hallway to the boys’ room. He smiled, as he entered their room. The two were both sitting up, and rocking their cribs back and forth, in unison. “ ’Morning  guys. Are you ready for some breakfast?” He quickly scooped up the two babies, into his arms. “Let’s go see if Rosie is awake, hey?” He ambled down the hallway, to the next bedroom, and opened the door quietly. He walked into the dark gloom of the room, and approached the tiny white crib. He pulled back the pink gingham quilt, and she wasn’t there. “I guess Sarah has her, hey boys ?” It wasn’t unusual for Sarah to be the first one to wake up, and often take one, or more, of the babies, back to her room, to play with, so her parents could sleep in a little. Adam ambled back down the hall, a baby in each arm, and tapped at Sarah’s door, before he opened it. When he got no reply, he opened the door slowly, then stepped inside the dark room. “ Sarah, do you have Rosie in here? Sarah?” He walked to the bed, and pulled the covers back a little. Sarah rolled over, and rubbed her eyes. “What’s up, Pa ? Is it time to get  up ?” Adam was suddenly clutched by a cold fear, right in the pit of his belly. “ Sarah – you don’t have Rosie ?” She just shook her head. “ No, Pa. I haven’t seen her since last night…” Adam just slowly lowered the boys down to her bed. “ Oh, my god – Sarah, look after your brothers for a few minutes, will    ya ?” He rushed back to his own room, and threw the doors open. “ Beth – wake up!” She opened her eyes abruptly, and sat up. “ What’s wrong, Adam ? What’s going   on ?”  He reached for his shirt, “Rosie’s missing…”, and pulled it on, then pulled on his boots. There was a look of absolute disbelief on Beth’s face. “ WHAT ?!!!  Missing ?!!” She leapt out of bed, and rushed to him. “ Oh my god, Adam – HOW ?” Adam found himself absolutely shaking. “ I don’t know, sweetheart. I’m going outside to look around…” He kissed her forehead absently, as he ran one hand gently down her cheek, then headed for their door, with Beth right behind him. They were met by Sarah, just exiting her own room, carrying the boys. “ What’s the matter, Pa ?” He looked somberly at her, as he reached one hand to gently cradle her pig tailed head. “ Rosie’s missing, Sarah ”, then he jogged towards the stairs. Beth and Sarah were both in tears, as Beth reached Wyatt from Sarah’s arms, then they both headed for the stairs, right at Adam’s heels. He rushed across the great room, and pulled the front door open. He literally ran out into the barn yard, at full speed, then spun around, and called out her name, in absolute desperation.“ ROSIE ?!!” His voice echoed across the empty, mist filled barnyard, and seemed to bounce back to him, from right across Lake Tahoe, itself. He ran his hand helplessly across his face – she was gone. As he glanced down to the dusty ground, he saw a fresh, single set of buggy and horse tracks. He raised his head slowly, and traced their track, with his eyes, and saw that they disappeared off down the laneway. As he slowly took cool control of his emotions, once more – knowing he would have to be completely focused, to get their Rosie back -  he went into almost detective mode, as he glanced around, looking for clues, and suddenly realized there was a set of very small, feminine looking, foot prints. They led from where the buggy had obviously been parked, to the plank walkway that led to the doorway, and then back again. He knew there could only be one person that would do such a horrendous, cruel thing, as kidnapping one of their children – and her name was Laura Dayton. Adam turned dejectedly, and headed back to the house. On entering, he found Beth and Sarah huddled together on the settee, Wyatt and Shane sitting on each of their laps. He just shook his head sadly. “ I found the tracks of a single hitch buggy out there – and what appear to be the small tracks of a woman’s foot…” Beth’s mouth opened to say something, but Adam said it for her. “ It has to be Laura, Beth. Who else has a reason to do this ?’ She just shook her head slowly, as the tears started to well in her eyes again. “No one, Adam…” He approached his young family, and wrapped his arms tenderly around them all. “I’m saddling up Sport, Beth – follow the trail for a bit – see what I can see. Get the kids ready to go into town, okay ?” As he stepped back from them again, he gently cradled Beth’s chin, in one hand, and their eyes met.     “ We’ll find her, Beth.” He turned on his heel, and headed for the doorway again. He pulled on his hat and coat, then buckled on his holster.  He glanced back one more time, “ I won’t be too long...”, then stepped through the door, and closed it behind him. His shoulders were hunched over, in the chill of the early morning mist, as he walked across the barnyard. He soon had Sport tacked up, and ready to go. After leading the big chestnut horse from the barn, he swung up into the saddle, pulled his head around, and laid his heels into the horse’s flanks. He just flew down the laneway, and onto the road, following it to the main road. He reached that main road about a mile later. The buggy tracks he’d been following disappeared amongst the many tracks, on the busy roadway, that wound its way to both Virginia City and Carson City. He pulled Sport to an abrupt stop, to consider his next move. The decision was made – he turned his horse, and headed for Laura’s ranch.

 He made it there in record time, and hurtled down off his horse, when he arrived. He wrapped Sport’s reins around the hitching rail, and in four long strides, had reached the door of the home. He raised one strong fist, and pounded it, angrily.  “ LAURA – LET ME   IN !” He pressed his ear against the door, and could hear nothing. Un-holstering his gun, he stepped back a couple of feet, then, raising one booted foot, kicked the door in. He absolutely leapt into the small parlor, then pivoted, his gun leveled, checking every corner of the room. No one was there. He walked slowly, and purposefully, towards the kitchen, his eyes and ears carefully attuned to any sight, or sound. When he reached the kitchen it, too, was found to be empty, so he decided to check the upstairs. He climbed the stairs cautiously, and quietly, and then checked each room. Still no one. When he got to Laura’s bedroom, he threw open the closet, on a hunch. There wasn’t a stitch of clothing in it. As he glanced around the room one more time, before he left, he suddenly saw it. There, on the light pink bed spread, was a tiny pink sleeper. An item his eyes had missed during the first fast, visual scan, of the room. He stepped to the bed, and reached for the tiny item of clothing, and recognized it to be one of Rosie’s older sleepers – now outgrown. A sudden sob escaped his throat, as he raised it to his chest, and just held it there, for a few long moments. It was all the evidence that he needed :  Laura had obviously had the plan in place for some time, and had planned it all very well : she’d left no forwarding address…Tucking the sleeper carefully into his pocket, Adam walked wearily back down the stairs, and out the door again. Mounting up, he headed back home.

By the time he got back to his own house, the early morning mist was starting to lift, and the sun was struggling to shine through. On entering the house, he saw Beth, Sarah, Wyatt and Shane sitting around the dining room table, quietly having breakfast. Wyatt and Shane were even more quiet than normal, as Beth fed them their cereal. They each kept looking to Rosie’s empty chair, and there was sort of a sad, puzzled look, on each of their little faces. That sight - of Rosie’s empty high chair, seated beside her brothers’ - was suddenly too much for Adam. He dropped his head, then reached up, and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, and just stood for a moment or two, as he collected himself again: he had to stay strong for his young family. He took a deep breath, before entering the dining room. Two sets of red rimmed eyes looked to him, in expectation, as he took his place. He reached for his coffee cup, and after filling it, took a sip, then replaced it on his saucer. “I rode over to Laura’s and – as I suspected - she wasn’t there. I checked the whole house, Beth. Even her clothes closet – it was empty. That tells me, at least, that she’s moved somewhere. And I found this…” He reached into his coat pocket, and pulled out the tiny pink sleeper, then held it up. Beth gasped. “ Oh no, Adam ! I wondered what had happened to that sleeper…”Adam sighed. “At least, now we know. She’s been planning this for some time, Beth. Must have been…And I would say that last night wasn’t the first time that she visited our home, unbeknownst to us, either…” Beth shuddered a little, at the very thought of it. “ I agree, Adam. She never had lone access, to the babies’ armoire, while she was visiting me. Never. What you just suggested would explain how she got her hands on the sleeper.” Adam nodded in agreement. “ That’s right. Do you remember that Rosie’s little pink elephant seemed to just ‘disappear’ some weeks ago, too ? We thought it may have accidently been thrown out, with the trash, and burned ? Now I’m thinking that if we find Laura, and Rosie, we’ll find that little elephant, too.” Beth shook her head slowly. “ Not ‘if ’ Adam – ‘when’…” With that, Beth hung her head, and wept. Adam rose from his chair, and went to her, then reached his arms gently around her. “ Yes. ‘When’…Come on, sweetheart – we have to tell Pa, and my brothers, what’s happened, and we need to get to Sheriff Coffee to report it, too…”

It was a somber group of Cartwrights, that filled the buckboard, as Adam pulled it to a stop in front of his Pa’s home, a while later. Ben heard the jingle of the team’s harness, as they arrived, and rushed outside. “ Well, what a welcome surprise ! How are you all ?” As he looked to Adam’s and Beth’s faces, he realized that something was terribly wrong, and he rushed forward. “ What’s the matter Adam ? Beth ?” Adam climbed down, then helped Beth down, and reached their three children from the back deck of the buckboard. Ben looked around, and had  a sudden feeling of absolute dread. “ Where’s Rosie, Adam ?” He just shook his head. “ Come inside, Pa. We can explain it all there…”

Hoss and Joe had soon joined the family group, and listened in shocked silence, and sadness, to what Adam and Beth had to tell them all. Ben stood angrily. “ But why, Adam ? I just don’t understand any of this – how could she do it?” Adam sat on the settee – between Beth and Sarah, and had reached one arm gently around each of them. “ That’s the question of the hour, Pa. I only recently really realized just how jealous she was. But maybe that – in itself – is the answer: Jealously ” Joe stood up – with Wyatt in his arms - and started to pace in front of the fire place. “I vote we all go after her - get all the ranch hands together - we can find her, Adam !” For the first time that day, Adam had a sad, half smile on his face. “ That sounds like a good idea, Joe. But it’ll just spook her into a hiding place that we may never find. And if that happens, it means we won’t see Rosie again, either.” Beth gasped a little at that remark, and Adam reached out to take her hand tenderly, into his own. “ What I mean is – we have to do this properly. That means getting into town, and reporting it to Roy Coffee. He’ll know how to handle it, and what to do.” Hoss nodded his head, in agreement, as he shifted Shane from his right shoulder, to his left. “ I’m with you, Adam. We can’t all go off half cocked - tearing around the countryside, ‘hunting blind’. She could have gone just about anywhere !” Adam nodded in agreement, with his younger brother. “ Exactly, Hoss. With Roy’s help, we can send out alerts to all the stage lines, and way stations, around here, and every town, too.” Ben nodded his head in agreement, with the common consensus. “ It sounds good, Adam. What can we do to help, son?” Adam looked to his Pa, and their eyes locked for a moment. “Just be there, Pa. Like you always have been. And a bit of prayer wouldn’t go amiss, either.” At that point – and for the first time – Adam dropped his head, and felt sudden tears in his eyes, as the gravity of the situation finally overcame his ability to hide his emotions. He wiped his tears away, quickly, then stood. “ Well, come on. Let’s get into town.” He’d directed the comment to Beth and Sarah, and was touched when his Pa, and  two younger brothers, gathered around him, and his young family, as they all headed for the door.

The Widow Hawkins knelt reverently by her late husband’s grave, then reached the small bouquet of red roses she’d been carrying, and laid them across the small grass covered site.         “ Well, ‘arry, me old love. You’d  ave been seventy years old today. And there’s not a day that’s gone by, in the last fifteen years, that I  aven’t missed you, me old dear…” The old woman dabbed a couple of tears from her eyes, then lifted her head, as she heard a buggy passing on the road, a distance away from her.  She recognized it to be Laura Dayton, and she had young Rosie Cartwright sitting beside her. She raised one arm to wave at her, and called out, but she was just beyond ear shot, and rumbled past her, without even noticing her. “ Isn’t that nice, ’arry ? Young Mrs. Dayton looking after a neighbour’s child ? Such a nice young woman…” Her voice trailed off, as she headed back to her own buggy. She clambered up into the seat, and turned to watch Laura as she disappeared down the road, apparently heading in the direction of Carson City. She steered her horse around, and slapped the long lines on his old back. “ Come on Dobbin, me old love. Take your lady home, again !” The horse set a good pace, for his advanced age, and was soon high stepping it off towards Virginia City.

Adam pulled his buckboard’s team to a stop outside Roy’s office, and hopped down, then helped his family down, as his Pa and brothers aligned their horses along the hitching rail, then swung down from their backs, and wrapped the reins of each horse firmly around the well worn rail.

Sheriff Coffee was seated at his desk, catching up on his paper work, when the entire Cartwright family burst through the door. He lowered his spectacles, and smiled in greeting. “And to what do I owe this honour to, Ben ? It’s not often I see the whole Cartwright clan, together, in one     place !” Ben stepped towards his old friend, to shake his hand, as Roy rose up from his chair, to greet him. “Afraid it’s not a social call this time, Roy…” Adam was at his heels, and reached out his hand in greeting, too. “ I wish it was just a friendly visit, Roy. We have some bad news, I’m afraid. Rosie’s been kidnapped.” Roy’s eyebrows shot straight up, as he sat down again.              “ Kidnapped ? When did this happen ?” Roy gestured the family group to make themselves comfortable, on the various chairs, scattered around  the walls of his office. Adam perched on one corner of Roy’s desk, then folded his arms across his chest. “ Sometime  between ten o’clock last night – when we all went to bed – and just before six o’clock this morning, when I woke up, and found her to be missing.” Roy looked thoughtful. “Well, this is one thing I’d never thought I’d hear you say, Adam. Kidnapping – that’s very serious. Do you have any idea who might have done this ?” Beth had joined Adam, again, and had taken his hand gently. “ We know exactly who, Roy – Laura Dayton !” The old sheriff shook his head slowly.   “ That’s a pretty serious allegation there, Beth. Why do you think it’s her ?” Both Adam and Beth began  filling him in on the details of the last few months : the loss of her own child, and the loneliness, and grief, that that had brought about; the sudden ‘friendship’ with Beth, and her absolute interest in the triplets, especially Rosie ; the missing baby items of Rosie’s from their own home, and Rosie’s sleeper found, again, in Laura’s home, just that day, by Adam; the various ‘flirtations’ with Adam, and her and Adam’s previous history, together, as a couple. Roy nodded his head in agreement. “ It sounds like she had the motive, and the opportunity, for sure. I’m assuming she left no note ?” Adam just shook his head. “ No - not that we found, Roy…” The Sheriff leaned back in his chair, then clasped his hands behind his head.  “Well, I have had some experience with several kidnappings. I haven’t known one kidnapper, yet, that didn’t leave – or have delivered, soon after – some sort of note, making monetary demands of some sort. Either as a ‘return ransom’ or just disguised like that, to help finance their own ‘new lifestyle’. By what you’ve said, Adam, I’m leaning towards Laura looking for some money for that ‘new lifestyle’…” Adam felt Beth’s grip suddenly tighten on his hand. “ You mean – she’s not bringing Rosie back, Roy ?” He just shook his head sadly. “Now, I’m not gonna lie to you good folks : I’d say not, Beth. She sounds like a very determined young woman, who wanted one  thing : a child to replace her own. Having said that, I’ll do everything in my power to help get your Rosie back. Now, I’ll need a full, up to date description of Rosie – since I haven’t seen her for a couple of months, myself. Everything : height, weight, number of teeth, any distinguishing moles, birth marks, etc. –  and anything else you can think of, that would help identify her. Then I can wire the description of Rosie and Laura  to every city, town, and stage line between here, and California, and here, and Kansas…”  Sarah had sidled over to the desk, and suddenly spoke up.“ She’s got the prettiest big blue eyes you ever did see, Sheriff Coffee ! Isn’t that right, Pa ?” She looked up at her Pa, and Adam felt a sudden catch in his throat, as he reached one arm gently around her shoulders, and hugged his girl. “ That’s right, Sarah – she does. Put that at the top of your list, Roy…” The lawmaker smiled sadly at Sarah, then, pulling open a desk drawer, reached for the appropriate  ‘missing persons’ form, and his quill pen. After removing the ink well’s cap, he dipped it in, then poised it at the top of the page, and repeated just what Sarah had said, as he began writing “… prettiest big blue eyes…”

The widow Clementine Hawkins was just entering Cass’ General Store, the next day, when she spotted Roy Coffee posting a sign, on the front of the building next door. Being a very curious woman, she wandered over to read it, and got there just as he’d tapped in the last tack.            “Missing: Lillian Rose Mariah Cartwright.                                                                                                  Six and a half month old (female) infant child of the Cartwright family of Virginia City                            ( Ponderosa Ranch)                                                                                                                              Description: Auburn haired, blue eyes, approximately two feet, two inches tall, and weighing approximately sixteen pounds.                                                                                                                                      Person of interest, related to this disappearance: Mrs. Laura Dayton of Virginia City, Nevada.                                                  Description: Female, blonde, blue eyes, slim build, 32 years old, 5’6” tall.                                                                           Any information related to this disappearance, please contact Sheriff Roy Coffee.                       Virginia City, Nevada”

As Clementine finished reading, she reached out to grab Roy’s sleeve, as he’d started to walk away. “ Oh, deary, deary me, Sheriff Coffee! I saw Laura just yesterday morning, and she ’ad young Rosie sitting beside ’er, in ’er buggy, she did. I thought she was just per’aps looking after the little girl… I was visiting me good ’usband’s grave, I was.  e’d have turned seventy years old yesterday. I do still miss ’im so – such a wonderful man…”  Roy grabbed her right back, by her arms, and gave her a little bit of a gentle shake, to stop her from prattling on, and to focus, and to get to the facts of the case. “ Now, Clementine, you’re sure about this ?!” The old woman suddenly looked a bit indignant. “ Nothing wrong with me ‘far away’ eyesight, Roy ! Now, I do ’ave to wear glasses for  close-up work, you know: reading, knitting, crocheting, eating – don’t want to eat the wrong thing now, do I ?!…”  He gave her another gentle little shake. “Please, Clementine – just the facts about Laura and Rosie ! Where did you see them ? What time ? Where were they headed ?!” The old woman tilted her head thoughtfully. “ Well, it would ’ave been  ’bout nine o’clock in the morning, I’d wager. That’s such a nice time of the day, don’t you agree ? So quiet, and peaceful -especially in a graveyard - not much ’appenin’ in there, is       there ?!” Roy just rolled his eyes, and figured she’d get to the details, in her own good time…     “ Now, as I was saying. It was ’bout nine o’clock, and I spotted ’er with Rosie on the main road that ’eads toward Carson City. She seemed to be in such a ’urry. I called out, and waved, but I guess she didn’t see me…”  Roy sighed deeply. “ Thank you, Clementine, for the information. Would you mind coming down to my office, to make a statement, for me ?” The old woman blushed, a little. Truth be told, she had a bit of a crush on the lawmaker.  “ Oh, not at all, Roy ! Shall we go right now ?” She tucked her arm companionably around his, and hauled him off down the dusty, main street, of Virginia City, headed in the general direction of his office.

Adam was just finishing putting in the last screw, on the second new slide bolt set – one on the inside of  each entrance door, of their home - as he heard someone ride into his barnyard. He turned to see Roy Coffee stepping down off his horse, so headed towards the man, extending his hand in greeting. “ How are you, Roy ? Any news ?” The lawman looked into the hopeful face, and half smiled, as he shook his hand. “ As a matter of a fact, Adam, yes. Can we go inside?” Adam smiled, too, as he gestured his old friend towards the front door. On entering, he called out for Beth, and both she and Sarah rushed in from the kitchen, as Adam practically hovered over the man. “Please, Roy, come, sit down. Can I get you a cup of coffee?” The sheriff made himself comfortable, in one of the arm chairs. “ No. No thank you, Adam… I saw Clementine Hawkins earlier today, and she mentioned seeing Laura with Rosie, in her buggy, seemingly heading towards Carson City, yesterday, at about nine o’clock in the morning. Mrs. Hawkins had been visiting her husband’s grave, at the time, so we know at least that Laura is still in the vicinity. I wired Sheriff Griffin, in Carson City, to keep his eyes peeled for Laura and Rosie, but he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. Just to get you all up to date: Every city between here, and the west coast, and here and Kansas – that is serviced by the telegraph wire - has been wired, about the kidnapping, with full descriptions of both Laura and Rosie. I spent the morning putting up ‘missing posters’ all around our fair city, and suggested the sheriff’s in the other cities to do the same. I know they will, Adam. They’re a good bunch of men, and I’ve met many of them, personally, over the years, and can absolutely vouch for their integrity.”

Adam glanced to Beth, and for the first time, in over twenty four hours, she actually smiled a little. It was a relief, of sorts, hearing the news which confirmed their own suspicions. Roy went to stand up again. “ Now, if you folks will excuse me, I need to get back to town. I’m breaking in a new Deputy…I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything, from anywhere, or anyone !”Adam and Beth both reached out to shake the elderly lawmaker’s hand again. A handshake just didn’t seem enough for Sarah, though. She reached her arms around his waist, to hug him, and just looked up into his mustached, weathered, friendly old face. “ Thanks, Sheriff Coffee !” He looked down at the little girl, and smiled, as he gently cradled her chin, in one strong hand. “ You’re very welcome, Sarah – just all part of my job, after all !” Then he looked to Adam and Beth, again. “I’ll see you folks later – I’ll keep in touch !” Adam saw him to the door, and he was soon on his way, back to town. The young couple just collapsed into each other arms. “Well, at least it’s something, Beth. We’ll have many thousands of eyes out there, keeping watch for her…” Beth nodded her head against his chest. “ Yes… But isn’t there anything we can do?” She looked up at him hopefully, and Adam sighed deeply. “ At least we know that she was spotted with Laura, by the Widow Hawkins…I’m not sure what else can be done, Beth. We could ride, from place to place, looking for her, but where would we start ? I already tracked her as far as I could – and that went just to the main road ! She could have followed that road, that connected to another road, that could take her just about anywhere…” He paused for a long moment, as he gazed down at her. “ I’m sure you do realize, Beth, that there’s a part of me, that DOES want to do that: Just go look for Rosie – no matter how long it takes, or how far, or even where, it takes me…Then there’s another part of me that wants me to just stay close, and protect the rest of my family…” He dropped his head, wearily, then rested his cheek against the top of her auburn haired head : Adam felt like it was the worst dilemma he had ever faced… They each suddenly became aware of a young set of arms, reaching tenderly around their waists, to gently hug the both of them…

A full week went by, and there were no reported sightings of Laura, or Rosie, from anywhere. Roy had only heard from Sheriff Griffin, in Carson City, that Laura had been spotted there – that first morning - stocking her buggy with various supplies. Unfortunately, she had been noticed by the shopkeeper before the alerts about the kidnapping had gone up, and she’d simply slipped right out of the town again. Once another day had gone by, the ransom note that Roy had predicted, appeared, stuck in the front doorjamb of the Cartwright’s home. It had fluttered to the ground when Adam had opened the door, that morning, to head off to the barn, to feed the stock. He reached down to grab it, then tore the envelope open, as he hurried back into the house again.  “ Beth – we have a ransom note !” He pulled it from the envelope, as Beth hurried to his side from upstairs, a baby in each arm , then he read it aloud.

“ I have Rosie - she is safe. If you want to see her again, it will cost you $250,000 ”

Adam looked down in disbelief at the note, as he turned the small piece of paper over. There was no ‘meeting place’ mentioned for the ‘exchange’, no other conditions – no anything. A desperate sound, almost like a deep, guttural growl, escaped from Adam’s throat, just before he looked to Beth again. “Well, it is Laura’s hand writing – I recognize it. But what damn good is this – we’re no further ahead than we were a week ago ! We just know the ‘cost’, now, of getting Rosie back, and it’s a king’s ransom… ” He collected himself for a few moments, then: “ She’s playing with us, Beth. She knows she holds all the cards, right now.” He paused for a moment, as he considered his next move. “ I’ve got to go see Pa, and tell Sheriff Coffee about this. I want you to stay here, and bolt the doors, Beth…I’ll look after the stock.”  He tucked the note into a pocket, then reached for his jacket, and hat, then buckled on his holster. He gently ruffled the dark, wavy hair, on each of Wyatt’s and Shane’s heads, then ran one hand tenderly down Beth’s cheek, as he looked into her eyes.    “ I’ll be back as soon as I can…”

A couple of hours later, Adam was pacing around his Pa’s living room, like a caged cougar, as Ben read the note, then looked up to his son again. “ Well – what do you plan to do, Adam ?” He looked to his Pa incredulously. “ What do you think, Pa ? I want to get our daughter back !” Ben nodded his head slowly. “ And you think that just handing over a quarter of a million dollars will reach that end ?” Adam threw up his hands in exasperation. “I don’t care how much it costs Pa – if we have to sell the Ponderosa itself…We just want our Rosie back !” Ben looked very somberly, to his son. “I realize that, Adam – we all want Rosie back. What I’m saying is : if we give into this woman’s demands, and give her just what she wants,  none of us – NONE of us – will ever be safe again, from people just like her. Not me, not your brothers, not Beth, nor any of your other children. Not even YOU, Adam. But – we do have to make Laura Dayton believe that she’ll be getting all that money…Come on, son. Let’s go see Roy Coffee…”                            Roy just nodded his head slowly, as Adam and Ben brought him up to date with the latest on the kidnapping – that short note… As Roy stepped to his stove, in a corner of his office, he reached for the coffee pot, and poured three mugs, two of which he placed in front of Ben and Adam.       “That note is a good thing, Adam, if you want to look at it that way. Keep your eyes peeled for the next note – there will be one, as I think she wants the money very badly -  and I’m sure the next note will fill us in on all the rest of the ‘details’, as far as her location, and of the ‘exchange’, goes.” Adam nodded his head thoughtfully, in agreement, as he remembered the conversation between his Pa, and himself, on the way into town. “Of course, what she’ll be getting is bundles of ‘paper’, not ‘monetary bills’…” The old Sheriff smiled knowingly.              “Exactly…bills only on the outside of each bundle, and just paper in the middle….”

Sure enough, the very next evening, another note had appeared at their door. Adam was the one to find it again, this time, as he returned from cleaning out the chickens’ coup, then feeding their large flock, and collecting their eggs, in their run, behind the barn. That was usually Sarah’s job but – given the recent circumstances –Adam had taken it upon himself to do that late day chore… He glanced around the barnyard, and peered down their laneway. Whoever had delivered it had gotten cleanly away. Again. He rushed into their home, and yelled out to Beth.         “ Beth – we have another ransom note !” Both Beth and Sarah hurried down, from upstairs, where they’d been putting the boys to bed, for the night. He tore the envelope open quickly, and read it, then handed it over to Beth. After reading it, she looked up to him. “ I don’t understand it at all, Adam ! It doesn’t seem to make any sense. She mentions about ‘hiding in plain sight’ – just where is that, and what does it mean ?” Adam reached the note from her hand. “ Let me think about it, Beth…” He was still ‘thinking about it’, when he and Beth went to bed, a couple of hours later. Adam walked to their Master bedroom window, and, pulling back the drapes, peered out into the darkness. The moon shone down, brightly, onto Lake Tahoe – leaving a broad, silvery streak that reached from shore to shore. He raised his eyes to look to the snow capped mountains on the opposite side of the large lake. Then he thoughtfully repeated that one line, from the most recent ransom note, as he pounded one fist, impatiently, a few times, onto the window sill.  “ ‘ hiding in plain sight’…Laura hasn’t been spotted in any town, or city, or stage way station between here, and California, and here, and Kansas…” Adam shook his head slowly. “ Well - that pretty much leaves the Ponderosa itself, doesn’t it ?!” He had said it sarcastically, but then he had that ‘eureka’ moment… “That’s it, Beth ! It would be the last place we’d look – right here, on our own ranch -  ‘ hiding in plain sight’ – don’t you see ?!! There’s a thousand square miles for her to hide out in. We have well stocked line shacks all over this ranch – and she knows that, and could be in any one of them – or even moving from one, to the next, just to keep one step ahead of us !” Beth just rushed into his arms, in absolute relief. “ You’re right, Adam – I know you are !!”                                                                                                                          

The following morning, as the young Cartwright family sat eating their breakfasts, they heard the sounds of several horses arriving in their barnyard. Adam reached a napkin to his lips, as he glanced towards the door. “ I wonder who that could be ?” He pushed himself away from the table and, standing, headed for the door, then pulled it open. His Pa, Hoss, Joe, and even Hop Sing, were walking towards him across the long, plank walkway, that lead to his door. “Pa? What are you all doing here, this early ?” He opened the door a little wider, as they all tromped into the house, and his Pa was the first to speak. “ We came to help, Adam. It’s what families do – especially our family…” Adam looked at his Pa a little quizzically, then Hoss reached one arm around his older brother’s shoulder. “ We all know you well enough, Adam, that you’d want to go searching for that little gal of yours, since there’s been no reported sightings, from anywhere. And we also know that you probably wouldn’t want to leave the rest of your young family, alone, to do that. So - we’re here to help.” Adam just looked from one member of his family to the next :  His Pa just nodded his head slowly, and smiled, as his two brothers stood grinning broadly at him, and as a solitary tear slid down Hoss’s cheek. Adam dropped his head for a moment, and, when he raised it again, he was grinning.“ You’re right, Hoss. As a matter of a fact – we got another ransom note, in our door, just last night…”Adam had soon explained to his Pa, brothers and Hop Sing what the note had said, and what conclusions he had come to. The common consensus was in agreement with him. Hop Sing suddenly stepped towards him, and looked into his face. As Adam returned the gaze, the man’s face softened, somehow, and he saw a look of love come across the Chinaman’s countenance. Hop Sing smiled at his eldest ‘adopted son’. “I stay here, Mister Adam. I look after family for you. You go with Mister Ben, and brothers – find number two daughter…” Adam was just so touched, by his old friend – a man who had practically helped raise him, and his two brothers, along with his Pa, after the death of Joe’s Mother. He reached up, and very appreciatively placed one gentle hand, on each of Hop Sing’s shoulders. His voice was barely a whisper as he commented, simply, “Thank you, Hop Sing.”


Little Rosie Cartwright lay quietly, and stoically, in the cramped confines of the wooden cradle. She was a frightened, confused little girl. As she looked around her, all she could see were the rough planks of the wooden walls of an apparent cabin, of some kind. A pair of slightly faded red and white checkered curtains fluttered in the breeze, which streamed in through the small, opened window. Just days before, she remembered falling peacefully asleep, in her own little crib. Her big sister Sarah and her brothers Wyatt and Shane and her Mama and Papa had cuddled her, and kissed her ‘goodnight’. The next thing she was aware of was waking up, outside, in the dark, under a black, starry sky, and her Auntie Laura and she were driving along a bumpy roadway. As the days had gone by, she didn’t understand what was going on. Her Auntie Laura had started to call her ‘Peggy’ – why was she doing that ?! She was Rosie ! Every time she cried for her Mama or Papa, just her Auntie Laura’s face had appeared, looming above her. What had happened to them all?! Where were they, and why didn’t they hear her crying, and come to her?! She started to whimper, a little, and the only comfort that she knew now – her own little thumb – was slipped into her mouth, as she drifted off to sleep again…


Beth had stepped forward, silently, as Adam lowered his hands from Hop Sing’s shoulders again. “I’m going with you, Adam. Rosie will need me, when we find her. The boys and Sarah will be fine with Hop Sing.” The Chinaman smiled, then nodded his head, in agreement, as he looked to Adam once more. Adam smiled sadly, to his young wife. “Of course you’re coming, Beth. I wouldn’t have it any other way…”  Ben and his sons headed for the kitchen, to gather some supplies, for the upcoming search, as Beth headed upstairs to change into her riding clothes. After changing, she sat before her vanity mirror and twisted  her long, auburn hair into one long braid. Meanwhile, downstairs, Adam sat at his desk, then reached a small strong box, from a drawer. He removed a handful of paper cash from it, and then turned to the small pile of newspaper, that was piled against the wall behind him. Paper that was usually used as kindling, but would now be transformed into ‘stacks of money’… Once that job was finished, the stacks of ‘bills’ were slipped into a small, canvas sack. Adam stood, then walked to the opposite wall of the great room, and reached  Beth’s rifle from the wall rack, then  headed out to the barn, to saddle up Sport and Smoky. As the rest of his family joined him in the barnyard, a short while later,  Sarah rushed up to her parents. “ You be careful, Ma and Pa !” He hugged his girl, as did Beth.  “ We will be, Sarah. You help Hop Sing with Wyatt and Shane, and be a good girl for him, now…” She just nodded in reply. The supplies were loaded onto Betsy – Ben’s mare, who had been brought along, as a pack animal, for the search – then the five Cartwrights mounted up – as one – and loped off. Hop Sing stood silently, his arm placed gently around Sarah’s shoulder, as they watched their family riding down the laneway, and onto the dusty road. As the group slowly transformed into little more than a small cloud of dust, disappearing off in the distance, he said a silent prayer of good luck, good fortune, and hope, in his native Chinese, before they turned, to go back into the house.

 As they got to the fork in the road, that would take them to either Virginia City or Carson City, Adam raised one arm, to signal the others to a halt, as he reined Sport to a stop. His Pa came along side of him. “Well, what do you think, son ? Where to first?” Adam stood in his stirrups to look around, as he shaded his eyes from the low November sun. “If it were me, hiding out, I’d probably head for the line shacks that are the farthest away from both of our homes.” Joe nodded in agreement. “ That would be Cathedral Canyon, and Mud Creek.” Adam nodded. “Exactly. Let’s go !”  He reined hard to the left, and dug in his heels. The group all fell into an easy, ground covering lope, as they left the roadway, and headed off across a large, open pasture, lined with forests down one side, and clumps of trees, here and there, on the other. Adam, Beth  and his Pa led the way, with  Hoss and Joe right behind them, leading the pack horse, Betsy.

 They’d travelled along at a lope for some distance. Adam felt Sport tiring, a little, so the group slowed all their horses down to a walk, to re-energize. The steam literally rose from Sport’s sweaty neck, as Adam reached a hand down to give his faithful horse a pat, as they continued on.                                                                                                                                                         

Several more hours had gone by. If they weren’t on such an important mission, they could have just relaxed, and would have actually enjoyed the ride through the every changing ranch scenery. They moved from lush green pasture lands, to higher rocky ground, as the trail to Cathedral Canyon led them on. When they got there, Adam was struck – like he always was – with the natural beauty of it. They made their way carefully through the red-orange coloured columns of sandstone – many of them sixty feet tall, or more – as they thrust themselves, up into the sky, like the roof supports of a great, roofless, outdoor cathedral – which was just how it got its name. The sounds of their six horses’ hooves, clattering on the hard, rocky ground, bounced and echoed back to them – again and again – as the sound ricocheted off the surrounding columns, and rock walls. When they got through the canyon, they came to the small line shack. It looked like no one had been there since the last time that the shack had been checked, and re-stocked. The Cartwrights kept all their line shacks in good repair, and well supplied, with non-perishable food items, firewood, some basic hand and blacksmithing tools, and medical supplies – for both man, and horse. On a ranch the size of the Ponderosa, they could literally mean the difference between life, and death, if a cowhand’s horse pulled up lame, or the cowhand got injured himself, some way, or even if just a violent storm moved in, across the plains, as they often did. They were also used if a cowhand – after a long, hard day of working, and riding, on the ranch, couldn’t face that long ride to get back to the ‘old bunkhouse’ before nightfall…They reined their horses to a stop, and Adam climbed down. He glanced around cautiously, as he peered out from under the brim of his black hat. He pulled his gun from his holster, and leveled it, as he approached the door of the small shack. Reaching it, he opened it slowly, and stepped inside. No one was there. He ambled over to the small pot belly stove, then opened the small grilled door, to find there were no ashes in it, so it hadn’t been used. As he glanced around he realized, by the light coating of dust, on the chairs, that they hadn’t been used for a while, either. Adam re-holstered his gun, and stepped outside again.  “ No luck – no one’s been here since we checked, and restocked it, I’d say.” He swung up onto Sport’s back again, then lead the group in the direction of Mud Creek, which was some ten miles away. Another couple of miles had been covered, as they wound their way back through Cathedral Canyon, and onto the trail, that would take them to Mud Creek. Hoss suddenly spoke up. “Is anyone else hungry ?” Adam grinned to himself. “ Probably not as hungry as you, Hoss. Is that your belly I hear rumbling, back there, or is that just a cougar growling?” He’d said it sarcastically, but Joe suddenly looked ahead of them, on the trail. “ Adam - Look out !” 

A large male cougar had just appeared from behind a tall, craggy rock, just ahead. It looked at the group of humans, on horseback, for a moment or two, and then Adam heard that loud, rumbling growl, of warning, one more time. It was just readying to pounce, as Adam hauled his lever action rifle from its scabbard, loaded it with a loud ‘click-click’, and then swung it up to his shoulder. He took quick aim, and squeezed off the trigger, just as the large cat leapt towards him. The bullet caught the large cat in mid air, and it fell, lifeless, to the ground. Adam slipped his rifle back into its scabbard, then just turned casually to Hoss. “ Now, what was that about ‘food’, again ?” Hoss let out a loud belly laugh, and the rest of the group joined in : a welcome bit of levity, and laughter, after the stress of the day. Ben looked from one family member, to the next. “ How about some beef jerky, just to tide us over, till we make camp tonight?” They all agreed that was a good idea, and the tasty strips of dried meat were passed, from one rider to the next, as they continued on their journey.

The sun was starting to get low in the sky, a couple of hours later, as they approached the Mud Creek line shack. They smelled it, long before they spotted it : a column of smoke rising lazily from the stone chimney of the cabin. The five Cartwrights reined  to an abrupt stop, and turned their horses to hide behind a small copse of trees. There were hopeful looks on all their faces, as they dismounted. Adam held one finger to his lips, as his family members hunkered down, low to the ground, so they wouldn’t be spotted. He approached the shack with great stealth - moving from tree to tree, and bush to bush, as he slowly approached the doorway. Rushing the last dozen feet, or so, he raised his gun, then kicked the door in, and leapt into the room. “ DON’T SHOOT- DON’T SHOOT !” Adam let out a loud sigh. “ Brady ! What are you doing here ?!” Their cowhand looked nothing less than sheepish. “ Sorry, Mr. Cartwright. My horse took a tumble, and broke his leg – a ways back – I was just figuring on settling down here, for the night, and thinking I’d hoof it back to the bunkhouse, starting tomorrow…” Adam re-holstered his gun again. “ That’s alright, Brady. You just took me by surprise – my family and I are out here, looking for Rosie. You’re welcome to stay the night. We can send out a ranch hand – with a fresh horse, for you – once we get back to the ranch.” The man smiled broadly at his boss.          “ Thanks, Mr. Cartwright. Truth be told : I weren’t really looking forward to that long walk…”Adam ambled, back to the door, then signaled his family in, from their hiding places.                                                                                                                                     Once Adam had fixed the door, again, it was decided they’d all stay there for the night…            A meal was soon prepared, and after it was finished, the playing cards were brought out, to help entertain the tired searchers. After a few hands had been played, Beth sighed at length, and asked to be dealt out. Adam watched as she ambled out the doorway, and closed it quietly behind her. He pulled himself up from the table, then he tossed his cards onto the table top. “ Deal me out, too, will ya ? I think I’ll go get some air…” As he stepped outside, and looked around for his wife, he spotted her standing quietly beside a clump of trees. Her long auburn braid hung down her back, and swayed a little, as a sudden breeze caught it. Adam walked towards her, then moved his arms gently around her waist, when he reached her. She jumped a little, at his sudden, surprise touch, then settled back into his embrace, as he reached to kiss her cheek. “ We’ll find her Beth. Come on…” He steered her over to a large rock, and they both sat down. There were sudden tears in her eyes, as he took her hands gently into his. “ We can’t lose hope, Beth…she’s out there, somewhere...” Beth tightened her grip, on his strong hands. “ I know that, Adam. At least – I think I do. I’m just so worried, and tired… I can’t imagine what Rosie’s going through – she might even be thinking that I gave her away…” It had been a sad comment, made in fatigue, and desperation, and Adam understood that. She was, of course, alluding to how she’d been forced to ‘give away’ Sarah, on the demands of her stern, controlling parents, years before. Adam stood again, and pulled her into his arms. “ You can’t think that way, Beth. As young as Rosie is, she knows just how much you love her – how much her whole family loves her…” Beth moved her arms to reach around his neck, and her eyes gazed into his, as she pulled him closer. “Adam, I need you so much…just hold me…” They kissed tenderly. Adam’s own physical response was immediate, as it always was, whenever he held his Beth in his arms. He would have done anything on God’s green Earth, to try to make her happy again, to make the pain of the worry go away, but he knew she just wanted to be held this sad night : the same way he’d wanted just that, just the summer before, on their very first date, together again, at Lake Tahoe.... He wrapped his arms tightly around her, as he felt her nestle into him, then he rested his cheek against her auburn hair. He closed his eyes, and prayed that they would find Rosie again, and soon…

Little Joe tossed his cards down, and stood to stretch. “ I think I’ll go out and get some air, too…” Hoss chuckled at his younger brother. “I’d have thought, Little Joe, that you got enough air already today – with all the riding we done...” Ben looked to his youngest son, from over his handful of cards. “ Sit down, Joseph. Give your older brother and sister-in-law a bit of privacy, and space, out there…” He suddenly looked confused. “ But - they just went out to get some air...” Hoss smiled knowingly, at his younger brother. “ Ya see, Joe, there’s going out to get some air, then there’s ‘going out to get some air’ – you gotta learn the difference  there, boy…” Ben tossed his middle son a bit of a dark look, but made no further comment. Hoss and Brady chuckled softly at Little Joe’s eighteen year old - suddenly red and embarrassed - cheeks…

A short while later, the four card players turned, in unison, as the young couple entered the cabin once more. Adam couldn’t hide the redness, in his own eyes, and Beth was absolutely distraught, as she dabbed at her eyes with a small handkerchief. Adam guided her across the floor – one strong arm, gently wrapped around her shoulders – and headed to the small bedroom, in the back of the shack. He kissed Beth’s forehead, tenderly, as he commented, simply, “We’re making an early night of it…” They entered the bedroom, and closed the door silently behind them. Hoss sighed sadly, as he shook his head, and one errant tear ran down his cheek. “Dadburn it, Pa… I take back my last comment about ‘getting air’... It was dumb, and thoughtless, too…I just feel so sorry for them. It’s bad enough for us – I can’t even imagine what Adam and Beth is going through, right now…” Ben reached out one hand, and patted Hoss’s arm lightly. “That’s alright, Hoss. It’s been very stressful, for all of us, and sometimes, under those circumstances, the wrong words just seem to come out… God willing – and us able – we’ll find Rosie again...Hmm… It’s been a very long, tiring day – how about we all just turn in?” The other three men around the table agreed, and they were all soon spread across the floor, of the main room of the line shack, leaning against their upturned saddles, and wrapped warmly in their bedrolls, and wondering what the next day would bring.

There was still an early morning chill in the air as Ben and Adam stood beside their horses, the next morning, tacking them up. Adam was rhyming off the list of the line shacks that were left to check. “Well, there’s Coyote Canyon, Rainbow Canyon, Lizard Flats, Grizzly Heights, Geiger Pass, Truckee Trail, Tahoe Rim and Settlers Path – have I missed any ?” Ben sighed deeply, as he finished tightening Buck’s girth, then flipped down his saddle’s fender, once more. “You just about covered them, son. That takes in every other corner of the ranch that we haven’t already checked... It’ll be a good week’s worth, at least, of riding, and looking…” Adam glanced around the assembled group, as he mounted up onto Sport’s back. “ Let’s go, family…” They all fell into the now familiar formation: Ben, Adam and Beth leading the way, and Hoss and Joe following closely behind, leading their loyal old pack horse, Betsy, as Brady waved them off, and wished them all good luck.

Sarah stood looking wistfully out her parent’s bedroom window, as Hop Sing stripped their bed, to put on fresh linens, again. “ Where do you suppose they are now, Hop Sing ?” She turned to him sadly, her arms full of the accumulated soiled linens, from the first three bedrooms. “ Hard to say, Sarah. Could be anywhere. Ponderosa big ranch – must look everywhere…” She dropped her head, and when she looked up again, there were tears in her eyes. “ What if they don’t find her, Hop Sing?” He stopped what he was doing, and stepped over to her, then gently wrapped his arms around her. “ I know your Pa since boy. He not give up – he stubborn that way… But stubborn good thing, when look for someone. I not know your Ma long, but she stubborn, too. Make good pair – they find Rosie.” He bundled Adam’s and Beth’s sheets under one arm, then took one of Sarah’s hands, into his. “ You not worry, Sarah. It be alright. Come – help Hop Sing bake cake – make feel better !” The little girl smiled again, and Hop Sing hoped that what he’d just told her would come true.

It was finally starting to feel like late November that day, as there was the first real seasonal chill in the air. Adam paused partway through the afternoon to yank the collar of his yellow deer hide jacket up around his neck. He blew warm air into his hands, before he dug a pair of black leather gloves, from one of his saddle bags, and pulled them on. Even Beth peeled off her jacket just long enough to put on a pullover she had, thankfully, thought to bring along. As she pulled her jacket on again, she looked to Adam. “Can we stop for a bit of a break, Adam? I sure could use some hot coffee…” He smiled at his young wife. “ I think we could all use a bit of a break, sweetheart.” They’d already reached, and checked, the first line shack that day at Coyote Canyon. Like the previous site, it didn’t show any signs of anyone having been there, since the last time the Cartwrights themselves had checked it, and restocked it, for the long winter ahead. They all wearily dismounted, and a small fire was soon burning brightly, and warmly, as they all crouched around it. Five sets of cold hands were warming themselves before the flames, as the coffee brewed. Hoss leaned back against a large rock -after Adam had filled his cup with the steaming hot beverage -  and then looked up to the northern sky. “I hate to say it, folks, but those clouds - off yonder, there, in the distance - look a lot like snow, to me…” Joe just grunted in agreement. “I think you may be right, Hoss.” Adams eyes followed theirs, and he shook his head at the sight.   “ Well,  that’s just what we don’t need right now…” They’d all sat there for some time, enjoying the warmth from the campfire, and the hot coffee, as they all took second helpings. Ben was the first to finish that second cup of coffee, and stood to kick dirt onto the campfire, to douse it.  “ We’d better get moving, if we want somewhere warm to camp tonight. The Rainbow Canyon line shack is still several hours ride away…” They all stood up, in agreement, and were soon remounted, and heading out again.

As they’d been doing for the whole ride - every time they got to a higher point in the trail -Adam would clamber up to the highest summit of that point – be it rock, or grass -  to look out over the large ranch, for any signs of Laura and Rosie, in the buggy. They’d gotten about halfway to Rainbow Canyon when he did the same thing, once more. Leaving Sport with Beth, and his family, he scrabbled up a huge mound of large boulders – carefully picking his way – till he got to the large, flat rock, at the very top. He lay on his stomach, and, shielding his eyes against the lowering sun, peered out across the open prairie below. He scanned the area for several minutes, looking for any movement, or abnormality. He might as well have been on the moon – there just wasn’t any sign of another living animal, or soul, out there. He cautiously picked his way back down to ground level again, then just shook his head sadly, as he brushed the dirt from his palms, then mounted up again.

They reached the Rainbow Canyon line shack just as it was getting dark. Again, there was no evidence of anyone having been there recently. Joe took over the care of the tired horses, un-tacking them all, and turning them out into the small corral. He forked a generous amount of hay, from the shelter of the shack’s roof’s overhang, and spread it around the corral’s perimeter, for the hungry horses. Checking the trough, and judging there was enough to get them all through the night, and into the morning, he headed into the warmth of the shack. Hoss had offered to cook that night – just beans and salt bacon. To the hungry searchers, it sounded like a feast fit for a king, after their long, cold, tiring, day. As they all hunkered down to sleep, a while later, Beth cuddled up against Adam on the only upholstered piece of furniture in the small shack : A small, single bed. The rest of the family was already spread across the floor, asleep –  with all the worry, her and Adam were not. She’d lay there quietly, for some time, just listening to the rhythm of his breathing, and the beating of his heart, and feeling his soft touch as he occasionally – and  quite distractedly  - ran one hand through her hair. As she tilted her head back, to look at him, she realized - by his gaze - that he was miles away. “ I’ll give you a penny for them ?” Adam broke that gaze, to look at her. “ I was just thinking probably what you’ve been thinking, too, Beth – what if we don’t find her, on the Ponderosa ?” He paused for a long moment, as if making up his mind.  “I’m thinking I’d head out to San Francisco – that’s where Laura’s Aunt Lil lives. If she’d run to anyone, it would probably be her…” Beth was suddenly afraid. “It’s sort of late in the year to cross the Sierra - Nevadas, Adam. With the winter snows, coming soon, you could get trapped in one of the passes, there!” He suddenly nodded sadly in agreement, with her, when he realized just all he had to lose, by following that perhaps reckless path.“ Yeah – I guess you’re right, Beth. It’s just that this search is turning into a bit of a ‘vendetta’ to me…” He smiled sadly, at her, as he tightened his embrace around her, and then reached his lips to kiss hers tenderly.

The days went by slowly. As they did, it was getting progressively colder, and snow flurries were starting to blow across the land. Desperation was setting in, as they reached the final line shack, on the large ranch property, at the northern end of Lake Tahoe. Like the others before it, there was no trace of anyone having used it in a long time…

On closing the final shack’s door - that final morning - there were looks of absolute defeat across all the faces of the Cartwrights. Adam looked to his Pa – he didn’t know what to say, or do, next, as they were all just exhausted, after days on the trail. “ Thank you all, for your help – but I guess I was wrong…” Adam hung his head, as Beth stepped to him, to take his hand. Then he heard his Pa’s voice. “ Son – if there’s anything else we can do – you know you just need to ask.” There were a couple of tears in Adam’s eyes, as he raised his head again. “ Thanks, Pa. We’ll let you know.” Ben, Hoss and Joe reined their horses around, to head for home, leaving the young couple standing there, alone with their horses, in the gusting wind that blew in off Lake Tahoe.

Sheriff Coffee reined his horse to a stop, at Adam and Beth’s home, and hurriedly dismounted. He crossed the section of their barnyard - between the hitching rail and their front door -quickly, as the snow flurries swirled around his head. He was relieved when Hop Sing answered his knock. “ Well, howdy Hop Sing - is Adam about ?” The Chinaman opened the door wide, to allow the old family friend to enter. “ No – He not home. He go with family - look for Rosie. Look all over ranch – check line shacks !” The Sheriff nodded his head. “ I see…Do you know when he’ll be back ?” Hop Sing smiled. “ Should be today. What wrong, Sheriff Coffee ?” Hop Sing gestured the man to make himself at home, on their settee. “ I was just out, on business, to visit the Andersons’ ranch. When I rode by old Jeb Johnson’s place, I noticed smoke coming from the chimney. I wondered if Ben had rented the place out, or if just a few of your ranch hands were perhaps holding up, there. Can’t be too careful, with the squatters in the area, too – I just thought I’d let Adam know…” Hop Sing considered that for a moment. “ Adam be glad you come. I just make lunch - you have some ?” The Sheriff smiled – it had been a long time since breakfast. “ Why, thank-you, Hop Sing - don’t mind if I do !”

They’d sat there for some time, enjoying their meal. Roy was amused watching Hop Sing and Sarah feed Wyatt and Shane, but there was also a pang of sorrow, at not seeing Rosie sitting there, with them. The meal was just about finished, when the ranch house door was flung open. A swirling mass of snow flakes accompanied Adam and Beth, as they stepped wearily through the doorway. Hop Sing and Sarah leapt to their feet – and grabbed Wyatt and Shane, in each of their arms – as they headed to the doorway. The young Cartwright family just fell into a large, emotional, group hug, at the joy, and relief, of just seeing each other again. But that joy was tempered with great sorrow, as the greetings were made, and it was realized that Rosie hadn’t been found. Adam stretched his hand out to Roy, in greeting. “What brings you out this way, Roy ? Any news of Rosie ?” The sheriff smiled slowly. “It didn’t start out that way, Adam. Just out on business. Till I saw some smoke, coming from old Jeb Johnson’s chimney…” Adam’s eyes just lit right up, in his sudden excitement. “ Jeb Johnson’s old place ? You don’t think…” His voice trailed off - like in saying, what he was thinking, would make it somehow not possible… The Sheriff nodded solemnly. “ Hop Sing told me about that second ransom note – the whole ‘hiding in plain sight’ – well, it could be that’s just where she’s at…” Adam and Beth just hugged the three of their children, which were there, and hoped against hope that Roy was right. “ Let’s go, Roy !” Adam pulled his hat back on, as he opened the door, and then headed for the barn, with Beth at his heels, to re-saddle their horses again…

As they cautiously approached the old Johnson homestead, Beth suddenly noticed something, lying at the side of the road. There, partially covered by the long grasses, that had been bent over, by the wind, was a very familiar, tiny stuffed toy : a little pink elephant. Beth leapt down from Smokey’s back, and  fell to her knees, as she  lifted the little toy to her face, then turned hopefully to Adam. He turned to Roy, and said simply. “ She’s here…” The words had come out in almost the tones of a low growl, and the feelings of anger in the air were almost palpable, to the Sheriff. “ Now, Adam, we have to be careful. We don’t know what she may be thinking, or how she might react when she sees us.” Adam had already swung down from Sport’s back. He’d taken the tiny elephant in one hand, along with sack of the ransom money,  and then had handed Sports reins to Beth, with his other. “Let me handle this, Roy. I’ve dealt with crazy people before…”  He strode off, before Roy could stop him. He was, of course, alluding to the ‘wannabe Minister’, Mr. Johnson, who had killed an ‘evil woman’, the widow Baker, then stolen ten thousand dollars from her, to build his church. He had tried to lay the blame on one of the Ponderosa’s own ranch hands, Danny Morgan. It was Adam, alone, who had proven their ranch hand to be innocent…


Laura had just stood, to retrieve a drink from the kitchen, when she noticed a solitary figure walking up the laneway of the old Johnson homestead. She pulled the lacy curtain a little, to one side, as her eyes strained to see who it was, through the swirling snow, buffeted about by the blowing wind. He was a tall, slender, yet muscular looking man – all in black, wearing a black hat, with a matching black studded hat band, and wearing a yellow jacket. His walk, and body language, was all too familiar to her : She recognized it to be Adam, so she smiled to herself. Her ransom notes had worked : ‘hiding in plain sight’. Now she, and Peggy, would have a man in their lives again. She would have a husband, and Peggy would have a new father…It was all working out, just like she’d planned : Adam was coming back to her…


The walk to the front door of that house seemed – to Adam, at least – to be the longest walk he’d ever taken. As he moved cautiously forward, through the swirling snow, it would momentarily block his view of the house as it disappeared, then reappeared, again, with the twisting, changing directions of the snow, and wind. He paused at the front door, and tucked the small sack of ‘ransom money’ into the front of his coat. Unbeknownst to him, his approach to the door hadn’t gone unseen by Laura. She reached a revolver into her skirts - just in case she needed it, to convince him of her plan - as he knocked at the door. “ Come in.” Adam opened the door cautiously, as he glanced around the small parlor. His mind raced, and his heart pounded, as he was still figuring out just how to handle this all important moment. He was no fool – he knew that Laura would be smart enough to be armed. He smiled, as he reached the tiny elephant towards her. “ I found this out by the road – is it yours ?” Laura smiled broadly. “ Oh, no, it’s not mine – it’s Peggy’s !  She must have tossed it out of our buggy. Thank you for finding it, and bringing it back, though. She hasn’t been sleeping very well, since we lost it, a few days ago...” Well, that wasn’t quite the answer he’d expected, but it  proved to him just how far down Laura had spiraled, mentally. And how they’d wasted their time, combing through the whole ranch, looking for her : it would seem that Laura had possibly been here the whole time – ‘hiding in plain sight’… Adam gestured to a chair across from her, and she signaled him to sit down. “ I guess you’ve heard about Rosie’s disappearance, Laura ?” She smiled broadly. “ Oh, my, yes. How sad ! How are you making out without her ? I can’t imagine losing my Peggy…” Adam nodded in agreement. Her first ‘Peggy’ had obviously not only been replaced by Rosie, but Rosie had taken her name, too, in Laura’s twisted little mind. “Yes, Laura. It has been very hard. We all miss her -  terribly…” Laura stood, suddenly, and started walking quite erratically around the small room, plumping cushions, re-aligning books in the bookshelf, adjusting lampshades on the various oil lamps, around the room : almost like Adam wasn’t even there. He noticed she did it all with one hand, keeping her other hand carefully hidden in her skirts. Confirming, again –to Adam, at least – that she was armed. Laura suddenly turned to him again. “ Did you bring the money ?”Adam simply nodded. “ Yes .” Laura threw her head back, and just laughed out loud. “That’s very generous of you, but it’s also not necessary… I’ve decided I don’t want it anymore – I have everything I need right here – in this room – and also back there, in the bedroom. ” She nodded towards a small room, off the parlor. Adam didn’t really understand everything that she’d just said, but he did realize that his and Beth’s little girl was only steps away from him. He also realized that Laura was so deranged, that she wouldn’t hesitate to use a gun, on him, if he tried to get to his daughter. He decided to take a different tact. “ Who is Peggy’s Father, Laura ?” She frowned slightly, as she took her seat opposite him again. “Oh – he’s dead. But I’ll get another Father for her – one day…Would you like to see her ? She should be awake by now !” Adam’s heart just took a leap, but he was in complete control of his emotions, so answered quite flatly. “ Yes - I’d like that.” He stood slowly, and as he walked towards her, his suspicions about her being armed were proven to be correct, yet again : by the way she very carefully followed him – a few steps back from him, with one hand behind her back. She followed him through the bedroom door, which was just off the main room, of the small home. As Adam approached the small crib, he heard a very familiar little giggle. When he reached the side of the crib,  he looked down into the beautiful face of his little daughter. When Rosie spotted him, she just thrust her arms up eagerly towards him. Adam held back – he knew he had to. “ That’s a very cute baby you have there, Laura. But she does need a Father…” Laura looked down sadly, as she nodded her head in agreement. “ I’ll find another Father for her, one day…” Adam just leapt in at comment - perhaps taking a chance, he shouldn’t have. “ I could be her Father, Laura…You know, I never really stopped loving you…” He turned to face her, and his eyes locked with hers. Although he’d practically choked on the words, which had just come out of his mouth, they seemed to have worked. For Laura, it was suddenly like – at that very moment – that all of her dreams had come true : Adam DID love her, and wanted her again, and  she moved suddenly into his arms. “ Oh, Adam – I’ve waited so long to hear you say that…” As she reached her arms around him, he heard the unmistakable sound of a gun being dropped, as it clattered to the floor. He glanced down quickly and, spotting it, kicked it under the small crib, and out of the way. In one movement, he’d grabbed Laura by one arm, and twisted it behind her back. He drew his own gun, from its holster, and raised it up, point blank, to her face, as he smiled at her. “ I changed my mind, Laura. I don’t love you. And that isn’t ‘Peggy’ in that crib. It’s our Rosie. She’s MY baby - mine, and Beth’s…” His smile was gone again, just as fast as it had appeared, as all the anger he felt towards her – for what she’d done to his family, and to Rosie – took complete control of him. Laura heard an ominous click, as he cocked his gun. “You should be happy I don’t just blow your head off, as you stand there !” His breath became ragged, in his sudden rage. Adam felt his own heart just pounding, as he peered into her face, for a few more long moments, as he saw the sudden fright in her eyes. Then he very coolly un-cocked his gun, and slid it back into his holster. He shook his head slowly, and a half smile formed on his lips, as he re-took control of his emotions again.  “You’re just not worth hanging for, for doing that, though, Laura. Hell - you’re not even worth the price, for a piece of rope, to do it with! I’ve got a life, and a beautiful family, to live for. Now, get movin’ !” He wrestled her towards the door, then threw the door open.  A moment later, she’d somehow wrenched free from his grip, and just ran, pell mell, towards her buggy. She leapt up onto the seat, and reached for the gun, that was hidden there. She twisted around, and took sudden aim at Adam. In Laura’s heart, and mind : if she couldn’t have him – no one could…        

 It all happened so fast - there was a blast, and Adam grabbed at his own shoulder - but he hadn’t been hit. The bullet had planted itself into the wooden pillar, supporting the porch’s roof, right beside his left ear. He’d quickly drawn his own gun, to return the fire, when he heard Roy Coffee’s voice, as he yelled out. “ Laura Dayton - this is the law ! Drop your gun, or I’ll shoot !”  Laura just spun around, again, and fired off another shot, towards the sheriff. That’s when Adam heard another ominously loud blast. Laura suddenly lurched backwards, off the wagon, like some sort of strange, out of control marionette, suddenly cut free of her strings, and fell onto the snow covered ground. Roy Coffee lowered his still smoking rifle, once more, and walked slowly forward, as Adam holstered his own gun again. Beth just ran, as fast as her legs could carry her, to Adam’s side, and threw her arms around him. The emotions of the moment made it hard for Adam to even speak, as he realized just how close he’d come to dying, right on that very spot. He moved his arms around Beth, and pulled her tightly against him. His voice was barely a hoarse whisper, when he finally found it again. “Rosie’s  inside, Beth – and she’s okay…” They rushed in, and crossed the small parlor in a moment, then entered the bedroom. Their little Rosie had pulled herself into a sitting position, and just sat there, her big blue eyes just sparkling, as her auburn curls framed her face, and her arms were spread wide, reaching for her Mama and Papa. There was a big smile, across her little face, as her parents reached for her, and took her between them, lovingly wrapping her into their mutual embrace…                                 

It was all over – Rosie was safe, and sound, and she was going home again, where she belonged – with her own family!

They wrapped Rosie warmly, in a couple of the small blankets, from the crib,  and then Beth tucked her inside of her coat, before they headed outside, once more. They saw Roy standing over Laura Dayton’s dead body, as they reached the covered porch.  He shook his old head sadly. “I didn’t want to have to do that, Adam. But she gave me no choice… How’s Rosie  doing?”  There was a look of absolute relief on Beth’s face, as she looked to the lawmaker. “ She seems to be just fine, Roy. We’ll have Doc Martin check her out though, just to be sure.” Adam looked from the happy faces of his wife and child, to the specter of Laura’s body, stretched along the snow covered, blood splattered, ground. “ You’ll need her horse to take her back to town on, Roy. I’ll give you a hand, and unhitch it.” The sheriff nodded in agreement. “ Why – thank you, Adam. I reckon  the sooner I get back into town, the better…” Adam solemnly unhitched the horse, as Roy headed to the barn, in search of a tarp, to wrap her body in. Adam was soon helping the lawman get the tarp - wrapped body onto the horse’s back. He and Beth watched as Roy mounted his own horse, then lead the second horse away from them, and back towards Virginia City.  Beth shuddered a little at the sight. “ In a way, I can’t help but feel a bit sorry for her, Adam. She could have gone on with her life, after losing her own daughter…” She looked to her husband, and he nodded in agreement. “ Yeah – she could have - in time…She just didn’t realize it, Beth…Come on. Let’s take our daughter home.”

After the snowy ride was over, and they’d gotten back to their own home again, there was a real welcoming committee waiting for them. Adam threw the door open, and some of the snow came swirling in behind them, as Beth entered ahead of him, holding Rosie triumphantly, in her arms. Hop Sing grinned broadly, as he held Wyatt, and greeted them. “ You find ‘number two daughter’ – Hop Sing very happy !” Adam reached for Wyatt, as Sarah rushed over with Shane. There were tears of happiness in her eyes, and all she could manage to say was “Oh, you found her – you found her !” She passed Shane up to her Pa, so she could hug both her  parents, and all three of the triplets. As they all stepped back again, the best reaction of them all took place. Both Wyatt and Shane leaned forward, from Adam’s embrace, each of them reaching towards Rosie, and she joyously reached for them, too. Adam just grinned at the triplets. “ Well – how about that !” Beth lowered their little girl to the floor, and Adam did the same with the two boys. They just giggled, and crawled towards each other – then the three of them huddled together, on the rug runner, their thumbs in their mouths – as they looked happily up at their parents. The ‘Three Musketeers’, of the Cartwright clan, had been reunited…

The babies were picked up, once more, and lovingly sat down, again, in one of the big winged, dark leather, chairs – right on their Mama’s soft, warm lap, as Hop Sing served up dinner. As Beth cuddled their three babies, Adam very gently, and tenderly, traced one hand down her cheek, and their eyes met. He then gave her a slow wink, and a broad grin : He’d just said it all, without saying a thing. A moment later they heard Hop Sing’s voice “ Dinner ready for Cartlight family – come, sit down !” Beth and Adam reached the babies into their high chairs, then the rest of the Cartwright family took their places, around the large table. Adam hesitated, for just a moment, as he glanced to Hop Sing, then he reached for a spare chair, from against the wall, and pulled it up alongside his own, just around the corner of the table, from him. “ You’re a member of this family too, Hop Sing. Please – won’t you join us for dinner ?” The man looked quite overcome, then he smiled at his ‘adopted son’. “ Hop Sing proud to join Mister Adam’s family.” Adam led his family in saying grace that evening. He was reminded of another meal, when he himself had been found in the desert, by his family, after his ordeal with Peter Kane. He wondered if Rosie – on some level – felt the same way he had, during his first meal together again, with his family : It had been the most joyous meal any of them could remember, as the steaming platters of meats, and vegetables, had been passed around. To Adam, this meal wasn’t so very different : a loving family, together again.

When the meal was over, and the dishes had been washed, and put away, they all retired to the great room. Hop Sing had letters to catch up on, so retired to his room, for the night. Adam headed outside, again, to look after the stock. He made sure all the horses were brought in, then fed, watered, and shut up safely in their stalls, in the warm barn. On entering the house again he, Beth, and Sarah, all piled onto the settee, one of the triplets in each of their laps. Sarah leaned her head against her Pa’s arm, as she cuddled Shane.   “ Pa, what’s going to happen to Mrs. Dayton, for kidnapping Rosie ?” Adam glanced to his left, where Beth was nursing Rosie, and she just sadly nodded her head : They both knew he had to tell his young daughter the truth. “We don’t have to worry about Laura Dayton anymore, Sarah. She made the fatal error of firing a gun at me, then at Sheriff Coffee. Sheriff Coffee returned that fire, to defend all of us, and she was killed.” Sarah considered that for a few moments, as she glanced down, then she tilted her head, to look up to her Pa, again. “ Oh… Is that a ‘good thing’, or a ‘bad thing’ ? I know I didn’t like her – but not enough for her to be dead, Pa.” Adam shifted a sleeping little Wyatt, to his left shoulder, before he leaned to kiss his very empathetic eldest daughter. “ She was a sick woman – mentally sick, in her mind, Sarah. When it came right down to it, your Ma and I didn’t want to see her die, either – we wanted her to get the help she needed, so she could move on, with her life, and find meaning, and happiness, in it, again.” Sarah nodded her head in agreement, then     “ Do you think she could have, Pa ?” Adam sighed deeply, as he smiled sadly as his girl. “ That’s the one thing we’ll never know, Sarah…But, I do know that your little brother, here, is just about ready for bed, and looks like Shane is, too.” Shane glanced up to his Pa, on hearing his name, his little thumb stuck in his mouth, as he looked to Adam through very sleepy, hazel eyes. Beth continued nursing Rosie, as both Adam and  Sarah stood, a baby in each of their arms, as they headed upstairs, to put the boys to bed. As they crossed the great room, and mounted those stairs, Sarah looked up to her Pa. “ You know what, Pa ? I think I’ll go to bed, too…” Adam smiled at his daughter. “ I know we have an early start, in the morning, to go visit your Grampa, Hoss, Joe and Hop Sing, but you don’t have to go to bed yet, Sarah. It’s only seven thirty.” She sighed. “ I know - but looking after a young family is very tiring, Pa. You and Ma can do it for a while, now…” Adam stifled his smile, and just glanced back to Beth, who had heard what Sarah had just said, also. She was just grinning from ear to ear, at her daughter. Adam reached a very understanding, and empathetic arm, around Sarah’s shoulder. “ You’re right, there…and, yeah, we can do that. Say, for the next twenty years, or so ?” Sarah nodded just once. “ Okay, Pa.” Once Adam had settled the three of their children, in their beds, he headed back downstairs again, and sat down, with a deep sigh, beside Beth, once more. “Is that daughter of ours still nursing, there ? What a great appetite !” Beth smiled, as she gently stroked her daughter’s soft pink cheek. “ No… She finished eating a few minutes ago. She’s just re-bonding with me again…” Beth turned to Adam, with tears of happiness in her eyes. He smiled, as he reached his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her close. “ I see - ‘Mama the pacifier’, huh ?”  Beth nodded. “ Yes - something like that…” She soon stood carefully, Rosie still in her arms.  “ I’m going to give her a bath, Adam. Help relax her, and welcome her home.” Adam rose, to go with  her. “ Sounds like a great idea, sweetheart.” He followed her to the kitchen and reached the small tub – that was the triplets’ – from atop of their pantry cupboard. He soon had it filled with just the right temperature of warm water, as Beth undressed their little girl. Rosie’s little face was just alight with all smiles, and giggles, as her Mama submerged her into the warm water. Adam pulled up a chair, at the side of the kitchen table, to watch the ritual. It didn’t take long for Rosie to start splashing happily – the way she always did - as Beth bathed her, and washed her hair. She gently sculpted it straight up,  Mohican fashion, with the foamy suds, and they each smiled at the cute hairdo. Bath time was soon over, and Rosie was dried, diapered, and dressed in one of her light yellow sleepers again, and all ready for bed. Adam hovered lovingly over his little daughter. “Who’s her Papa’s little girl ?  ‘Rosie-dosie-doe’ ! ”  He gave her a little tickle, then blew a few ‘raspberries’ onto her tummy, and all the time was making funny faces at her. She always just loved that, as much as her Papa did… The baby reached up, and grabbed Adam’s ears, as she started to pull his face towards hers. As Adam looked into the unforgettable big blue eyes of his daughter’s, she reached out to lay a big wet kiss, right on his kisser ! Adam grinned at Rosie, as he took her up into his arms, and his eyes were just glowing. “That’s one of the things that I really missed, Beth – those great big wet kisses of  hers !” Beth reached her arms around the both of them, in an all enveloping embrace. “Yes, me too, Adam – me too !”

They soon crept up the stairs with her, and lay the now sleepy baby into her crib. Adam and Beth stood for some time, arm in arm, just looking at the little miracle that was their daughter, in the dim light of her bedroom, as she lay half asleep under that pink gingham quilt of hers. They were just about to leave her, when Beth caught Adam’s sleeve, and looked imploringly up to him. “ I really want her with us, Adam – right in our room. Just till she knows she’s safe again…” Adam smiled at his young wife, and reached his arms around her. “ Sure. I can move her crib back into our bedroom…” And so he did.  

Rosie awoke again, a few hours later, with a bit of a start, and she wondered where she was. She looked through the fancy turned spindles, of her crib, and she recognized her Mama and Papa, cuddling together, under their covers, in their own big bed, right beside hers. It made her feel happy, and safe – she was home again, and she knew it - so she started to talk, and gurgle, to herself, in her own little language of celebration. Adam and Beth were still awake, and heard their young daughter’s little voice. Beth had cuddled into Adam’s broad, warm back, so he turned his head slightly, and grinned at her. “You know what, Beth ? It doesn’t really take a trained linguist to know just what she’s saying, does it?” Beth chuckled softly. “ No – it certainly doesn’t !”


The End